DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Salisbury News Has Major Problem With Advertisers
"Hey Joe! I know that I paid for our #@&*% ad thru May but %$*&@ has a ton of work lined up already now for the summer and since its his summer job he doesn’t want to overbook himself! I know that sounds absolutely crazy!! So if you wouldn’t mind taking it down now I would appreciate it…he’s getting nervous about making sure he can take care of everyone scheduled plus the ones he always ends up adding along the way as they see him out working.
Thanks so much!"
If you're interested in building up your business, Salisbury News runs business card size ads for only $100.00 a month and this includes a link back to your Website. You can click on most of our ads and it will take you back to their Website, (if available).
Would YOU like to have this very same problem? If so, send us your artwork and we'll get your ad up right away. No rotation ads, your ad comes up every time someone comes to Salisbury News, it's that simple.
Send your artwork to: alberobutzo@wmconnect.com and start having the same problems today.
Excited, Proud And Exhausted
Senator Andy Harris handed me two copies of the "Conference Committee Report" which is the agreed upon document that includes all the amendments to Bills 254 & 622. These are the documents that are delivered to the Senate for their final vote.
I kept them hidden until we were just about to leave Annapolis as I thought this would be something they could treasure throughout time for a job well done.
Nightly News At 6 PM
"If there was ever a case that screams for the death penalty, this is the case."
WHAT: Governor O’Malley to make important announcement on blue crab fishery
WHEN: TOMORROW, Wednesday, April 14, 2010 at 9:30 a.m.
WHERE: Fisherman’s Inn Crab Deck
3116 Main StreetGrasonville, MD 21638 Kent Narrows
Legislature Adjourns With Stronger Gang, Sex Offender Laws
As of yesterday morning, the House and Senate had different versions of legislation increasing the mandatory minimum sentence for a person 18 years or older convicted of second-degree rape or sexual offense against a victim younger than 13 years old. Under the House bill, the minimum sentence went from five years to 15 years; the Senate voted to go to a mandatory 20 years.
Sarah's mother, Jennifer Foxwell, went to the State House yesterday to lobby for the bill's passage. She was concerned that it was still up in the air on the session's last day.
"I don't know why they won't step up," Foxwell said. "I am absolutely appalled this is even an issue."
"I couldn't be happier," he said. "It proves that citizen involvement can make a difference."
GO HERE to read more.
Don't Miss Our 6 PM News Broadcast Tonight
Ehrlich: Legislative Session Offers Little Help On Jobs And The Economy

Annapolis - Bob Ehrlich today issued the following statement on the recently-concluded legislative session of the Maryland General Assembly.
“The Maryland legislature adjourned last night without enacting any long-term solutions to Maryland’s high unemployment rate, burdensome tax rates, or skyrocketing budget deficit,” said Ehrlich. “By refusing to tackle these challenges, Governor O’Malley and the legislature set the stage for a monumental tax increase after November’s election, which could further weaken Maryland’s job market. Maryland deserves better than a government that kicks the can down the road while 230,000 Marylanders stand in the unemployment line. With the right leadership, I believe we can help small businesses create jobs, balance the state budget, and lower the tax burden on working families. That is why I have proposed reducing Maryland’s sales tax by 20% to help entrepreneurs and working families. I look forward to communicating my vision for a more prosperous Maryland in the coming months.”
A Special Letter To The Editor
Mother Jennifer Foxwell & Aunt Tracey Powell Take On The MD Legislation In Annapolis
Reporters were sitting on the ground to get up close.
Sheriff Mike Lewis & Chief Gary Baker stood on the Senate floor to make sure their presence was known.
Reporters, (one after the other) continued to interview Jennifer and Tracey throughout the day and evening inside the Capitol.
The infamous image of Sheriff Lewis escorting Jennifer Foxwell, Joan Harris and Tracey Powell into the Maryland Capitol. The difference here is, Salisbury News was actually present.
Mother Jennifer Foxwell & Aunt Tracey Powell Take On The MD Legislation In Annapolis Part II
Jennifer brought numerous pictures of her beautiful Daughter Sarah Foxwell who was murdered in late December.
Hurry up and wait was the game we played from 7:30 AM until the bills were passed at 11:58 PM last night.
Jennifer, Tracey and Joan stood up after being announced on the Senate Floor and received a standing ovation.
Maryland Senators showed their respect with a standing ovation.
Our morning started at 7:30 AM at the Royal Farms in west Salisbury. I was joined by Jennifer Foxwell and Tracey Powell in what we knew would be an extremely long day and an uphill battle.
As we had mentioned in previous articles, the Senate didn't want to back down from their 20 year minimum sentence and the House wouldn't go any more than 15 years. Our message, 15 YEARS WAS JUST FINE.
Considering the sex offenders are extremely pleased with the minimum of 5 years, a jump to 15 years would be a powerful statement, no chance for parole and no time off for good behavior. However, bills 254 and 622 were about to die on the floor.
Every Senator and Delegate I personally know knew what we were facing and some how, some way, Sarah Foxwell brought Jennifer Foxwell and I together Saturday evening where we openly discussed our differences and as a God Send, came together yesterday morning to help fulfill a dream so many activists had been trying to complete for many, many years.
One of the greatest people we met in Annapolis is our dear friend Joan Harris. Joan is President of Jessica's Law and has been working her tail off for many years trying to get tougher penalties against sex offenders and Joan knew these bills were about to fail.
As luck would have it, I have another dear friend back in Annapolis who I've known for too many years I'm willing to mention. Andy Berges works with Delegate Mike Smigel who has been working for many years to create legislation against sex offenders. Mike and Andy were able to connect us with our new friend Joan Harris to hold a Press Conference at the foot of the Capital Monday morning at 9:30 AM.
We were blessed to have Sheriff Mike Lewis and Chief Gary Baker from the Wicomico County Sheriff's Department join us to let our Legislators know, we accept the 15 years minimum sentence and there's never been a case that screams more for the death penalty than the Sarah Foxwell case.
Jennifer and Tracy were absolutely perfect together. Their message was loud and clear, we accept the 15 years, please pass these bills and do not let Sarah Foxwell pass in vein. They went on to state how amazed they were that our Legislators were more interested in being re-elected than they are of the safety of our children. In closing they held Governor O'Malley accountable should these bills not pass on Monday.
Some 15 News Stations showed up for this Press Conference and their message hit the air almost immediately. The next thing we knew, Delegates, Senators, the President of the Senate, the Lt. Governor and even the Governor were searching us out to get a word with us. The Press Conference paid off.
Now we had another problem. The Governor knew our Legislators were still butting heads. President of the Senate Mike Miller personally assured me twice, "Joe, these bills will pass. We'll get them done, I promise." To make a very long story short, my hat is tipped to Governor O'Malley who sat back and watched our Delegates and Senators battle this out to the very end and when Governor O'Malley saw that it may not happen, he added them to the "Governor's Bill" relieving Maryland Senators from eating crow by reducing the term from 20 years down to 15.
Governor O'Malley has gained my respect like he's never done before. While it truly is a shame our Legislators couldn't see the light on behalf of our Children, our Governor kept his word as well as President of the Senate Mike Miller.
I will be Posting several different articles about our day as I took almost 400 pictures. Tonight Salisbury News will provide the full length video of the 9:30 AM Press Conference with Jennifer Foxwell, Tracey Powell, Joan Harris and Sheriff Mike Lewis. Don't miss our 6 PM Show.
My message to Jennifer Foxwell and Tracey Powell, I am so proud of the two of you. You carried yourselves perfectly. You represented little Sarah Foxwell with perfection and without you none of the success we witnessed yesterday would have happened and I truly believe that with all my heart.
Folks, there wasn't a Senator, Delegate, Governor and even the Lt. Governor who didn't state that to them throughout the entire day.
More to come.....
Signs Legislation to crack down on waste, fraud and abuse in public health plans, improve quality of care, and authorize nurse practitioners to serve as primary care providers
ANNAPOLIS, MD (April 13, 2010) – Governor Martin O’Malley today joined Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr., House Speaker Michael E. Busch, and Lieutenant Governor Anthony G. Brown, to sign 170 pieces of legislation that continue moving Maryland forward despite difficult economic times.
During the bill signing, Governor O’Malley highlighted budget and legislative proposals focused on creating and saving jobs, and improving the conditions under which Maryland businesses can create and save jobs. Just weeks ago, Governor O’Malley signed emergency legislation to strategically cut taxes for small businesses in Maryland that hire unemployed Marylanders. The Job Creation and Recovery Tax credit provides a $5,000 tax credit to Maryland businesses for each unemployed Marylander it hires.
Governor O’Malley also signed legislation in late March to help small businesses by modernizing the state’s unemployment insurance trust fund, stabilizing the fund that has been strained by higher-than-normal unemployment rates due to the national recession.
“Our focus this session was, is, and continues to be on creating jobs, protecting jobs, empowering small business, and defending homeownership for Maryland’s families,” said Governor O’Malley. “In times of great adversity, the people of Maryland have always chosen to make progress. And this year, we’ve chosen a fiscally responsible path for progress that puts our hardworking families first and moves our State forward.”
At today’s event Governor O’Malley added his signature to legislation that cracks down on waste, fraud and abuse in our public health programs such as Medicaid. Also signed today is legislation establishing the framework for a patient centered medical home program to improve quality of care in Maryland, and a bill authorizing nurse practitioners to provide primary care for patients in Maryland.
Under the Maryland False Health Claims Act, the State will now be able to recover damages and penalties from individuals who defraud the State by filing false claims against State health plans and programs, including Medicaid. This legislation is expected to recover millions of dollars by cracking down on waste, fraud and abuse in these public health programs.
“We have done a great deal this year in Maryland and across the nation to expand health coverage, lower costs and improve the quality of care. I commend the Maryland General Assembly for their partnership during this legislative session to pass a bill allowing the state to fight fraud, waste and abuse and recover millions of dollars of taxpayer money and another improving the quality of care for our neighbors,” Lt. Governor Brown, who led the Administration’s efforts to pass the Maryland False Health Claims Act and the Patient Centered Medical Home Program, said. “Because of Governor O’Malley’s vision and the leadership of Speaker Busch and President Miller, we are in a better position than most states to implement national health reform and create the jobs that will come with it.”
In addition, Governor O’Malley signed legislation creating a framework to establish a patient centered medical home program, a model of primary care in which a team of health professionals, guided by a personal physician, provides continuous, comprehensive, and coordinated care in a culturally and linguistically sensitive manner. Governor O’Malley also signed into law legislation authorizing the 3,400 nurse practitioners in Maryland to be primary care providers in Maryland, joining 28 other states with similar provisions to improve primary care for our families, seniors and children.
During the 2010 legislative session, the General Assembly passed several of Governor O’Malley’s initiatives to protect middle class families during these difficult economic times, including further reforms in Maryland’s foreclosure process; helping middle class families facing the threat of foreclosure keep their homes.
The General Assembly also passed a series of initiatives to protect Maryland’s children from child sexual predators, including legislation championed by Governor O’Malley to require lifetime supervision for child sex offenders. In addition, the Maryland General Assembly approved legislation to increase the mandatory minimum sentence for first-time child sex offenders from 5 to 15 years. Governor O’Malley will sign these new reforms into law on May 4.
"Our top priorities this session were to manage the state's finances responsibly and to create and protect jobs. We passed a balanced budget that protects critical state investments, and we passed several initiatives to help grow Maryland's economy," said Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr. "I want to thank the Governor and Lieutenant Governor for bringing people together to pass the False Health Claims Act, which gives the State a valuable tool to crack down on fraud and save taxpayers money."
“Balancing the budget, public safety and job creation were our top priorities this session and we have taken significant steps to ensure that Maryland is among the first states to rebound after this recession,” said Speaker Michael E. Busch. “I commend the Governor, the Maryland House of Delegates and the Maryland Senate for their hard work on behalf of Maryland businesses and families this session.”
In the past four years, the O’Malley-Brown Administration has invested record funding for Maryland schools, resulting in Education Week Magazine ranking Maryland public schools #1 in the nation for two straight years. For the first time in Maryland’s history, school construction funding exceeded $1 billion over a three-year period. The General Assembly passed the Governor’s Education Reform Act of 2010 to further reform Maryland schools as State education leaders prepare to apply for federal “Race to the Top” funding. In addition to K-12 education, Maryland is the only state in the nation to freeze college tuition for in-state students four years in a row.
Click here for a complete list of legislation signed today.
Fruitland Council Meeting Is Tonight!
7:00 p.m. City Council and staff will meet to review the evening’s agenda in the
conference room.
7:30 p.m. *Call to Order, Opening Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance
*Adoption of the Minutes:
1. Regular Meeting: March 09, 2010
*Treasurer’s Report, City Manager’s Report, Department Heads’
7:45 p.m. *Unfinished Business:
1. Approve paid bills. Action Item.
2. Acquisition of Refurbished Police Vehicle – Chief Phillips. Action Item.
3. Conversion of Seized Drug Money – Chief Phillips. Action Item.
4. Adult Business Ordinance No. 246 - First Reading – Solicitor Mitchell
5. Tax Differential-Action Item-Solicitor Mitchell
6. Other?
8:15 p.m. *New Business:
1. Stormwater Regulations – Discussion
2. Nominations for Re-appointments (3) to the Recreation Commission
3. Pre-Approval New Announcers Booth-Recreation Commission
4. Other?
*Public Comment/General Discussion
The Fruitland City Council will meet at City Hall, 401 East Main Street, on the above date
and times in accordance with the State Open Meetings Act. The public is encouraged to
attend. For further information call 410-548-2809.
Diane C. Nelson
City Clerk
Mr. Pollitt and the other members of his staff are capable of keeping the public informed both in the news media and on the County’s website, and answering questions from County residents and others. That work load would not overwhelm them.
Why, then, after asking County residents what they prefer to be cut from the budget has Pollitt not followed their recommendation to eliminate the PIO position? Even more baffling: why has Pollitt attempted to defend his decision to keep a mouthpiece on his staff?
He claims that the “PIO” is needed now more than ever. In an election year, how convenient to have a paid propaganda provider at your beck and call.
If Pollitt’s proposed budget involves the discharge of any County employee but not the PIO, the voters should discharge Pollitt in the upcoming County election
Obamacare Bans New Doctor-Owned Hospitals, Blocks Expansion Of Existing Ones
The new health care overhaul law, which promised increased access and efficiency in health care, will prevent doctor-owned hospitals from adding more rooms and more beds. The new health care rules single out physician-owned hospitals, making new projects ineligible to receive payments for Medicare and Medicaid patients. More than 60 doctor-owned hospitals across the country that were in the development stage will be canceled, said Molly Sandvig, executive director of Physician Hospitals of America.
Medical Schools Can't Keep Up
Experts warn there won't be enough doctors to treat the millions of people newly insured under the law. At current graduation and training rates, the nation could face a shortage of as many as 150,000 doctors in the next 15 years, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges.
That shortfall is predicted despite a push by teaching hospitals and medical schools to boost the number of U.S. doctors, which now totals about 954,000.
The greatest demand will be for primary-care physicians. These general practitioners, internists, family physicians and pediatricians will have a larger role under the new law, coordinating care for each patient.
The U.S. has 352,908 primary-care doctors now, and the college association estimates that 45,000 more will be needed by 2020. But the number of medical-school students entering family medicine fell more than a quarter between 2002 and 2007.
A shortage of primary-care and other physicians could mean more-limited access to health care and longer wait times for patients.
More from the Wall Street Journal
Border Patrol Vehicles Being 'Cloned' By Mexican Smugglers
The DHS report was sent to Border Patrol officials in Webb County, Texas, in March. It asked Border Patrol agents and local law enforcement officials to be on alert for "a suspected cloned marked Crown Victoria" the same vehicle type used by the agents.
The alert was part of a "significant incident report," which contains information that is not to be made public or released to the media. A U.S. law enforcement Official, with knowledge of drug cartel operations along the border, said "cloned vehicles pose a significant problem for both law enforcement and citizens."
He said, "It's especially dangerous since attacks against federal and local law enforcement agents has increased over the past year. The cartels are finding more innovative ways to move across the border and we have to be one step ahead of them."
The danger has increased for federal agents on the border, figures showed.
Steven Cribby, spokesman for the DHS, said assaults on Border Patrol agents are up "16 percent compared to last year." One federal law enforcement official said incursions over the border from Mexico involving fake Border Patrol vehicles have happened for years. He recalled a chase in which U.S. law enforcement officials pursued a cloned Border Patrol vehicle transporting narcotics until it recrossed the border.
"There was very little we could do once the vehicle crossed back into Mexico," he said. Some federal law enforcement officials said intelligence indicates that Mexican law enforcement officials who have been corrupted by payments from drug cartels are assisting in cross-border drug smuggling.
Read more here
Kenyan Official: Obama Born Here
During debate over the draft of a new Kenyan constitution, James Orengo, the country's minister of lands and a member of parliament for the Ugenya constituency, cited America's election of a Kenyan-born president as an example of what can be accomplished when diverse peoples unite:
"If America was living in a situation where they feared ethnicity and did not see itself as a multiparty state or nation," Orengo posited, "how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the president of America?"
Orengo held up the U.S. as a country no longer "living in the past," since Americans elected a Kenyan-born president without regard to "ethnic consideration and objectives."
Debate is then recorded in the Kenyan government's official March 25, 2010, hansard – a traditional name for printed transcripts of a parliamentary debate – as continuing with no other MPs mentioning or attempting to correct Orengo's comments about Obama.
More from WND
Foes Of Tea Party Movement To Infiltrate Rallies
Jason Levin, creator of http://www.crashtheteaparty.org, said Monday the group has 65 leaders in major cities across the country who are trying to recruit members to infiltrate tea party events for April 15—tax filing day, when tea party groups across the country are planning to gather and protest high taxes.
"Every time we have someone on camera saying that Barack Obama isn't an American citizen, we want someone sitting next to him saying, 'That's right, he's an alien from outer space!'" Levin said.
Tea party members said the backlash comes from ignorance.
"They can't actually debate our message and that's their problem," said Bob MacGuffie, a Connecticut organizer for Right Principles, a tea party group that also has members in New York and New Jersey.
The tea party movement generally unites on the fiscally conservative principles of small government, lower taxes and less spending. Beyond that the ideology of the people involved tends to vary dramatically.
Levin says they want to exaggerate the group's least appealing qualities, further distance the tea party from mainstream America and damage the public's opinion of them.
Read more here
Sex Offender Reforms Appear To Be Resolved
6:56 PM EDT, April 12, 2010
Sex offender reforms appear to be resolved
Updated 6:51 p.m.: The Senate and House of Delegates appear to be well on their way to resolving one of the last outstanding major issues of the session: sex offender reforms.
After a series of deals and legislative horse-trading, the chambers' negotiations team has agreed to combine both contentious bills into one big bill --- which happens to be backed by Gov. Martin O'Malley.
Lawmakers added an expansion of Jessica's Law, lengthening the minimum prison sentence for certain sex offenders from five to 15 years, to O'Malley's sex offender registry bill.
For those keeping track, the House wins big on this one. The Senate backed down on both its request to lengthen sentences to 20 years and its quest to add other provisions (such as marking sex offenders' driver's licenses and admitting evidence of prior bad acts) to the registry bill.
By fusing the bills, the powers that be created a bill too sweeping for even the senators who had hoped for more to oppose.
It's widely expected to sail through when the chambers reconvene after their dinner break.
Harris Closes Senate Tenure As A Fiscal Leader For Maryland
"The most important issue facing Maryland and our nation right now is our economy. Our state is experiencing the highest unemployment rate in more than a generation. Our budget still relies on the use of federal stimulus funds that will soon dry up. And the state, already facing a $9 billion fiscal deficit over the next four years, has insisted on adding nearly $2 billion in new debt to our books. I voted against both the Capital Budget and the Operating Budget this year because of the failure of the O’Malley Administration and General Assembly leadership to address the long-term structural deficits and ballooning public debt that has become a hallmark of recent years.
“We heard everywhere this session was all about 'jobs, jobs, jobs,' but the rhetoric did not match any positive action on the long-term fiscal outlook for workers or jobs creators. Small businesses will soon see increased regulations and new taxes which will hurt their ability to keep workers employed; much less allow them to start hiring again. I believe we need a true commitment to fiscal responsibility in Annapolis and in Washington if we are serious about creating and keeping jobs here in Maryland and ensuring that we use taxpayers’ money wisely and efficiently. I have fought for these principles throughout my 12 years in the State Senate and I plan to do the same if I have the privilege of serving Maryland’s First District in Congress.
“It has been an honor to serve Marylanders in the State Senate and it is my hope to continue serving them in Congress so that we can keep fighting for accountability, fiscal responsibility and a better, more prosperous future for the First District and our nation as a whole.”
Lower Shore Young Republicans
The Lower Shore Young Republicans will be having their monthly club meeting this Wednesday April 14th at the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce building beginning at 6:30 pm.
This month we will be putting the final details together for the upcoming State Young Republicans convention that we will be hosting June 18th and 19th. Our club will also be looking for volunteers to help with our annual food drive to help benefit the Salisbury Christan Shelter, which will be conducted on May 8th.
If you are interesting in attending please email us with any questions you may have or just show up on Wednesday night.
From The Baltimore Sun

Rutledge For US Senate 2010
Southern Republican Leadership Conference provides proof that Republicans like Jim Rutledge have the energy and ideas to reform Washington.
FOREST Hill, Maryland- Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Jim Rutledge declares the unity and energy presented at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference sends a strong message that the Republican Party is ready to offer responsible change to Americans. Jim Rutledge is confident that Americans are fed up with bureaucrats like Barbara Mikulski who embrace change through higher taxes and increased government spending.
Jim Rutledge believes that this is a taxing time for citizens especially with April 15 just around the corner. Rutledge said, “I think it would be appropriate for all of Maryland to take time out on Thursday to recognize Barbara Mikulski for her contribution to higher taxes, bigger government and more debt.” The Rutledge Campaign believes the choices are simple- taxpayers can remain silent and let Washington continue to empty our pockets or champion the cause to restore Washington to the People.
Jim Rutledge is enthusiastic that the Southern Republican Leadership Conference provided ample proof that Republican Party leaders are prepared to lead this cause with solutions based on conservative principles. The conference showcased the diversity of the party’s leadership and its willingness to embrace organizations like the Tea Party Group, which boast the support of Independents, Republicans, and Democrats. Jim Rutledge said, “I’m proud to share the same conservative values as Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, and J.C. Watts.”
The Rutledge for Senate Campaign is encouraged by the growing support in Maryland to end the out of control spending of liberal bureaucrats and professional politicians. The time has come for Marylanders to join the millions of Americans who are supporting the cause to take Washington back from tax and spend politicians like Barbara Mikulski. Jim Rutledge is ready to join Bob Ehrlich and help lead Maryland back to the common sense values and principles that guided President Reagan.
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Releases
Incident: Malicious Destruction of Property
Date of Incident: 10 April 2010
Location: 26000 block of Osprey Circle, Hebron, MD
Suspect: Male Juvenile, 12, Hebron, MD
Narrative: On 10 April 2010 at 7:47 PM, a deputy responded to a reported Malicious Destruction of Property in the 26000 block of Osprey Circle in Hebron. Upon arrival the deputy discovered that a juvenile who resides in the neighborhood was out riding his bicycle when the juvenile allegedly deliberately ran into the victim’s vehicle. The juvenile observed damage to the vehicle consistent with the accounts of the victim and a witness.
The deputy located the juvenile and completed a juvenile referral charging the juvenile with malicious Destruction of Property. The juvenile was left with a family member.
Charges: Malicious destruction of Property
Incident: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
Date of Incident: 11 April 2010
Location: Beaglin Park Drive, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Tyler Paul Jones, 18, Hebron, MD
Narrative: On 11 April 2010 at 1:51 AM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office observed a vehicle fail to stop for the red signal on Beaglin Park Drive at Old Ocean City Road. As the deputy then followed behind the vehicle, the deputy measured the vehicle’s speed at 26 miles an hour over the posted speed limit. Upon stopping the vehicle, the deputy identified the driver as Tyler Paul Jones, 18, of Hebron, MD. During the encounter, the deputy believed that Jones was under the influence of alcohol which led to the administration of Field Sobriety tests. After failing those, the deputy placed Jones under arrest for DUI.
Jones was processed and released upon signing citations.
Charges: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol Per Se
Driving While Impaired
Violating a License Restriction
Incident: Assault
Date of Incident: 11 April 2010
Location: 3000 block of St. Luke’s Road, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Gildardo Alverzez Penalo, 25, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 11 April 2010 at 10:32 PM a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office investigated an altercation inside a residence in the 3000 block of St. Luke’s Road in Salisbury. Upon arrival, the deputy met with a female who stated that her boyfriend came home intoxicated and engaged her in a verbal altercation, during which she stated he grabbed her arms and kicked her legs. The deputy observed signs of physical injury on the victim that corroborated her account.
The deputy placed her boyfriend, Gildardo Alverzez Penalo under arrest for the assault and transported him to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Penalo in the Detention Center in lieu of $10,000.00 bond.
Charges: Assault 2nd degree
Incident: Missing Person
Date of Incident: 12 April 2010
Location: 7000 block of Parsonsburg Road, Parsonsburg, MD
Narrative: On 12 April 2010 at 8:00 AM, the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office was notified about an elderly woman who had reportedly walked away from an Assisted Living facility in the 7000 block of Parsonsburg Road. Upon arrival the deputies learned that the woman had only been gone a short while and had presumably going for a walk but could not be located. Sheriff’s Deputies, along with the use of a Bloodhound K9 team from the Somerset County Sheriff’s Office, located the woman at 9:15 AM, approximately 200 yards into a wooded area. The woman was located in good health and reunited with her care givers.
Assault 1st. Degree Arrest
Crime or Violation: 1st Degree Assault
Victim: Tyler Bollinger
Accused: Benjamin Kelleher, 19 year old male from Berlin, MD
Charges: 1st Degree Assault, 3 counts of 2nd Degree Assault, Carrying a
Concealed Deadl Weapon and Reckless Endangerment
Narrative: On Monday, April 5, 2010 at approximately 1330 hours, Officers from
the Berlin Police Department were requested to respond to 201 Washington Street,
Berlin, MD in reference to a fight and disorderly party.
Upon their arrival, Officers learned that the resident of the property, Benjamin
Kelleher had assaulted two males and one female. One of the male victims had
been struck by Kelleher with a metal shovel.
All of the victims were treated at the scene. The Worcester County Bureau of
Investigation was subsequently contacted and conducted an investigation into the
Kelleher was charged with one count of 1st Degree Assault, three counts of 2nd
Degree Assault, Carrying a Concealed Deadly Weapon and Reckless Endangerment.
Kelleher was taken before a District Court Commissioner and held on a $10,000
WCBI Arrest -Perjury
Location Occurred: Worcester County
Crime or Violation: False Statement – Perjury
Victim: Jermaine Schoolfield,
Accused: Michelle L. Lyons, female age 34 from Pocomoke, MD.
Charges: False Statement – Perjury
Narrative: In December 2009, Michelle Lyons (alleged victim of physical abuse) went to the District Court of Maryland, reference filing criminal charges against her live-in boyfriend.
From the statements made by Lyons to the District Court, it was determined that probable cause existed, in supporting charges of Assault – 2nd degrees, Reckless Endangerment and False Imprisonment. An arrest warrant was issued and the boy-friend, who was subsequently arrested.
In February, 2010, District Court located in Worcester County Maryland held the case for trial. During the trial, it was learned by the alleged victim (Michelle Lyons,) that she in fact lied under oath, when she applied for the original criminal charges and admitted this during criminal prosecution/trial.
In March 2010, the case was referred to the Worcester County Bureau of Investigations, by the State’s Attorney’s Office. An investigator was assigned to this investigation and the original complainant/victim Michelle Lyons was arrested and charged with giving a false statement and perjury.
Michelle Lyons released after being served on a criminal summons.
Join us today at 9:30 a.m. on the steps of the State House as we make the final push in the last hours of the 2010 session of the Maryland General Assembly. It should not take 90 days in session to get this done. Child rape is a horrendous crime against our children and the emotional and physical scars last a lifetime. Child rapists belong in prison for at least 15 years to life.
Protect Maryland’s children now!
Joan Harris, President, Citizens for Jessica’s Law