Mr. Caldwell showed his class this evening by almost begging the City Council to refrain from attacking the Citizens that put them in Office as well as one and other.
Mike Dunn 100% completely ignored Mr. Caldwell's requests as he attacked just about every person there. If you missed it on Pac 14, watch the repeat because it's a classic!
I was even personally spanked by Mike Dunn for standing up and taking pictures. Oh, it was perfectly fine for 47 News to move around and take shots. It was OK for the Mayor to get up two or three times, walk behind the Council and disturb everyone. It was OK for John Jacobs to walk over to Paul Wilber while the Council Meeting was in session but little old me standing near the entrance of this meeting room, completely in the opposite direction away from the Mayor speaking at the time, I was disrupting Mike Dunn? Mike was pissed because he knew the Mayor was lying and I started snapping pictures of her doing so and John Pick looking so upset.
You know what Mike, YOU ARE #1!