Saturday morning Patrick Howley of The Daily Caller dropped another nuke on the fire that is Benghazi-Gate. Howley connects the dots surrounding a number of recent leaks coming of out CBS News about the fate of its award-winning investigative reporter, Sharyl Attkisson.
From the beginning, Attkisson has been one of the few mainstream journalists willing to dig into the September 11 terror attack in Libya, and the Administration's response to it. Fearing the story might lead exactly where it did yesterday with Jonathan Karl's bombshell report, the mainstream media has poured most if its energy into wishing the story away or playing Palace Guard for the White House.
Attkisson's dogged pursuit of the truth has not only pitted her against a media desperate to protect Obama, but also, apparently, against her bosses at CBS News, one of whom is the brother of a top Obama official.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Icebergs Disappearing?
The Washington Post
The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department from Consulafft, at Bergen, Norway.
Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.
Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well-known glaciers have entirely disappeared.
Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.
I apologize, I neglected to mention that this report was from November 2, 1922, as reported by the AP and published in The Washington Post - 90 years ago.
That pesky global warming thing again..........................
The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department from Consulafft, at Bergen, Norway.
Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.
Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well-known glaciers have entirely disappeared.
Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.
I apologize, I neglected to mention that this report was from November 2, 1922, as reported by the AP and published in The Washington Post - 90 years ago.
That pesky global warming thing again..........................
The top-ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee said President Barack Obama could possibly be impeached over what happened in Benghazi.
Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) said in a radio interview Thursday that “of all the great cover-ups in history” — including the Pentagon papers, Iran-Contra and Watergate — Benghazi “is going to go down as most serious, most egregious cover-up in American history.”
“We may be starting to use the I-word before too long,” Inhofe said on the Las Vegas-based “Rusty Humphries Show.” More
Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) said in a radio interview Thursday that “of all the great cover-ups in history” — including the Pentagon papers, Iran-Contra and Watergate — Benghazi “is going to go down as most serious, most egregious cover-up in American history.”
“We may be starting to use the I-word before too long,” Inhofe said on the Las Vegas-based “Rusty Humphries Show.” More
A group of Hispanic custodians at Denver’s Auraria Campus are suing their employer, claiming they are victims of discrimination. One of those custodians, Bertha Ribota, claims she was injured on the job as a result of not being able read a warning sign in English, CBS reports.
“Too many things have happened to me there that I don’t even know how to explain it,” said Ribota.
“If I could speak English I wouldn’t have the problems that exist.”
“Too many things have happened to me there that I don’t even know how to explain it,” said Ribota.
“If I could speak English I wouldn’t have the problems that exist.”
“Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurances and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that’s good.”
George Washington
“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!”
Benjamin Franklin
“Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?”
Patrick Henry
George Washington
“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!”
Benjamin Franklin
“Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?”
Patrick Henry
New Resort Condo Project A Sign ‘Tide Is Turning’
BERLIN -- As the county continues to move forward with fiscal year 2014 budget deliberations, Worcester County Sheriff Reggie Mason this week made an impassioned plea for funding for an ambitious school safety initiative including an armed officer in each of the school.
In the wake of the school shooting tragedy in Connecticut last December, local law enforcement and the Worcester County Board of Education formed a school security committee that produced several recommendations for safety improvements to help ensure a similar incident does not occur here. Among the initiatives proposed is the placement of a trained, armed School Resource Officer (SRO), or active shooter, at each of the county’s 13 public schools. The total package comes with a price tag in the range of $600,000 to $1.6 million, with the latter including start-up costs for the first year including vehicles for the SROs.
This week, Mason made a pitch for the entire package as the county moves forward in budget talks, pointing out the importance, now more than ever, for tighter security at the county’s schools.
In the wake of the school shooting tragedy in Connecticut last December, local law enforcement and the Worcester County Board of Education formed a school security committee that produced several recommendations for safety improvements to help ensure a similar incident does not occur here. Among the initiatives proposed is the placement of a trained, armed School Resource Officer (SRO), or active shooter, at each of the county’s 13 public schools. The total package comes with a price tag in the range of $600,000 to $1.6 million, with the latter including start-up costs for the first year including vehicles for the SROs.
This week, Mason made a pitch for the entire package as the county moves forward in budget talks, pointing out the importance, now more than ever, for tighter security at the county’s schools.
Eating Peppers May Lower Parkinson's Risk
Regularly eating peppers may lower the risk of Parkinson's disease, a new study suggests.
The researchers said the benefit may be due to a substance in the vegetable that we've been advised to avoid: nicotine.
People in the study who ate peppers two times per week were 30 percent less likely to develop Parkinson's disease than people who ate peppers
less than once a week.
Peppers and tobacco both belong to a family of plants called Solanaceae. As a result, peppers — be they red, yellow or green — contain tiny amounts of nicotine. Previous research has suggested that the nicotine in cigarettes and secondhand smoke may protect
certain brain cells, or neurons, from the damage associated with Parkinson's.
The researchers said the benefit may be due to a substance in the vegetable that we've been advised to avoid: nicotine.
People in the study who ate peppers two times per week were 30 percent less likely to develop Parkinson's disease than people who ate peppers

Peppers and tobacco both belong to a family of plants called Solanaceae. As a result, peppers — be they red, yellow or green — contain tiny amounts of nicotine. Previous research has suggested that the nicotine in cigarettes and secondhand smoke may protect

Hogan Blasts Brown In Eastern Shore Speech
Speaking to Kent County Republicans, at a packed room in Chestertown last night, Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan directly took aim at Lt. Governor Anthony Brown, who is announcing his candidacy for governor tomorrow.
“The O’Malley-Brown Administration has a failed record of lost businesses, lost jobs, higher spending, record tax increases and broken promises,” Hogan said. “After a 30% increase in spending and 40 consecutive O’Malley-Brown tax increases, struggling Maryland families and small businesses simply cannot afford another four years of O’Malley- Brown, tax and spend policies.”
The O’Malley-Brown Administration has enacted the largest tax increases in state history. Yesterday Change Maryland released their latest economic impact report which detailed the 40 consecutive O’Malley-Brown tax increases passed since 2007. The analysis in the Change Maryland study showed that these new taxes will cost a staggering cumulative total of $20 billion by the end of the next four-year term in 2018.
Brown plans to announce his candidacy for governor tomorrow. O’Malley is backing Brown as the heir apparent to the state’s top office. The Lt. Governor has stated his desire to continue the record “investments” in state government – code for continued increases in spending and taxes.
“The prospect of another four years of these policies will have a devastating effect on our state economy – increasing taxpayer exodus, and continuing the loss of businesses and jobs fleeing to other states,” said Hogan.
Over the past two years, Change Maryland and their founder and Chairman, Larry Hogan have been frequent critics of the O’Malley-Brown economic record. Often seen as a leading voice of opposition to O’Malley's policy, they have increasingly been talking about the Lt. Governor as well, since he expressed his desire to continue his boss's political legacy.
Change Maryland is the largest and fastest growing non-partisan, grassroots movement in the state, with nearly 40,000 members. Their primary mission is to bring fiscal restraint and common sense to Annapolis. The founder and Chairman, Larry Hogan is also the founder, President and CEO of the Hogan Companies, leaders in economic development, who have been responsible for bringing hundreds of businesses and thousands of jobs to Maryland. Hogan is also a former State Cabinet Secretary.
“The O’Malley-Brown Administration has a failed record of lost businesses, lost jobs, higher spending, record tax increases and broken promises,” Hogan said. “After a 30% increase in spending and 40 consecutive O’Malley-Brown tax increases, struggling Maryland families and small businesses simply cannot afford another four years of O’Malley- Brown, tax and spend policies.”
The O’Malley-Brown Administration has enacted the largest tax increases in state history. Yesterday Change Maryland released their latest economic impact report which detailed the 40 consecutive O’Malley-Brown tax increases passed since 2007. The analysis in the Change Maryland study showed that these new taxes will cost a staggering cumulative total of $20 billion by the end of the next four-year term in 2018.
Brown plans to announce his candidacy for governor tomorrow. O’Malley is backing Brown as the heir apparent to the state’s top office. The Lt. Governor has stated his desire to continue the record “investments” in state government – code for continued increases in spending and taxes.
“The prospect of another four years of these policies will have a devastating effect on our state economy – increasing taxpayer exodus, and continuing the loss of businesses and jobs fleeing to other states,” said Hogan.
Over the past two years, Change Maryland and their founder and Chairman, Larry Hogan have been frequent critics of the O’Malley-Brown economic record. Often seen as a leading voice of opposition to O’Malley's policy, they have increasingly been talking about the Lt. Governor as well, since he expressed his desire to continue his boss's political legacy.
Change Maryland is the largest and fastest growing non-partisan, grassroots movement in the state, with nearly 40,000 members. Their primary mission is to bring fiscal restraint and common sense to Annapolis. The founder and Chairman, Larry Hogan is also the founder, President and CEO of the Hogan Companies, leaders in economic development, who have been responsible for bringing hundreds of businesses and thousands of jobs to Maryland. Hogan is also a former State Cabinet Secretary.
On May 9, Greensboro, NC country station 93.1 The Wolf reported that after receiving complaints over prayers to God and the frequent use of guns on air,Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson said, "God and guns are part of our everyday lives [and] to remove either of them from the show is unacceptable."
According to a post 93.1 The Wolf put in their Facebook page, Phil also said: "If we can't pray to God on the show, then we will not do the show." The post received more than 126,000 Facebook "likes."
According to a post 93.1 The Wolf put in their Facebook page, Phil also said: "If we can't pray to God on the show, then we will not do the show." The post received more than 126,000 Facebook "likes."
Va. Woman Has No Regrets Over Role In Burial
DOSWELL, Va. (AP) -- The Virginia woman whose actions led to Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev being buried about 30 miles north of her Richmond home said the angry backlash from local officials, some cemetery neighbors and online critics has been unpleasant, but she has no regrets.
"I can't pretend it's not difficult to be reviled and maligned," Martha Mullen told The Associated Press in a telephone interview Friday. "But any time you can reach across the divide and work with people that are not like you, that's what God calls us to do."
Tsarnaev, 26, was quietly buried Thursday at a small Islamic cemetery in rural Caroline County. His body had remained at a Worcester, Mass., funeral parlor since he was killed April 19 in a gunfight with police, days after the bombings that killed three and injured more than 260 in downtown Boston. Cemeteries in Massachusetts and several other states refused to accept the remains. With costs to protect the funeral home mounting, Worcester police appealed for help finding a place to bury Tsarnaev.
"I can't pretend it's not difficult to be reviled and maligned," Martha Mullen told The Associated Press in a telephone interview Friday. "But any time you can reach across the divide and work with people that are not like you, that's what God calls us to do."
Tsarnaev, 26, was quietly buried Thursday at a small Islamic cemetery in rural Caroline County. His body had remained at a Worcester, Mass., funeral parlor since he was killed April 19 in a gunfight with police, days after the bombings that killed three and injured more than 260 in downtown Boston. Cemeteries in Massachusetts and several other states refused to accept the remains. With costs to protect the funeral home mounting, Worcester police appealed for help finding a place to bury Tsarnaev.
11 Ways We Sabotage Our Mental Health
Our mind and mood are keenly sensitive to the world around us. Distressing life events—a bad breakup, unemployment, the death of a loved one—often leave us rattled or sad, of course, but our daily routine and patterns of thinking also have a big impact on our mood. Bad habits like skimping on sleep, drinking too much, or nursing grudges can undermine our mental health, whether that means a brief episode of the blues or full-blown depression and anxiety.
Happily, many of these mental pitfalls can be avoided. We break down 12 of the most common and provide tips for how to steer clear.
Happily, many of these mental pitfalls can be avoided. We break down 12 of the most common and provide tips for how to steer clear.
Postal Service's $1.9 Billion Loss Means Reform Can't Wait Any Longer, Senator Says
The U.S. Postal Service's $1.9 billion loss in the second quarter proves that Congress "can't afford to wait any longer" to pass postal reform legislation, said Sen.Tom Carper, D-Del.
Carper, who chairs the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, has been the main force in Congress behind changing the Postal Service's business model. That could include allowing the Postal Service to restructure its retirement health benefits payments, continue reducing its number of facilities, finding new sources of revenue and possibly cutting Saturday mail delivery.
The Postal Service agrees with Carper that postal reform needs to happen sooner, rather than later.
Carper, who chairs the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, has been the main force in Congress behind changing the Postal Service's business model. That could include allowing the Postal Service to restructure its retirement health benefits payments, continue reducing its number of facilities, finding new sources of revenue and possibly cutting Saturday mail delivery.
The Postal Service agrees with Carper that postal reform needs to happen sooner, rather than later.
D.C. woman attacked by home intruder gets recorded 911 messages instead of live operator
Kathleen Burke said a man broke into her Northwest home after she left the door unlocked Saturday. She was physically assaulted by the intruder, whom she tried to report to 911 but kept getting recorded messages, she said. When she finally got through to a live operator, the man was gone.
Kathleen Burke said a man broke into her Northwest home after she left the door unlocked Saturday. She was physically assaulted by the intruder, whom she tried to report to 911 but kept getting recorded messages, she said. When she finally got through to a live operator, the man was gone.
Md. Woman: I Was Abducted As A Child, Don't Know Who I Am
A Baltimore woman who said she was abducted as a child by a person who raised her as her own shared her story with 11 News.
Symbolie Monique Smith is a local missing children's advocate who helped lobby for the passing of the state's Missing Children's Act. She goes by Monique, but she said that she doesn't know what her real name is or even how old she is.
"The beatings were daily. If the sun came up, if it rained, if the wind blew too hard, I was chastised," Smith said as she described a childhood full of abuse in a west Baltimore home with a woman who she thought was her mother.
Read more
Symbolie Monique Smith is a local missing children's advocate who helped lobby for the passing of the state's Missing Children's Act. She goes by Monique, but she said that she doesn't know what her real name is or even how old she is.
"The beatings were daily. If the sun came up, if it rained, if the wind blew too hard, I was chastised," Smith said as she described a childhood full of abuse in a west Baltimore home with a woman who she thought was her mother.
Read more
Annual Spring Cruisin Event Kicks Off Next Week
OCEAN CITY -- One of the most popular hot rod shows on the East Coast, the 23rd Annual Cruisin Ocean City returns to Ocean City next week.
Officially kicking off yesterday, the nationally recognized event attracts more than 3,200 customs, hot rods, street machines, classics and more from over 20 states plus Canada.
Cruisin will have more than 10,000 event participants taking part in various car shows at the Convention Center on 40th Street, the downtown Inlet parking lot and various citywide locations.
Scheduled to appear at this year's Cruisin will be “Mountain Man” from the hit TV show Duck Dynasty. He will be at Cruisin on Friday, May 17 and Saturday, May 18 signing autographs, posing for pictures and talking about all the fun they have on Duck Dynasty.
Officially kicking off yesterday, the nationally recognized event attracts more than 3,200 customs, hot rods, street machines, classics and more from over 20 states plus Canada.
Cruisin will have more than 10,000 event participants taking part in various car shows at the Convention Center on 40th Street, the downtown Inlet parking lot and various citywide locations.
Scheduled to appear at this year's Cruisin will be “Mountain Man” from the hit TV show Duck Dynasty. He will be at Cruisin on Friday, May 17 and Saturday, May 18 signing autographs, posing for pictures and talking about all the fun they have on Duck Dynasty.
You or someone you know may see guns as deadly killing machines that are simply to blame for a large volume of homicides across the nation, but a brief look at the history of gun control actually offers a new perspective into the application of guns on an entirely new level. While normalcy bias (a thinking pattern that causes an individual to underestimate the potential of any event or situation due to currently enjoying a normal and cushy lifestyle) can oftentimes lead individuals away from the reality of history, countless citizens around the world have been highlighting the repetitive history that follows gun control.

In this breakdown, we will be examining a lot of numbers and extracting them to get some real answers. Then, we’ll see the source of these numbers and whether or not gun control regulations are reducing or increasing overall crime rates in heavily controlled areas.
The first thing to touch upon, and perhaps most relevant to our modern society, is how deadly firearms really are. First of all, let us examine the factors that are responsible for deaths within the United States. This will put death counts into perspective and allow us to go deeper into the firearm-related deaths themselves later. Examining data from the CDC for the leading causes of death and including death statistics from the FBI regarding homicides, we find the following numbers:

In this breakdown, we will be examining a lot of numbers and extracting them to get some real answers. Then, we’ll see the source of these numbers and whether or not gun control regulations are reducing or increasing overall crime rates in heavily controlled areas.
The first thing to touch upon, and perhaps most relevant to our modern society, is how deadly firearms really are. First of all, let us examine the factors that are responsible for deaths within the United States. This will put death counts into perspective and allow us to go deeper into the firearm-related deaths themselves later. Examining data from the CDC for the leading causes of death and including death statistics from the FBI regarding homicides, we find the following numbers:
Assateague Recruiting Students For Youth Conservation Corps
Assateague Island National Seashore is recruiting students between the ages of 15 and 18 for its Youth Conservation Corps. This program enables young people to gain a unique educational, recreational and work experience.
Students will work on maintenance projects, repairing damage done by Hurricane Sandy in the Maryland district. Projects will include installing split rail fence and rebuilding boardwalks. Students will also have an opportunity to work with other divisions of the National Seashore.
Those hired will be paid the Maryland minimum wage, currently $7.25 per hour. The work project will begin on July 1, and continue until Aug. 23. Applications are available at the Assateague Island Visitor Center, 11800 Marsh View Lane in Berlin. The center is open daily, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Individuals may also contact Karen Rodney at 410-629-6090 or for an application.
Students will work on maintenance projects, repairing damage done by Hurricane Sandy in the Maryland district. Projects will include installing split rail fence and rebuilding boardwalks. Students will also have an opportunity to work with other divisions of the National Seashore.
Those hired will be paid the Maryland minimum wage, currently $7.25 per hour. The work project will begin on July 1, and continue until Aug. 23. Applications are available at the Assateague Island Visitor Center, 11800 Marsh View Lane in Berlin. The center is open daily, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Individuals may also contact Karen Rodney at 410-629-6090 or for an application.
The Number Of US Citizens On Disability Is Now Larger Than The Population Of Greece
The number of people on SSDI now exceeds the entire population of Greece. The aging of the population has nothing to do with the increase. In 1968 there were 51 workers for every person on disability. Today there are 13 workers for every person on disablity. Even the most pollyanna would agree that medical advancements since 1968 have been significant. These medical advancements would argue for less people being on disability and unable to work.Workplace safety measures have been increased exponentially since 1968, so that also argues for less disabled workers. The good old ADA law forced all workplaces to become disabled friendly. That argues for less people on disability. The country has transitioned from a manufacturing society to a service society. Workers don’t work on dangerous assembly lines anymore. Robots do the dangerous stuff. This should have dramatically reduced worker injuries and disabilities.
Everything I’ve pointed out is true. The tremendous increase in people on SSDI is nothing but a gigantic fraud, perpetuated by the Federal government and slimy lawyers. The government broadened the scope of disabilities to include stress, depression, and non-diagnosable things like aches and pains. I have stress, depression and pains too, but I get up at 5:15 every morning and go to work. The SSDI program is a joke. More than half the people on SSDI are lazy good for nothing leeches. They are sucking you and I dry while sitting around eating cheetos, watching Judge Judy on their government subsidized cable TV, and texting with other lazy fucks on their iPhones.
And don't forget, you get the added benefit of Medicare coverage after only two years of SSDI stress.
Everything I’ve pointed out is true. The tremendous increase in people on SSDI is nothing but a gigantic fraud, perpetuated by the Federal government and slimy lawyers. The government broadened the scope of disabilities to include stress, depression, and non-diagnosable things like aches and pains. I have stress, depression and pains too, but I get up at 5:15 every morning and go to work. The SSDI program is a joke. More than half the people on SSDI are lazy good for nothing leeches. They are sucking you and I dry while sitting around eating cheetos, watching Judge Judy on their government subsidized cable TV, and texting with other lazy fucks on their iPhones.
And don't forget, you get the added benefit of Medicare coverage after only two years of SSDI stress.
'If we're going to get a grip on this, we have to know their narrative and understand it'
A noted specialist on Islamic law and ideology from the Center for Security Policy, who has been cited as an expert for the Pentagon, says a coalition of Islamists and Marxists is working to destroy the United States.
The comments come from Stephen Coughlin, a lecturer for leading Department of Defense institutions such as the Naval War College, Marine Corps HQ-Quantico and for the FBI. Coughlin is a retired major in the U.S. Army reserves and was assigned to USCENTCOM, with a military intelligence specialty.
A noted specialist on Islamic law and ideology from the Center for Security Policy, who has been cited as an expert for the Pentagon, says a coalition of Islamists and Marxists is working to destroy the United States.
The comments come from Stephen Coughlin, a lecturer for leading Department of Defense institutions such as the Naval War College, Marine Corps HQ-Quantico and for the FBI. Coughlin is a retired major in the U.S. Army reserves and was assigned to USCENTCOM, with a military intelligence specialty.
Officials Provide Legislative Update To OC Leaders
OCEAN CITY -- Lower Shore lawmakers this week briefed resort business leaders on a variety of issues that came out of the 2013 General Assembly session, including several that will likely impact the small business climate and the summer season.
Senator Jim Mathias and Delegates Norm Conway and Mike McDermott, along with county and municipal elected officials on Wednesday, provided the Ocean City Economic Development Committee (EDC) with a broad overview of the issues of local importance to emerge from the 2013 General Assembly session from the state budget to the gas tax and from offshore wind to the repeal of the death penalty. A recurring theme throughout the meeting was the state’s economy and the impact of certain decisions and votes on the local business climate.
Depending on the source, the news was either positive or tempered with concerns of recurring infringements on private sector business, increased taxes and regulations, and a drain on the local economy. Mathias said when he first took state office in 2006, the picture was much gloomier than it is now.
Senator Jim Mathias and Delegates Norm Conway and Mike McDermott, along with county and municipal elected officials on Wednesday, provided the Ocean City Economic Development Committee (EDC) with a broad overview of the issues of local importance to emerge from the 2013 General Assembly session from the state budget to the gas tax and from offshore wind to the repeal of the death penalty. A recurring theme throughout the meeting was the state’s economy and the impact of certain decisions and votes on the local business climate.
Depending on the source, the news was either positive or tempered with concerns of recurring infringements on private sector business, increased taxes and regulations, and a drain on the local economy. Mathias said when he first took state office in 2006, the picture was much gloomier than it is now.
Statement From CE Pollitt Re: ACLU
Official statement from Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt regarding news of ACLU’s request to the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ):
Obviously, I am deeply concerned that the ACLU is asking the Justice department to sue Wicomico County for discrimination in our elective process. Equal representation in government and in the exercise of the power of the vote cannot and should not be denied to any members of our community. Beyond that, I’m reluctant to make further comment at this time, given that possible legal action is pending.
Richard M. PollittWicomico County Executive
Obviously, I am deeply concerned that the ACLU is asking the Justice department to sue Wicomico County for discrimination in our elective process. Equal representation in government and in the exercise of the power of the vote cannot and should not be denied to any members of our community. Beyond that, I’m reluctant to make further comment at this time, given that possible legal action is pending.
Richard M. PollittWicomico County Executive
Dog Found In Laurel 5-11-13
Hey Joe,
I found this dog in Laurel DE on Beaver Dam Branch Rd. Very nice, seems very scared!! Has a collar so must be someone's pet. Has a gash on his scalp. 443-944-7075.
I found this dog in Laurel DE on Beaver Dam Branch Rd. Very nice, seems very scared!! Has a collar so must be someone's pet. Has a gash on his scalp. 443-944-7075.
ABC News: Obama Administration Scrubbed Terror References In Libya Talking Points
It looks as though after eight long months, the wheels might have finally come off the Obama Administration's coverup of the September 11th anniversary attacks in Libya. To justify lies told for over a week about a spontaneous protest, the White House has consistently insisted they had relied on CIA talking points that only the intelligence community had drafted and revised.
Standing on the shoulders of the Weekly Standard's Stephen Hayes, ABC News's Jonathan Karl has obtained 12 different versions of these now-infamous CIA talking points, and what he found proves beyond any doubt that the White House and State Department not only knew from the beginning that al-Qaeda was involved in the attack, but that the administration (mostly State) removed all "references to the Al Qaeda-affiliated group Ansar al-Sharia be deleted as well references to CIA warnings about terrorist threats in Benghazi in the months preceding the attack."
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's State Department apparently did most of the editing. In his Good Morning America report Friday morning, Karl said that emails have been read that to him…
...that show that many of these changes were directed by Hillary Clinton spokesperson at the State Department, Victoria Nuland. In one email she said that information about CIA warnings 'could be used by members [of Congress] to beat up the State Department for not paying attention to warnings, so why would we want to feed that…'
After that email all of those references were deleted.
Standing on the shoulders of the Weekly Standard's Stephen Hayes, ABC News's Jonathan Karl has obtained 12 different versions of these now-infamous CIA talking points, and what he found proves beyond any doubt that the White House and State Department not only knew from the beginning that al-Qaeda was involved in the attack, but that the administration (mostly State) removed all "references to the Al Qaeda-affiliated group Ansar al-Sharia be deleted as well references to CIA warnings about terrorist threats in Benghazi in the months preceding the attack."
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's State Department apparently did most of the editing. In his Good Morning America report Friday morning, Karl said that emails have been read that to him…
...that show that many of these changes were directed by Hillary Clinton spokesperson at the State Department, Victoria Nuland. In one email she said that information about CIA warnings 'could be used by members [of Congress] to beat up the State Department for not paying attention to warnings, so why would we want to feed that…'
After that email all of those references were deleted.
Prepare For Spring Storms
Spring has officially arrived on Delmarva and with it comes an increased risk of late afternoon and evening thunderstorms, some severe, as cold air masses converge with warm spring air.
Worcester County Emergency Services encourages residents to take time now to prepare for severe spring weather emergencies.
Keep fresh batteries on hand for flashlights and portable radios. Keep a supply of ready to eat foods that do not have to be heated or cooked in the event of power outages. Consider investing in a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather radio, which makes it possible to remain informed on storms and to receive emergency information.
Worcester County Emergency Services encourages residents to take time now to prepare for severe spring weather emergencies.
Keep fresh batteries on hand for flashlights and portable radios. Keep a supply of ready to eat foods that do not have to be heated or cooked in the event of power outages. Consider investing in a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather radio, which makes it possible to remain informed on storms and to receive emergency information.
Md. House Republicans Defend Prisons Chief, Criticize O’Malley
Maryland House Republicans were surprisingly complimentary of Public Safety Secretary Gary Maynard at a Thursday news conference about the pervasive gang activity in state prisons revealed in a federal indictment of 13 correctional officers at the Baltimore City Detention Center.
The Republicans described the secretary as a reformer whose efforts had been thwarted by the inaction of others, and said that they admired his willingness to uncover corruption.
Del. John Cluster Jr., a former Baltimore County cop, said that it was likely Maynard’s call for a federal investigation of Maryland prisons that brought about the revelation that some of the state’s correctional officers are affiliated with gang members.
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The Republicans described the secretary as a reformer whose efforts had been thwarted by the inaction of others, and said that they admired his willingness to uncover corruption.
Del. John Cluster Jr., a former Baltimore County cop, said that it was likely Maynard’s call for a federal investigation of Maryland prisons that brought about the revelation that some of the state’s correctional officers are affiliated with gang members.
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Settlement Inked In Legionnaire’s Federal Civil Suit
OCEAN CITY -- A federal civil suit filed by one of several victims affected by an outbreak of Legionnaire’s disease at a Boardwalk hotel in 2011 was settled this week with undisclosed terms, but a similar suit filed by other victims in Worcester County Circuit Court appears to be heading to a five-day trial.
In October 2011, the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and the Worcester County Health Department confirmed the presence of legionellosis, more commonly known as Legionnaire’s Disease, in the water system at the Plim Plaza Hotel on the Boardwalk after as many as six individuals who had stayed at the facility during the late summer months had contracted the disease. One of the victims, an elderly out-of-state guest at the hotel, later died.
Five months later, in April 2012, a Virginia couple, Pat Eldon Dent, Jr. and his wife Martha Dent, filed suit in U.S. District Court alleging negligence on the part of the hotel for failing to “adequately inspect, monitor and maintain its premises and the hotel’s water system for dangerous conditions, including but not limited to the presence of legionella.” The Virginia couple was seeking a total of $6 million in compensatory damages, including $5 million for the negligence count and an additional $1 million for loss of consortium.
In October 2011, the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and the Worcester County Health Department confirmed the presence of legionellosis, more commonly known as Legionnaire’s Disease, in the water system at the Plim Plaza Hotel on the Boardwalk after as many as six individuals who had stayed at the facility during the late summer months had contracted the disease. One of the victims, an elderly out-of-state guest at the hotel, later died.
Five months later, in April 2012, a Virginia couple, Pat Eldon Dent, Jr. and his wife Martha Dent, filed suit in U.S. District Court alleging negligence on the part of the hotel for failing to “adequately inspect, monitor and maintain its premises and the hotel’s water system for dangerous conditions, including but not limited to the presence of legionella.” The Virginia couple was seeking a total of $6 million in compensatory damages, including $5 million for the negligence count and an additional $1 million for loss of consortium.
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