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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Obama Says Bipartisanship, But What He Wants Is GOP Surrender

Unannounced, President Obama took to the lectern in the White House briefing room yesterday to give a personal readout of his meeting earlier with congressional leaders of both parties.

"Despite the political posturing that often paralyzes this town, there are many issues upon which we can and should agree, he said.

He's appealing for a spirit of bipartisanship - urging Democrats and Republicans alike "to put aside matters of party for the good of the country."

It's a familiar refrain from U.S. presidents who can't get their way in Congress.

What these presidential appeals for bipartisanship always mean is: do it my way.

Mr. Obama said he "won't hesitate to embrace a good idea from my friends in the minority party." But he wants his way. He wants his energy policy enacted along with his jobs bill, his financial regulatory reform and his health care plan.

And if the opposition continues to block his objectives, he said he "won't hesitate to condemn what I consider to be obstinacy that's rooted not in substantive disagreement but in political expedience."

When a sitting president calls for bipartisanship by the opposition – he really means surrender. And if they block his proposals, its "obstinacy" and not political views they hold as strongly as he holds his.

More from CBSNews

(Yes.. even THEY can see through this!)


Anonymous said...

What he wants is an honest debate and for the Congress to do the work of the people.

Anonymous said...

He just doesn't get it does he?


The Republicans should return the courtesy that Obama showed them when Obama said "It's time for you to be quiet and get out of our way"

Funny how now that Obama's failing miserably at everything he tries, now he wants to include Republicans....HA!

Anonymous said...

The Republicans need to stand firm and not give in to this communist. I hope they know that by now. The public doesn't want hussien is offering.

smitty240 said...

Desperate words from a desperate man. Just remember this-never let a crisis go to waste: Rahm Emmanuel.

It won't be long before we have a major crisis on our hands. Ahmadinejad has already hiinted at something out of Iran, and we can't forget the roots of our Anointed
One in the Muslim traditions. Could we have a collaboration to "create" a crisis?

Anonymous said...

10:11- Who are you? Obama's press secretary?
"honest debate".. don't make me laugh.
He doesn't want ANY debate. That's exactly the point.
The O-man's policy: my way or the highway.

We're sick of the spinmeisters in DC (on both sides) trying to twist it and turn it till it comes out right.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't want any debate, 11:12? Is that why he sat down with the Republican in the House and took all their questions and concerns, and told them what he thought? You guys aren't even paying attention while your party is obstructing everything just so they can get back into power. They don't care about the American people. All they care about is winning elections.

Doug said...

Why do people call him communist, marxist, socialist? The bailout of the banks was signed by Bush, the economic stimulus is accepted by economists as a necessity to avoid a Depression, and his health insurance proposals aren't that dissimiliar to what moderate Republicans have suggested in the past. It's okay for Medicare to be a government-run health insurance but it's radical to want to offer this to all Americans?

It's easier to ignore details and just say "Communist!"