Dangerous Reading?
The 25th annual Banned Books Week in Sept. 23-30. The American Library Association says each book listed below has been pulled from some libraries or schools. You'll be surprised by the list.
The Adventures of Captain Underpants--Causes unruly behavior.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn---Racist language.
To Kill a Mockingbird------------------ " "
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl--Sexually explicit.
The Handmaid's Tale----------------------" "
The Catcher in the Rye, Garfield: His Nine Lives, and The Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary-----------------------------Offensive Language
Harry Potter (entire series)-------------Occult
Little Red Riding Hood------------------Bottle of Wine in Basket for grandma.
Other books have been banned because of provocative pictures, racist or explicit language or controversial ideas. Some are challenged/removed. More than 8,700 reported challenges made in 1990. Among them, Mother Goose, Freakonomics, The Bible and Fahrenheit 451.