DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, January 12, 2009
Classified Ads
People are starting to send in more items for the Classified Ads. It's no wonder. Once you see the article tomorrow morning you'll understand why. Nevertheless, if you have any items you'd like to sell, send them to alberobutzo@wmconnect.com and we'll post them for this coming Saturday morning. Remember, list the items, the price and all contact information.
Math Error To Cost Maryland $31 Million
Mistake Overpaid 17 School Systems
By Daniel de Vise
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, January 12, 2009;
Page B01
As fiscal flubs go, this was a doozy. An error of simple addition in late 2007 threw off a government estimate of Montgomery County property wealth by $16 billion -- an amount equivalent to the gross domestic product of Jordan -- and spread, viruslike, through the budgets of at least 18 counties before it was corrected.
GO HERE to see the entire article in the Washington Post.
By Daniel de Vise
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, January 12, 2009;
Page B01
As fiscal flubs go, this was a doozy. An error of simple addition in late 2007 threw off a government estimate of Montgomery County property wealth by $16 billion -- an amount equivalent to the gross domestic product of Jordan -- and spread, viruslike, through the budgets of at least 18 counties before it was corrected.
GO HERE to see the entire article in the Washington Post.
Mayor Of Salisbury Intimidates Citizen At Their Residence

Remember this article the other day? You know, the letter George Chevallier sent off to the State about the Mayor's scam. "George Chevallier Slams Mayor Tilghman On Bail Out Money For The Bricks Scam."
Well guess what Folks. The Mayor got so ticked off, she not only drafted the letter below, she went and HAND DELIVERED IT to George Chevallier at his personal residence. Now why would any one in their RIGHT MIND do something so stupid? Because she's Barrie Tilghman, the Queen of Eastern Shore Idiots! Barrie Tilghman delivered this message because she wanted to intimidate George, an elderly man. She wanted to do what we call back in the Bronx, piss on his fire hydrant and let him know she can trespass on his property uninvited and deliver this message with only that Look Barrie Tilghman can do that sends shivers even down Hollywood's spine.
Her DEMANDS are so STUPID, who the heck does this woman think she is! Barrie, shove that message where the sun don't shine woman because I'll back George up as well as thousands of people on this Blog with enough finances to counter sue you for a multitude of actions.
Any normal human being would first seek Council before sending such a message and then they'd send it via USPS and NOT hand deliver it in order to intimidate yet ANOTHER Taxpayer. Your game is over woman and I will see you first on January 21st in Court and we're going to bring this fine example of who you are soas the Judge can see your style and just how far you have gone with me and many others in the attempt to shut us up. Pack all your crap up from your Office woman and don't let that door hit you in the tail too hard on the way out because the majority of the City Taxpayers have had enough of your crap! This Blog exposed you for who you really are Barrie Tilghman and the Red Cross Luncheon told you what the majority of Citizens think of you.
Click on image to enlarge.
This was George Chevallier's response to the Mayor's letter/message/abuse.......
"Barrie P. Tilghman, Mayor January 9, 2009
City of Salisbury
125 N. Division St.
Salisbury, MD 21801-4940
Dear Barrie,
While I sincerely resent you coming to my house to hand deliver a letter that could have just as easily been delivered by the USPS, I will respond to the allegations in your letter.
Since you are spearheading the attempt to get grant money for the building known as the “Bricks”, I used your name as the perpetrator of what I called a “scam”. What else would you call it when someone is trying to obtain money for something that has no chance whatsoever of returning that money to the city. The money proposed for this project could be used to build affordable housing for the same amount of people for a lot less money. Someone is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the citizens of Salisbury.
My statement about you owning quite a bit of rental properties in this neighborhood was the result of what was passed on to me as a result of comments made about why you and Louise Smith spend so much effort in that neighborhood “cleaning it up”. You may or may not own residential housing in the neighborhood, but we never see you in any other neighborhood on such a scale as the East Side. And your husband’s property on Benny St. is on the East Side.
As far as sending the letter under the umbrella of the Wicomico Historical Society, I did no such thing. I identified myself as president of the Society to lend credence to the historical facts to which I referred.
I will in no way apologize for trying to make Salisbury a better place in which to live. Or will I apologize for expressing my opinion that you are trying to spend a million dollars of taxpayer money on a project such as this. I don’t think all the facts are out on this “project”. Who is going to own the building? Who is going to pay the taxes? Who gets the rent money from this building? These are questions that the people of Salisbury want and deserve to know. Are you willing to send me the answers to these questions?
I certainly didn’t intend to malign you by hearsay evidence. In the future I will stick to my knowledge of the city and its history. To say that I have less than a passionate love of Salisbury would be an understatement. I have so often seen outsiders come in to the city, make their money and then leave. Oftentimes at the expense of the taxpayers who still live here.
I anticipate an immediate answer to the above questions.
George Chevallier
cc: Cindy Stone"
I can assure you, the Mayor is reading this response letter before the Postal Service delivers Geroge's letter. You have picked on the Dirty Dozen, (now thousands) long enough and we don't have to put up with your crap any more. Mayor "Bully" Tilghman has been spanked publicly in the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION and you need to go home, close the doors and blinds and sit back and think about your reign of terror on everyone who ever disagreed with you.
For those of you heading to the polls in the near future, Gary Comegys has been a major supporter of this woman for many, many years! Now you know what you'll be voting for if ANY of you cast a vote for Gary Comegys. It's time to take back this City Ladies & Gentlemen and make a statement. Vote for ANYONE besides Gary Comegys and you'll be better off.
George, I'm sorry this happened to you and my hat is tipped to you Sir for standing your ground and telling this woman basically where she can shove it. We're behind you 100%. I'm sure my Attorney would be happy to represent you if the Mayor tries to come after you.
So tell us Folks, what would YOU do if the Mayor showed up at your front door unannounced with an attitude and a letter in hand of such?
Brooke Mulford Fundraiser

As many of you know, 4-year-old Brooke Mulford has been diagnosed with cancer. The Mulford family is battling Brooke’s cancer, and needs cash for the many expenses associated with traveling. Brooke’s parents, Rob and Amy, own and operate Market Street Inn.
We will be hosting the “Bonfire for Brooke” this Friday, January 16, [4:30pm-until] on our waterfront lot located at 2825 N. Salisbury Blvd [just north of Dagsboro Rd and our office building]. It will be a casual gathering with acoustic music, campfire, heated tent, BYOB, and the commonality that health and family take precedence over business.
Five years ago, during our daughter’s illness, we experienced a 6 week stay at Johns Hopkins, and we will never forget the friends at Perdue that raised over $600.00 cash for us, and delivered it to Baltimore. It was a tremendous help and comfort to us in the midst of our crisis.
This Friday is an impromptu event to raise some immediate cash for the family. I will provide the firewood, tent, facilities, parking attendants. Many volunteers are also providing food.
It will be cold; and times are tight, but please stop by to make any type of cash donation that you can. Time is of the essence and this family can use our support. The Mulfords are blessed to have the friendship and support of this outstanding community.
Please take a moment to forward this message to your family, friends, and business associates.
Doug & Christal Marshall
Is The “Obama Express” Coming to Salisbury?
Recent news reports suggest that Obama plans to address the economic crisis by throwing huge sums of money at it ASAP. Much of this so-called economic “stimulus” is likely to be done by make-work projects that – in order to get them going quicker – will be left up to local government that will be given money to spend for whatever purpose their officials desire. The “New Deal” will be pale in comparison to what’s about to happen.
Massive waste of federal funds due to the action of local officials with little or no guidelines or oversight by the Obama administration is a clear and present danger. Sensing the swill to be served soon after the inauguration, the hogs are already surrounding the public trough to get money for pet projects. One flagrant example is the “organized crime museum” in Las Vegas being touted by Senator (“Dirty Harry”) Reid of Nevada.
Look for Barrie Tilghman, and Bubba Comegys (if he replaces her as the mayor) to try to get federal funding for the nonsense that they are trying to put over on the public, such as the “North Prong” and downtown revitalization, “The Bricks” and other things. And if Vegas gets funding for the museum mentioned above, don’t be surprised if Barrie and Bubba try to get funding for the “poultry industry museum” that was proposed a few years ago.
Media coverage of that “organized crime museum” has apparently stifled that potential waste, but the Daily Times can’t be trusted to inform the public about requested funding for pet schemes of a Tilghman or Comegys administration. Please keep your eyes open and ears close to the ground, and if you should see or hear any “stimulus” or special funding for Salisbury (or Wicomico County), please let us know the details.
Together lets derail plots to waste Obama bucks. YES WE CAN!
Massive waste of federal funds due to the action of local officials with little or no guidelines or oversight by the Obama administration is a clear and present danger. Sensing the swill to be served soon after the inauguration, the hogs are already surrounding the public trough to get money for pet projects. One flagrant example is the “organized crime museum” in Las Vegas being touted by Senator (“Dirty Harry”) Reid of Nevada.
Look for Barrie Tilghman, and Bubba Comegys (if he replaces her as the mayor) to try to get federal funding for the nonsense that they are trying to put over on the public, such as the “North Prong” and downtown revitalization, “The Bricks” and other things. And if Vegas gets funding for the museum mentioned above, don’t be surprised if Barrie and Bubba try to get funding for the “poultry industry museum” that was proposed a few years ago.
Media coverage of that “organized crime museum” has apparently stifled that potential waste, but the Daily Times can’t be trusted to inform the public about requested funding for pet schemes of a Tilghman or Comegys administration. Please keep your eyes open and ears close to the ground, and if you should see or hear any “stimulus” or special funding for Salisbury (or Wicomico County), please let us know the details.
Together lets derail plots to waste Obama bucks. YES WE CAN!
Respectful Deer Hunter
Two deer hunters were standing on a ridge near a highway on the opening day of deer season. They both saw a trophy-class buck meandering towards them. As the one hunter raised his gun to shoot, a funeral procession came by slowly. The hunter lowered his gun, took off his hat, and stood with his head bowed until the procession had passed.
Of course, by then, the deer was long gone. The other hunter exclaimed "Wow! That was the most sportsman like act I've ever seen!You allowed this trophy buck to escape while showing such compassion and kindness toward someone's dearly departed.
You are a great humanitarian and a shining example to sportsmen throughout the world!" The first hunter nodded and said, "Well, we were married for 42 years."
Of course, by then, the deer was long gone. The other hunter exclaimed "Wow! That was the most sportsman like act I've ever seen!You allowed this trophy buck to escape while showing such compassion and kindness toward someone's dearly departed.
You are a great humanitarian and a shining example to sportsmen throughout the world!" The first hunter nodded and said, "Well, we were married for 42 years."
Is It Just Me, or is there a lot in the Media About the End of the World?

Is it just me, or have you noticed it too?
Every time I turn on the Discovery Channel, the Learning Channel or the History Channel, there is yet another show being promoted about the end of the world?
Last weekends lineup was enough to scare anyone to death. There were shows about 2012 and the end of the Aztec calendar.
There was a show about Nostradamus, and his prophesy about 2012.
Then there were the 'Bible Code' guys who believe that the past present and future are hidden in some sort of mathematical code within the letters of the words in the text.
Last but not least there was the show about a giant asteroid plowing into the earth, they have an exact one in mind, named 'Wormwood' (isn't that a word in the Bible too?) that is set to make a pass by the Earth in ....2012!
Ooh, and I almost forgot!
The biggest most active Volcano on the planet that just happens to be called Yellowstone National Park has experienced over 500 earthquakes since December 26th 2008. It is estimated to go off every 65,000,000 years and that should be around....2012!
I am starting to wonder about all of the media around many of the things that we find important.
Are they trying to scare us to death?
It reminds of the movie 'Wag the Dog'.
Keep the public focused on one thing while 'We' do another.
So what do you think?
Is this coincedence?
Is this misinformation, meant to scare us?
Or do you think it's real?
I'm going to take the position, that there are a lot of valid points brought forth in many of these therories, but, I am very suspicious as to why there is so much attention brought to it now?
Remember, Y2K? Nothing ever happened with that, and look how many millions of dollars changed hands because of the fear instilled in the unknown.
Dad At The Mall
I took my dad to the mall the other day to buy some new shoes (he is 92). We decided to grab a bite at the food court. I noticed he was watching a teenager sitting next to him. The teenager had spiked hair in all different colors : green, red, orange, and blue. My dad kept staring at him. The teenager would look and find him staring every time.
When the teenager had had enough, he sarcastically asked, 'What's the matter old man, never done anything wild in your life?'
Knowing my Dad, I quickly swallowed my food so that I would not choke on his response, knowing he would have a good one, and in classic style he did not bat an eye in his response.
'Got drunk once, and had sex with a peacock. I was just wondering if you were my son.'
When the teenager had had enough, he sarcastically asked, 'What's the matter old man, never done anything wild in your life?'
Knowing my Dad, I quickly swallowed my food so that I would not choke on his response, knowing he would have a good one, and in classic style he did not bat an eye in his response.
'Got drunk once, and had sex with a peacock. I was just wondering if you were my son.'
Comments On Obama Inauguration Dress Code
I believe the following comments should shock everyone. I personally believe the BOE Teachers are wackos striving to push their agenda and some of these these comments should prove of such. This topic will go away soon enough but in the mean time Parents should be EDUCATED themselves on who their children are being guided by, as well as Preachers. We don't have to agree but there's never been a place in the past in which so many can learn how things are being run and express their thoughts and opinions. The BOE has had their own agenda, even to a point that they'll cut off anyone who disagrees with them. To me, they're a Cult. Just my personal opinion.
"Deacon James Bailey said....
I am from Talbot County and often preach on the shore. I forgive the remarks of the non-believers. As Dr. Martin Luther King said we must pray for the recovery of some of our sick white brothers and sisters.Dr. King in his most famous speech said we will climb the mountain even though he might not reach the top with us. Praise the Lord for we have reached the mountain top with President Obama.Look out on the horizon and see the n as my brothers and sisters rejoice with meew opportunities that await all black Americans. On Sunday morning we must sing the old song that says we are free at last.Our hearts swell as my brothers and sisters rejoice for we have reached a new and higher plateau. We can never be complacent but must push on and on until all colors run together and all races are viewed as equals.Thank you Mr. Albero for allowing people of color to express themselves on your non-prejudice blog."
"HOLY CRAP!!!!!!! Jesus help us all. or should I say Obama help us all???? I'm confused who "THE" ANNOINTED ONE is. Does that mean we all start giving gifts to each other on Mr. Obama's birthday? That is , once we find out when that really is. RP"
"Every child in my 5 th grade classroom will wear a red,white & blue decorative ribbon arrangement to respect this historical inauguration. They will respect the democratic process and respect our first black president. The office of president like other positions of power must be respected.My students respect me as a teacher of the Africo American race. It is the parents that hold prejudice ideas when their children are innocent.Thank you."
"Wicomico County Teacher said.....
Any parent who does not allow their child to obey the teacher is being non-cooperative. If I, as a teacher ,tell a child to wear red ,white and blue colors and he or she doesn't, then this will reflect in their grade for the day.I will provide the 3-colored ribbons. Parents do not dictate to the schools. We know what is best for all children.Parents need to be positive and stop acting like children. Parents should be the adults. Hope this clears everything up. Any questions, please make an appointment with the Director of Elementary Education, Mrs. Margo Handy."
"I am a high school senior and I find this rediculous. We waste taxpayers money for kids like me to go to school, and for what, watch the inauguration during precious and valuable time to do class work? What the heck? I'm ashamed to see this happen."
"Pittsville Mom said...
On the Willards calendar it says "Inauguration Day Activities Dress in Red,White,and Blue!" I think just dressing in the colors would be okay, but Im not comfortable with these "activities" He is a man.He will be or president and I respect that, however, that is all he is. People are making over him like he is a GOD! They didn't do this before, but oh no....we must bow to the King...e-q-u-a-l "
"Willards Dad said...
They are quick to let you know you can't speak of God in school, but its okay to talk about the government."
"Watchdog said...
The promotion of this strongly encouraged viewing of the inauguration and the dress issue came down from the Director of Elementary Education, Mrs. Margo Handy,who is black at a meeting with the Vice Principals in Wicomico County.Lesson plans had to be turned into the principals as to what each teacher would be teaching .The teachers are to have all students view the inauguration ceremony as a directive for the day's history lesson.People from the BOE will be coming into the schools to see what is being taught that day (this rarely happens otherwise). This whole issue is being very strongly encouraged from the Board Central Office by the black supervisors, specialists and Mrs. Handy.Concerned and interested parents need to form an association with an aggressive attorney to protect the children's rights. I find it interesting that the neighbors of the Salisbury Mall took legal action to direct the development of the mall and how it would impact the neighborhood yet the children's welfare is not as important.Parents are often intimidated by school authorities and afraid any action they take will be taken out on their child. I believe the courts and society now will be more favorable to stand behind the parents for the children's welfare.Times have changed. It is also recognized that the schools do not have the best interest of the individual child at heart. Mass scheduling and profiling prevails. A parent with enough exerted pressure and clout can have their child's class schedule changed after they sign a set of documents that relieves the school of responsibility for the student's academic success.This meeting with the principal is also surrounded with an air of intimidation. That crap did not influence our family visit to Bennett Middle.We stood our ground and have the money to have our attorney entertain any unsettled issue.Fight for what is best for your child. As the late superintendent, Royd A Mahaffey, stated,"Your child is your most precious possession."
"Deacon James Bailey said....
I am from Talbot County and often preach on the shore. I forgive the remarks of the non-believers. As Dr. Martin Luther King said we must pray for the recovery of some of our sick white brothers and sisters.Dr. King in his most famous speech said we will climb the mountain even though he might not reach the top with us. Praise the Lord for we have reached the mountain top with President Obama.Look out on the horizon and see the n as my brothers and sisters rejoice with meew opportunities that await all black Americans. On Sunday morning we must sing the old song that says we are free at last.Our hearts swell as my brothers and sisters rejoice for we have reached a new and higher plateau. We can never be complacent but must push on and on until all colors run together and all races are viewed as equals.Thank you Mr. Albero for allowing people of color to express themselves on your non-prejudice blog."
"HOLY CRAP!!!!!!! Jesus help us all. or should I say Obama help us all???? I'm confused who "THE" ANNOINTED ONE is. Does that mean we all start giving gifts to each other on Mr. Obama's birthday? That is , once we find out when that really is. RP"
"Every child in my 5 th grade classroom will wear a red,white & blue decorative ribbon arrangement to respect this historical inauguration. They will respect the democratic process and respect our first black president. The office of president like other positions of power must be respected.My students respect me as a teacher of the Africo American race. It is the parents that hold prejudice ideas when their children are innocent.Thank you."
"Wicomico County Teacher said.....
Any parent who does not allow their child to obey the teacher is being non-cooperative. If I, as a teacher ,tell a child to wear red ,white and blue colors and he or she doesn't, then this will reflect in their grade for the day.I will provide the 3-colored ribbons. Parents do not dictate to the schools. We know what is best for all children.Parents need to be positive and stop acting like children. Parents should be the adults. Hope this clears everything up. Any questions, please make an appointment with the Director of Elementary Education, Mrs. Margo Handy."
"I am a high school senior and I find this rediculous. We waste taxpayers money for kids like me to go to school, and for what, watch the inauguration during precious and valuable time to do class work? What the heck? I'm ashamed to see this happen."
"Pittsville Mom said...
On the Willards calendar it says "Inauguration Day Activities Dress in Red,White,and Blue!" I think just dressing in the colors would be okay, but Im not comfortable with these "activities" He is a man.He will be or president and I respect that, however, that is all he is. People are making over him like he is a GOD! They didn't do this before, but oh no....we must bow to the King...e-q-u-a-l "
"Willards Dad said...
They are quick to let you know you can't speak of God in school, but its okay to talk about the government."
"Watchdog said...
The promotion of this strongly encouraged viewing of the inauguration and the dress issue came down from the Director of Elementary Education, Mrs. Margo Handy,who is black at a meeting with the Vice Principals in Wicomico County.Lesson plans had to be turned into the principals as to what each teacher would be teaching .The teachers are to have all students view the inauguration ceremony as a directive for the day's history lesson.People from the BOE will be coming into the schools to see what is being taught that day (this rarely happens otherwise). This whole issue is being very strongly encouraged from the Board Central Office by the black supervisors, specialists and Mrs. Handy.Concerned and interested parents need to form an association with an aggressive attorney to protect the children's rights. I find it interesting that the neighbors of the Salisbury Mall took legal action to direct the development of the mall and how it would impact the neighborhood yet the children's welfare is not as important.Parents are often intimidated by school authorities and afraid any action they take will be taken out on their child. I believe the courts and society now will be more favorable to stand behind the parents for the children's welfare.Times have changed. It is also recognized that the schools do not have the best interest of the individual child at heart. Mass scheduling and profiling prevails. A parent with enough exerted pressure and clout can have their child's class schedule changed after they sign a set of documents that relieves the school of responsibility for the student's academic success.This meeting with the principal is also surrounded with an air of intimidation. That crap did not influence our family visit to Bennett Middle.We stood our ground and have the money to have our attorney entertain any unsettled issue.Fight for what is best for your child. As the late superintendent, Royd A Mahaffey, stated,"Your child is your most precious possession."
January 18th Is Brooke Mulford Day
On January 4th, 2009, God took Brooke Mulford to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOPS).
As we are all aware, she has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. Brooke is a strong little girl, but she still needs our help.
On Sunday January 18th, the Bank of Delmarva in concert with SYSCO & many others will be hosting "Brooke's Day" at Market Street Inn. Lunch will begin at 11am and will be served to 4pm. Dinner will start at 4 and be served until 11pm.
The specials for the day will be a sample of Brooke's favorite dishes: salmon, filet mignon with chocolate demi-glace, seared scallops and of course Chef Joel's now famous crab & lobster soup. Ice cream will be free to all children all day long.
Everyone is invited to come show your support for Brooke and Amy and Rob.
Stop by for lunch, dinner or a drink & appetizer on "Brooke's Day" & be sure to sign the giant banner which w ill be sent to the Mulfords in Philadelphia.
Please visit the Mulford's Website HERE for updates from the Mulford family.
As we are all aware, she has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. Brooke is a strong little girl, but she still needs our help.
On Sunday January 18th, the Bank of Delmarva in concert with SYSCO & many others will be hosting "Brooke's Day" at Market Street Inn. Lunch will begin at 11am and will be served to 4pm. Dinner will start at 4 and be served until 11pm.
The specials for the day will be a sample of Brooke's favorite dishes: salmon, filet mignon with chocolate demi-glace, seared scallops and of course Chef Joel's now famous crab & lobster soup. Ice cream will be free to all children all day long.
Everyone is invited to come show your support for Brooke and Amy and Rob.
Stop by for lunch, dinner or a drink & appetizer on "Brooke's Day" & be sure to sign the giant banner which w ill be sent to the Mulfords in Philadelphia.
Please visit the Mulford's Website HERE for updates from the Mulford family.
A Child Safety Post
A Friend of mine was out this weekend with some friends with children in Washington, D.C. and as they were going from one building to the next looking at Museum's and so forth, the parents mentioned how their child was a runner. This meant that the child could just take off at any moment. Considering where they were, this was a major concern.
Nevertheless, leave it to the adult without a child to come up with what I thought was an unbelievable idea. He suggested that ALL parents take a cell phone picture of their child THAT DAY. This way they're wearing the same clothes others might be looking out for should they get lost. It didn't take a split second to decide if this was going up as a Post.
This is a fantastic idea, especially with the upcoming big event in Washington, should parents bring their child there in red, white and blue or their Sunday Finest. ;-)
Pass the word around on this idea because it's a pretty cool one and I had never heard of it or thought of it.
Nevertheless, leave it to the adult without a child to come up with what I thought was an unbelievable idea. He suggested that ALL parents take a cell phone picture of their child THAT DAY. This way they're wearing the same clothes others might be looking out for should they get lost. It didn't take a split second to decide if this was going up as a Post.
This is a fantastic idea, especially with the upcoming big event in Washington, should parents bring their child there in red, white and blue or their Sunday Finest. ;-)
Pass the word around on this idea because it's a pretty cool one and I had never heard of it or thought of it.
What's the Hardest Thing About Becoming the New President? Giving up the CrackBerry!

In interview with CNN, the reporter was asking Obama what will be hardest thing to accept in his new life, and give up in his old. His answer..... was his Blackberry!
According to anyone ever in his presense he never stops texting.
He stated that it will be hard because that is the part of his life that is most real. The part where people don't stand up just because he is coming in the room. The part where things aren't scripted, but real.
He is quoted as saying 'They will have to pry it from my hands"!
Sounds like he's pretty serious.
The reason he can't keep it is because it is soooooooo hackable. Just like yours is.
His communications can be rerouted anywhere a hacker chooses, and there is no way of making him only share topical friendly conversations on it.
Especially when he cannot control who calls him either.
The other thing is they are equipped with GPS, and it wouldn't be like he could hide from anyone. Not that I don't think that all the top level people probably have a microchip in them for 'security' purposes anyway, but I am sure they are highly encrypted.
This is the US Government were talking about here, I'm sure they will develop something for him.
Moose Lodge In Salisbury Considering Closing Their Doors
Recently there was an Officers meeting held at the Moose in Salisbury. The main topic of this meeting were the finances of the Club. They discussed the possibility of closing the Salisbury doors within the next six months. Members will be urged to keep there memberships up to date which will allow them to enter other Moose Lodges in the country. At the next meeting there will be more information concerning closing the doors.
Hey George Bush, don't let that door hit you in the rear end too hard when you leave. Oh, and enjoy that guaranteed retirement check for the rest of your life and your Wife's life. I told you Folks, things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.
If you're a current Member or even a former Member, I strongly urge you to go to the next meeting and support an American Tradition once again.
Hey George Bush, don't let that door hit you in the rear end too hard when you leave. Oh, and enjoy that guaranteed retirement check for the rest of your life and your Wife's life. I told you Folks, things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.
If you're a current Member or even a former Member, I strongly urge you to go to the next meeting and support an American Tradition once again.
Look What A Man Can Do With His Balls
I know what you are thinking that this is dirty, but it's not. This is really cool. Enjoy
Bail Out Money for Obama's Inauguration?
A full 90 percent of donations to fund Barack Obama’s Jan. 20 inauguration have come from well-heeled fundraisers — including Wall Street executives whose companies have received federal bailout money.
A total of 207 fundraisers have collected $24.8 million of the $27.3 million in donations disclosed by Obama through Thursday, according to an analysis by Public Citizen commissioned by The Wall Street Journal.
Slightly more than 2,000 donors accounted for the $27.3 million raised, but 378 of those people each contributed the maximum $50,000 allowed by Obama, raising almost 70 percent of the total, or $18.9 million, the analysis found.
Wall Street employees have been the largest single source of private donations, and many of the contributions have been channeled through financial-services executives who have put together bundles of donations worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
“The preponderance of large donors and the fact that so many come from an industry receiving government handouts comes as the president-elect has sought to keep his inauguration free of special interests,” The Journal observed.
Bundlers from the financial sector include executives from Citigroup Inc. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc., two firms that have accepted billions of dollars each in bailout money from the federal government.
Obama’s presidential campaign smashed all previous fundraising records, raking in more than an astounding $650 million from some 3 million donors.
A total of 207 fundraisers have collected $24.8 million of the $27.3 million in donations disclosed by Obama through Thursday, according to an analysis by Public Citizen commissioned by The Wall Street Journal.
Slightly more than 2,000 donors accounted for the $27.3 million raised, but 378 of those people each contributed the maximum $50,000 allowed by Obama, raising almost 70 percent of the total, or $18.9 million, the analysis found.
Wall Street employees have been the largest single source of private donations, and many of the contributions have been channeled through financial-services executives who have put together bundles of donations worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
“The preponderance of large donors and the fact that so many come from an industry receiving government handouts comes as the president-elect has sought to keep his inauguration free of special interests,” The Journal observed.
Bundlers from the financial sector include executives from Citigroup Inc. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc., two firms that have accepted billions of dollars each in bailout money from the federal government.
Obama’s presidential campaign smashed all previous fundraising records, raking in more than an astounding $650 million from some 3 million donors.
Apparently this is a standard procedure all paramedics follow at the scene of an accident when they come across your cell phone.
ICE - 'In Case of Emergency'
We all carry our mobile phones with names & numbers stored in its memory but nobody, other than ourselves, knows which of these numbers belong to our closest family or friends.
If we were to be involved in an accident or were taken ill, the people attending us would have our mobile phone but wouldn't know who to call. Yes, there are hundreds of numbers stored but which one is the contact person in case of an emergency? Hence this 'ICE' (In Case of Emergency) Campaign.
The concept of 'ICE' is catching on quickly. It is a method of contact during emergency situations. As cell(mobile) phones are carried by the majority of the population, all you need to do is store the number of a contact person or persons who should be contacted during emergency under the name 'ICE' ( In Case Of Emergency).
The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when he went to the scenes of accidents, there were always mobile phones with patients, but they didn't know which number to call. He therefore thought that it would be a good idea if there was a nationally recognized name for this purpose. In an emergency situation, Emergency Service personnel and hospital Staff would be able to quickly contact the right person by simply dialing the number you have stored as 'ICE.'
For more than one contact name simply enter ICE1, ICE2 and ICE3 etc. A great idea that will make a difference!
Let's spread the concept of ICE by storing an ICE number in our Mobile phones today!
ICE - 'In Case of Emergency'
We all carry our mobile phones with names & numbers stored in its memory but nobody, other than ourselves, knows which of these numbers belong to our closest family or friends.
If we were to be involved in an accident or were taken ill, the people attending us would have our mobile phone but wouldn't know who to call. Yes, there are hundreds of numbers stored but which one is the contact person in case of an emergency? Hence this 'ICE' (In Case of Emergency) Campaign.
The concept of 'ICE' is catching on quickly. It is a method of contact during emergency situations. As cell(mobile) phones are carried by the majority of the population, all you need to do is store the number of a contact person or persons who should be contacted during emergency under the name 'ICE' ( In Case Of Emergency).
The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when he went to the scenes of accidents, there were always mobile phones with patients, but they didn't know which number to call. He therefore thought that it would be a good idea if there was a nationally recognized name for this purpose. In an emergency situation, Emergency Service personnel and hospital Staff would be able to quickly contact the right person by simply dialing the number you have stored as 'ICE.'
For more than one contact name simply enter ICE1, ICE2 and ICE3 etc. A great idea that will make a difference!
Let's spread the concept of ICE by storing an ICE number in our Mobile phones today!
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