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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Md. Delegate Proposes Bill Denying Services To Illegal Immigrants

The Maryland House of Delegates Appropriations Committee held a hearing today that could eventually have a huge impact on the lives of immigrants in the state.

Republican House Minority Leader Anthony O'Donnell wants Maryland to require state and local governments to verify adults are legally in the country before providing them most public benefits.

The measure would block illegal immigrants from receiving benefits such as public housing, welfare, food assistance, unemployment benefits and other subsidies.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

A great common sense idea. I can't imagine the democrats getting on board with something like this. This is just the type of legislation we need to save millions if not billions of much needed taxpayers money. Let's pray that this legislation passess.

Anonymous said...

AMEN!! Finally someone listening to the CITIZENS of this country. It is about time. What part of "illegal" do our representives NOT understand?! They are not entitled to OUR benefits. If they want them, work and become a citizen of this country.

Anonymous said...

This should have been done years ago. If it had, maybe America would not be on the verge of collapse. I can't help but wonder about the timing though-this IS an election year and he IS a politician. You can't trust any of them-republican or democrat. I also have no faith that it will actually happen. They will talk about it until after November and then it will go away.

Anonymous said...

We all need to write and encourage this bill be passed quickly before the federal government blocks such a move.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe what they want to accomplish with this bill doesn't go without saying. Should this be a regular practice for the state? How do they keep undocumented ILLEGAL immigrants from obtaining these benefits more than once?