Abortion continues to be a highly-contentious issue, even as this week marks the 40th anniversary since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court verdict was handed down. It’s a never-ending battle, typically colored by raw emotion. While one polar side traditionally argues that life begins at the moment of conception, the other tends to shy away from any recognition that the unborn qualify as human lives.
This pro-life versus pro-choice dynamic often leads to intense clashes in the public sphere, with both sides accusing the other of restricting rights and advocating damaging policies. In a new piece that was published this week, Salon’s Mary Elizabeth Williams, a pro-choice adherent, decides not to steer clear of the “life” issue and asks: “So what if abortion ends life?”
The question, itself, is enough to send anti-abortion advocates into a tizzy. Williams, who identifies herself as pro-choice, takes a divergent route from others on the left who have staunch views about abortion rights. Rather than denying the fact that fetuses are human lives, she, like pro-lifers, fully embraces this ideal. However, Williams differentiates between the rights that the unborn have from those that belong to women.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Hillary Clinton Gets Grilled
Finally, lawmakers are getting their chance to grill Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton about the attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi. Clinton will appear in back-to-back hearings. She had been scheduled to testify last month but got sick. Her doctor had ordered her to stay at home. After the attack in September, Clinton had appointed a commission to investigate what went wrong. Its report criticized the State Department's failure to beef up security at diplomatic missions. Four Americans, including the ambassador, died in that attack.
Assateague Ruled Out As Possible Wind Farm Connection Site
ASSATEAGUE -- With Gov. Martin O’Malley this week introducing his latest attempt at offshore wind energy turbines off the Maryland’s Atlantic coast, it remains uncertain where the eventual transmission line will connect to the mainland, but it will not come across Assateague as was feared earlier.
Governor Martin O’Malley this week introduced his Maryland Offshore Wind Energy Act of 2013, perhaps moving a future offshore wind energy farm as close as 10 miles off the coast of Ocean City closer to reality. The long-range plan calls for an above-ground or underground transmission line coming ashore at some point and connecting the future wind energy turbines to an electric power distribution facility somewhere on the mainland.
Called the Atlantic Wind Connection (AWC), the network of underwater transmission lines would create a superhighway of sorts for moving the energy harnessed by future offshore wind farms to millions of electric service customers throughout the mid-Atlantic region. The AWC is currently exploring several options for a landfall for its transmission line along the Maryland coast including one proposal that had the line crossing Assateague.
Governor Martin O’Malley this week introduced his Maryland Offshore Wind Energy Act of 2013, perhaps moving a future offshore wind energy farm as close as 10 miles off the coast of Ocean City closer to reality. The long-range plan calls for an above-ground or underground transmission line coming ashore at some point and connecting the future wind energy turbines to an electric power distribution facility somewhere on the mainland.
Called the Atlantic Wind Connection (AWC), the network of underwater transmission lines would create a superhighway of sorts for moving the energy harnessed by future offshore wind farms to millions of electric service customers throughout the mid-Atlantic region. The AWC is currently exploring several options for a landfall for its transmission line along the Maryland coast including one proposal that had the line crossing Assateague.
Furloughed For Good?
One group of federal employees could be furloughed for good, and sent to a playground to live out their lives. They're the research chimpanzees kept by the National Institutes of Health. An advisory committee recommends that all but 50 of the agency's hundreds of chimps be retired to the national sanctuary in northwest Louisiana. There they would live in groups of seven with plenty of room to play and climb. The NIH Council of Councils Working Group delivered those recommendations in an 86-page report. NIH Director Francis Collins will make the final decision. Several chimps from former NIH contractors have already arrived at the Sanctuary near Shreveport.
Md. Officials Still Negotiating With Feds To Retain Medicare Waiver Worth Billions
Maryland health agencies are continuing to negotiate with federal Medicare to avoid losing up to $2 billion in federal health care dollars.
After months of tense dialogue, Maryland officials believe that they are making progress. John Colmers, the chair of the Health Services Cost Review Commission, said he was optimistic about the outcome of the talks during his testimony before the Senate Budget and Tax Committee.
“We have been very greatly encouraged,” Colmers said, explaining that the Obama administration has been supportive of Maryland’s efforts to contain Medicare costs. “They are excited to see a state as a whole take on the challenge.”
After months of tense dialogue, Maryland officials believe that they are making progress. John Colmers, the chair of the Health Services Cost Review Commission, said he was optimistic about the outcome of the talks during his testimony before the Senate Budget and Tax Committee.
“We have been very greatly encouraged,” Colmers said, explaining that the Obama administration has been supportive of Maryland’s efforts to contain Medicare costs. “They are excited to see a state as a whole take on the challenge.”
Mother And Seven Children Sentenced To 15 Years In Prison For Converting To Christianity
Last week President Obama issued this proclamation on religious freedom:
“Today, we also remember that religious liberty is not just an American right; it is a universal human right to be protected here at home and across the globe. This freedom is an essential part of human dignity, and without it our world cannot know lasting peace.” Please read the following tragic story and ask why we are sending F-16 fighter jets to Egypt.
Last Resistence – January 22nd
“The Egyptian courts just now sentenced a mother and her seven children to 15 years in prison for converting to Christianity.
The mother was raised a Christian, but converted to Islam twenty-three years ago when she married a Muslim man. After her husband’s death, she converted back to Christianity so that she could receive an inheritance from her Christian family. Between 2004 and 2006, she looked for help in obtaining new identity cards for her and her children that reflected her conversion back to Christianity. At the time, it was not a crime to be a Christian in Egypt, and in fact, Christians made up nearly 10% of the total population.
Now that the Muslim Brotherhood is in control, they have gone back through the records to before the time they were in power and charged the mother and children with a crime against Islam for converting to Christianity. The Egyptian court just sentenced the mother and all seven of her children to fifteen years in prison because of their conversion. In addition, the court also sentenced the clerks that helped her get her new identity cards to prison time as well.
And what is Obama doing about this religious persecution and injustice?”
“Today, we also remember that religious liberty is not just an American right; it is a universal human right to be protected here at home and across the globe. This freedom is an essential part of human dignity, and without it our world cannot know lasting peace.” Please read the following tragic story and ask why we are sending F-16 fighter jets to Egypt.
Last Resistence – January 22nd
“The Egyptian courts just now sentenced a mother and her seven children to 15 years in prison for converting to Christianity.
The mother was raised a Christian, but converted to Islam twenty-three years ago when she married a Muslim man. After her husband’s death, she converted back to Christianity so that she could receive an inheritance from her Christian family. Between 2004 and 2006, she looked for help in obtaining new identity cards for her and her children that reflected her conversion back to Christianity. At the time, it was not a crime to be a Christian in Egypt, and in fact, Christians made up nearly 10% of the total population.
Now that the Muslim Brotherhood is in control, they have gone back through the records to before the time they were in power and charged the mother and children with a crime against Islam for converting to Christianity. The Egyptian court just sentenced the mother and all seven of her children to fifteen years in prison because of their conversion. In addition, the court also sentenced the clerks that helped her get her new identity cards to prison time as well.
And what is Obama doing about this religious persecution and injustice?”
Survey Finds NRA Members United
91% of NRA Members Support Laws to Stop Mentally Ill from Acquiring Firearms
FAIRFAX, Va. – The National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action conducted a national scientific poll of its members and found near unanimity among NRA members on a wide range of issues involving mental health reform and firearm rights.
Gun control advocates including New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, as well as various media outlets, have released data claiming to represent the views of NRA members, despite the fact that none of those surveys had access to the NRA’s membership list. The NRA survey of 1,000 randomly-selected NRA members across the country is the only legitimate survey of NRA members in existence.
The data from this survey indicates that NRA members are united in their desire for Washington to focus on keeping firearms from the mentally ill and to reject unconstitutional gun control measures that infringe on Second Amendment rights.
Q1. In which battle did Napoleon die?* his last battle
Q2. Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?* at the bottom of the page
Q3. River Ravi flows in which state?* liquid
Q4. What is the main reason for divorce? * marriage
Q5. What is the main reason for failure? * exams
Q6. What can you never eat for breakfast? * Lunch & dinner
Q7. What looks like half an apple?* The other half
Q8. If you throw a red stone into the blue sea what it will become?* It will simply become wet
Q9. How can a man go eight days without sleeping ? * No problem, he sleeps at night.
Q10. How can you lift an elephant with one hand?* You will never find an elephant that has only one hand..
Q11. If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand and four apples and three oranges in other hand, what would you have ?* Very large hands
Q12. If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it take four men to build it?* No time at all, the wall is already built.
Q13. How can u drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without cracking it?*Any way you want, concrete floors are very hard to crack.
Q2. Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?* at the bottom of the page
Q3. River Ravi flows in which state?* liquid
Q4. What is the main reason for divorce? * marriage
Q5. What is the main reason for failure? * exams
Q6. What can you never eat for breakfast? * Lunch & dinner
Q7. What looks like half an apple?* The other half
Q8. If you throw a red stone into the blue sea what it will become?* It will simply become wet
Q9. How can a man go eight days without sleeping ? * No problem, he sleeps at night.
Q10. How can you lift an elephant with one hand?* You will never find an elephant that has only one hand..
Q11. If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand and four apples and three oranges in other hand, what would you have ?* Very large hands
Q12. If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it take four men to build it?* No time at all, the wall is already built.
Q13. How can u drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without cracking it?*Any way you want, concrete floors are very hard to crack.
North Korea Says New Nuclear Test Will Be Part Of Fight Against U.S.
North Korea said Thursday that it plans to carry out a new nuclear test and more long-range rocket launches, all of which it said are a part of a new phase of confrontation with the United States.
The North's National Defense Commission said the moves would feed into an "upcoming all-out action" that would target the United States, "the sworn enemy of the Korean people."
Carried by the state media, the comments are the latest defiant flourish from the reclusive North Korean regime, whose young leader, Kim Jong Un, has upheld his father's policy of pursuing a military deterrent and shrugging off international pressure.
The North's National Defense Commission said the moves would feed into an "upcoming all-out action" that would target the United States, "the sworn enemy of the Korean people."
Carried by the state media, the comments are the latest defiant flourish from the reclusive North Korean regime, whose young leader, Kim Jong Un, has upheld his father's policy of pursuing a military deterrent and shrugging off international pressure.
Feinstein Rolls Out Proposal To Ban Assault Weapons
Flanked by law enforcement officials and facing victims of gun violence, Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Thursday announced that she is reintroducing a bill that bans more than 150 types of military-style, so-called assault weapons — the piece of President Obama’s gun-control agenda that faces the steepest climb through Congress.
The legislation bans the sale, manufacture, transfer and importation of more than 150 of the weapons. It provides exemptions for more than 2,200 hunting and sporting rifles; guns manually operated by bolt, pump, lever or slide action; and weapons used by government officials, law enforcement and retired law enforcement.
“It has to be done — the future of the nation is at stake,” Mrs. Feinstein, California Democrat, told reporters after a press conference on the bill, acknowledging it would be an uphill battle. “I think if the people in [a] red state want their representative to vote for this, they should weigh in and the representative should listen.”
The legislation bans the sale, manufacture, transfer and importation of more than 150 of the weapons. It provides exemptions for more than 2,200 hunting and sporting rifles; guns manually operated by bolt, pump, lever or slide action; and weapons used by government officials, law enforcement and retired law enforcement.
“It has to be done — the future of the nation is at stake,” Mrs. Feinstein, California Democrat, told reporters after a press conference on the bill, acknowledging it would be an uphill battle. “I think if the people in [a] red state want their representative to vote for this, they should weigh in and the representative should listen.”
The Biggest Mouth in Maryland
Forgive the New England Patriots if they were confused on Sunday night as time ticked down in their AFC championship loss to the Baltimore Ravens.
Through the stunned, silent Gillette Stadium, they probably didn't understand why one player was repeatedly shouting something about the "Catalina Wine Mixer," a curiously random reference to the 2008 Will Ferrell movie "Step Brothers."
The noise was coming from Ravens linebacker Terrell Suggs, who is the loudest man on the field (any field) and all but certainly the loudest player in the NFL, according to his teammates.
Through the stunned, silent Gillette Stadium, they probably didn't understand why one player was repeatedly shouting something about the "Catalina Wine Mixer," a curiously random reference to the 2008 Will Ferrell movie "Step Brothers."
The noise was coming from Ravens linebacker Terrell Suggs, who is the loudest man on the field (any field) and all but certainly the loudest player in the NFL, according to his teammates.
Unemployment As Defined By Abbott and Costello
COSTELLO: I want to talk about the unemployment rate in America.
ABBOTT: Good Subject. Terrible Times. It's 7.8%.
COSTELLO: That many people are out of work?
ABBOTT: No, that's 14.7%.
COSTELLO: You just said 7.8%.
ABBOTT: 7.8% Unemployed.
COSTELLO: Right 7.8% out of work.
ABBOTT: No, that's 14.7%.
COSTELLO: Okay, so it's 14.7% unemployed.
ABBOTT: No, that's 7.8%.
COSTELLO: WAIT A MINUTE. Is it 7.8% or 14.7%.
ABBOTT: 7.8% are unemployed. 14.7% are out of work.
COSTELLO: IF you are out of work you are unemployed.
ABBOTT: No, Obama said you can't count the "Out of Work" as the unemployed. You have to look for work to be unemployed.
ABBOTT: No, you miss his point.
COSTELLO: What point?
ABBOTT: Someone who doesn't look for work can't be counted with those who look for work. It wouldn't be fair.
COSTELLO: To whom?
ABBOTT: The unemployed.
COSTELLO: But they are ALL out of work.
ABBOTT: No, the unemployed are actively looking for work. Those who are out of work gave up looking and if you give up, you are no longer in the ranks of the unemployed.
COSTELLO: So if you're off the unemployment roles that would count as less unemployment?
ABBOTT: Unemployment would go down. Absolutely!
COSTELLO: The unemployment just goes down because you don't look for work?
ABBOTT: Absolutely it goes down. That's how the current administration gets it to 7.8%. Otherwise it would be 14.7%. Our govt. doesn't want you to read about 14.7% unemployment.
COSTELLO: That would be tough on those running for reelection.
ABBOTT: Absolutely.
COSTELLO: Wait, I got a question for you. That means there are two ways to bring down the unemployment number?
ABBOTT: Two ways is correct.
COSTELLO: Unemployment can go down if someone gets a job?
ABBOTT: Correct.
COSTELLO: And unemployment can also go down if you stop looking for a job?
ABBOTT: Bingo.
COSTELLO: So there are two ways to bring unemployment down, and the easier of the two is to have administration supporters stop looking for work.
ABBOTT: Now you're thinking like the Economy Czar.
COSTELLO: I don't even know what the hell I just said!
ABBOTT: Now you're thinking like our current President
ABBOTT: Good Subject. Terrible Times. It's 7.8%.
COSTELLO: That many people are out of work?
ABBOTT: No, that's 14.7%.
COSTELLO: You just said 7.8%.
ABBOTT: 7.8% Unemployed.
COSTELLO: Right 7.8% out of work.
ABBOTT: No, that's 14.7%.
COSTELLO: Okay, so it's 14.7% unemployed.
ABBOTT: No, that's 7.8%.
COSTELLO: WAIT A MINUTE. Is it 7.8% or 14.7%.
ABBOTT: 7.8% are unemployed. 14.7% are out of work.
COSTELLO: IF you are out of work you are unemployed.
ABBOTT: No, Obama said you can't count the "Out of Work" as the unemployed. You have to look for work to be unemployed.
ABBOTT: No, you miss his point.
COSTELLO: What point?
ABBOTT: Someone who doesn't look for work can't be counted with those who look for work. It wouldn't be fair.
COSTELLO: To whom?
ABBOTT: The unemployed.
COSTELLO: But they are ALL out of work.
ABBOTT: No, the unemployed are actively looking for work. Those who are out of work gave up looking and if you give up, you are no longer in the ranks of the unemployed.
COSTELLO: So if you're off the unemployment roles that would count as less unemployment?
ABBOTT: Unemployment would go down. Absolutely!
COSTELLO: The unemployment just goes down because you don't look for work?
ABBOTT: Absolutely it goes down. That's how the current administration gets it to 7.8%. Otherwise it would be 14.7%. Our govt. doesn't want you to read about 14.7% unemployment.
COSTELLO: That would be tough on those running for reelection.
ABBOTT: Absolutely.
COSTELLO: Wait, I got a question for you. That means there are two ways to bring down the unemployment number?
ABBOTT: Two ways is correct.
COSTELLO: Unemployment can go down if someone gets a job?
ABBOTT: Correct.
COSTELLO: And unemployment can also go down if you stop looking for a job?
ABBOTT: Bingo.
COSTELLO: So there are two ways to bring unemployment down, and the easier of the two is to have administration supporters stop looking for work.
ABBOTT: Now you're thinking like the Economy Czar.
COSTELLO: I don't even know what the hell I just said!
ABBOTT: Now you're thinking like our current President
Sandy Conspiracy? The Blaze Debunks Them..
Was Adam Lanza really the only shooter at Sandy Hook Elementary School? Why are there supposed inconsistencies surrounding the weapons that were used during the attack? And are some of the parents really “crisis actors” brought in to make the situation that much more believable?
Those are only a few of the questions that have been posed by conspiracy theorists who have used the Internet to virally spread their doubt about the horrific massacre that unfolded in Connecticut on Dec. 14.
The main crux of the arguments presented in documentary-style videos is that the Sandy Hook massacre is either a government-planned hoax intended to lead the nation to overwhelmingly embrace increased gun control measures. Or, at the least, those who have put the videos out believe that essential information is being withheld from the American public surrounding multiple shooters and other game-changing elements. The motivations of those who have created these theories are difficult to pin down, as most are spouting their views anonymously.
Those are only a few of the questions that have been posed by conspiracy theorists who have used the Internet to virally spread their doubt about the horrific massacre that unfolded in Connecticut on Dec. 14.
The main crux of the arguments presented in documentary-style videos is that the Sandy Hook massacre is either a government-planned hoax intended to lead the nation to overwhelmingly embrace increased gun control measures. Or, at the least, those who have put the videos out believe that essential information is being withheld from the American public surrounding multiple shooters and other game-changing elements. The motivations of those who have created these theories are difficult to pin down, as most are spouting their views anonymously.
State Police To Assign Domestic Violence Coordinators
The Maryland State Police said it is going to begin assigning domestic violence investigation coordinators to each of the state's 22 barracks to better support victims and combat the problem.
The newly appointed coordinators will review each reported incident or anything that might be related to domestic violence. That person will then get in touch with the victim and work to get them counseling and peace or protective orders to help prevent future abuse.
"By assigning domestic violence coordinators at each barrack, troopers can better serve victims living in these horrible situations," said police Col. Marcus Brown. "The coordinators will ensure all available resources are utilized to protect the rights and safety of the victims and their families."
The newly appointed coordinators will review each reported incident or anything that might be related to domestic violence. That person will then get in touch with the victim and work to get them counseling and peace or protective orders to help prevent future abuse.
"By assigning domestic violence coordinators at each barrack, troopers can better serve victims living in these horrible situations," said police Col. Marcus Brown. "The coordinators will ensure all available resources are utilized to protect the rights and safety of the victims and their families."
Rep. Harris Introduces Bill Limiting Congressional Terms
WASHINGTON, DC—Representative Andy Harris M.D. introduced a Joint Resolution that would limit the number of consecutive terms that a person could serve in the U.S. Congress. It would limit persons to two consecutive terms in the U.S. Senate and six consecutive terms in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Representative Harris released the following statement on the bill:
“Limiting Congressional terms is a common sense way to change Washington and make sure our elected leaders work for the people instead of the special interests. We need more citizen leaders who are willing to address our challenges instead of coming to Washington to become career politicians. Far too many of our leaders are more worried about the next election than addressing out of control spending or preserving our entitlement programs. We need to break the gridlock in Washington caused in part by career politicians.”
Representative Harris released the following statement on the bill:
“Limiting Congressional terms is a common sense way to change Washington and make sure our elected leaders work for the people instead of the special interests. We need more citizen leaders who are willing to address our challenges instead of coming to Washington to become career politicians. Far too many of our leaders are more worried about the next election than addressing out of control spending or preserving our entitlement programs. We need to break the gridlock in Washington caused in part by career politicians.”
‘Delegate Mike McDermott’s School Safety Bills: Protecting Children By Creating Safer Schools’
(Annapolis) -- “Today we reject the ineffective ideas of the past, and instead offer solutions that will actually help keep our children safe,” said Delegate Mike McDermott (R-Eastern Shore) as he introduced his school safety legislation into the Maryland General Assembly.
This year, the Delegate will be sponsoring three bills which are tailored to promoting school safety. “Creating a Guardian Program, using non-lethal technology, and allowing law enforcement officers to be armed while on school grounds will provide helpful options to the superintendents and principals charged with protecting our children while they learn,” the Delegate stated as he outlined his proposals.
“The latest security measures were in place at Sandy Hook Elementary, yet they were defeated by a determined madman,” observed Delegate McDermott. One of his three bills, entitled “Handguns -- Permit Qualifications and Carrying on School Property -- School Guardians” would authorize a school to create a Guardian Program. The program would allow qualified and trained school staff members, designated by the superintendent, to use a handgun carry permit within the school and provide a last line of defense against an armed intruder. “This would ensure a shield of protection for our children -- unseen, yet ever vigilant,” said the Delegate. Similarly, his bill titled “Criminal Law -- Carying Weaopns on School Property -- Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act” would also allow law enforcement officers to use their carry permits on school grounds.
“Education -- Primary and Secondary Schools -- Electronic Control Devices” -- also known as the Taser Bill -- “would allow select school staff to be armed with electronic control devices, following training and certification,” stated Delegate McDermott. Electronic control devices, better known as tasers, are non-lethal devices with a range of up to 25 feet. The commonsense use of these devices would ensure effective protection without the risk of inflicting mortal injury.
“The Guardian concept is the most effective and economic means of addressing the tremendous security gap we experience in our schools. The use of less lethal technology may run a close second to insuring there is an underlying line of defense on our campuses”, summarized Delegate McDermott.
This year, the Delegate will be sponsoring three bills which are tailored to promoting school safety. “Creating a Guardian Program, using non-lethal technology, and allowing law enforcement officers to be armed while on school grounds will provide helpful options to the superintendents and principals charged with protecting our children while they learn,” the Delegate stated as he outlined his proposals.
“The latest security measures were in place at Sandy Hook Elementary, yet they were defeated by a determined madman,” observed Delegate McDermott. One of his three bills, entitled “Handguns -- Permit Qualifications and Carrying on School Property -- School Guardians” would authorize a school to create a Guardian Program. The program would allow qualified and trained school staff members, designated by the superintendent, to use a handgun carry permit within the school and provide a last line of defense against an armed intruder. “This would ensure a shield of protection for our children -- unseen, yet ever vigilant,” said the Delegate. Similarly, his bill titled “Criminal Law -- Carying Weaopns on School Property -- Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act” would also allow law enforcement officers to use their carry permits on school grounds.
“Education -- Primary and Secondary Schools -- Electronic Control Devices” -- also known as the Taser Bill -- “would allow select school staff to be armed with electronic control devices, following training and certification,” stated Delegate McDermott. Electronic control devices, better known as tasers, are non-lethal devices with a range of up to 25 feet. The commonsense use of these devices would ensure effective protection without the risk of inflicting mortal injury.
“The Guardian concept is the most effective and economic means of addressing the tremendous security gap we experience in our schools. The use of less lethal technology may run a close second to insuring there is an underlying line of defense on our campuses”, summarized Delegate McDermott.
Court: Sex Offender Facebook Ban Unconstitutional
An Indiana law that bans registered sex offenders from using Facebook and other social networking sites that can be accessed by children is unconstitutional, a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday.
The 7th U.S. Circuit of Appeals in Chicago overturned a federal judge’s decision upholding the law, saying the state was justified in trying to protect children but that the “blanket ban” went too far by restricting free speech.
The 2008 law “broadly prohibits substantial protected speech rather than specifically targeting the evil of improper communications to minors,” the judges wrote.
The 7th U.S. Circuit of Appeals in Chicago overturned a federal judge’s decision upholding the law, saying the state was justified in trying to protect children but that the “blanket ban” went too far by restricting free speech.
The 2008 law “broadly prohibits substantial protected speech rather than specifically targeting the evil of improper communications to minors,” the judges wrote.
Newtown Shooter May Have Had 'Psychotic Break' And Used Unlocked Guns
Probe of Newtown shooter Adam Lanza focusing on murderer’s ‘psychotic break’ and unlocked guns
Nancy Lanza had brought her son to a psychiatrist and pushed him to get out of the house as he became increasingly antisocial, according to a friend of Ms. Lanza. The mother also kept guns in her house routinely unlocked.
The high-powered weapons that Adam Lanza used in his murderous rampage weren’t routinely locked up in his home even though his mother knew he had serious psychological problems, a close family friend told the Daily News.
Investigators are focusing on whether Lanza had a “psychotic break” before he murdered his mother, then shot to death 26 children and staffers at Sandy Hook Elementary School last month, the friend said.
Delaware State Police Issues Gold Alert
***UPDATE- Gold Alert Cancelled***
Gold Alert Subject:
Susan M. Keenan, 54, Rehoboth, DE (No Photo Available)
5’00” tall, 165 lbs., brown hair, brown eyes
Location Last Seen:
19000 block of Coastal Highway, Rehoboth, DE
Date and Time Last Seen:
Wednesday January 23, 2013 at approximately 8:00 p.m.
Rehoboth, DE- The Delaware State Police has issued a Gold Alert for a missing Rehoboth female.
The Delaware State Police is currently searching for Susan M. Keenan, 54 of Rehoboth, DE. Keenan was last leaving her residence located in the 19000 block of Coastal Highway in Rehoboth around 8:00 p.m. Wednesday evening and has not returned. She is described as a white female, 5’00” tall and 165 lbs. with brown hair and brown eyes. It is unknown what she was last seen wearing. She is possibly still in the Rehoboth area. Keenan is also wanted out of Troop 7 for Theft and Unauthorized Use of a Credit Card. There is no photo available to release.
Susan M. Keenan’s medical condition is such that there is a real concern for her safety.
Troopers are asking anyone who may have any information as to the whereabouts of Susan Keenan to contact Troop 7 at 302-644-5020. Citizens may also provide a tip by texting keyword “DSP” plus your message to 274637 (CRIMES). Tipsters may also provide information through lines maintained by Delaware Crime Stoppers at (800) TIP-3333. Callers can also submit information via the internet at www.tipsubmit.com.
Tom Brady Fined $10,000 For Kick On Ed Reed
For those who think quarterbacks get preferential treatment by the NFL, this news will cause an bit of a stir.
NFL.com has reported that Patriots quarterback Tom Brady has been fined $10,000 for going all Daniel-san/Ty Cobb on Ravens safety Ed Reed and kicking his cleats into Reed's leg at the end of a run.
This news came a few hours after it was reported San Francisco running back Frank Gore was fined $10,500 for wearing his socks too low in the NFC championship game.
NFL.com has reported that Patriots quarterback Tom Brady has been fined $10,000 for going all Daniel-san/Ty Cobb on Ravens safety Ed Reed and kicking his cleats into Reed's leg at the end of a run.
This news came a few hours after it was reported San Francisco running back Frank Gore was fined $10,500 for wearing his socks too low in the NFC championship game.
Weather Advisory - Wicomico County DES
Weather Event Informational Bulletin
2:00 p.m. January 24, 2013
Wicomico County Department of Emergency Services
Weather Forecast National Weather Service
The National Weather Service has issued a weather report indicating the potential for 1 to 3 inches of snowfall For Friday January 25th. The snow is expected to begin as a dry snow and potentially change to a wet snow as the event progresses. The event is expected to begin at approximately 1 p.m. on Friday January 25th and end between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. on Friday January 25. This event could impact the evening rush hour due to the timing of the event.
Wicomico County Dept. of Emergency Services (DES)
The DES is continuing to monitor the situation in conjunction with the National Weather Service. Additional Informational Bulletins will be issued if necessary.
Lost Dogs: UPDATE
It worked! We found them....several people called to tell me that they saw them on Sbynews and that they were in the University area. Cannot thank you (and all the readers) enough for your help.
We lost two dogs around 8:15pm tonight and are worried because of the temperature. They have never run away before and I am hoping that someone may have taken them in for the night and reads your blog as often as I do. Lost Dog 1: Mogley, grey and white Malamute, 70lbs, 5 years old, Microchipped
Lost Dog 2: Cody, black Lab, 80lbs, 2 years old, not chippedNeither were wearing collars and escaped out of our yard in the Covered Bridge/Tony Tank area.
My cell number is 443-520-5880.
Give Us Your Poor, Your Unemployed, Your Dope Fiends
The Great Recession had one effect on Americans you don’t hear much about - regular illicit drug use increased by approximately 2.5 million users in 36 months, from 2007 to 2010. The year 2011 (the most recent data available) saw a slight decline to an estimated 8.7% (from 8.9%) of all Americans regularly using illegal drugs, but, as ConvergEx's Nick Colas notes, this is still 19.5 million people who would find it difficult to pass a pre-employment drug test. The NIH’s National Institute of Drug Abuse & Addiction 2012 survey found that 17.2% of unemployed adults are current users of illicit drugs versus 8.0% who are full-time employed. While this is certainly only a partial explanation of the current still-high domestic unemployment rate, it does highlight how well-intentioned state-by-state decriminalization of drugs such as marijuana can work against a better national employment picture.
Via ConvergEx's Nick Colas,
Drug testing is commonplace in American business. Every year, millions of employees and prospective hires submit to either random testing or required pre-employment screening. Passing is a prerequisite of employment for new hires and can lead to dismissal in the case of an existing employee. Whether you want a job as a truck driver in the Bakken or an investment banker in New York, chances are very good that you will have to submit to, and pass, a test for marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, heroin/opiates and PCP. Put another way, the specimen cup is the gateway to employment.
One of the less-discussed features of the Great Recession relates to the same topic: more Americans became regular users of illegal drugs during this period than at any point in the last decade. A few salient datapoints from the last published National Survey on Drug Use and Health (2011):
Some 22.5 million Americans reported using illicit drugs in the prior month. That is 8.7% of the over-12 year old domestic population, with the 2010 survey showing a similar 8.9% usage rate. Prior to the 2007 Financial Crisis and subsequent recession, that number was 8.0%.
The entire pickup in illegal drug usage over the 2007 – 2011 timeframe is from an increase in reported use of marijuana. Seven percent of the over-12 population reported using the drug in the prior 30 days in 2011, up from 5.8% in 2007. Seizure data from the FBI, tracked by the U.S. Census, supports the survey results. In 2010 (most recently available data) U.S. law enforcement seized 4.5 million pounds of marijuana from smugglers, dealers and users, up from 3.0 million pounds in 2006.
Among the unemployed, reported illicit drug usage was 17.2% of that population, versus 8.0% for their counterparts who are employed full-time. It is worth noting that the survey protocol is in-person, with participants answering questions by filling out a computerized questionnaire. They receive $30 for completing the survey. Given the sensitive nature of questions over illegal drug use, it is entirely possible that the survey understates such use – perhaps materially –despite assurances of anonymity and confidentiality.
Via ConvergEx's Nick Colas,
Drug testing is commonplace in American business. Every year, millions of employees and prospective hires submit to either random testing or required pre-employment screening. Passing is a prerequisite of employment for new hires and can lead to dismissal in the case of an existing employee. Whether you want a job as a truck driver in the Bakken or an investment banker in New York, chances are very good that you will have to submit to, and pass, a test for marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, heroin/opiates and PCP. Put another way, the specimen cup is the gateway to employment.
One of the less-discussed features of the Great Recession relates to the same topic: more Americans became regular users of illegal drugs during this period than at any point in the last decade. A few salient datapoints from the last published National Survey on Drug Use and Health (2011):
Some 22.5 million Americans reported using illicit drugs in the prior month. That is 8.7% of the over-12 year old domestic population, with the 2010 survey showing a similar 8.9% usage rate. Prior to the 2007 Financial Crisis and subsequent recession, that number was 8.0%.
The entire pickup in illegal drug usage over the 2007 – 2011 timeframe is from an increase in reported use of marijuana. Seven percent of the over-12 population reported using the drug in the prior 30 days in 2011, up from 5.8% in 2007. Seizure data from the FBI, tracked by the U.S. Census, supports the survey results. In 2010 (most recently available data) U.S. law enforcement seized 4.5 million pounds of marijuana from smugglers, dealers and users, up from 3.0 million pounds in 2006.
Among the unemployed, reported illicit drug usage was 17.2% of that population, versus 8.0% for their counterparts who are employed full-time. It is worth noting that the survey protocol is in-person, with participants answering questions by filling out a computerized questionnaire. They receive $30 for completing the survey. Given the sensitive nature of questions over illegal drug use, it is entirely possible that the survey understates such use – perhaps materially –despite assurances of anonymity and confidentiality.
House Passes Temporary Measure For Veterans
DOVER — House lawmakers have passed a temporary measure that would allow Delaware fraternal organizations to operate video lottery machines.
House Bill 1 was approved by 34 of the state’s 41 representatives, Jan. 23. If the temporary bill passes the Senate, it would allow fraternal groups, such as American Legion, Elks, Moose and Veterans of Foreign Wars, to operate up to 20 video lottery machine per site. The bill would sunset on Sunday, June 30. State officials say they hope to have a permanent solution in place by then.
“This isn’t a perfect solution, but it’s a step in the right direction to get these service organizations back on their feet financially and helping the people who need it most through the groups’ charity,” said Rep. John Atkins, D-Millsboro, who is sponsoring the bill.
House Bill 1 was approved by 34 of the state’s 41 representatives, Jan. 23. If the temporary bill passes the Senate, it would allow fraternal groups, such as American Legion, Elks, Moose and Veterans of Foreign Wars, to operate up to 20 video lottery machine per site. The bill would sunset on Sunday, June 30. State officials say they hope to have a permanent solution in place by then.
“This isn’t a perfect solution, but it’s a step in the right direction to get these service organizations back on their feet financially and helping the people who need it most through the groups’ charity,” said Rep. John Atkins, D-Millsboro, who is sponsoring the bill.
US Taxpayers Pick Up Tab For US Military Missions In Mali "Assisting" The French
As reported previously, not only are there currently US boots on the ground in the latest geopolitical "anti Al-Qaeda" snafu in Mali, but it turns out a US presence had been secretly in place for many months prior to the recent escalation in French-led hostilities against the western African nation. And while this would likely have opened up numerous media inquiries under any other administration, so far these has been zero interest as to just why the US is "assisting" the French in this latest military deployment of military forces outside of the US: after all, one of the biggest complaints about US spending is that so much of it goes for military purposes (ignoring that all the tax revenues can't even cover just the monthly entitlement spending of the nation).
Perhaps one reason is that, at least to date, the general consensus was that since the French operation in Mali is spearheaded and organized by the French, it is also funded by them. As it turns out that is not the case.
As Reuters reports, "The U.S. military has flown five C-17 cargo sorties into the Malian capital to help bring a French mechanized infantry unit into the fight against al Qaeda-affiliated militants in the north of the country, Pentagon officials said on Tuesday." But surely the French are paying for these sorties which are there only to help the French, right? Wrong. "Little said the United States had decided not to seek compensation or reimbursement from France for the flights." Luckily, the US is in such a healthy financial position it can afford to not only open one more front in the war against "Al Qaeda", but will sign for the French tab too. With Joe Sixpack's money of course.
Perhaps one reason is that, at least to date, the general consensus was that since the French operation in Mali is spearheaded and organized by the French, it is also funded by them. As it turns out that is not the case.
As Reuters reports, "The U.S. military has flown five C-17 cargo sorties into the Malian capital to help bring a French mechanized infantry unit into the fight against al Qaeda-affiliated militants in the north of the country, Pentagon officials said on Tuesday." But surely the French are paying for these sorties which are there only to help the French, right? Wrong. "Little said the United States had decided not to seek compensation or reimbursement from France for the flights." Luckily, the US is in such a healthy financial position it can afford to not only open one more front in the war against "Al Qaeda", but will sign for the French tab too. With Joe Sixpack's money of course.
Lies And The State
I know there are some honorable people in government. I have even met some. This article is not about them. It is about those politicians, hereinafter referred to as "the government", who aid and abet the proliferation of politically expedient lies in a thousand sneaky ways. They would appear to be the majority, or things would be better than they are.
I often hear questions like these: Why doesn’t the government address the issue of the link between psychotropic drugs and mass shootings? Why do they talk only about gun control as a means to "stop the violence"? Why don’t they get it? Why are they so dumb?
Listen: They are not dumb. They know exactly what they are doing. And when it comes to mass shootings, despite all the sympathetic things they say, they actually find such crises useful. "Problem-reaction-solution" is the traditional tool used by authoritarian regimes to expand their grip. This was once affirmed by Rahm Emmanuel, Obama’s former White House Chief of Staff, when he said, in a rare moment of candor, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before."
If the federal gun-grabbers actually wanted solutions to the problem of mass shootings, they would look for actual causes. Without extreme public pressure, they are not going to do this. They will look only for causes, however specious, that support their position that more government control is the only solution. And they will try to paint as crazy anybody who argues otherwise.
I often hear questions like these: Why doesn’t the government address the issue of the link between psychotropic drugs and mass shootings? Why do they talk only about gun control as a means to "stop the violence"? Why don’t they get it? Why are they so dumb?
Listen: They are not dumb. They know exactly what they are doing. And when it comes to mass shootings, despite all the sympathetic things they say, they actually find such crises useful. "Problem-reaction-solution" is the traditional tool used by authoritarian regimes to expand their grip. This was once affirmed by Rahm Emmanuel, Obama’s former White House Chief of Staff, when he said, in a rare moment of candor, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before."
If the federal gun-grabbers actually wanted solutions to the problem of mass shootings, they would look for actual causes. Without extreme public pressure, they are not going to do this. They will look only for causes, however specious, that support their position that more government control is the only solution. And they will try to paint as crazy anybody who argues otherwise.
Unions Suffer Steep Decline In Membership
Union membership plummeted last year to the lowest level since the 1930s as cash-strapped state and local governments shed workers and unions had difficulty organizing new members in the private sector despite signs of an improving economy.
Government figures released Wednesday showed union membership declined from 11.8 percent to 11.3 percent of the workforce, another blow to a labor movement already stretched thin by battles in Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan and other states to curb bargaining rights and weaken union clout.
Overall membership fell by about 400,000 workers to 14.4 million, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. More than half the loss, about 234,000, came from government workers including teachers, firefighters and public administrators.
Government figures released Wednesday showed union membership declined from 11.8 percent to 11.3 percent of the workforce, another blow to a labor movement already stretched thin by battles in Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan and other states to curb bargaining rights and weaken union clout.
Overall membership fell by about 400,000 workers to 14.4 million, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. More than half the loss, about 234,000, came from government workers including teachers, firefighters and public administrators.
Six Years Of Working Downtown: Today Marks 10 Months Of Living Downtown
City living may not be for every one but for me it's fantastic. Interacting with locals every day and yes, even listening to Fire Truck and Police sirens is no different than having a Grandfather Clock in your living room.
However, you and I both know, it's not busy enough in Downtown Salisbury and someone has to step up to the plate and change that. Salisbury deserves a new Mayor who can help revitalize Downtown Salisbury. Salisbury needs a new Mayor who will concentrate on bringing industry and jobs to Salisbury and not just sit back and wait until something falls in their lap.
Being a LEADER takes hard work and dedication. It takes someone dedicated FULL TIME and not part time. Granted, the pay isn't all that but to someone like me it's more about the challenge, not the pay.
As a candidate for Mayor I am pledging such time and effort. I have been so humbled going door to door throughout Salisbury introducing myself. I am asking people, hit me up with the tough questions and concerns and I'm so pleased many have chosen to do just that.
Joe Albero is NOT afraid of the tough questions. I am NOT afraid to tell you exactly how I'll handle things and quite frankly the citizens are loving what I have to offer. So much so, in ALL of the doors I have knocked on so far, only ONE person has told me they are satisfied with Mayor Ireton's progress.
That being said, Ladies & Gentlemen, if you are a registered voter I will eventually be knocking on your door and I am fully prepared to answer the tough questions. Please have your thoughts and concerns ready as I have no problem discussing my answers directly with you on any topic that relates to Salisbury.
This is what a candidate should be all about. No beating around the bush. Let me show you just how ready I am to be your next Mayor. Like the hundreds I have already spoken to, I'm extremely confident I'll earn your vote right there on your door step.
However, you and I both know, it's not busy enough in Downtown Salisbury and someone has to step up to the plate and change that. Salisbury deserves a new Mayor who can help revitalize Downtown Salisbury. Salisbury needs a new Mayor who will concentrate on bringing industry and jobs to Salisbury and not just sit back and wait until something falls in their lap.
Being a LEADER takes hard work and dedication. It takes someone dedicated FULL TIME and not part time. Granted, the pay isn't all that but to someone like me it's more about the challenge, not the pay.
As a candidate for Mayor I am pledging such time and effort. I have been so humbled going door to door throughout Salisbury introducing myself. I am asking people, hit me up with the tough questions and concerns and I'm so pleased many have chosen to do just that.
Joe Albero is NOT afraid of the tough questions. I am NOT afraid to tell you exactly how I'll handle things and quite frankly the citizens are loving what I have to offer. So much so, in ALL of the doors I have knocked on so far, only ONE person has told me they are satisfied with Mayor Ireton's progress.
That being said, Ladies & Gentlemen, if you are a registered voter I will eventually be knocking on your door and I am fully prepared to answer the tough questions. Please have your thoughts and concerns ready as I have no problem discussing my answers directly with you on any topic that relates to Salisbury.
This is what a candidate should be all about. No beating around the bush. Let me show you just how ready I am to be your next Mayor. Like the hundreds I have already spoken to, I'm extremely confident I'll earn your vote right there on your door step.
State Pension System Pays Too Much To Advisors, Think Tanks Assert; Retirement Officials Disagree
Two of Maryland’s free-market think tanks are again attacking the Maryland pension system for spending too much money on investment advisors who are not producing enough returns. But the State Retirement Agency says the advisors have helped it reach its benchmark investment goals.
The Maryland Public Policy Institute and the Maryland Tax Education Foundation issued a report Tuesday saying the retirement system spent $229 million on “Wall Street money managers” for the fiscal year that ended in June 2012.
The fees exceeded the fund’s investment income by more than $100 million, the think tanks said. For fiscal 2012, the $37 billion fund’s investment return was 0.36%, substantially lower than the 50-state median of 1.15% reported by consulting firm Wilshire Associates.
The Maryland Public Policy Institute and the Maryland Tax Education Foundation issued a report Tuesday saying the retirement system spent $229 million on “Wall Street money managers” for the fiscal year that ended in June 2012.
The fees exceeded the fund’s investment income by more than $100 million, the think tanks said. For fiscal 2012, the $37 billion fund’s investment return was 0.36%, substantially lower than the 50-state median of 1.15% reported by consulting firm Wilshire Associates.
Delaware State Police Issues Gold Alert
Gold Alert Subject:
Allison Bowerman, 14, Ocean View, DE (Photo Attached)
5’02” tall, 115 lbs., blonde hair, blue eyes
Location Last Seen:
38000 block of Martin Way, Ocean View, DE
Date and Time Last Seen:
Wednesday January 23, 2013 at approximately 6:00 p.m.
Ocean View, DE- The Delaware State Police has issued a Gold Alert for a missing Ocean View teen.
The Delaware State Police is currently searching for Allison Bowerman, 14 of Ocean View, DE. Bowerman was last leaving her residence located in the 38000 block of Martin Way in Ocean View around 6:00 p.m. Wednesday evening and has not returned. She is described as a white female, 5’02” tall and 115 lbs. with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was last seen wearing a Navy blue sweatshirt, blue jeans, pink shoes, and a scarf. She is possibly in the Ocean View or Bethany Beach area.
Allison Bowerman’s medical condition is such that there is a real concern for her safety.
Troopers are asking anyone who may have any information as to the whereabouts of Allison Bowerman to contact Troop 4 at 302-856-5850. Citizens may also provide a tip by texting keyword “DSP” plus your message to 274637 (CRIMES). Tipsters may also provide information through lines maintained by Delaware Crime Stoppers at (800) TIP-3333. Callers can also submit information via the internet at www.tipsubmit.com.
Allison Bowerman, 14, Ocean View, DE (Photo Attached)
5’02” tall, 115 lbs., blonde hair, blue eyes
Location Last Seen:
38000 block of Martin Way, Ocean View, DE
Date and Time Last Seen:
Wednesday January 23, 2013 at approximately 6:00 p.m.
Ocean View, DE- The Delaware State Police has issued a Gold Alert for a missing Ocean View teen.
The Delaware State Police is currently searching for Allison Bowerman, 14 of Ocean View, DE. Bowerman was last leaving her residence located in the 38000 block of Martin Way in Ocean View around 6:00 p.m. Wednesday evening and has not returned. She is described as a white female, 5’02” tall and 115 lbs. with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was last seen wearing a Navy blue sweatshirt, blue jeans, pink shoes, and a scarf. She is possibly in the Ocean View or Bethany Beach area.
Allison Bowerman’s medical condition is such that there is a real concern for her safety.
Troopers are asking anyone who may have any information as to the whereabouts of Allison Bowerman to contact Troop 4 at 302-856-5850. Citizens may also provide a tip by texting keyword “DSP” plus your message to 274637 (CRIMES). Tipsters may also provide information through lines maintained by Delaware Crime Stoppers at (800) TIP-3333. Callers can also submit information via the internet at www.tipsubmit.com.
Valley Gun Shops Running Out Of Ammo As Demand Spikes
Many people marked the inauguration by exercising their Second Amendment rights. Gun sales continued to spike in Arizona.
Guns Etc. is one of the only shops around town that still has ammunition. Employees told CBS 5 News it's selling so fast they've put a limit on how much a person can buy in one day.
The Chandler gun shop never saw a lull in business Monday. Vic Pickett said it's been this way for the past couple months.
"Business has pretty much been off the scale," said Pickett.
Shelves that are normally fully stocked with guns have big gaps. It's the same story with ammo.
"I think a lot of people that are coming in that commonly aren't our customers, they're here to buy guns they feel the government might restrict," said Pickett.
Guns Etc. is one of the only shops around town that still has ammunition. Employees told CBS 5 News it's selling so fast they've put a limit on how much a person can buy in one day.
The Chandler gun shop never saw a lull in business Monday. Vic Pickett said it's been this way for the past couple months.
"Business has pretty much been off the scale," said Pickett.
Shelves that are normally fully stocked with guns have big gaps. It's the same story with ammo.
"I think a lot of people that are coming in that commonly aren't our customers, they're here to buy guns they feel the government might restrict," said Pickett.
Family Research Council: Allowing Women In Combat Not Worth Risks
Retired Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, executive vice president of the Family Research Council, said in a statement Wednesday that lifting the military's ban on women serving in combat positions is a "social experiment" that is not worth the additional burdens it places on the military's leadership.
"Women have been in combat since the United States began combat operations in Afghanistan in 2001. They have fought and served with distinction. However, placing women in infantry and other front line units is a different issue and it has nothing to do with their courage or capabilities.More
Smyrna Woman Charged In Abusing A Corpse
Location: Unit block of Spruce Court, Holly Hill Estates, Smyrna, DE
Date of Occurrence: Sunday January 6, 2013
60 year old male
Defendant, Charges, and Bond Information:
Ariane J. Clark, 56, Smyrna, DE (No photo available)
Abusing a Corpse (Misdemeanor)
Arraigned at JP2 and released on $5,000.00 unsecured bond.
Smyrna, DE- The Delaware State Police Homicide Unit has arrested a Smyrna woman after she failed to report the death of her boyfriend and then hid him in a box.
Homicide Detectives were contacted in the afternoon of Wednesday January 16th via an anonymous tip informing them there was a dead body located at a residence on Spruce Court in Holly Hill Estates. Detectives from the Homicide Unit as well as detectives from Troop 3 Criminal Investigations Unit responded to the house, where they made contact with Ariane J. Clark who resides there with her 60 year old boyfriend. Detectives were soon informed by Ms. Clark that the 60 year old was deceased and located in a box in a rear bedroom.
Ariane Clark was transported back to Troop 3 that afternoon and information was obtained through interviews that the male subject had died in the afternoon on January 6, 2013 shortly after she had returned from completing some errands. Clark began getting the victim’s paperwork in order before she called the authorities and noticed his passport had expired. Clark, who is originally from Germany, became panicked because she was under the impression the victim, who is also from Germany, was illegally in the United States and she would be in trouble for supporting an illegal alien. Clark then placed the victim in a large garbage bag before positioning him inside the wooden footlocker and sealing it with duct tape. Clark was released later that evening as detectives continued their investigation into this incident.
A wooden footlocker sealed with duct tape was located in the rear bedroom covered by a blanket. Upon locating the footlocker, detectives obtained a search warrant on the residence before the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner removed the box and its contents. The footlocker was transported to their office in Georgetown where it was examined and determined that the contents were that of a male subject. An autopsy of the remains was conducted on Thursday January 17th and the cause of death has been ruled undetermined at this time. The name of the victim is being withheld pending notification of next of kin and positive identification.
Ariane Clark was arrested on Wednesday January 23rd after warrants were obtained for Abusing a Corpse. She was arraigned at JP2 and released on $5,000.00 pending a court hearing in the Court of Common Pleas.
The Homicide Unit is continuing their investigation into this incident.
Date of Occurrence: Sunday January 6, 2013
60 year old male
Defendant, Charges, and Bond Information:
Ariane J. Clark, 56, Smyrna, DE (No photo available)
Abusing a Corpse (Misdemeanor)
Arraigned at JP2 and released on $5,000.00 unsecured bond.
Smyrna, DE- The Delaware State Police Homicide Unit has arrested a Smyrna woman after she failed to report the death of her boyfriend and then hid him in a box.
Homicide Detectives were contacted in the afternoon of Wednesday January 16th via an anonymous tip informing them there was a dead body located at a residence on Spruce Court in Holly Hill Estates. Detectives from the Homicide Unit as well as detectives from Troop 3 Criminal Investigations Unit responded to the house, where they made contact with Ariane J. Clark who resides there with her 60 year old boyfriend. Detectives were soon informed by Ms. Clark that the 60 year old was deceased and located in a box in a rear bedroom.
Ariane Clark was transported back to Troop 3 that afternoon and information was obtained through interviews that the male subject had died in the afternoon on January 6, 2013 shortly after she had returned from completing some errands. Clark began getting the victim’s paperwork in order before she called the authorities and noticed his passport had expired. Clark, who is originally from Germany, became panicked because she was under the impression the victim, who is also from Germany, was illegally in the United States and she would be in trouble for supporting an illegal alien. Clark then placed the victim in a large garbage bag before positioning him inside the wooden footlocker and sealing it with duct tape. Clark was released later that evening as detectives continued their investigation into this incident.
A wooden footlocker sealed with duct tape was located in the rear bedroom covered by a blanket. Upon locating the footlocker, detectives obtained a search warrant on the residence before the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner removed the box and its contents. The footlocker was transported to their office in Georgetown where it was examined and determined that the contents were that of a male subject. An autopsy of the remains was conducted on Thursday January 17th and the cause of death has been ruled undetermined at this time. The name of the victim is being withheld pending notification of next of kin and positive identification.
Ariane Clark was arrested on Wednesday January 23rd after warrants were obtained for Abusing a Corpse. She was arraigned at JP2 and released on $5,000.00 pending a court hearing in the Court of Common Pleas.
The Homicide Unit is continuing their investigation into this incident.
Border Security
Whether you like the NRA, or not, have a look at this 4 minute video and send it along, it's powerful and absolutely factual.
A Clinton Scorned - "What Difference Does It Make"
Hell hath no fury... After an extensive 24,500 word hearing, it would appear we are not really any closer to knowing who knew what when and why we weren't told. However, while the invisible hand of the word-cloud fairy found it useful to highlight the words 'People', 'Think', and 'Know', perhaps it was Hilary's infuriated outburst (clip below) when pressed on what happened that sums it all up in her eyes: "What Difference Does It Make?" It seems that once again 'they' know what is best for us to know and not know... Furthermore, her discussion of the US growing presence in Africa fits tightly with our previous comments on the next investing horizon.
60 School Shootings Linked To Psychiatric Drugs Over Past 20 Years
(Before It’s News)
While in the wake to the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre most of the debate has centered around gun control, perhaps more of the debate should be focused on the mood altering drugs that people are being given as more than 60 school shootings among and more than 4,800 violent attacks have been linked to psychiatric drugs.
Credit: Wikipedia
The website SSRI Stories (http://ssristories.com/) tracks violence related to psychiatric drugs. The site has links to more than 60 school shooting incidents as well as other violent acts over the past 20 years.
This website is a collection of 4,800+ news stories with the full media article available, mainly criminal in nature, that have appeared in the media (newspapers, TV, scientific journals) or that were part of FDA testimony in either 1991, 2004 or 2006, in which antidepressants are mentioned.
This web site focuses on the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), of which Prozac (fluoxetine) was the first. Other SSRIs are Zoloft (sertraline), Paxil (paroxetine) (known in the UK as Seroxat), Celexa (citalopam), Lexapro (escitalopram), and Luvox (fluvoxamine). Other newer antidepressants included in this list are Remeron (mirtazapine), Anafranil (clomipramine) and the SNRIs Effexor (venlafaxine), Cymbalta (duloxetine) and Pristiq (desvenlafaxine) as well as the dopamine reuptake inhibitor antidepressant Wellbutrin (bupropion) (also marketed as Zyban).
Although SSRI Stories only features cases which have appeared in the media, starting March 2012 there will be a Website: http://www.rxisk.org/ which will allow personal stories to appear in a different Website from SSRI Stories. This is the work of Dr. David Healy http://davidhealy.org/welcome-to-data-based-medicine
By clicking on the links, you will be taken to the story. Here is a snip from the first link: Hours before he walked into a Northern Illinois University lecture hall and inexplicably started a shooting rampage that ended five lives and his own, Steve Kazmierczak called one of the people he was closest to and said what would be a final goodbye. http://ssristories.com/index.php?sort=info&p=
(Before It’s News)
While in the wake to the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre most of the debate has centered around gun control, perhaps more of the debate should be focused on the mood altering drugs that people are being given as more than 60 school shootings among and more than 4,800 violent attacks have been linked to psychiatric drugs.
Credit: Wikipedia
The website SSRI Stories (http://ssristories.com/) tracks violence related to psychiatric drugs. The site has links to more than 60 school shooting incidents as well as other violent acts over the past 20 years.
This website is a collection of 4,800+ news stories with the full media article available, mainly criminal in nature, that have appeared in the media (newspapers, TV, scientific journals) or that were part of FDA testimony in either 1991, 2004 or 2006, in which antidepressants are mentioned.
This web site focuses on the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), of which Prozac (fluoxetine) was the first. Other SSRIs are Zoloft (sertraline), Paxil (paroxetine) (known in the UK as Seroxat), Celexa (citalopam), Lexapro (escitalopram), and Luvox (fluvoxamine). Other newer antidepressants included in this list are Remeron (mirtazapine), Anafranil (clomipramine) and the SNRIs Effexor (venlafaxine), Cymbalta (duloxetine) and Pristiq (desvenlafaxine) as well as the dopamine reuptake inhibitor antidepressant Wellbutrin (bupropion) (also marketed as Zyban).
Although SSRI Stories only features cases which have appeared in the media, starting March 2012 there will be a Website: http://www.rxisk.org/ which will allow personal stories to appear in a different Website from SSRI Stories. This is the work of Dr. David Healy http://davidhealy.org/welcome-to-data-based-medicine
By clicking on the links, you will be taken to the story. Here is a snip from the first link: Hours before he walked into a Northern Illinois University lecture hall and inexplicably started a shooting rampage that ended five lives and his own, Steve Kazmierczak called one of the people he was closest to and said what would be a final goodbye. http://ssristories.com/index.php?sort=info&p=
Jury Gets Seacrets Case
By Beth Moszkowicz
Daily Record Legal Affairs Writer
A case in which a woman is suing an Ocean City bar after she was raped in its parking lot is in the jury’s hands.
Attorneys for the plaintiff and the bar’s owner, O.C. Seacrets Inc., presented their closing arguments Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Baltimore. The woman’s attorney reiterated his argument that the bar failed to take reasonable precautions, while the bar’s lawyer said the assault was not the result of any negligence on the bar’s part.
“Businesses have an obligation to make sure they don’t put customers in harm’s way,” said the plaintiff’s attorney, Joseph S. Mack of Mack & Mack LLP in Baltimore. “And if a business provides security it has to make sure it pays attention. It’s very simple.”
Mack reminded the jury of five women and five men that Seacrets is bound by the actions of its agents and employees.
But Seacrets’ attorney, Laura C. Walters of Drechsler, Larkin & Walters P.C. in Baltimore, said the bar fulfilled its responsibilities. She said the bar has a written policy that it must eject intoxicated patrons and not let them back into the bar.
She also said that once these patrons have been ejected, the bar makes transportation options available to them.
“All of the duties were fulfilled,” Walters said.
Walters also said Jane Doe’s claim should be barred under Maryland’s laws on contributory negligence. She said that the plaintiff, identified only as Jane Doe in court documents, “ignored all of the options for safety” after she was kicked out of the bar.
“She ignored a bus ride, she ignored a cab ride and she didn’t stay on the bench” where bar staff left her, Walter said.
The trial, which could set new law on the duties of bar owners to guests, began last Monday.
The assailant, Lorenzo Ivan Garcia-Moreno, was charged with first-degree rape, kidnapping and other crimes. He pleaded guilty in March 2012 and was sentenced to 30 years in prison.
Jane Doe, who was 25 at the time, traveled to Ocean City from Pennsylvania in 2008 to celebrate the Memorial Day weekend with friends.
Her complaint sought $1 million in damages for negligent ejectment and premises liability.
Deliberations began Wednesday afternoon and continued until about 4:30, according to court personnel. The jury is expected to resume deliberations on Thursday morning.
According to court documents, a security camera at the bar showed Jane Doe swaying and staggering about 1 a.m.
She then fell sideways and landed at the feet of William Arvin, a doorman at the bar at the time. Arvin helped her up and escorted her out of the bar.
Arvin testified at the trial that he would not have tried to reunite an ejected patron with her friends because the woman was kicked out during the bar’s peak summer season.
He said the bar does make such attempts during the winter time when there is “less traffic.”
According to an earlier ruling in the case, security cameras show “a violent assault” against the woman in the parking lot at about 2:22 a.m., and a few minutes later, a camera showed the assailant and the woman moving behind a building.
In a motion for dismissal or summary judgment filed in March, Walters characterized the case as an action for dram shop liability, which Maryland does not recognize.
Under dram shop actions, bars can be held liable for over-serving alcohol.
However, the presiding judge in the case denied the motion in August and ruled that the case could go forward.
Senior Judge William M. Nickerson said the bar’s policies recognize the “potential harm to an intoxicated individual, particularly a young woman, left without any means by which to safely return to her hotel.”
Daily Record Legal Affairs Writer
A case in which a woman is suing an Ocean City bar after she was raped in its parking lot is in the jury’s hands.
Attorneys for the plaintiff and the bar’s owner, O.C. Seacrets Inc., presented their closing arguments Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Baltimore. The woman’s attorney reiterated his argument that the bar failed to take reasonable precautions, while the bar’s lawyer said the assault was not the result of any negligence on the bar’s part.
“Businesses have an obligation to make sure they don’t put customers in harm’s way,” said the plaintiff’s attorney, Joseph S. Mack of Mack & Mack LLP in Baltimore. “And if a business provides security it has to make sure it pays attention. It’s very simple.”
Mack reminded the jury of five women and five men that Seacrets is bound by the actions of its agents and employees.
But Seacrets’ attorney, Laura C. Walters of Drechsler, Larkin & Walters P.C. in Baltimore, said the bar fulfilled its responsibilities. She said the bar has a written policy that it must eject intoxicated patrons and not let them back into the bar.
She also said that once these patrons have been ejected, the bar makes transportation options available to them.
“All of the duties were fulfilled,” Walters said.
Walters also said Jane Doe’s claim should be barred under Maryland’s laws on contributory negligence. She said that the plaintiff, identified only as Jane Doe in court documents, “ignored all of the options for safety” after she was kicked out of the bar.
“She ignored a bus ride, she ignored a cab ride and she didn’t stay on the bench” where bar staff left her, Walter said.
The trial, which could set new law on the duties of bar owners to guests, began last Monday.
The assailant, Lorenzo Ivan Garcia-Moreno, was charged with first-degree rape, kidnapping and other crimes. He pleaded guilty in March 2012 and was sentenced to 30 years in prison.
Jane Doe, who was 25 at the time, traveled to Ocean City from Pennsylvania in 2008 to celebrate the Memorial Day weekend with friends.
Her complaint sought $1 million in damages for negligent ejectment and premises liability.
Deliberations began Wednesday afternoon and continued until about 4:30, according to court personnel. The jury is expected to resume deliberations on Thursday morning.
According to court documents, a security camera at the bar showed Jane Doe swaying and staggering about 1 a.m.
She then fell sideways and landed at the feet of William Arvin, a doorman at the bar at the time. Arvin helped her up and escorted her out of the bar.
Arvin testified at the trial that he would not have tried to reunite an ejected patron with her friends because the woman was kicked out during the bar’s peak summer season.
He said the bar does make such attempts during the winter time when there is “less traffic.”
According to an earlier ruling in the case, security cameras show “a violent assault” against the woman in the parking lot at about 2:22 a.m., and a few minutes later, a camera showed the assailant and the woman moving behind a building.
In a motion for dismissal or summary judgment filed in March, Walters characterized the case as an action for dram shop liability, which Maryland does not recognize.
Under dram shop actions, bars can be held liable for over-serving alcohol.
However, the presiding judge in the case denied the motion in August and ruled that the case could go forward.
Senior Judge William M. Nickerson said the bar’s policies recognize the “potential harm to an intoxicated individual, particularly a young woman, left without any means by which to safely return to her hotel.”
Registration Open For Wicomico Recreation’s Youth & Adult Chess Tournament On February 9
Checkmate! Registration is now open for Wicomico Recreation's Youth & Adult Chess Tournament on Saturday, February 9th at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center.
Play will be divided into five divisions. Youth (ages 5-18) will be placed into elementary, middle and high school divisions and adults (ages 19 & up) will be placed into rated and unrated divisions. Adult play will begin at 8:30am and youth play will begin at 9:00am. Each participant will be guaranteed three matches.
Players are encouraged to bring their own chess sets and clocks. Trophies will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in each division. Food and drinks will be available for purchase.
Register in advance and save - advanced registration is $7 for youth and $12 for adults. Registration is available at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office (500 Glen Avenue, Salisbury; M-F, 8am-6pm) or online at www.WicomicoRecandParks.org.
On-site registration will also be available the morning of the event, $12 for youth and $17 for adults. Those registering on-site should arrive a half-hour before play begins.
For more information, please contact Katie Addis at kaddis@wicomicocounty.org or 410-548-4900 x109.
Play will be divided into five divisions. Youth (ages 5-18) will be placed into elementary, middle and high school divisions and adults (ages 19 & up) will be placed into rated and unrated divisions. Adult play will begin at 8:30am and youth play will begin at 9:00am. Each participant will be guaranteed three matches.
Players are encouraged to bring their own chess sets and clocks. Trophies will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in each division. Food and drinks will be available for purchase.
Register in advance and save - advanced registration is $7 for youth and $12 for adults. Registration is available at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office (500 Glen Avenue, Salisbury; M-F, 8am-6pm) or online at www.WicomicoRecandParks.org.
On-site registration will also be available the morning of the event, $12 for youth and $17 for adults. Those registering on-site should arrive a half-hour before play begins.
For more information, please contact Katie Addis at kaddis@wicomicocounty.org or 410-548-4900 x109.
Group Won't Appeal Poultry Pollution Case
ANNAPOLIS, Md. - A New York-based environmental group that sued Perdue Farms and an Eastern Shore contract grower says it won't appeal a federal judge's ruling in a poultry pollution case.
The Waterkeeper Alliance announced in a statement on Wednesday that while the group believes it presented compelling evidence, it won't appeal U.S. District Judge William Nickerson's ruling, because of the high burden of proof appellate courts impose for reversing a district court's findings.
The Waterkeeper Alliance announced in a statement on Wednesday that while the group believes it presented compelling evidence, it won't appeal U.S. District Judge William Nickerson's ruling, because of the high burden of proof appellate courts impose for reversing a district court's findings.
Wicomico Public Library Opening At Noon Today
The Library will open 2 hours late today, at noon, due to the weather.
“Washington has become our Versailles. We are ruled, entertained, and informed by courtiers — and the media has evolved into a class of courtiers. The Democrats, like the Republicans, are mostly courtiers. Our pundits and experts, at least those with prominent public platforms, are courtiers. We are captivated by the hollow stagecraft of political theater as we are ruthlessly stripped of power. It is smoke and mirrors, tricks and con games, and the purpose behind its deception.”
Chris Hedges
Chris Hedges
Mr. President, Please Come To Chicago
Another powerful article pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of Barack Obama on the gun issue. The vast majority of gun violence in the country occurs in areas where the citizens are already disarmed and only criminals have guns. The entire concept of trying to stop crazy people or criminals from doing awful things with guns by passing some law that such people will not adhere to anyway is asinine. The question Americans must ask is; if we outlawed guns would we become more like Japan or Mexico? I’d say Mexico, where only the cartels and gangs have them and they terrorize their fellow men and women on a daily basis.
Of course he will not be “coming to Chicago,” it’s so much easier to manipulate people’s emotions on television while reading letters from 3rd graders. From Real Clear Politics:
In Washington on Wednesday, as you rolled out a slate of gun control measures quickly cobbled together in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre, you said, “If there is even one thing we can do to reduce this violence, if there is even one life that can be saved, then we’ve got an obligation to try.”
Of course he will not be “coming to Chicago,” it’s so much easier to manipulate people’s emotions on television while reading letters from 3rd graders. From Real Clear Politics:
In Washington on Wednesday, as you rolled out a slate of gun control measures quickly cobbled together in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre, you said, “If there is even one thing we can do to reduce this violence, if there is even one life that can be saved, then we’ve got an obligation to try.”
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