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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Rt. 50 In Willards Shut Down

We have been informed they have closed down Rt. 50 in Willards at Powellville Road due to a vehicle accident. We're not sure if it's east bound, west bound or both. We'll try to find out and update this Post.


Anonymous said...

i just saw that accident on my way home from work. Their is a huge open field there and when the wind is blowing, your visibility goes to zero.

Anonymous said...

Joe its the east bound lane. Several vehicles off the roadway.

joealbero said...

anonymous 1:12, Thank You!!!!

I have been trying to get info on it but they must be bombarded with calls.

Anonymous said...

The accident i witnessed was on the west bound lane. Maybe there were two accidents?

joealbero said...

The Sheriff's Department has confirmed it is in the West bound lanes. Main Street Pittsville exit. Soi perhaps there were two accidents. I can't get there to find out, so we'll rely on you guys.

Anonymous said...

There have been 3 accidents in that area according to the scanner. One at Forest Grove Rd, one at Main St. ext and the powellville rd. All on Rt. 50. Please Stay Off The Roads!

Anonymous said...

Praying for all those people who HAVE to be out on the roads or outside in this weather as a part of their jobs.

PLEASE, people who do not have to be out on the roads, have consideration for those who do. If you go out unnecessarily and cause an accident and injure or kill an innocent person or child, or an emergency worker out trying to rescue other people, how will you feel then? The less people out, the less stress on those who have to be. Remember, someone will have to pay for this storm to help balance the budget and my guess it will be the state employees.

Anonymous said...

I heard was a 20 car pile up in on the these accidents. A bad one

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hope not! I am originally from Willards and have family who live there. I know how bad the roads get out there! Praying for everyone's safety!

SunnyInOC said...

willards was 2 snow plows slid off highway and were getting pulled back onto roadway.

Balanced Libra said...

Sunny-my husband is one of the 5 plows (through the state) designated to Rt 50 in Willards and said neither one of them went off the highway. Did you see who went off? Possibly county or private plows?