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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Are You Angered By The Slow Snow Removal?

Today the daily times has an article about the angry masses, upset by the slow snow removal. Do you agree with this article? Are YOU upset with the sssllllooowwww snow removal? After all, we usually don't see the number of inches, I mean feet, that we recently and continue to get.

What has the Daily Rag done to help clear our community? We've seen what Joe Albero has done.

If you read the article, they only quote one person as complaining.

Once again, the Daily Rag tries to stir the pot, trying to upset the masses against the current mayor. Thankfully we have SBYNEWS to bring us the real news!


doug wilkerson said...

I think considering the conditions the workers have done a great job. We arent prepared for this amount of winter, but they seem to be doing all they can.

Anonymous said...

4 days later and some roads were not touched. slow is not even a beginning to describe it. now we have a new storm and four days later and they still will not be touched.

Orsonwells said...

I think they are doing a GREAT job with the tools at hand. This record snowfall (in 125 years?) has kicked some butt, and they have kicked back! Actually, I was looking at my street last night hoping they wouldn't come by to make another pass to widen the road and block up everybody's driveways that we all worked so hard to clear.

Good job, guys! And a hat tip to all who volunteered to help out neighbors.

Anonymous said...

Considering the extreme amount of snow in such a short period of time, they've done a fine job. I'm particularly impressed that they've managed to accomplish all they have without the help of Gary Comegys over at SHA.
lol...I crack myself up sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I was out last Friday night as the city crews were doing the best they could to keep up. They hit almost every street in all parts of the city. I think at about 3 a.m. it was getting clear that they were not going to keep up or catch up. By daylight, people were driving on all of it, turning it into ice.
I think they did a good job with what they had to work with. If they hadn't done the work on Friday night, there would have been twice as much snow in the streets.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't know anything about the daily slime cause we havent had a paper come in over 4 days!!!But we are still required to pay for it. This is bologna!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

On my steet we grabbed shovels. The constitution does not grant snow removal. Get you hands off the Bob-Bons and get to work Li-a

Anonymous said...

In the County the delay is understandable, but not in Salisbury. Ireton has flubbed the dub again!

Anonymous said...

I don't see many landlords clearing their walks or telling their renters not to take their trash to the curb. How much of that trash is now all over the streets?

Anonymous said...

Go back and read some of the comments on your site from the previous storms. There were plenty of upset people. Some even had pictures.

There is good in all. Look what you have done in the past few days... and Gannet donated $6000 to the Village of Hope recently.

Don't be so judgemental toward ones you do not like. It takes away from the good this site does.

Anonymous said...

When does Salisbury EVER get snow like this? How in hell are they supposed to get ALL roads clear within 3 days with snow storm after snow storm? You gotta better solution because they only have so many people, resources, and money. How about you get your ass in a truck with a snow plow and get to those roads!

Anonymous said...

Can the idiots who are mad please take personal responsibility? I mean if they are so damn upset over two 20 year storms in one week go buy a 4wd. I a fullsize 4wd truck. Take responsibility for yourself!

Anonymous said...

We should be thankful the crews are even able to do what they have. We are not used to this much snow & the crews are trying their best. I know a lot of roads were not cleared before the 2nd storm hit, but the reality is there wasn't much they could do. This is the time people need to stay home & allow the crews to do their jobs. Unless there is an emergency then people do not need to be out. Remember the snow plowers are people too & they need rest & to be safe as well. This is the time when the communities need to come together to help each other. I live in Delmar & all the neighbors have been out helping each other. I wish people would relax and give thanks to those who have to be out in the mess. So I say, Thank You to all the people who have worked hard to keep the power on, snow removed, and the emergency service personnel. I am sure I am missing a lot of people who have been working hard, for those I say Thank You too. Also, Thank You to my Delmar neighbors that are always willing to lend a helping hand.

Anonymous said...

yes, angry.
TIme for state and county workers to get there ass in gear.
NO more four men riding around at 20mph looking stupid.
Go push snow with the snow plows.

Anonymous said...

Somerset County Roads crew have been very visible and done a good job considering the amount of snow received over the past week. Keep up the good work, guys!

Balanced Libra said...

1:59 - remember that the State, County, and City are separate entities. The State crews have done their part. In fact, at 2:20 today they are out in full force when the other jurisdictions have called a halt to their operations.

Anonymous said...

They have done a great job considering the available resources! I totally disagree with this article. I was talking to some relatives in the snowbelt in NY and we have had 10 inches less snow than they have had! (total for the season) Considering this I am very appreciative of what they have done as well as the community, especially the local farmers who come plow us out!

Anonymous said...

Angry doesn't even begin to cover how I feel about the city's (Lack of) snow removal. Last night, my husband was shoveling the snow from the street in front of our house and driveway so we could get the car in and out. We don't pay our city taxes to do their jobs!

Anonymous said...

I think snow removal is the least of your issues.

Anonymous said...

I don't live in the city but the snow removal has been too slow. It is great people are willing to shovel the street but you know what - that is what I pay way too many taxes for!

Anonymous said...

I find two things very upsetting, the first is people who have their driveways plowed and the idiots plow the snow out into the roadway making it more difficult for others to drive through, and people who have equipment and don't want to help their neighbors. It's all about the money.

Anonymous said...

I think they have done a fabulous job with little resources, considering the conditions. Not angry at all here. Sick of global warming and all this snow, but not angry.

Anonymous said...

To the person complaining about not receiving a paper... Yes it sucks and its bologna you have to pay for it... At 2:30 monday morning my husband and I woke up to someone obviously stuck outside our house. We did not initially go out because we thought he was drunk and didn't want to get behind his car and push. Finally after 30 minutes and the guy not giving up my husband went out. He was the Daily times delivery. He said he had been stuck for over 4 hours in our neighborhood alone and had 3 days of papers to deliver. Um, I cherish life more than a crappy paper! Cancel your paper and go online to read it, or don't read it and read this blog!

Anthony said...

Here is an idea. The Feds need to get the TARP funds to the states to help with snow removel.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh people, be appreciative of what has been done. There are only so many guys, they get tired just like you do, then they have to rest for a while. I think all crews are doing the very best they can. Quit complaining and get out with a shovel in your hand and quit saying it's somebody elses job.

Anonymous said...

I run a snow plow and have worked 70 hrs in 4 days. If you want the snow removed remove it yourself. We can only work as fast as the weather allows us. Quit your bitching and thank the guys for doing the best they can. Buy the a cup of coffee so they can stay awake for 20 hrs at a time. If all you can do is sit at home and cry get out yourself and help. This is the most snow I've seen around here since the 70's. Grow up you bunch of wimps.

Anonymous said...

OMG - how do you call the road crews idiots. First you complain because they don't plow, then you complain because they do plow but block your driveway? Talk about not being able to please some of the people some of the time!

Anonymous said...

I am not upset. This is a very large and unusual storm. I would rather be patient and wait for snow removal in the streets and help my neighbors with their walks as I can. Is the DT trying to drum up support for Louise, Gary and Shanie for more snow removal equipment that we might need once in a lifetime. Ease up DT.

Anonymous said...

I do have to say I was extremely uoset with the snow removal. I live in Johnson Lake neighborhood. Yesterday all the roads in our neigborhood had been plowed EXCEPT for the one I live on. My husband had to dig our an area wide enough at the end of road (the 2 1/2 foot wall blocking our road from the plowing of North Division st) so we could get out. After two days of calling the city roads divsion and finally taking to a supervisor they sent someone out around 4 pm. The tractor cleared the rest of the snow from the end of the road and the plow did nothing. Drove down our road once and didn't even put the plow down!!! Some help they were!

Anonymous said...

People are so stupid to be complaining about this. These people would not be happy if all their streets, sidewalks, driveways and anything else they wanted plowed and the sun was put in each of their driveways. Grow the he!! up and take some responsibility and then take a class is maturity!

Anonymous said...

If the city or county purchases the resources to handle this rare snowfall and hire the help to run the resources, will you complain about your taxes being increased?

See my point. The people complaining will never be satisfied! NEVER!

You have nothing better to do? I have a 17 year old and a 12 year old. They want to go to school! Thats rare. But instead of whining I am taking the time to enjoy my family! Rare time we get with each other!

Anonymous said...

Joe...for all the nay-sayers wehn it comes to snow removal...I wonder if SHA could set up a ride along program for those interested in seeing just how thier tax dollars are spent. I know the state police have a ride along program, so why not SHA??? Im sure it would make believers out of all of them...just a thought.

Anonymous said...

My development STILL has not been plowed!! I'm in the city limits! I understand the road crews have been working hard but now, as I was trying to get out this morning to get to work, all the ice/snow car is now sitting in the culdesac, stuck in the slush! I had called 3 times over the past few days to ask them nicely to send someone out here to plow...but now I'm not gonna be too nice!

Anonymous said...

Give me a break, the road inside the City of Salisbury suck, they just suck and then the mayor said why the didn't touch many of them is because they could not get a snow plow down the road, well in some neighborhoods the street is not wide enough for cars, snow and a snow plow. So Ireton get your head out of your rear end and put some pickups on the road with plows on them and plow the city streets where the big plows can't go. There's a concept do what little old Hebron does and plow the roads with a pickup. Stop bashing the paper for what people are thinking.

citygoer said...

Its not that the response is slow. Ive seen plows on my snow covered back road several times which is better than usual. But, and thats a big but, USE SALT. Salt saves time in that it doesnt require as many passes with a plow and its prevents refreezing. I have yet to see any salt on my road or many others. All the snow ruts would be gone if salt was used. Thats what is ridiculous. If the county cant afford to pay the same ppl to remove snow there are plenty of contractors with dump trucks in need of work. Put a plow on it and get to plowing. Sometimes crazy circumstances require thinking outside the box. Not surprising that no one around here can figure this out. Typical small minds.

To those out there plowing, thank you for what you do.

Anonymous said...

I was over in washington tuesday, the roads over there are a mess, they have 10 times the manpower and equipment, so I would say our guys are doing a bang up job!

Anonymous said...

e...why is a storm a license for an overtime bonanza?

This is just another accepted perk..
for yet another group of unionized civil employees

Give these guys furloughs this spring after the thaw

Anonymous said...

Just a question: What would happen if all forms of governmental assistance (trash, roads, etc)were to go away tomorrow, would you just sit in your recliner and whine till you died or would you get out and do things for yourselves? If you don't like the way that things are being done, grab a shovel, buy a pick-up and a plow and do something for yourselves.

And to 5:19: Good idea moron, let's take people who risked life and limb to keep our streets relatively clear and lay them off as a repayment for the hard work. Niiice.

Anonymous said...

It must really be a riot to see a snowplow try to do the zigzag on Isabella street.

Anonymous said...

There are people here who would complaing when Armageddon came that the city wasn't getting the lava off the streets quickly enough.

dogg said...

I am not sure why there are people complaining. So far I think the guys adn girls who are working their tails off to try to keep our roads clear are doing the best they can with what equipment they have. Don't people just realize that this area has just absorbed 3 major snow storms in about 2 weeks. I am happy that we have had a couple days in there where roads were passable. Give them time...they will get it. If you still think they are slow, then there are some stores around here that still have shovels, why dont you make a difference. For me, a warm fire and a cup of joe are all I need.
