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Sunday, August 15, 2010

State Police Arrest Two Investigating Disorderly Crowd

35436 Wolf Neck Road (WaWa) Rehoboth, De

Sunday August 15, 2010 2:39 a.m.

26 male Seaford (no injury)

Stephanie Francis-25 Milton, De
Stacey Francis-24 Milton, De

Charge(s) and Bond Information:
Stephanie Francis $3000.00 cash bail Sussex Correctional Institute
Offensive Touching (M)
Resisting Arrest (M)
Disorderly Conduct (M)
Stacey Francis $4000.00 cash bail Sussex Correctional Institute
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (M)
Possession of Marijuana (M)
Disorderly Conduct (M)


Early Sunday morning around 2:39 a.m. August 15, 2010 Delaware State Troopers from Troops 4 and 7, Rehoboth Police, Dewey Beach Police, Lewes Police, Milford Police and DNREC units responded to the WaWa located at 35436 Wolfe Neck Road Rehoboth, Delaware. NOTE: This is the number of agencies responding all may not have necessarily made it to the scene do to situation stabilizing.

State Troopers responded to the WaWa in order to disperse of a large disorderly crowd who had recently left a bar establishment. The exact number of disorderly persons is not known. Troopers while on scene observed a fight break out between Stephanie N. Francis-25 of Milton and a 26 year old Seaford man. During the altercation Stephanie Francis kicked the victim two times. As Troopers attempted to break up the fight Stephanie resisted the Trooper’s detention efforts and screamed obscenities. The victim is a former boyfriend.

A second person Stacey Francis, the sister of Stephanie also was involved in the aforementioned fight. As a second Trooper attempted to assist in the breaking up of the fight Stacey Francis also became disorderly yelling obscenities.

Stacey and Stephanie were both arrested for the above listed offenses. Stacey was searched incident to arrest and found to be in possession of approximately 1.5 grams of marijuana contained in a plastic baggie.

Stacey and Stephanie were remanded to Sussex Correctional Institute in lieu of $4,000 and $ 3,000 respectively.

Delmar Man Forces Spouse Off Road Following Domestic Incident

Delmar Road Delmar, Delaware

Saturday August 14, 2010 9:30 p.m.

35 year old woman
12 year old male
9 year old male
5 year old female

Roland J. Parsons II-36 Delmar, Delaware

Charge(s) and Bond Information:
4 counts Reckless Endangering First Degree
Terroristic Threatening
Offensive Touching


Delaware State Police Saturday August 14, 2010 investigated a reckless endangering complaint on Delmar road Delmar, Delaware. The incident occurred around 9:30 p.m.

State Police contacted the victim who advised she and Roland J. Parsons II were at a party when they became involved in domestic argument. During the argument Parsons is alleged to have pushed the victim into a fence. Parsons left the party shortly thereafter without the victim.

The victim later returned to their residence and gathered her belongings and their children in order to stay at an undisclosed location. As the victim was leaving her residence Parsons had returned home. The victim already in her car with their three children fled down Delmar road however Parsons followed suit in his truck. Parsons sped pass the victim’s vehicle then cut her off striking the left front of the victim’s vehicle with the side of his truck. At the time of this incident three children were inside the vehicle ages 12, 9 and 5 all uninjured.

After this incident the victim notified police. Parsons was later apprehended at his residence and charged with the above listed offenses. Parsons was taken to Sussex Correctional Institute in lieu of $22,000 cash bond.

The Expendables

Before reviewing the film, I want to give a little bit of background on its co-writer, Sylvester Stallone. I'll also comment on the Jean Claude Van Damme dust up after.

Most, if not all, of you have seen at least one of Stallone's movies. From his soft-core porn beginning in "The Party at Kitty and Stud's" (the title was later changed to "Italian Stallion" after the success of "Rocky") to his larger-than-life roles as the ultimate American fighting-machine in both "Rocky" and "Rambo". What some of you might not realize is that Sly lived in Silver Spring, Maryland as a child while parents, Frank Sr. and Jackie, operated a chain of beauty salons in the area. Sylvester was going to follow them into the business and went to beauty school to pursue it, but that ended after he won a scholarship for the American College of Switzerland, where he studied drama. His first big break came after being inspired while watching Muhammad Ali batter Chuck Wepner into a mass of bruises and flowing blood. The young Stallone went home and cranked out the script to "Rocky" in three days. "Rocky" was nominated for ten Academy Awards in all, including Best Actor and Best Original Screenplay nominations for Stallone. The film went on to win the Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Directing and Best Film Editing.

A fair share of people believe that Stallone has less-than-average intelligence, probably based in part on his choice of movie roles and his expression. However, the latter was due to complications at birth when the misuse of forceps severed a nerve and caused paralysis in parts of Stallone's face. The result was his slurred speech and his drooping lip. The fact is, while he isn't likely to find the cure for cancer, Stallone has written a pretty impressive list of films in whole or part including "Staying Alive" and all of the "Rocky" and "Rambo" series, "Rhinestone" and several others that are listed in reverse chronological order at the bottom of this post. At some point the critics of Stallone have to acknowledge that this man has risen from a beauty school drop out to a no-doubt-about-it player in Hollywood not just by the strength of his bulging (steroid-aided) muscles, but by his intellect as well. Anyone that can pen as many successful films as Sly, has to have something going on upstairs.

Now down to the film at hand.

"The Expendables" is a testosterone-infused journey from the muscle-clad lair of a man cave to the tiny island of Vilena, South America. The film begins with the boys taking down some pirates and rescuing some hostages. Next we see the nest of The Expendables, a dirty garage that is a place to park their gorgeous motorcycles, West Coast Customs built beautiful 55 Ford, tattoo parlor (with Rourke slinging the ink) and a home base for their have-death-will-travel mercenary business. Stallone's character Barney Ross (named after Hall of Fame boxer of the same name who retired 72-4?) receives a call about a new job and meets with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis in a small, but memorable scene that sets the price and the place of their mission, a tiny island named Vilena in South America.

I don't want to give away too much, but I can tell you that The Expendables are: Sly, Dolph Lundgren, Mickey Rourke, Jet Li, Jason Statham, Terry Crews and MMA fighter Randy Couture. Their contact on the island is hot-as-hell Mexican-born Brazilian actress Gisele Itié. The bad guys are fronted by Eric Roberts with muscle provided by "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, who lays the smackdown on Stallone in a scene that broke Sly's neck during filming.

The plot is a mix of Quentin Tarantino's WWII blood-filled fantasy "Inglourious Basterds" and popular "save the princess" 80s video game Mario Brothers. While the storyline is hardly groundbreaking, it is enjoyable and sports a few one-liners you'll repeat at the water cooler on Monday.

The bottom line (as Stone Cold would say) is if you like actions films, you'll probably enjoy the ride, but if you aren't a fan of the genre you won't be won over by anything that appears in this film. I like violent movies and found this one to be really enjoyable. The pacing is easy, the explosions large and the fight scenes intense. While the film will likely be remembered by the cast of stars aligned, the controversial act of water-boarding is depicted, which is coupled with graphic displays of gore are noteworthy for the genre. It follows a trend in action films of the aforementioned "Inglourious Basterds" with venturing into gruesome scenes of extreme bodily harm. As a fan of slasher films, I love this development. However, the weak-hearted and the there-is-too-much-violence-in-movies crowd will loathe it.

Some of you may have read Jean Claude Van Damme turned down the opportunity to be in the film stating, he "doesn't want his career going down that route." He goes on to say that Stallone called him and personally offered him a role in the film. His side of the story is when he asked about the character Stallone told him about the money he would make and not a lot about the role itself so he said "no". A couple of points here, first of all, the character for Van Damme's role had not been entirely fleshed out yet, so Stallone was in essence likely saying trust me on that part, it will be good and you'll make money. While the press has been quick to jump to the obvious (though wrong) conclusion that Van Damme was putting "the craft" ahead of his bank account angle, the fact is JCVD was admittedly homeless a few years ago. Consider Van Damme's comments come from a man who just last year starred in the straight-to-video trash called, "Universal Soldier: Regeneration". Van Damme want us to believe that he is only looking for serious, socially conscious work and not acting for money, when in October he has a movie coming out called "The Eagle Path" where he plays, gulp, a mercenary!?!? Add to that he will re-apprise his role as Luc Deveraux in the Universal Soldier series in 2011! Given all of this, I'd say Jean Claude made a big mistake by turning down a bankable role that could have re-elevated his career. I'm not sure what his motive was, maybe he's back on the nose candy? In any event, Van Damme is obviously not some re-born actor that loves "the craft" over money as is being trumpeted around the rags on the mag stands, nor is "The Expendables" a lunk-headed fiasco. It is a piece of violent entertainment that will wet the whistle of those thirsty for action, while at the same time help raise money to those that demonize such films.

Films that Sylvester Stallone has written in whole or part (source IMDB):

The Expendables (2010) (screenplay)
Rambo (2008) (written by)
Rocky Balboa (2006) (characters) (written by)
Father Lefty (2002) (TV) (written by)
Driven (2001) (screenplay)
Cliffhanger (1993) (screenplay)
Rocky V (1990) (written by)
Rambo III (1988) (written by)
Over the Top (1987) (screenplay)
Cobra (1986) (screenplay)
Rocky IV (1985) (written by)
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985) (screenplay)
Rhinestone (1984) (screenplay)
Staying Alive (1983) (written by)
First Blood (1982) (screenplay)
Rocky III (1982) (written by)
Rocky II (1979) (written by)
Paradise Alley (1978) (written by)
F.I.S.T (1978) (screenplay)
Rocky (1976) (written by),
The Lord's of Flatbush (1974) (additional dialogue)

Maryland Now Looking To Close-in For The Kill . . . similar to the system used to declare the Colts property by eminent domain


This is just like Deja Vu - similar to what transpired with the Baltimore/Indianapolis Colts.,0,7588403.story

If Maryland officials decide to rebid and issue new RFPs - (request for proposals) - only the foolhardy would step forward to walk into their 'trap'.

'Those that ignore history are doomed to repeat it.'

Barak Gives Thumbs Up For F-35 Advanced Fighter

Defense Minister Ehud Barak announced on Sunday formal approval for purchasing the American F-35 Stealth fighter plane. Imminent completion of the deal has been rumored for nearly a month.

The F-35 plane in Israel "will give the Air Force the best capability in the short and long range and allow Israel to maintain aerial superiority,” he said in a statement.

The confirmation comes at the same time that Saudi Arabia and the United States are completing deals for $60 billion for more than 80 F-15 planes and more than 130 attack helicopters. Purchasing the F-35 may alleviate worries that the weapons sales to Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries will destroy Israel’s military advantage.

Lockheed Martin, the manufacturer of the F-35 Lightning II stealth fighter aircraft, was known to be anxious over sales because of European countries’ reviews of spending programs.

More from INN

Taking More Food From The Needy

Democrats who slashed a food stamp program to fund a union payoff bill may have to do so again to pay for a top priority of first lady Michelle Obama.

The House will soon consider an $8 billion child nutrition bill that’s at the center of the first lady’s “Let’s Move” initiative. Before leaving for the summer recess, the Senate passed a smaller version of the legislation that is paid for by trimming the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps.

The proposed cuts would come on top of a 13.6 percent food stamp reduction in the $26 billion Medicaid and education state funding bill that President Obama signed this week.


Obama Closes Curtain On Transparency

President Obama has abolished the position in his White House dedicated to transparency and shunted those duties into the portfolio of a partisan ex-lobbyist who is openly antagonistic to the notion of disclosure by government and politicians.

Obama transferred "ethics czar" Norm Eisen to the Czech Republic to serve as U.S. ambassador. Some of Eisen's duties will be handed to Domestic Policy Council member Steven Croley, but most of them, it appears, will shift over to the already-full docket of White House Counsel Bob Bauer.

Bauer is renowned as a "lawyer's lawyer" and a legal expert. His resume, however, reads more "partisan advocate" than "good-government crusader." Bauer came to the White House from the law firm Perkins Coie, where he represented John Kerry in 2004 and Obama during his campaign.

Bauer has served as the top lawyer for the Democratic National Committee, which is the most prolific fundraising entity in the country. Then-Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill., the caricature of a cutthroat Chicago political fixer, hired Bauer to represent the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. In the White House, Bauer is tight with Emanuel, having defended Emanuel's offer of a job to Rep. Joe Sestak, D-Pa., whom Emanuel wanted out of the Senate race.

Another Bauer client was New Jersey Sen. Robert "Torch" Torricelli back in 2001. When one Torricelli donor admitted he had reimbursed employees for their contributions to the Torch -- thus circumventing contribution limits -- Bauer explained, "All candidates ask their supporters to help raise money from friends, family members and professional associates."

Read more here

Illegals Flee To Sanctuary States

Carlos Hernandez packed up his family and left Arizona after the state passed its sweeping immigration crackdown. The illegal immigrant's new home outside Seattle offered something Arizona could not: a driver's license.

Three states — Washington, New Mexico and Utah — allow illegal immigrants to get licenses because their laws do not require proof of citizenship or legal residency. An Associated Press analysis found that those states have seen a surge in immigrants seeking IDs in recent months, a trend experts attribute to crackdowns on illegal immigration in Arizona and elsewhere.

"It's difficult being undocumented and not having an identification," said Hernandez, of Puebla, Mexico. "You can use the Mexican ID, but people look down on it." An American driver's license is also a requirement for many jobs.

The immigration debate has thrown a spotlight on the license programs, which supporters say make financial sense because unlicensed drivers typically do not carry car insurance. Opponents insist the laws attract illegal immigrants and criminals.

"Washington state and New Mexico have been magnet states for the fraudulent document brokers, human traffickers and alien smugglers for years," said Brian Zimmer, president of the Coalition for a Secure Driver's License, a nonprofit research group in Washington, D.C.

State officials in New Mexico dispute that claim.

He said there is mounting evidence that the spike in license applications is a result of pressure on immigrants in states such as Arizona and Oklahoma, where police have been authorized to help enforce federal immigration laws.

Republican lawmakers in New Mexico and Washington state have pushed to tighten the laws in recent years, only to be thwarted by Democrats.

More here

Girl, 12, Discovers Burglar, Scrambles His Eggs

A 12-year-old British girl said she discovered a burglar in her family's kitchen and drove him off with a swift kick in the groin.

Georgia Bulis-Gray said she heard a door slam while she was alone in her family's Bosham, England, house and discovered the stranger standing in the kitchen, The Sun reported Wednesday.

"He smiled at me and I thought, 'I do not want him thinking I am just a helpless little girl,'" Bulis-Gray said.

She said her solution was to kick the crook between the legs.

"I kicked him very hard. He groaned and then ran out of the side gate," the girl said.


Money Doesn't Make A Very Good Fence

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on Friday said the administration has "enough" resources to secure the border now that President Obama signed into law a $600 million border security spending bill, and she said Congress must now act on a larger overhaul of the nation's immigration laws.

"This is what we asked for. And of course, what we asked for was what we thought would be enough," Ms. Napolitano told reporters at the White House, hours after she joined Mr. Obama as he signed the bipartisan bill.

The law provides for 1,000 new U.S. Border Patrol agents, hundreds of border inspectors and interior enforcement personnel and two new aerial drones to patrol the remote Southwest.

Although it will take about eight months for the new agents to be hired and trained, Ms. Napolitano said the border is already secure enough that it should not be used by critics to "preclude discussions about immigration reform."

"Sometimes I hear 'securing the border' and the goalpost just keeps moving — well, we've done this," Ms. Napolitano said, echoing statements by Mr. Obama that it's now time for a comprehensive bill that would provide illegal immigrants a pathway to legalization.

But border-state lawmakers in both parties, while welcoming the additional resources, said it's not enough. On Thursday, Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, Arizona Democrat, said Washington "still doesn’t truly understand the threats we face" in border states.

"I will keep saying it until they hear me – while this is a valuable first step towards protecting folks in the Southwest, it will take much more to make up for years of failed policies along the border," she said.

Mr. Obama earlier this year endorsed a general framework for a bill and made a speech calling for action, but he is leaving the details to Capitol Hill. He and other Democrats have said the ball is in Republicans' court, noting that several GOP lawmakers who were key to immigration reform in the past are now no longer supportive of a similar measure.

Those Republicans, including most notably Arizona Sens. Jon Kyl and John McCain, have said they do not yet believe the border is secure enough.

Both men sponsored the $600 million in funding Mr. Obama signed Friday, but they've asked for up to 6,000 National Guard Troops to be deployed to the border, and for more legal resources so that illegal border crossers can be jailed, rather than immediately sent back home, where many try again.

More here

Obama's Comments Take Mosque Story National

President Barack Obama on Saturday sought to defuse the controversy over his remarks on plans to build a mosque near Ground Zero, insisting that he wasn’t endorsing the specific project but making a general plea for religious tolerance toward all.

"In this country we treat everybody equally and in accordance with the law, regardless of race, regardless of religion,” Obama told reporters Saturday when asked about his remarks at a White House dinner marking the start of Ramadan.

“I was not commenting and I will not comment on the wisdom of making the decision to put a mosque there,” Obama continued. “I was commenting very specifically on the right people have that dates back to our founding. That's what our country is about. And I think it's very important as difficult as some of these issues are that we stay focused on who we are as a people and what our values are all about."

But his comments Friday night were widely interpreted as an endorsement of plans to build a mosque a few blocks away from where nearly 3,000 Americans perished at the hands of Islamic terrorists on 9/11 – an interpretation the White House hadn't disputed, up until Obama’s comments in Florida.

Already, though, Obama's comments on the Ground Zero mosque have transformed an emotion-laden local dispute in New York into a nationwide debate overnight, setting nervous Democrats on edge and creating potentially dramatic political implications in the upcoming midterm elections.

Key Republicans had leapt to criticize Obama’s over his comments Friday on the controversial plan, with House Republican leader John Boehner calling them “deeply troubling.”

And Democrats – at least the ones willing to comment at all — could barely contain their frustration over Obama’s remarks Friday night, saying they would further complicate campaign efforts by candidates struggling in an anti-Democratic year, particularly moderates in conservative-leaning districts who already are 2010’s most vulnerable contenders.

“I would prefer the president be a little more of a politician and a little less of a college professor,” former Rep. Martin Frost (D-Tex.), who once ran the House Democratic campaign arm, wrote in POLITICO’s Arena. “While a defensible position, it will not play well in the parts of the country where Democrats need the most help.”

Obama himself had steered clear of the issue for weeks, with his spokesman Robert Gibbs telling reporters that it was primarily a local issue. But at a Friday White House Iftar dinner, Obama said that while he understands Ground Zero is “hallowed ground,” he told a group of Muslims that he believes they have “the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in the country.”

“And that includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in Lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances,” he said. “This is America. And our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakeable. The principle that people of all faiths are welcome in this country and that they will not be treated differently by their government is essential to who we are.”

More from Politico

(Additional Reading: Muslims have always built mosques on the sites of their conquests.)


Shorebirds Fall 10.5 Games Out of First With 22 Games Left

Lakewood, NJ
– The Lakewood BlueClaws plated five runs between the second and third innings and used solid pitching to down the Shorebirds 6-2 in game three at FirstEnergy Park. The Shorebirds one through four hitters went a combined 0-for-16 at the plate.

Lakewood cracked the scoreboard first in the second inning. Sebastian Valle hit a lead off double. Two batters later, Jeremy Barnes hit his fourth homer of the season over the left field wall to give the ‘Claws a 2-0 lead.

In the third, the BlueClaws added three more runs. Leandro Castro hit an RBI single, Jonathan Singleton hit an RBI single and Valle recorded an RBI double to vault the lead to 5-0.

The Shorebirds tallied runs in the fourth and fifth innings. Justin Dalles hit a two-out double down the left field line to score Mike Flacco in the fourth. In the fifth, Gary Helmick hit a lead off double. He scored on a throwing error by second baseman Jeremy Barnes.

Lakewood starter Josh Zeid earned the win in six innings. He allowed four hits and one earned run. Zeid also fanned seven batters without issuing a walk. Relievers Justin Beal and Eric Massingham held the ‘Birds in check from the seventh inning forward.

Shorebirds starter Nick Haughian lasted a season high 5.1 innings. He allowed eight hits and five earned runs.

‘Birds reliever Brian Parker went the final 2.2 innings without allowing a hit or a run.

The Shorebirds and BlueClaws play game four of the series on Sunday night at 5:05 p.m.

SHOREBIRDS GAME NOTES: August 14 @ Lakewood

PREVIEW: The Shorebirds look to rebound after a 10-0 defeat last night in game two. The Shorebirds have just nine hits in 64 at-bats through the first two games of the series. Lakewood plated five runs in the second and five runs in the fifth inning. Lakewood starter Trevor May fanned 10 in seven shutout innings.

STRUGGLING IN HOMETOWN: T.J. Baxter (Point Pleasant, NJ) has struggled in his six games at FirstEnergy Park this season. He is 1-for-26 at FirstEnergy Park with 11 strikeouts.

4 STRAIGHT: The Shorebirds have played four straight games error free games. The ‘Birds have made the fifth most errors in the league this season (168). Rome leads the league with 196 errors.

STAMPONE IN ABERDEEN: Tyler Stampone (left hand injury) is now playing with the Aberdeen Ironbirds. He is 4-11 (.364) in four games in the Penn League. Stampone suffered the injury on June 27 and has been recovering ever since.

HITLESS: Steve Bumbry is hitless in his last 18 at-bats dating back to August 5th. His batting average has dropped below .270 (.266) for the first time since May 23 when he was hitting .263.

Meet Candidate Chris Robinson