DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Troopers Seek Public’s Help in Identifying a Subject
Millville, DE- The Delaware State Police are asking for the public’s assistance in attempting to identify a male subject who exposed himself in a Millville pharmacy.
The incident occurred on Saturday, July 22, 2017, at around 4:45 p.m. when a black male subject entered the Walgreens pharmacy located at 34960 Atlantic Avenue, Millville. The female employee was stocking candy when a black male was noticed lingering in the isle. The male then started to ask questions about candy prices and acting suspicious. A few moments later, the male suspect stood at the end of the isle exposing his genital area while touching himself. The male subject then fled the business in an unknown direction.
The black male suspect was described to be in his 30’s wearing a tan t-shift with a picture of a woman on the back also wearing green basketball style shorts.
If anyone has any information on this incident or the suspect, they are asked to contact Sgt. N. Oldham at Troop 4 at 856-5850. Information may also be provided by calling Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333 or via the internet at http://www.delaware.crimestoppersweb.com.
Minor Injuries Reported When Crop Duster Attempts Landing At Airfield In Worcester County
(BERLIN, MD) — No serious injuries were reported by the driver of an ATV who was struck on the ground after pilot attempts landing at an airfield in Worcester County.
The victim is identified as Drew Eckman, 23, of Berlin, MD. Eckman was transported by the pilot of the crop duster to Atlantic General Hospital where he received medical treatment for injuries sustained in the incident.
The pilot of the plane involved is identified as Christopher Bunting, 25, of Berlin, Maryland. No charges are pending at this time. Bunting did not sustain any injuries in the incident.
The plane involved is a 1976 Grumman Agcat biplane. The plane is owned by Ocean Aerial Ads, Inc. in Berlin.
Shortly before 11:00 a.m. today, Maryland State Police at the Berlin Barrack responded to Atlantic General Hospital for the report of a victim, Eckman, who was reportedly struck by an aircraft at Bunting’s Airfield in Berlin, Maryland. Eckman advised police he had just completed an inspection of one of the crop dusting planes at the airfield where he was operating a Honda, Foreman all-terrain vehicle on the sole runway of Bunting’s Airfield. Eckman told police the plane, operated by Bunting, had just touched down on the runway when he was struck and thrown from the ATV.
The preliminary investigation indicates Eckman noticed the plane at the last moment as he attempted to get out of the way as he was crossing over the runway. He was subsequently struck and thrown from his ATV. Eckman advised that Bunting, the pilot of the biplane, exited and immediately transported Eckman to the hospital.
State Police notified officials from the Federal Aviation Administration who responded to the scene. There was nothing suspicious noted about the incident and at this time no charges are pending.
The investigation continues…
A Viewer Writes: SFD A Class Act?
Click on image to enlarge.
They have done nothing but slander the men and women that decided to separate. They have belittled and degraded them on social media and in the local news outlets. Independent Company 13 has managed to stay quiet and persevere through all this mental abuse; that speaks volumes of the characters of their membership. Company 13 members are the kind of people we need to be ensuring our safety as county residents, not these jerks who think they can do and say as they please even if it is against policy.
For the record, I am choosing not to post my name for fear of retaliation by these jerks. I am not a member of any fire department. I have been following this situation from the beginning, due to living in the county and I support my volunteers 100%. They are the real class acts. Looking forward to your chicken again this weekend!!
Joe, Have you seen this video? Cathy’s Pet Salon… the lady is hitting one of the dogs with a stick!
Keri Lynn Harding July 8 at 7:12pm · Hebron, MD · For all of my dog owner friends...would you allow the doggie daycare to "correct" your dog by hitting them with a wiffle bat? And I mean not just a tap on the butt...
Dear Rise Up Coffee: YOU SUCK! 7-20-17
This is outrageous!
I have to first be honest with all of you, I do not patronize this business. However, who the hell do these owners think they are. You can have girls working there with their Daisy Duke shorts with their butt cheeks hanging out but God Forbid someone support JESUS. We're told the man was asked to remove the cross around his neck and his hat, (above).
With over 52,000,000 hits, let this karma come back and bite you over such a decision. You will feel the impact immediately and NO, no two weeks notice from us either. You'll feel the impact immediately.
Sad Waitress Gets $0 Tip On $187 Bill, So She Takes Matters Into Her Own Hands
When I was a teenager, I started out babysitting. Then I worked at a gas station pumping gas. But my real work began as a waitress… and it was back-breaking, foot-killing work. But at the time, the pay wasn’t bad. This was before the IRS clamped down on tips, like they do now. So, I can relate to this waitress in Colorado. On a ticket order for $187.43, the diners stiffed her on a tip. She took this issue to Facebook and let ‘er rip. I don’t blame her in the least.
Taylar Cordova took a picture of the receipt and posted it on Facebook. She followed it up with a passionate and articulate commentary on what it takes to work as a waitress. Waiters and waitresses count every penny they get in tips. It’s the difference between paying the bills and going without. The good ones are worth their weight in gold and they know when to be there for you and when to go away. They are there to cater to every order and need of the customer. All they ask in return is fair compensation for making the meal enjoyable and worry-free. When you chintz on a tip, it is a very selfish thing. Even now, when we go out, we tip between 25 and 50% of the meal. At the very least, you should tip 15% – this is a person that doesn’t ask anything else from you and they serve with no complaints.
Taylar Cordova took a picture of the receipt and posted it on Facebook. She followed it up with a passionate and articulate commentary on what it takes to work as a waitress. Waiters and waitresses count every penny they get in tips. It’s the difference between paying the bills and going without. The good ones are worth their weight in gold and they know when to be there for you and when to go away. They are there to cater to every order and need of the customer. All they ask in return is fair compensation for making the meal enjoyable and worry-free. When you chintz on a tip, it is a very selfish thing. Even now, when we go out, we tip between 25 and 50% of the meal. At the very least, you should tip 15% – this is a person that doesn’t ask anything else from you and they serve with no complaints.
Introspection is needed
By Thornton Crowe
Yesterday, here on Salisbury News, many people from both perspectives weighed in on a young man named Jaquan Griffin and his death on Sunday morning at an area Denny's. He died because his alleged cousin shot him. Today, Griffin was due in court for illegal firearm charges (among other things) and yet, many in the area sought to vilify anyone who pointed out this inconvenient fact; leaving hate comments by the hundreds, largely due to their personal pain for their loss.
It may be a bitter pill to swallow but Griffin, like so many youth in our culture, has not had a pristine past with the law. His open case is an example of a wayward soul who didn't stay out of trouble. Many can speculate anything from his parents onward as to the reason he was in the wrong place at the wrong time on Sunday morning, but really, all conjecture is meaningless.
In the many rejected comments, people claimed he was a child of God and is interesting because in spite of this 'zen,' the rest of their comments were littered with hate/threat-filled profanity and racism as if somehow white people were the reason for his plight. Now, those claiming to be 'religious' and believing in a higher power, they seem to forget one thing:
Yesterday, here on Salisbury News, many people from both perspectives weighed in on a young man named Jaquan Griffin and his death on Sunday morning at an area Denny's. He died because his alleged cousin shot him. Today, Griffin was due in court for illegal firearm charges (among other things) and yet, many in the area sought to vilify anyone who pointed out this inconvenient fact; leaving hate comments by the hundreds, largely due to their personal pain for their loss.
It may be a bitter pill to swallow but Griffin, like so many youth in our culture, has not had a pristine past with the law. His open case is an example of a wayward soul who didn't stay out of trouble. Many can speculate anything from his parents onward as to the reason he was in the wrong place at the wrong time on Sunday morning, but really, all conjecture is meaningless.
In the many rejected comments, people claimed he was a child of God and is interesting because in spite of this 'zen,' the rest of their comments were littered with hate/threat-filled profanity and racism as if somehow white people were the reason for his plight. Now, those claiming to be 'religious' and believing in a higher power, they seem to forget one thing:
A Viewer Writes: Wicomico County Detention Center, (WCDC)
Wcdc is a filthy corrupt institution there is bed bugs, crabs, spiders, legionnaires disease. The medical staff tells inmates that the bed bug bites and spider bites are due to hard water and that it is just a rash. They are giving inmates antibiotic creams to clear up bites to cover up the problem. They have recently locked down female block to cover up the fact that there is crabs running rampant in that part of the jail. Medical is also denying people prescribed medications. The kitchen is under feeding inmates and not giving them other drinks that are listed to be given to inmates. Such as coffee to force them to buy commissary. Roberts controls the kitchen and the commissary. Therefore lining her pockets with money. There is so much corruption in that jail its not funny. I would not be surprised if funding is being embezzled. The corruption goes all the way to the top of the chain. There is no way the director does not know whats going on. To be a leader you must lead by example. Even if the director isn't involved. If they turn blind eyes to corruption it allows corruption to run a muck. Therefore all are to blame because no-one is doing anything to end the corruption. We need to rattle the cages and ask for wcdc to be investigated under a microscope. The inmates may have broken the law but are human beings and do not need to be treated like animals. These peoples rights are being violated. If we truly live in a country that prides itself on equal rights. Then we need to protect these peoples right even if they are inmates. Please take what I'm saying seriously and help raise awareness to what is really happening in that corrupt joke of jail. They do not follow institution standards and make up the rules as they go. There is a due process to follow and they are not following the standards in place to protect the populations rights. Again here my plea to raise awareness to this serious problem. For the pen is mightier than the sword. Thank you for your time and God bless you.
Wcdc is a filthy corrupt institution there is bed bugs, crabs, spiders, legionnaires disease. The medical staff tells inmates that the bed bug bites and spider bites are due to hard water and that it is just a rash. They are giving inmates antibiotic creams to clear up bites to cover up the problem. They have recently locked down female block to cover up the fact that there is crabs running rampant in that part of the jail. Medical is also denying people prescribed medications. The kitchen is under feeding inmates and not giving them other drinks that are listed to be given to inmates. Such as coffee to force them to buy commissary. Roberts controls the kitchen and the commissary. Therefore lining her pockets with money. There is so much corruption in that jail its not funny. I would not be surprised if funding is being embezzled. The corruption goes all the way to the top of the chain. There is no way the director does not know whats going on. To be a leader you must lead by example. Even if the director isn't involved. If they turn blind eyes to corruption it allows corruption to run a muck. Therefore all are to blame because no-one is doing anything to end the corruption. We need to rattle the cages and ask for wcdc to be investigated under a microscope. The inmates may have broken the law but are human beings and do not need to be treated like animals. These peoples rights are being violated. If we truly live in a country that prides itself on equal rights. Then we need to protect these peoples right even if they are inmates. Please take what I'm saying seriously and help raise awareness to what is really happening in that corrupt joke of jail. They do not follow institution standards and make up the rules as they go. There is a due process to follow and they are not following the standards in place to protect the populations rights. Again here my plea to raise awareness to this serious problem. For the pen is mightier than the sword. Thank you for your time and God bless you.
The Infamous Bat Proudly Displayed On Their Own Social Media Site
While their Facebook Page has now been taken down, (just hours ago) before we posted yesterday's video there was 15,000 views, now it has over 83,000 views. Clearly this has become a major topic and has been shared 1,400 times.
Agree or disagree with this form of discipline, clearly people are very upset. Even though other local news outlets have been informed of this matter and even tagged on Facebook, they, (once again) remain silent. The almighty advertising dollar is mightier then the sword/bat.
According to numerous comments on Facebook, the Salisbury Police were called and the SPD stated no laws were broken.
Are Women in Salisbury Really Safe?
The Salisbury Police Department and Mayor Jake Day would like you to think so... but if you do, the facts show you're living in a dream world!
By Thornton Crowe
In a statement a few months back when Salisbury News reported a gang rape of a grandmother, Day stated on his Facebook page that women were safe here and the woman's story was just a lie. However, now, statistics show that in just six months of 2017, Salisbury has surpassed the total rapes reported in 2016 (12 rapes from this period).
We're looking at 13 rapes at this point as of a count of postings here on Salisbury News. On June 20, 2017, another rape was reported, before that, on June 14th another another and then one around May 30th was reported here but nowhere else, leaving one to wonder why this is so unreported. That's three in just a month's time, so why isn't this a concern to anyone else?
No statistics were available as of yet for Salisbury University for years 2017 or 2016 but the 2015 numbers were high at six forcible rapes given the school's size. One has to remember most date rapes are never reported to authorities for fear of retaliation and public scrutiny. Also keep in mind, it was reported a few months ago, these SU stats are not included in the City's and vice versa - due to SU having it's own police force.
In truth, it's the ultimate war on women, isn't it?
By Thornton Crowe
In a statement a few months back when Salisbury News reported a gang rape of a grandmother, Day stated on his Facebook page that women were safe here and the woman's story was just a lie. However, now, statistics show that in just six months of 2017, Salisbury has surpassed the total rapes reported in 2016 (12 rapes from this period).
We're looking at 13 rapes at this point as of a count of postings here on Salisbury News. On June 20, 2017, another rape was reported, before that, on June 14th another another and then one around May 30th was reported here but nowhere else, leaving one to wonder why this is so unreported. That's three in just a month's time, so why isn't this a concern to anyone else?
No statistics were available as of yet for Salisbury University for years 2017 or 2016 but the 2015 numbers were high at six forcible rapes given the school's size. One has to remember most date rapes are never reported to authorities for fear of retaliation and public scrutiny. Also keep in mind, it was reported a few months ago, these SU stats are not included in the City's and vice versa - due to SU having it's own police force.
In truth, it's the ultimate war on women, isn't it?
Prostitute Confronts Man In Salisbury Maryland
It was 4:00 AM at the old Daily Times parking lot across from PRMC when a prostitute confronted a man for sex. He was in complete disbelief as this is not the Salisbury he had known for decades. Salisbury has become a complete cesspool in so many ways.
A Viewer Writes: John Cannon's Motives?
Looking for some clarification. With everything going on currently between the City and the County Council, I am beginning to wonder where John Cannon's true support lies. Does he have the best interests of the County residents in mind or is he simply trying to line his pockets by keeping Jake Day happy? It seems he is always at odds with Executive Culver instead of trying to work with him. It's obvious that he is only looking for votes to replace Culver and is constantly allowing Jake Day and the City to dictate what the county does. He was elected to establish what is best for the COUNTY not the CITY OF SALISBURY. It's common knowledge that John Cannon has several rental properties located within city limits. Does this create a bias when it comes to him being on the county council?
In addition, I am not trying to beat a dead horse, but he recently sent a letter to Executive Culver in regards to the new Fire Station 13. Does anyone else find it fishy that he would request the home and work addresses of those members to determine whether or not they will be able to respond to an emergency when it happens. Is this standard practice or a standard request from all county fire stations? Just think it is a little bit far reaching especially when the council has already been provided with a membership list for this new station. In addition to that, why does he still continue to fight this new station when its on record the failing response times for SFD? THIS WOULD MAKE A HUGE BENEFIT TO THE COUNTY RESIDENCE AND ALSO TO SFD DUE TO LIMITING THE AREA THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR but that would go against Jake's agenda so that wouldn't be a good idea.
Can anyone shed any light on why Mr. Cannon seems to support the City more that the County he was elected to represent?
In addition, I am not trying to beat a dead horse, but he recently sent a letter to Executive Culver in regards to the new Fire Station 13. Does anyone else find it fishy that he would request the home and work addresses of those members to determine whether or not they will be able to respond to an emergency when it happens. Is this standard practice or a standard request from all county fire stations? Just think it is a little bit far reaching especially when the council has already been provided with a membership list for this new station. In addition to that, why does he still continue to fight this new station when its on record the failing response times for SFD? THIS WOULD MAKE A HUGE BENEFIT TO THE COUNTY RESIDENCE AND ALSO TO SFD DUE TO LIMITING THE AREA THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR but that would go against Jake's agenda so that wouldn't be a good idea.
Can anyone shed any light on why Mr. Cannon seems to support the City more that the County he was elected to represent?
WCSO Press Release 7-18-17 (38 Pounds Of Marijuana)
Incident: Possession with intent to distribute marijuana
Date of Incident: July 17, 2017
Location: Hampshire Street @ Rt 13 Salisbury, Maryland
Suspect: Phillip George Dyce, black male, 55 years old, Salisbury, MD.
Narrative: On July 17, 2017 a Deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office Community Action Team (CAT) conducted a traffic stop in the area of Hampshire Street and Rt. 13 in Salisbury, Maryland. During the course of the traffic stop, a K-9 scan was conducted around the outside of the vehicle, which resulted in a positive alert on the vehicle. During a search of the vehicle, Deputies located a wooden crate. Inside of the wooden crate were (34) heat-sealed plastic bags containing marijuana. The total weight of the seized marijuana is approximately (38) pounds. This marijuana is high grade marijuana with an estimated street value in excess of $150,000. The driver, Phillip Dyce of Salisbury, MD, was arrested and released to the Wicomico County Detention Center where he is pending a bond review in District Court.
Charges: Possession with the intent to distribute marijuana, possession of marijuana over 10 grams
Maya Rockeymoore, wife of Rep. Elijah Cummings, considering run for Maryland governor
Maya Rockeymoore, the head of a public policy firm in Washington who is married to Democratic U.S. Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, says she is considering a run for Maryland governor.
“I’m seriously looking at this race because I have a bold vision for a better, stronger Maryland,” Rockeymoore said in a statement issued to The Baltimore Sun Tuesday afternoon. “As a proud progressive who has dedicated my adult life to advancing the well being of kids, families, communities, and the environment, I firmly believe that Maryland is ready for a different kind of leader, one who can offer real solutions, forge a path toward inclusive growth, and stand up to Trump’s regressive agenda.”
Rockeymoore, who holds a doctoral degree in political science, is president of Global Policy Solutions, which is described as “a social change strategy firm dedicated to making policy work for people and their environments.”
“I’m seriously looking at this race because I have a bold vision for a better, stronger Maryland,” Rockeymoore said in a statement issued to The Baltimore Sun Tuesday afternoon. “As a proud progressive who has dedicated my adult life to advancing the well being of kids, families, communities, and the environment, I firmly believe that Maryland is ready for a different kind of leader, one who can offer real solutions, forge a path toward inclusive growth, and stand up to Trump’s regressive agenda.”
Rockeymoore, who holds a doctoral degree in political science, is president of Global Policy Solutions, which is described as “a social change strategy firm dedicated to making policy work for people and their environments.”
A Viewer Writes: Seems a bit narrow if you are driving a big truck or pulling a camper
This is a new roundabout in Maryland. The proposed roundabout in Salisbury won't have the luxury of having such a huge center portion as there's just not enough room. School buses are yet another problem.
Another One Bites The Dust
I believe it was WBOC who did a story the other day on just how incredible these reflectors are, even knowing we had published numerous images of them on the side of the roads.
They went into detail of just how great the adhesive is and how wonderful it was that the Salisbury Fire Department had really done their homework. Heck, they even went on to say how all of them are holding up great.
I wonder, do any of you realize just how ignorant the local media has become. Have you noticed how they'll take the word of just about anyone out there and gospel? No investigative reporting whatsoever. If it's in a press release it has to be true, right?
They went into detail of just how great the adhesive is and how wonderful it was that the Salisbury Fire Department had really done their homework. Heck, they even went on to say how all of them are holding up great.
I wonder, do any of you realize just how ignorant the local media has become. Have you noticed how they'll take the word of just about anyone out there and gospel? No investigative reporting whatsoever. If it's in a press release it has to be true, right?
New Development Coming To 500 Riverside Drive In Salisbury
I think once you take a good look at this photo you'll see that even if they put a roundabout there, it's going to be a very tight circle.
Nevertheless, if you aren't subjected to driving through this area, it's a major problem during rush hour. More interesting is how ALL OF A SUDDEN someone is interested in developing the center open area in the image above. It would be bad enough to place residential there but that's not the case. The proposed development is a commercial center.
OK, so why do I have a problem with this. Well, have you ever seen rush hour or any given busy time on Riverside drive? You tell me how ANYONE is going to be able to pull out of that center and turn left onto Riverside Drive. It will literally be impossible.
Back in the day when you had Tim Spies, Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen on Council, they'd demand a traffic study because they know darn well this will create major traffic problems. However, the Good Ol' Boys are behind the scenes on this one, (once again) and the rubber stamp Mayor and Council will do anything to move forward with anyone interested in developing the Downtown area.
Perhaps I'm completely wrong. Perhaps the fact that Jake Day insists, (to the state) that Salisbury is a bicycle friendly City and soon enough we'll see less and less cars on the road, call me stupid.
Finally, I have to wonder, (and hopefully so will you) how much of that land is being turned over to the City for the newly proposed roundabout. One hand washes the other, right?
Nevertheless, if you aren't subjected to driving through this area, it's a major problem during rush hour. More interesting is how ALL OF A SUDDEN someone is interested in developing the center open area in the image above. It would be bad enough to place residential there but that's not the case. The proposed development is a commercial center.
OK, so why do I have a problem with this. Well, have you ever seen rush hour or any given busy time on Riverside drive? You tell me how ANYONE is going to be able to pull out of that center and turn left onto Riverside Drive. It will literally be impossible.
Back in the day when you had Tim Spies, Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen on Council, they'd demand a traffic study because they know darn well this will create major traffic problems. However, the Good Ol' Boys are behind the scenes on this one, (once again) and the rubber stamp Mayor and Council will do anything to move forward with anyone interested in developing the Downtown area.
Perhaps I'm completely wrong. Perhaps the fact that Jake Day insists, (to the state) that Salisbury is a bicycle friendly City and soon enough we'll see less and less cars on the road, call me stupid.
Finally, I have to wonder, (and hopefully so will you) how much of that land is being turned over to the City for the newly proposed roundabout. One hand washes the other, right?
Sen. John McCain diagnosed with brain cancer 7-19-17
Arizona senator John McCain's office announced Wednesday night that he has brain cancer after doctors found a tumor following a procedure to remove a blood clot above his left eye.
Doctors at the Mayo Clinic identified the tumor, which was associated with the blood clot, as an aggressive form of cancer called glioblastoma.
Treatment may include a combination of chemotherapy and radiation, according to Senator McCain's statement.
Doctors at the Mayo Clinic identified the tumor, which was associated with the blood clot, as an aggressive form of cancer called glioblastoma.
Treatment may include a combination of chemotherapy and radiation, according to Senator McCain's statement.
Please Pat Us On The Back
Publishers Notes: What you'll read below was put out by some pansy liberal city employee who clearly has never pulled a weed OR ever used Roundup spray. While the city's code and compliance people fine YOU for not pulling the weeds on your properties, the city has ignored their own property for decades and now wants to brag that they are doing incredible things that YOU have actually been paying severe taxes for anyway. But don't mind me, pat them on the back for doing what they are paid to do anyway. You know, everyone gets a trophy.
Today's post highlights the removal of tall grass and weeds from the median of E. Main St. At a glance, this might not seem like the biggest task in the world, but multiply this work over 350+ lane miles of streets in temperatures nearing 1,000 degrees (well, it feels like it...), and it's work most of us are happy to see done from inside our air-conditioned cars as we drive past.
So take a moment, leave a like, and say thanks to our men and women out there working to make the City beautiful every day! We'll go first: THANK YOU, SALISBURY PUBLIC WORKS!
Woman arrested for towing kids in little red wagon
SPRINGFIELD, Ore. -- An Oregon mother has been accused of endangering three young children by towing them behind her car in a little red wagon.
Springfield police said 27-year-old Alana Donahue was arrested Wednesday night after at least four motorists reported seeing the car pulling the plastic wagon with her two-year-old daughter, 4-year-old son and 8-year-old nephew inside.
Drivers said the woman waved at vehicles to pass as she slowly drove in circles in a roundabout. A witness reported seeing the car going above 30 mph, and the 2-year-old toddler began crying after the wagon tipped up on two wheels. The witness told police that Donahue took her toddler from the wagon to the car, and then continued driving with the 4-year-old and 8-year-old still in the wagon.
Springfield police said 27-year-old Alana Donahue was arrested Wednesday night after at least four motorists reported seeing the car pulling the plastic wagon with her two-year-old daughter, 4-year-old son and 8-year-old nephew inside.
Drivers said the woman waved at vehicles to pass as she slowly drove in circles in a roundabout. A witness reported seeing the car going above 30 mph, and the 2-year-old toddler began crying after the wagon tipped up on two wheels. The witness told police that Donahue took her toddler from the wagon to the car, and then continued driving with the 4-year-old and 8-year-old still in the wagon.
Mohamed Noor Identified As Officer Who Shot And Killed Unarmed White Woman In Minnesota
Over the weekend, an unarmed 40-year-old woman was shot and killed by a police officer in Minnesota.
The details are murky but it looks pretty clear at this point that the officer was in the wrong.
But, you might not have heard about it from the mainstream media and that’s likely because the victim was white and it doesn’t fit the narrative. Now, we also know the identity of the police officer. More
The details are murky but it looks pretty clear at this point that the officer was in the wrong.

A Viewer Writes: Rise Up Coffee 7-21-17
How do you go from a Visual Arts Teacher to a General Manger with no experience? Your husband gets you a job with his buddies.
Roadie Joe's In Downtown Salisbury Vandalized Last Night 7-21-17
Around 2:45 am last evening someone decided that our glass patio door would look better broken. Any one with info please let us know!!
MSP: 228 Grams of Marijuana Seized During Traffic Stop In Princess Anne
On 7/21/17 at 7:08 p.m. a trooper from the Maryland State Police Princess Anne Barrack performed a traffic stop on a vehicle for speeding in the area of Robin Drive and Greenspring Road, Princess Anne, Somerset County, Maryland.
Upon contacting the operator, the trooper smelled the strong odor of raw marijuana emanating from within the passenger compartment. A subsequent search of said vehicle was conducted and revealed 228.7 grams of marijuana enclosed within a clear plastic zip lock bag on the rear floor board directly behind the passenger side seat.
The operator, identified as Keevon Bishop, 26 years old from Princess Anne was arrested and charged accordingly, transported to the Somerset County Commissioner’s Office and released on personal recognizance.
Public Defender: Body Camera Video Shows Officer Planting Drugs
Officials with the Office of the Public Defender said they are concerned that Baltimore City prosecutors persist in pursuing cases involving officers who appear to be depicted in body camera video footage planting drugs that resulted in a criminal arrest.
The body camera video shows three officers -- one hiding and then finding what appears to be drugs, while two other officers look on and take no action, the public defender's office said.
An assistant public defender, who represented the person charged with the planted drugs, forwarded the video to the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office last week, the public defender's office said.
Melba Saunders, a spokeswoman for State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby, said in a statement the assistant state's attorney originally made a plea offer to one count of a controlled dangerous substance. Two days before the trial date, the defense attorney came to the assistant state's attorney about the body camera footage and the prosecutor immediately took steps to get the case dismissed.
Caitlyn Jenner May be Running for the Senate
Jenner has previously mentioned to Don Lemon that she was considering running for office. Right now, just about anyone with a smidgen of fame is eyeing politics because they believe if Donald Trump can do it, they can. Not so much. Trump is a unique mix of charisma, brashness, masculinity and businessman. He hit just the right chord with middle America at the right time. Jenner can’t do that… ever. Neither can most of Hollywood for that matter. But again, given it is California, she may just pull it off for the Senate there.
A Viewer Writes: City Job
This exact job was advertised in January this year, and now again in July. Makes you wonder what is going on in city government.
Job Description
Accountant II
City of Salisbury Department of Finance
Fulltime (35 hours)
Salary: $48,003 Full Range of Benefits
Job Description
Accountant II
City of Salisbury Department of Finance
Fulltime (35 hours)
Salary: $48,003 Full Range of Benefits
Road Rage Incident South of Bridgeville Leads to Arrest
![]() |
Jason R. Reed |
The incident began around noon on Sunday July 16, 2017, as a 50-year-old Delmar, Delaware man was operating his 2015 Dodge Challenger northbound in the left lane of Sussex Highway (US13), south of Seashore Highway (SR404). Jason R. Reed, 39 of Syracuse, New York, was operating a 2005 Chrysler Town and Country northbound directly behind the Challenger and was becoming irritated that the car was traveling the speed limit in the left lane. Reed then entered into the right lane and began passing the Challenger when he made an abrupt lane change back into the left lane striking the right front bumper of the car with the left side of the mini-van. The Challenger then drove into the center median and came to a controlled stop. Reed also pulled into the center median and exited his vehicle to confront the operator of the Challenger.
Upon making contact with the 50-year-old driver, who is disabled and exited with his cane, Reed began an argument which turned physical, leading to the two men fighting in the median and causing more damage to the Challenger when the two fell into the side of the car. The 50-year-old victim was able to separate from the fight after taking a tactical advantage over Reed and forcing him to the ground prior to the troopers arrival. All the events took place while Reed's wife and two children were in his vehicle and were uninjured in the incident. The 50-year-old victim was slightly injured during the altercation, but did not require medical attention.
Animal Ordinance Changes Proposed In Wicomico
SALISBURY – Members of a newly formed animal committee presented Wicomico County officials with proposed changes to the county’s animal ordinance this week.
Back in March, the council identified shortcomings in the county’s animal ordinance and expressed an interest in creating a committee that would focus on animal rights.
In years past, the county established a Dog Ordinance Review Committee after a dog mauled and injured a young man in Willards. Committee members at the time were tasked with providing recourse and rules that would protect residents from further dog attacks.
However, when 300 neglected dogs were found on a farm in Wicomico County last year, the council identified the need to address animal rights. To that end, the Animal Ordinance Committee was formed.
Back in March, the council identified shortcomings in the county’s animal ordinance and expressed an interest in creating a committee that would focus on animal rights.
In years past, the county established a Dog Ordinance Review Committee after a dog mauled and injured a young man in Willards. Committee members at the time were tasked with providing recourse and rules that would protect residents from further dog attacks.
However, when 300 neglected dogs were found on a farm in Wicomico County last year, the council identified the need to address animal rights. To that end, the Animal Ordinance Committee was formed.
JUST IN: OJ Simpson granted parole with unanimous vote
O.J. Simpson is granted parole in a unanimous 4-0 vote.
With that, the parole members leave the room.
With that, the parole members leave the room.
Trump declines invitation to speak at NAACP convention
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has declined an invitation to address the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said on Wednesday.
The White House did not offer any details on why Trump would not speak to the 108-year-old civil rights group.
"My understanding is that the invitation has been declined for this year," Sanders told reporters at a briefing.
She said that while Trump would not speak at the conference, the White House would be happy to have a dialogue with the group.
The White House did not offer any details on why Trump would not speak to the 108-year-old civil rights group.
"My understanding is that the invitation has been declined for this year," Sanders told reporters at a briefing.
She said that while Trump would not speak at the conference, the White House would be happy to have a dialogue with the group.
Social Security Will Be Paying Out More Than It Receives In Just Five Years
When social security was first implemented in the 1930’s, America was a very different country. Especially in regards to demographics. The average life expectancy was roughly 18 years younger than it is now, and birth rates were a bit higher than they are now. By the 1950’s, the fertility rate was twice as high as it is in the 21st century.
In other words, for the first few decades, social security seemed very sustainable. Most people would only live long enough to benefit from it for a few years, and there was an abundance of young workers who could pay into the system.
In other words, for the first few decades, social security seemed very sustainable. Most people would only live long enough to benefit from it for a few years, and there was an abundance of young workers who could pay into the system.
Maxine Waters heads to New Hampshire
Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., could be testing the presidential waters next week, as she's headed to New Hampshire to give a speech.
The Manchester-based TV station WMUR reported that Waters will headline a picnic fundraiser for the Stafford County Democratic Committee on July 23.
Future presidential contenders usually try out their message in Iowa, which holds the country's first caucus, and New Hampshire, the site of the first primary – so accepting a speaking gig in either of these two states suggests that a politician is seeking higher office.
The Manchester-based TV station WMUR reported that Waters will headline a picnic fundraiser for the Stafford County Democratic Committee on July 23.
Future presidential contenders usually try out their message in Iowa, which holds the country's first caucus, and New Hampshire, the site of the first primary – so accepting a speaking gig in either of these two states suggests that a politician is seeking higher office.
Tenn. Inmates Can Get a Vasectomy to Shorten Their Jail Sentences
ACLU calls the program 'unconstitutional'
Inmates in a Tennessee county can get time off their sentences for having a vasectomy or birth control implant, a policy that the American Civil Liberties Union calls "unconstitutional."
General Sessions Judge Sam Benningfield signed a standing order in May to give prisoners in the White County, Tenn. jail 30 days credit on their sentence if they undergo one of the procedures, NewsChannel 5 reports.
Women who participate are given Nexplanon birth control implant in their arm, which prevents pregnancy for up to four years. Men are given a vasectomy, also free, by the Tennessee Department of Health.
Inmates in a Tennessee county can get time off their sentences for having a vasectomy or birth control implant, a policy that the American Civil Liberties Union calls "unconstitutional."
General Sessions Judge Sam Benningfield signed a standing order in May to give prisoners in the White County, Tenn. jail 30 days credit on their sentence if they undergo one of the procedures, NewsChannel 5 reports.
Women who participate are given Nexplanon birth control implant in their arm, which prevents pregnancy for up to four years. Men are given a vasectomy, also free, by the Tennessee Department of Health.
Salisbury City Council Work Session - Chain Link Fences
This is worth a listen and a view.
Once on the site, click on the City Council, then on the Work Session of the 17th. The fence discussion starts at about 84:45.
Before that is the roundabout discussion.
Pay attention to the voice of Council President Jack Heath, who was out of town and attended the meeting by telephone.
Jim Ireton was MIA.
Baltimore Group Plans Ceasefire Weekend, Urges ‘Nobody Kill Anybody’ For 72 Hours
BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Community members in Baltimore are calling for a ceasefire in the midst of what’s on pace to be the most murder-filled year the city has ever seen.
The number of homicides shot up to 344 in 2015, the year Freddie Gray was fatally injured in police custody, and 318 people were killed last year.
So far in 2017, more than 185 people have been victims of homicide.
Before 2015, Baltimore had not exceeded 300 annual homicides for decades.
The number of homicides shot up to 344 in 2015, the year Freddie Gray was fatally injured in police custody, and 318 people were killed last year.
So far in 2017, more than 185 people have been victims of homicide.
Before 2015, Baltimore had not exceeded 300 annual homicides for decades.
Worcester Denies Naloxone Kits For Prisoners When Released
SNOW HILL – Inmates with a history of heroin abuse will not be provided with naloxone kits upon their release from jail following a decision by county officials this week.
On Tuesday, the Worcester County Commissioners voted 6-0 not to support an initiative that would have provided at-risk inmates with naloxone kits as they were released from Worcester County Jail. Several commissioners expressed concern about the proposal.
“To me this is sending the wrong message,” Commissioner Joe Mitrecic said. “It really doesn’t make sense.”
Worcester County Health Officer Rebecca Jones approached the commissioners Tuesday seeking approval of a memorandum of understanding between the health department and the Worcester County Jail that would have allowed for the distribution of naloxone kits to inmates. Naloxone is a medication used to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose.
On Tuesday, the Worcester County Commissioners voted 6-0 not to support an initiative that would have provided at-risk inmates with naloxone kits as they were released from Worcester County Jail. Several commissioners expressed concern about the proposal.
“To me this is sending the wrong message,” Commissioner Joe Mitrecic said. “It really doesn’t make sense.”
Worcester County Health Officer Rebecca Jones approached the commissioners Tuesday seeking approval of a memorandum of understanding between the health department and the Worcester County Jail that would have allowed for the distribution of naloxone kits to inmates. Naloxone is a medication used to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose.
Teen magazine puts out “how to” guide on anal sex
Teen Vogue magazine is being highly criticized for publishing a “how-to” article entitled “A Guide to Anal Sex.” Parents of teen subscribers are enraged with the magazine after running the article that told their kids the things they “needed” to know about anal sex.
The author of the article, Gigi Engle, pushed back at angry parents and said her intent was to help guide all young people, especially those who needed to know this for their sexual health, such as the LGBTQ community.
However, her defiance only fueled the fire. Parents began a hashtag, #PULLTEENVOGUE, and Elizabeth Johnston, known on Facebook as The Activist Mommy, begged local stores to take the Teen Vogue issue off its racks and stands.
Report: Eastern Shore Communities Could Deal With Chronic Flooding
BALTIMORE (WJZ)– The future is looking bleak for a number of Maryland coastal communities along the Eastern Shore, according to a report released by the Union of Concerned Scientists.
New findings suggest that between climate change and chronic flooding many of these areas could soon be dealing with even more frequent flooding.
Aside from Louisiana, Maryland is predicted to be severely impacted by rising seas.
The report suggests that between rising sea levels and severe flooding, many parts of the Eastern Shore will face “chronic inundation.” Which means communities will be frequently underwater, at least 26 times per year, according to the research.
New findings suggest that between climate change and chronic flooding many of these areas could soon be dealing with even more frequent flooding.
Aside from Louisiana, Maryland is predicted to be severely impacted by rising seas.
The report suggests that between rising sea levels and severe flooding, many parts of the Eastern Shore will face “chronic inundation.” Which means communities will be frequently underwater, at least 26 times per year, according to the research.
Al Gore Slams Trump, Climate Crisis ‘By Far the Most Serious Challenge We Face’
Former Vice President Al Gore attacked President Donald Trump, accusing him of “tearing down America’s standing in the world” by withdrawing from the Paris climate accord.
“The climate crisis is by far the most serious challenge we face,” Gore said Monday morning on NBC’s Today Show.
“We’ve never had a president who’s deliberately made decisions the effect of which is to tear down America’s standing in the world, starting with his withdrawal from the Paris Agreement,” Gore said.
Gore got himself into hot water with black activists last week when he compared the fight against global warming to the emancipation of black slaves.
The fight against global warming is one of humanity’s great moral causes, Gore told participants in the EcoCity World Summit in Melbourne Thursday, alongside “the abolition of slavery, woman’s suffrage and wome
“The climate crisis is by far the most serious challenge we face,” Gore said Monday morning on NBC’s Today Show.
“We’ve never had a president who’s deliberately made decisions the effect of which is to tear down America’s standing in the world, starting with his withdrawal from the Paris Agreement,” Gore said.
Gore got himself into hot water with black activists last week when he compared the fight against global warming to the emancipation of black slaves.
The fight against global warming is one of humanity’s great moral causes, Gore told participants in the EcoCity World Summit in Melbourne Thursday, alongside “the abolition of slavery, woman’s suffrage and wome
Chain Link Crazy
Mr. Day: Tear Down Those Fences
As the photos show, it's fine for the City and County to use chain link fencing on their sites, but not private owners. Can you ID the locations shown?
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