How bad has the situation become? Deportations are at a record low, in part because Obama's amnesty has made it simple for illegals to simply lie about their status and stay as long as they'd like. The important part is in bold:
Fewer people are being deported now than any other time in the last five years.
When Homeland Security charges someone with a violation of immigration law, they give them one of two papers. It’s either a notice to appear or a notice of referral to an immigration judge.
The people get tracked by the Department of Justice. After that, if the person is ordered to be removed or if they are granted relief, Homeland Security takes over again for the next step.
CHANNEL 5 NEWS acquired the latest deportation numbers from the U.S. Department of Justice. We now know how many people are leaving the country and who is getting processed the most.
Half of the people caught crossing the border illegally never make it to an immigration court.
We noticed the numbers are way off. A little more than 187,000 people were brought to the court for removal proceedings. It’s the majority of the 199,534 cases received in 2015. But Homeland Security officials said they caught more than twice that number in 2014 and 2015.
“As long as they claim to be here before 2014, we just let them go,” said Brandon Judd from the National Border Patrol Council. “They don't have to prove it. They just have to tell us.”
There's two sets of standards at play here: one for law breaking foreigners, and one for every day Americans. Do your civic duty and run a totally legal group that opposes Barack Obama's policies, and you'll get a visit from the IRS and a full cavity search. Come here from a foreign country demanding free education, healthcare, and cradle to grave welfare, and you're treated like an honored guest.
Obama's America.

Source: AAN