DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Magnitude 6.9 Earthquake In The Gulf Of California
* 21 Oct 2010 17:53:14 UTC
* 21 Oct 2010 11:53:14 near epicenter
* 21 Oct 2010 12:53:14 standard time in your timezone
Location 24.843N 109.171W
Depth 10 km
* 105 km (65 miles) S (191 degrees) of Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico
* 106 km (66 miles) SSW (210 degrees) of Gabriel Leyva Solano, Sinaloa, Mexico
* 107 km (66 miles) SSW (199 degrees) of Juan José Ríos, Sinaloa, Mexico
* 1147 km (713 miles) SE (136 degrees) of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
(USGS Event page)
Chief Duncan & Officer Ridley
Here's a New York Times link to findings.
Ridley, a Mt Vernon officer was off duty and attempting to assist other uniformed officers of another agency when he was shot by them. He was not in Mt Vernon at the time. Officer Edwards was an off duty NYPD officer shot in NYC in another friendly-fire situation around the same era.
Doesn't appear the new chief, or her previous agency, was responsible. In fact, think she didn't make chief until after Ridley's death.
Other thoughts on the appointment:
She is regionally a 'local' for those who attach importance to that; Dover roots and an OC seasonal officer, so it's a homecoming of sorts. Has sibling living in Berlin so she may well be abreast of the situation in Salisbury.
Has a high level of training; JD degree and FBI training. Would have collaborated extensively with NYPD since Mt Vernon abuts da Bronx. Would have participated/seen Guiliani's crackdown of the minor stuff that sets the stage for the bigger stuff.
Mt Vernon is just shy of 70K population jammed into 4.4 sq miles; 70% minority of one background or another.
She supervised @ 250 staff.
Clearly she was no better than 2nd in the mayor's selection process, if rumor is fact; we're probably better off for that error on his part.
With all respect for Acting Chief Barkley, who I do not know, he may be the 'victim' of less career preparation on his part coupled with whatever taint working for Webster may have left. I'm not negative about him at all, but once the decision to look beyond promoting him was made he ran the risk of dropping down or out of the process as resumes arrived.
With all respect to Lt. Leatherbury, who I do not know, his career has certainly benefited from his father's efforts and legacy; MSP patrol activities normally are more spread out and I believe barracks have far fewer officers than SPD; and, he is active in one of the political parties, which leaves me a bit squishy about having a mayor and chief with politics as a side dish to regular business.
Re: Webster; having personally hired many and fired a few across the decades, think his removal was handled pretty adroitly and in a cost effective fashion. First, he was clearly instructed, and when he chafed was documented and written up; he went away pretty handily afterward. Point for Ireton (not that he's scored many points).
An Interested Reader
Holiday Inn Banquet Food Just Horrible
A Comment In Need Of A Post
New Salisbury Police Chief Duncan On Mt. Vernon Police Shootings
"Police Officers Are Lackadaisy And I'm Going To Change That"
Folks, is this guy in the real world or does he actually believe the leaders of all these local agencies have no control over officers who allegedly refuse to show up for court dates?
All I can tell you within this particular post is that Maciarello spanked Mitchell once again. I'll explain more in my next post.
Washington Examiner Endorses Ehrlich
Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/Examiner-endorsement_-Ehrlich-for-Maryland-governor-1273831-105356893.html#ixzz130HjpjpD
New independent Poll: Harris 53, Kratovil 42
By John McArdle
CQ-Roll Call
October 21, 2010 1:06 PM http://blogs.cqpolitics.com/eyeon2010/2010/10/new-poll-frank-kratovil-down-b.html
With two weeks to go before Election Day, freshman Rep. Frank Kratovil (D-Md.) must overcome a double digit deficit if he wants to see a second term, according to a new Monmouth University poll released Thursday.
The Monmouth survey, which was in the field Oct. 16 to 19, showed Republican state Sen. Andy Harris ahead 53 percent to 42 percent with 5 percent undecided. The poll of 637 likely 1st district voters had a 3.9 point margin of error.
In their 2008 race, Kratovil earned a narrow victory against Harris by running up his margin on Maryland's Eastern Shore and using that lead to balance out the state Senator's strong showing on the Western Shore. Thursday's Monmouth poll showed Harris leading by 6 points on the Eastern Shore and by 16 points on the Western Shore -- not a good sign.
"Prior to 2008, this seat was safely in the Republican fold. It looks like it will revert to form in 2010," Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute, wrote in his polling memo on Thursday.
But at a breakfast event hosted by the Christian Science Monitor on Thursday, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Chris Van Hollen, who also hails from Maryland, ticked off several reasons why he believes Kratovil will be coming back for the 112th Congress.
"Number one, Frank Kratovil is a head by a few points. Number two, the early returns are positive. Number three, Andy Harris is the same guy who lost last time so he's a retread. He hasn't changed his extreme views," Van Hollen said. "I think people are looking for someone who is interested in solving problems not on an ideological crusade."
The DCCC has so far spent over $1.1 million on independent expenditures in the 1st district this cycle. The National Republican Congressional Committee is approaching half a million in spending in the district.
You Have Got To Love The New Policies From The New Fire Chief In Salisbury
Day after day we are seeing the FLEET of vehicles popping in to Inside Out Care Care in Salisbury to get detailed. Considering the City Council and Mayor continue to FUND Paramedics the Fire Department never seems to hire, year after year there is additional money in their budget for Lord knows what.
You have to wonder, does the new Chief have OCD? Is there a Parade going on somewhere I don't know about? Oh sure, you could argue that these overpaid Firefighters are paying for these services on their own but do YOU really believe that.
Now I know some will come back and say, why were you so nice last week and now you're attacking the SFD again. I'm not attacking anyone. This was sent in to Salisbury News by a concerned taxpayer. The SFD has every right to come back here and defend their position. I also happen to know that one of their vehicles is back in the repair shop TODAY on Northwood Drive. That citizen wondered if it was the same one that was in there a few months ago for a complete new motor.
If YOU the taxpayer are in fact paying for this, well, it's a smack in your face. Are we to expect an outside company to come in next to wash and wax the Fire Trucks? See said in the past, we don't have a banquet hall in the new Fire Station because we're not cooks and waiters. Well, your not car detailers either. Is that your next excuse?
Salisbury’s New Police Chief – A Woman Alone

Short and sweet (bittersweet?), those are the facts. Since Jim Ireton’s move into the Mayor’s office we have seen one debacle after another regarding the leadership of the Salisbury Police Department:
- Ireton lacked the courage to tackle an insubordinate and unpopular police chief.
- Ireton appointed a replacement (after allowing the former chief to extort the taxpayers) and repeatedly claimed that he “had the job for as long as he wants it.”
- After his own appointed interim chief applied for the permanent position, Ireton put forward TWO different individuals to the City Council. Not one was the man who “had the job for as long as he wants it.”
- After finally getting a permanent chief approved by council, Ireton now has argued that he didn’t really appoint the new chief.
Vincent Family Endorses Maciarello
Sam would want what is best for the State's Attorney's Office -- which is to elect a state's attorney with honesty, integrity and a passion for justice. As Sam's twin brother, I know Sam was a "law and order" prosecutor. His passion for justice, his work ethic and sense of fairness set him apart.
I've talked with Matt Maciarello to understand his vision. Maciarello best represents the qualities Sam encompassed. He understands the value of crime prevention and recognizes the need to effectively concentrate efforts and resources on gangs, drug dealers and violent criminals.
Maciarello has met with prosecutors, law enforcement and local attorneys to understand the real issues and to build a more cohesive network to stem the spiral of crime.
The race for state's attorney can't be based on party affiliation or age; it must be based on moral character, vision, leadership and a passion to pursue vigorous and fair prosecution of criminal cases, with a commitment to serve as an advocate for the rights of all victims.
The Vincent family joins Sheriff Mike Lewis and the Wicomico County Fraternal Order of Police in endorsing Maciarello. The safety and well-being of our community depends on your vote.
Carl Vincent
Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign
Tomorrow morning the Salvation Army will host their annual breakfast to kick things off. What's needed most, not your money but your time. Volunteers are needed in multiple locations and tomorrow Salisbury News will announce something very special for those businesses kind enough to donate an entire day to ring the bell. Several have already signed up and new ones have already come on board. One business, (we'll expose tomorrow) has already signed up to cover one location for 12 days!!!!
As many of you know, Salisbury News is a big supporter of the Salvation Army, as is WBOC, WMDT and The Daily Times. Once you join us and experience how special it is ringing the bell and meeting so many wonderful people along the way, you'll instantly become addicted.
We'll provide more detailed information tomorrow on how you can get involved, who to contact and what locations will be available.
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For $100.00 a month you can reach the same audience WBOC, WMDT and The Daily Times reaches, if not much more. We're not hammering our advertisers for an ad that can cost you $600.00 for ONE DAY! You get an entire month of advertising for only $100.00 and that includes a link back to your Website.
Just take a look at the businesses who chose to run an ad with us and you'll quickly see, none of them are fly by night businesses. They are stable businesses within our community who know they're getting the biggest bang for their buck.
When these businesses came on board, they didn't know Salisbury News was taking their advertising dollars and paying it forward to non profit organizations. They got on board because you and everyone else out there knows, everyone goes to Salisbury News, therefore everyone sees the ads.
There's only so many people on the Shore that have Internet access. Can the MSM claim they have more traffic than Salisbury News, of course they can. However, one thing I can assure you of is this. They're NOT getting more LOCAL traffic than Salisbury News and Salisbury News prides itself on unique hits, not page views. Salisbury News doesn't play the game that others do by having our page refresh every 15 seconds to make it look like we're getting more hits.
Our goal is to deliver our advertisers LOCAL traffic and not mainly Google Search hits from old articles, like the MSM does. If you want to get the biggest bang for your buck in this economy, in hard times, get on board with Salisbury News. The $5,000.00 Donation we made to the Salvation Army and giving back to our community is just the beginning.
If you're interested in advertising with Salisbury News contact me at, alberobutzo@wmconnect.com. We can have your ad up within seconds.
Debate Round Three: Ehrlich Wins…Again
Delmar Christmas Parade
Colleges Are Now Hindering Entrepreneural Spirit
The American Dream Starts @ Your Library
Student Hit By Car Before School
For Some, Jobless Benefits Trump A Job
Work sometimes pays less than benefits in such a weak job market
Dear Tide
Study: Women Are More Charitable Than Men
Election 2010: Senate Balance Of Power
Kentucky moved earlier this week to Leans Republican from Solid Republican.
Current projections suggest that the Democrats would hold 48 seats after Election Day while the Republicans would hold 47. Five states are in the Toss-Up category (California, Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, and Washington). All five Toss-Ups are seats currently held by Democrats.
Republicans have the edge in four Democratic-held Senate seats--Arkansas, Indiana, North Dakota, and Pennsylvania.
At the moment, no Republican-held seats appear headed for the Democratic column.
Rasmussen Reports
CBS News Reporter Aims At Jerusalem's City Of David
During the segment, Stahl worked hard to cast aspersions on the validity of the archaeological findings in the City of David excavations and the unity of the city, and to delegitimize the presence of Jewish families in the area. The Jewish families are in houses bought by Jews, many of them Yemenites, before the creation of the State of Israel.
Describing a recent rock attack which ended badly when two of the young Arab rock throwers were hit by the car they had targeted as it swerved to avoid running over another young attacker, Stahl noted incidents in Silwan had “become violent.” Her comments, subtly editorialized, were carefully slanted to guide the viewer towards a Palestinian Authority viewpoint.
Stahl also claimed there was no proof that the City of David archaeological excavations were really connected to the Biblical King David. “But for all the talk of King David, one thing is glaringly missing here at the City of David,” she told the City of David Foundation’s director of development, Doron Spielman. “There’s actually no evidence of David, right?”
She also bluntly charged Israel with using the archaeological excavations as a political tool to indoctrinate IDF troops. The journalist referred to the “scores and scores of soldiers coming through” the underground tunnel through which King David sneaked into Jerusalem to conquer the city.
“There’s an implicit message that because David conquered the city for the Jews back then, Jerusalem belongs to the Jews today,” she observed.
Spielman explained that such tours are part of the soldiers’ “cultural day” in order to help them understand what they are fighting for. “When we bring them here, they understand that they’re not just fighting for today – they actually represent the return of the Jewish people to Israel after thousands of years.”
Stahl shot back: “So archaeology is being used as a political tool… I mean, I hate to use the word, but indoctrination, almost.”
More from INN
AP-GfK Poll: Likely Voters Ready To Embrace GOP
In the final survey before Election Day, likely voters say the GOP would do a better job than Democrats on handling the economy, creating jobs and running the government.
Most also think the country's headed in the wrong direction. More than half disapprove of Obama's job performance. And even more don't like the Democratic-controlled Congress.
"If we get some new blood in there who will do what the people want, maybe this can get turned around," said Sharon Klawender, 70, who lives in rural Kingston in Michigan, one of the most economically troubled states. She hopes Republicans will "get things back under control."More here
[Showing up to vote is the key. Will you be a part of this historic election day? It will surely be one to remember! -- Editor]
Obama To Push Bill That Would End ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ In Lame Duck Congress
While “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) is a directive in Defense Department rules, it stems from a federal law (10 U.S.C. 654) enacted by Congress in 1993, which prohibits homosexuals from serving in the military. Under DADT, military officials are not supposed to ask, and soldiers are not supposed to disclose whether they are homosexual.
The House passed a Defense bill in May that includes an amendment that would repeal most elements of 10 U.S.C. 654 and thereby allow the Defense Department to eliminate the DADT policy. That bill must be passed by the Senate, however, and then signed by the president to become law.
Gibbs said President Obama plans to lobby for the bill’s passage in the lame duck session, the same Congress where Democrats (and two Independents) hold a 59-seat majority in the Senate.
Senators Raise Security Concerns Over Chinese Telecom Deal Plan
Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) along with Rep. Sue Myrick (R-N.C.) expressed concern that the firms in question, Huawei Technologies and ZTE Corporation, reportedly have significant ties to the Chinese military and that both have received financing from the Chinese government. Kyl and Collins were among the eight GOP Senators that originally raised concerns over reports in August that the firms were in talks to supply equipment to Sprint Nextel.
In their letter the lawmakers express concern that doing business with the two firms could give China the means to embed itself in the U.S. telecommunications sector for the purpose of spying on Americans' communications.
“We are very concerned that these companies are being financed by the Chinese government and greatly influenced by the Chinese military, which may create an opportunity for the Chinese military to manipulate switches, routers, or software embedded in American telecommunications network so that communications can be intercepted, tampered with, or purposely misrouted," the lawmakers wrote. "This would pose a real threat to our national security.”
The letter cites a 2009 report from the Pentagon that states Huawei has significant ties to the Chinese People's Liberation Army. It also references published reports that both firms received tens of billions of dollars in low and no-interest loans from the Chinese government that do not require repayment.
More here>>
Jacoby: The Undeniable Jewish State
Is the pope Catholic?
Nothing about Israel could be more self-evident than its Jewishness. As Poland is the national state of the Polish people and Japan is the national state of the Japanese people, so Israel is the national state of the Jewish people. The UN's 1947 resolution on partitioning Palestine contains no fewer than 30 references to the "Jewish state" whose creation it was authorizing; 25 years earlier, the League of Nations had been similarly straightforward in mandating "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people." When Israel came into existence on May 15, 1948, its Jewish identity was the first detail reported. The New York Times's front-page story began: "The Jewish state, the world's newest sovereignty, to be known as the State of Israel, came into being in Palestine at midnight upon termination of the British mandate."
Today, half the planet's Jews live in that state, many of them refugees from anti-Semitic repression and violence elsewhere. In a world with more than 20 Arab states and 55 Muslim countries, the existence of a single small Jewish state should be unobjectionable. "Israel is a sovereign state, and the historic homeland of the Jewish people," President Barack Obama told the UN General Assembly last month. By now that should be a truism, no more controversial than calling Italy the sovereign homeland of the Italian people.
And yet to Israel's enemies, Jewish sovereignty is as intolerable today as it was in 1948, when five Arab armies invaded the newborn Jewish state, vowing "a war of extermination and a momentous massacre." Endless rounds of talks and countless invocations of the "peace process" have not changed the underlying reality of the Arab-Israeli conflict, which is not about settlements or borders or Jerusalem or the rights of Palestinians.
The root of the hostility is the refusal to recognize the immutable right of the Jewish people to a sovereign state in its historic homeland. Until that changes, no lasting peace is possible.
That is why the Israeli government is correct to insist that the Palestinian Authority publicly recognize Israel as the Jewish state. It is the critical litmus test. "Palestinian nationalism was based on driving all Israelis out," Edward Said told an interviewer in 1999, and the best evidence that most Palestinians are still intent on eliminating Israel is the vehemence with which even supposed "moderates" like Mahmoud Abbas will not — or dare not — acknowledge Israel's Jewishness as a legitimate fact of life. "What is a 'Jewish state?'" Abbas ranted on Palestinian TV. "You can call yourselves whatever you want, but I will not accept it . . . You can call yourselves the Zionist Republic, the Hebrew, the National, the Socialist [Republic]. Call it whatever you like. I don’t care."
Read the rest here
Be An American Hero!
In 1980 the United States was rocked by double digit inflation, double digit interest rates, double digit unemployment. The Keynesian economic model, so popular at the time and the current favorite of Progressives who won’t publicly admit that they are socialists, stated that such “stagflation” wasn’t possible. Reality was a different matter.
Ronald Reagan and a conservative ascendency rode into power. Four short years later we lived in this America:
By the end of the decade, the Cold War was over. The death, destruction, and “nuclear winter” promised by those on the left never materialized (although countless thousands, from Korea, to Vietnam, and countless skirmishes throughout the world gave their lives in defense of liberty).
Fast forward to 2010. Runaway government spending (by Democrats and Republicans alike) and an attempt by the government to interfere with markets has yielded this:
President Reagan is gone. There will probably never be another. That’s OK. We can turn America around. From near bankruptcy (I know, technically the Federal government can’t go bankrupt), America can once again be that “Shining City”. This time we don’t have Ronald Reagan. It will take MANY of us. It won’t happen overnight. But … It CAN happen!
It’s time to SEND THE HIPPIES HOME! Be an American Hero. Start by voting on November 2nd. It can be “Morning In America” once again!
H/T – Julie Brewington @ RightCoast
from Delmarva DealingsBoard Of Public Works Approves $72 Million For New Helicopters, But Questions Lack Of Bids
The purchase of the new helicopters has been hotly debated for two years, after a crash of one of the department’s current Dauphin helicopters killed state police personnel on board. There was general agreement that the aging helicopters need to be replaced, but there were arguments over how to do it, where the money would come from, and what was needed to improve safety.
The approved contract buys six new helicopters now, and has an option for six more between 2011 and 2013.
GO HERE to read more.
Man Eats 10 Cans Of Tuna Weekly For 2 Years, Gets Mercury Poisoning, Sues
More »
Buyers Unearth Old Real Estate Law To Escape Now-Crappy Home Deals
More »
Payments To Doctors By Most Pharma Companies Still Remain Secret
GO HERE to read more.
Community Invited To Informational Work Session on Race To The Top Grant Tuesday, Oct. 26
A Letter To The Editor

Found Cat
Somerset County Sheriff's Office Press Release
Government Prepares To Seize Private Pensions
Public pension plans have been so aggressively looted already by the government that cities and counties face a $574 billion funding gap, according to a CNBC report.
That black hole is set to be filled by a new proposal that will “fairly” distribute taxpayer-funded pensions to everyone, by confiscating the private wealth of millions of Americans. Its proponents express staggering arrogance in thinking that they can just steal money people have worked for decades to accrue as if it’s their own.
Not only would the government confiscate 401(k) pensions, it would also impose a mandatory 5 per cent payroll tax payable by everyone, according to a hearing chaired last week by Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee.
“This would, of course, be a sister government ponzi scheme working in tandem with Social Security, the primary purpose being to give big government politicians additional taxpayer funds to raid to pay for their out-of-control spending,” writes Connie Hair.
GO HERE to read more.
of importance to our neighborhoods, and by motivating and enabling the residents of our neighborhoods who express a mutual interest and shared commitment to preserve, protect and improve their own living conditions.”
LORA Election Forum October 21
City/County Government Office Building Room 301
Times shown for agenda items are estimates only.
6:07 p.m. RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE – Mayor James Ireton, Jr. City’s adopted unit at Fort Campbell, Kentucky
6:12 p.m. PROCLAMATION – Mayor James Ireton, Jr. Proclaiming November as "Municipal Government Works Month"
6:17 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA – Assistant City Clerk Kim Nichols October 11, 2010 minutes
Resolution No. 1986 - appointment of Tim Spies to the Recycling Advisory Committee Manufacturing exemption request - Viskon-Aire Corporation
6:20 p.m. AWARD OF BIDS – Internal Services Director Pam Oland
6:25 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING – City Attorney Paul Wilber Ordinance No. 2124 - establishing a fee structure for the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Salisbury Board of Zoning Appeals, and the Mayor and City Council relative to advertising fees for certain public hearings
6:30 p.m. ORDINANCES – City Attorney Paul WilberOrdinance No. 2125 - 2nd reading - reading - amending the FY11 General Fund Budget to provide additional funds to cover repairs of the slate roof and gutters at the Poplar Hill Mansion
Ordinance No. 2126 - 1st reading - amending Ordinance No. 2058 Section A – Lot Rates to add a parking permit rate for parking lot #35 effective December 1, 2010
6: 50 p.m. ADJOURN
Andy Harris Endorsed By National Taxpayers Union
“I’ve protected taxpayers for twelve years in the Maryland Senate and the National Taxpayers Union knows I will do the same in Washington,” said Andy Harris. “To get our stagnant economy moving again, we need to cut taxes across the board so businesses can expand and Americans can keep more of their own money to put into the economy.”
Out of hundreds of candidates, Harris was also named one of the "Taxpayers' Twenty." “The Taxpayers' Twenty are the ones to watch when it comes to making Washington, D.C. a place where the people who pay government's bills are back in charge," said NTUCF President Duane Parde. "By sending the Taxpayers' Twenty to Washington, voters will be sending a strong message for limited government that will echo loudly throughout the halls of the 112th Congress."
NTUCF is the political action arm of the National Taxpayers Union (NTU), the nation's largest grassroots taxpayer organization. NTU, founded in 1969, created the NTU Campaign Fund in 1994. Read the NTU endorsement here.
Debate Questions For Governor O’Malley – Uncovering The Truth
- In the first debate you said that your tactic of arresting thousands of innocent people in Baltimore saved lives. Do you still believe that arresting innocent Baltimore City residents is appropriate and legal?
- Marvin “Doc” Cheatham of the Baltimore branch of the NAACP recently told The Afro Newspaper, “Due to the arrogance of a mayor and his administration, hundreds if not thousands of Baltimore City men were unconstitutionally arrested, not charged with anything, but left in Central Booking with an arrest record…” Do you still stand by this policy? (Source: The Afro: 6/30/10)
- In 2006, the ACLU and the NAACP filed suit against the City of Baltimore over these arrests on behalf of 14 plaintiffs. The City of Baltimore recently settled by agreeing to pay $870,000, retrain officers, and issue new policies. How do you feel about the ACLU and the NAACP filing suit over your tactics?
- Bob Ehrlich made it a major priority to rehabilitate nonviolent offenders by creating Project RESTART so they would be productive members of society upon their release. You have refused to make a similar commitment to nonviolent offenders. Why?
- Why have you abdicated your duty to exercise clemency powers to pardon or commute the sentences of prisoners who have rehabilitated themselves in prison? Legal experts have said that, “withholding this sort of official forgiveness is not sensible, and it's not safe.” (Source: The Washington Post 6/21/09)
- The U.S. General Accounting Office recently found that your Administration’s Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program – designed to help low income Marylanders heat their homes in winter – was filled with fraud and abuse, with wealthy homeowners getting heating funds at the expense of residents in need. You have offered no plan to fix this problem. Why?
- A recent state audit found “significant deficiencies” at the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services, which included the untimely criminal background checks on employees and overtime payments to ineligible workers. Can you actually claim “progress” here? Where is the “progress” and what have you done to correct it?
MDGOP Seeks To Halt Illegal Democrat Electioneering
Federal Hill Park
Baltimore, MD
Gates open to media at 2pm. General admission at 3pm.
RSVP here: http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=zqmpzcdab&et=1103796215118&s=0&e=001iDOstNz2blv7uzmcFEz6TCGDkejG1GClE4JCZnXzwvzVwknUjmcsXgDSUsebiTGc0fuSF3-k9C5XhvQAOe-sFuMHios8MgTZhv4L8Fchyee2FavvAOq8m8DU5FrMEtxr-WOY9R1bVmlAicQnDMiWbg==
Governor O'Malley to participate in WOLB Live Gubernatorial Debate
USSSA Brings Ghoul’s Halloween Havoc To Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex
The Maryland Heritage Center is the first comprehensive state-based center and museum of its kind in the nation. The mission of the Maryland Women’s Heritage Center is to preserve the past, understand the present, and shape the future by recognizing, respecting, and transmitting the experiences and contributions of Maryland women and girls of diverse backgrounds and regions.