Well it looks like the National Guard is going to be deployed in another city in the U.S.
Camden N.J. - http://www.myfoxphilly.com/dpp/news/local_news/camden-asks-national-guard-for-help-120611
Little by little we will be exposed to more and more military presence in our communities until we are used to seeing them everywhere all the time. Patrolling our streets and checking our papers. Maybe even checking our national I.D. cards Mitt Romney wants us to carry. Things are falling apart.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
NBC,NFL To Stream Super Bowl Live Online
The Super Bowl, Pro Bowl and NBC's wild-card playoff games will be streamed online and on mobile phones for the first time, the NFL announced Tuesday.
The games will be streamed online at NBCSports.com and NFL.com through SNF Extra, which features an HD broadcast, DVR-style controls, additional camera angles, in-game highlights, live statistics and interactive elements.
NBCSports.com and the NFL have streamed games online since 2008 with SNF Extra, NBC Sports' exclusive video, but this is the first time playoff games have been streamed. “We are especially excited to now bring our unique and innovative SNF Extra video experience to the NFL playoffs, Pro Bowl, and Super Bowl,” said Rick Cordella, vice president of NBC Sports Digital Media.
NBCSports.com and the NFL have streamed games online since 2008 with SNF Extra, NBC Sports' exclusive video, but this is the first time playoff games have been streamed. “We are especially excited to now bring our unique and innovative SNF Extra video experience to the NFL playoffs, Pro Bowl, and Super Bowl,” said Rick Cordella, vice president of NBC Sports Digital Media.
JFK Hearse To Go On Auction Block

I have been a car collector for many years but this one is just amazing. Why someone would waste their money on such a vehicle is beyond me. Nevertheless, the Barrett Jackson Auction Company will put it up for sale in January. GO HERE to read more about it.
Wicomico County Board Of Education Forcing A Huge Tax Increase

Tomorrow morning Salisbury News will deliver a Post explaining the WCBOE's intent to force a huge tax increase along with many multi-million dollar additions to their never announced proposal to boot.
Stay tuned to Salisbury News because you know the Daily Times isn't going to get it right or deliver you the full truth.
Money In America, Part Two
In our last exciting episode, we saw barter, foreign coinage, fiat money, the rise of a banking system and systematic efforts to fiddle the system, by both banks and government. From one Turning to the next …
When the War Between the States ended, federal expenses had doubled, to $130 billion. The United States notes called the “greenback” arose from the Legal Tender Act of 1862, especially useful for all debts, public and private when there was already not enough specie to support the banking system.
The old state banking operations were supplanted by a system of banking entwined with the federal government. This new scheme led to the establishment of the Federal Reserve System.
First, of course, the government had assured the people that only $150 million greenbacks would be issued. Alas, they made two more issues, reaching a total of $415 million in 1864, all of which depreciated in real terms. Secretary Salmon P. Chase had tried unsuccessfully to manipulate the gold market to stem the depreciation along with other ‘tricks’. He ended up losing office.
Meanwhile, the state banks were still operational, and quite happy with the new fiat currency.
Needless to say, price inflation increased significantly. In the South, the Confederate fiat money issuance was far worse.
When the War Between the States ended, federal expenses had doubled, to $130 billion. The United States notes called the “greenback” arose from the Legal Tender Act of 1862, especially useful for all debts, public and private when there was already not enough specie to support the banking system.
The old state banking operations were supplanted by a system of banking entwined with the federal government. This new scheme led to the establishment of the Federal Reserve System.
First, of course, the government had assured the people that only $150 million greenbacks would be issued. Alas, they made two more issues, reaching a total of $415 million in 1864, all of which depreciated in real terms. Secretary Salmon P. Chase had tried unsuccessfully to manipulate the gold market to stem the depreciation along with other ‘tricks’. He ended up losing office.
Meanwhile, the state banks were still operational, and quite happy with the new fiat currency.
Needless to say, price inflation increased significantly. In the South, the Confederate fiat money issuance was far worse.
In Role Reversal, US On Track To Be An Oil Exporter
The contentious debate in Congress over the Keystone XL pipeline obscures one significant detail many Americans don't realize: In the first three quarters of 2011, we exported more oil than we imported. This means it's highly likely that this year will be the first time in more than six decades that the United States will be a net exporter of petroleum products, according to a report in USA Today Monday.
Analysts and scientists who study oil production say the trend is accelerating. An energy expert cited by USA Today predicts that the United States' own production could rise to 2.9 billion barrels annually by the end of the decade.
Analysts and scientists who study oil production say the trend is accelerating. An energy expert cited by USA Today predicts that the United States' own production could rise to 2.9 billion barrels annually by the end of the decade.
5 Most Surprising Findings From The 2010 Census
Over the past 10 years, our population growth has slowed, we’ve found it increasingly hard to leave home to start a career, and our salaries have decreased for the first time on record. But, it’s not all bad news.
The U.S. Census always provides fascinating data about the state of our country. But the numbers that have been trickling out of the 2010 Census this year show marked shifts, triggered largely by three factors: the Great Recession, an increase in immigration, and a rapidly aging population.
MoreAlexandria Reverses Ruling On Electronic Dog Collars
The City of Alexandria has decided not to adopt an amendment that would have changed its leash laws.
The amendment would have made it illegal to use an electronic collar as the sole means of restraining a dog.
The about-face comes after members of the Alexandria City Council received a wave of letters and emails about the change.
The amendment would have made it illegal to use an electronic collar as the sole means of restraining a dog.
The about-face comes after members of the Alexandria City Council received a wave of letters and emails about the change.
FDA Tells Man To Stop Donating Sperm On The Internet
A man from the San Francisco Bay area has fathered 14 children in the last five years through free sperm donations to childless couples he meets on the Internet — and is now in trouble with the federal government.
Trent Arsenault of Fremont says he donates sperm out of a sense of service to help people who want to have children but can’t afford conventional sperm banks. The 36-year-old minister’s son has four more children on the way.
“I always had known through people praying at church that there’s fertility issues,” Arsenault told The Associated Press on Monday. “I thought it would just be a neat way of service to help the community.”
MoreFederal Reserve On Verge Of Proposing New Capital Rules For Banks
The Federal Reserve is expected to roll out new rules soon that could make big banks keep more capital reserves on hand, presumably leaving them with less money to lend. The idea is to make banks act more responsible with their stacks of chips and not need the government to bail them out.
CNNMoney reports the Fed's proposed rules will apply to 31 banks that boast more than $50 billion in assets.
CNNMoney reports the Fed's proposed rules will apply to 31 banks that boast more than $50 billion in assets.
Can Patients Handle The Truth? Getting Access To Doctors’ Notes
The last time you were at the doctor’s office, and your physician scribbled or typed something into your chart, did you wonder what it said? If so, you’re in the majority: according to a new survey, more than 90% of patients said they would want to know.
Not surprisingly, most doctors were less than willing to share. In the OpenNotes trial, conducted at three primary care practices in Boston, Seattle and rural Pennsylvania, 254 physicians were asked whether they would be willing to make their office visit notes freely available to patients in their electronic health records for one year: 114 agreed, and 140 declined.
How Spray Tans Could Keep Skin Cancer In The Dark
Those who spend hours in the sun perfecting their golden tans may snicker at orange-faced folks who opt for a tan in a can, but it could be the Oompa Loompas who are making the wiser choices. A study published in the Archives of Dermatology suggests that fake-tanners spend less time in the sun, leading to less exposure to cancer risk-increasing UV rays.
The Case Against The Ban On ‘Bath Salts’ And Fake Marijuana
No one would suggest leaving potentially dangerous, untested drugs on the market. But an outright ban hinders valuable research on compounds that could hold clues to treatments for diseases like Alzheimer's.
Recently, the House passed legislation banning the synthetic stimulant drugs sold as “bath salts” or “plant food.” Easily bought online and in convenience stores in packets with labels like Ivory Wave or Blue Silk, the drugs have been associated with multiple hospitalizations and even death.
There has been little scientific study of the true risks of “bath salts,” which typically contain the drugs mephedrone or methylone. But anecdotally, they have been implicated in some scary outcomes. Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa.), who sponsored the House bill, which passed 317 to 98 in October, told the Washington Post earlier this month that there have been “horrific stories of individuals high on synthetic drugs.” He gave two examples: one of a Pennsylvania man who stabbed a priest after taking bath salts and another of someone who had jumped out of a window while under the drug’s influence. The DEA has temporarily banned the sale of these products.
MoreCoast Guard To Sail Solo
When the Coast Guard moves to its new headquarters in southeast D.C., it will be alone for a while. That's because Congress has denied funding for the Homeland Security Department to build the rest of its headquarters. Congress imposed a five year delay on having FEMA, TSA and other agencies build there. Federal Times reports, that delay will boost the ultimate cost of the project by $500 million. In the fiscal 2012 omnibus bill, the Coast Guard receives $56 million to complete its building. But there is no additional money for the rest of the development planned for the site overlooking the Anacostia River.
The Phases Of An Empire
The analysis below explains why all empires and "Imperial Style" governments have failed throughout history, and why our Empire-USA faces the same fate. The only question is whether the people and government of the USA have the wisdom and will to engage in a "Managed Decline" by terminating the empire and imperial conduct on their own schedule, rather than by chaotic crash of the US Dollar, economy, and lifestyle. Take notice of the "Solutions" section in Part C below.
Part A: Key Points
An Empire is a nation that: 1) Owns colonies, and/or 2) Controls, or has great influence over, other nations. Empires require economic and military strength to start and maintain, and this is expensive.
All Empires fail, and for the same reasons: 1) Expense of military abroad, and subsidies at home. 2) Decline in domestic productivity (spoiled, parasitic citizens). 3) Corruption (illegal conduct) and decadence (unethical and immoral conduct) by leaders and citizens.
Empire-USA: Our deal to other nations is: we will be the world’s policeman and protect you, but you must accept our fake money and "influence." The USA is far into Phase 3-Failure. Look around you for the symptoms shown in Part B-3 and Part C below.
Chart Height Shows Combined Military and Economic Strength (Power and Wealth)
Part A: Key Points
An Empire is a nation that: 1) Owns colonies, and/or 2) Controls, or has great influence over, other nations. Empires require economic and military strength to start and maintain, and this is expensive.
All Empires fail, and for the same reasons: 1) Expense of military abroad, and subsidies at home. 2) Decline in domestic productivity (spoiled, parasitic citizens). 3) Corruption (illegal conduct) and decadence (unethical and immoral conduct) by leaders and citizens.
Empire-USA: Our deal to other nations is: we will be the world’s policeman and protect you, but you must accept our fake money and "influence." The USA is far into Phase 3-Failure. Look around you for the symptoms shown in Part B-3 and Part C below.
Chart Height Shows Combined Military and Economic Strength (Power and Wealth)
FTC Says Not So Fast To New Domain Name Endings
The company responsible for web addresses is about to launch an international effort to boost the number of top-level domains. The Federal government is saying, not so fast. The Federal Trade Commission says new domain name endings increase the potential for fraud. Chairman Jon Liebowitz asks the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN, to limit the January test program. Right now there are 22 top level domain names, like dot-org, dot-com and dot-gov. ICANN envisions a thousand new ones. NextGov reports, Liebowitz thinks that vastly increases the power of phishing scam artists.
Here Are Some Signs That Bankruptcy Is Your Best Option
Most people don't set out to go bankrupt, but a fresh start offered by the maneuver could be a wise and necessary move to recover from such setbacks as poor financial choices made when you were young, medical disasters or a divorce.
Whistle Blowers Help Recover $9 Billion In Fraud
The Justice Department says a three-year blitz by the Obama administration has recovered nearly $9 billion in fraud against the government. Nearly a third of the money came in as a result of whistle blower complaints. Tony West, assistant attorney general, says that since the False Claims Act was amended in 1986, the government has recovered $30 billion. Most of the recoveries have come from fraud against health care programs. But the government has also gotten money back from contractors who overcharged for goods and services.
House Republicans Don't Want To Wait Two Months
House Republicans are moving to reject a two-month extension of the Social Security payroll tax cut that cleared the Senate in an 89 to 10 vote, on Saturday. House Republicans say they don't want to wait two months. They're demanding their colleagues in the Senate come back from holiday break for negotiations. Senate majority leader Harry Reid has said he will refuse to negotiate until the House passes the short-term version. The expiring measures include a two percentage point cut in the Social Security payroll tax and extended jobless benefits for almost 1.8 million people who will lose them next month if Congress doesn't act. Both sides insist they want to pass the provisions before they expire on Dec. 31.
Happy Hanukkah To Our Jewish Friends
Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday celebrated for eight days and nights. It starts on the 25th of the Jewish month of Kislev, which coincides with late November-late December on the secular calendar.
In Hebrew, the word "hanukkah" means “dedication.” The name reminds us that this holiday commemorates the re-dedication of the holy Temple in Jerusalem following the Jewish victory over the Syrian-Greeks in 165 B.C.E.
USPS Has Eight Months To Pony Up $5.5 Billion
The Postal Service could be looking at a much needed reprieve. The massive funding bill passed by Congress over the weekend includes language giving USPS eight months to make a $5.5 billion prepayment to the federal employees retirement fund. The Washington Post reports they'll have until August to make that FERS payment, potentially saving the agency billions. Meanwhile, Postal and two of its major unions have agreed to extend labor contract negotiations yet again.The new deadline is Jan. 20. Postal says the extension would allow the parties to continue to work on important health care, workplace and other contractual issues.
Here's The Good News: You're Not Bank Of America
Ten years ago, Goldman Sachs’ Jim O’Neill coined the term “BRICs” to lump together a group of large, rapidly-growing economies that we all know well: Brazil, Russia, India, and China.
True to his thesis at the time, growth and development in these countries has left the rest of the world for dead over the past decade.
But all good things must come to an end… and it’s now clear that the BRICs are in for a much more difficult period.
China is slowing fast. Property prices have stalled and begun pulling back, souring a huge component of economic growth. The same goes for the country’s infrastructure spending.
Even China’s stalwart manufacturing sector is showing signs of contraction based on the most recent November numbers.
True to his thesis at the time, growth and development in these countries has left the rest of the world for dead over the past decade.
But all good things must come to an end… and it’s now clear that the BRICs are in for a much more difficult period.
China is slowing fast. Property prices have stalled and begun pulling back, souring a huge component of economic growth. The same goes for the country’s infrastructure spending.
Even China’s stalwart manufacturing sector is showing signs of contraction based on the most recent November numbers.
More Government Waste
Even with a budget boost, the Securities and Exchange Commission says it won't be needing that new space at Constitution Center. The Washington Business Journal reports the SEC won't move into even a part of the 900,000 square feet it leased in southwest, despite the $136 million boost in federal funds. The SEC leased the space in 2010, thinking that they'd be hiring more people. That didn't happen. They're still working with the General Services Administration to flip the lease
Sir Isaac Newton's Handwritten Notes About Laws Of Motion And Gravity Go Online
An original manuscript containing Sir Isaac Newton's laws of motion is being made publicly available online, along with other historic works by the great scientist.
Cambridge University today published more than 4,000 pages of Newton's most important works on a new digital library website.
They include the scientist's own annotated copy of Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica - and handwritten notes where some of his most famous theories first came to life.
Cambridge University today published more than 4,000 pages of Newton's most important works on a new digital library website.
They include the scientist's own annotated copy of Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica - and handwritten notes where some of his most famous theories first came to life.
Does Caffeinated Soap Perk You Up?
WASHINGTON - Getting out of bed some mornings can be tough. You might be willing to try anything to perk you up.
What about caffeinated soap? Does it work?
WTOP tested it out. No, it wasn't a scientific study. Not at all.
WTOP's test revealed caffeinated soap is nothing like drinking a cup of coffee.
It doesn't wake you up.
What about caffeinated soap? Does it work?
WTOP tested it out. No, it wasn't a scientific study. Not at all.
WTOP's test revealed caffeinated soap is nothing like drinking a cup of coffee.
It doesn't wake you up.
Jon Bon Jovi Jokes About Death Hoax
(CBS) The Internet has been abuzz about Jon Bon Jovi's alleged death, but fans of the Jersey-born singer can rest assured the rocker is very much alive and laughing.
Bon Jovi poked fun at the rumors by posting a picture to his Facebook page holding a piece of paper that read, "Heaven looks a lot like New Jersey, Dec. 19th 2011, 6:00."
Japan To Buy US F-35 Fighters For Air Force
TOKYO (AP) - Japan's government on Tuesday selected the Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth fighter to bolster its aging air force, announcing it will buy a total of 42 aircraft under a multiyear deal.
Japan has budgeted the cost of four fighters next fiscal year, which starts in April, said Noriyuki Shikata, deputy Cabinet secretary for public relations.
Lockheed gave the average price per plane as $65 million. Details including exact timing of the deliveries, final price tag and quantities per year have yet to be finalized.
Japan has budgeted the cost of four fighters next fiscal year, which starts in April, said Noriyuki Shikata, deputy Cabinet secretary for public relations.
Lockheed gave the average price per plane as $65 million. Details including exact timing of the deliveries, final price tag and quantities per year have yet to be finalized.
Jack Johnson To Collect Pension In Prison
UPPER MARLBORO, Md. - When you play Monopoly, you go directly to jail and do not collect $200. When former Prince George's County Executive Jack Johnson goes to prison, he will collect $49,552 a year.
Johnson, who was convicted of corruption, will not lose his pension while in prison.
Johnson's pension is not affected because he was convicted after he left office, despite the fact that his crimes were committed while he was in office, ABC 7 reports.
By the time Johnson gets out of prison, he will have a nest egg of nearly $350,000.
Johnson, who was convicted of corruption, will not lose his pension while in prison.
Johnson's pension is not affected because he was convicted after he left office, despite the fact that his crimes were committed while he was in office, ABC 7 reports.
By the time Johnson gets out of prison, he will have a nest egg of nearly $350,000.

The Ocean City Police Department proudly graduated five new officers from the Eastern Shore Criminal Justice Academy’s 67th police academy class on Friday, December 16, 2011, as well as one lateral police officer. Officers were formally recognized as certified police officers of the Ocean City Police Department, after 24 weeks (919 hours) of intense training.
The recruit class was comprised of various law enforcement agencies from all over Maryland’s Eastern Shore. These officers continued the long established tradition of OCPD officers by graduating from the police academy with top honors. Four of the five OCPD officers finished in the top four academic standings of the class as follows:
• OFC Marie Caron distinguishing herself as the class valedictorian, she also won the physical fitness award and achieved a pistol expert firearms rating.
• OFC Jill Bankard graduated second overall and also won the physical fitness award.
• OFC Nicholas Forsyth was ranked third overall in the class
• OFC Sean McHugh was ranked fourth overall and also achieved the pistol expert
firearms rating.
• OFC Trevor Greenawalt won the physical fitness award and achieved a ranking as a pistol expert.
• OFC Matthew McFarlane (not pictured) was a comparative compliance new hire from the State of New Jersey, and attended required segments of the academy for Maryland certification; he achieved a pistol expert ranking.
“Once again our new officers continue OCPD’s long-standing tradition of excellence by
taking the awards in their class. It’s an honor to welcome these six officers to our
department,” said Ocean City Police Chief Bernadette DiPino. “They have demonstrated
that they have what it takes to be leaders within the Ocean City Police Department and the Ocean City community. I am thrilled to have them as members of the Ocean City
Police Department.” “They exemplify all that is good in law enforcement and will serve our community with pride, integrity and professionalism.”
Feds Bust Ring Smuggling Drugs To Del., Md., Pa.
WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Twelve people have been charged with smuggling cocaine and heroin from Panama into the U.S. and distributing it to street-level dealers in three states, according to an indictment that federal prosecutors announced on Monday.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Kravetz said the smuggling network involved female couriers who tried to cross the border between Mexico and Texas with packets of uncut cocaine and heroin sewn into Lycra shorts, using a cucumber-aloe mixture to try to thwart drug-sniffing dogs. After several couriers were arrested using that method, the smugglers resorted to sewing packets of drugs into hair weaves and wigs.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Kravetz said the smuggling network involved female couriers who tried to cross the border between Mexico and Texas with packets of uncut cocaine and heroin sewn into Lycra shorts, using a cucumber-aloe mixture to try to thwart drug-sniffing dogs. After several couriers were arrested using that method, the smugglers resorted to sewing packets of drugs into hair weaves and wigs.
Last Airmen In Iraq Returning To BWI
LINTHICUM, Md. - The last 300 U.S. airmen to leave Iraq return to Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport Tuesday.
The airmen are from bases all over the U.S. The first flight will have 230 airmen aboard. Another, arriving Tuesday night, will have 70.
The airmen are from bases all over the U.S. The first flight will have 230 airmen aboard. Another, arriving Tuesday night, will have 70.
Child Support Gets Revamp
Single parents who have had to wait on delinquent child support payments should benefit from stepped-up enforcement, state Department of Human Resources officials announced today.
Secretary Ted Dallas said he is bringing in a new director to improve collection of child support payments. Joseph J. DiPrimio, the new executive director of the Child Support Enforcement Administration, said he wants to make Maryland one of the top 10 in the nation in child support collections within 18 months.
Secretary Ted Dallas said he is bringing in a new director to improve collection of child support payments. Joseph J. DiPrimio, the new executive director of the Child Support Enforcement Administration, said he wants to make Maryland one of the top 10 in the nation in child support collections within 18 months.
Watchmen Of America - Level II Alert
DECEMBER 20, 2011 1:56 A.M EST
Lewes-Area Man Jailed In Scam
LEWES — A man who paid cash for a half-million dollar home near Lewes has been sentenced to more than five years in federal prison for conspiring to defraud the U.S. government by marketing fraudulent products and concealing assets from the IRS. Federal officials said the scam involved issuing hundreds of billions of dollars in worthless bonds.
On Dec. 16, U.S. District Judge William Martini sentenced Ronald Ottaviano, 65, to 62 months in jail during proceedings in federal court in Newark, N.J. Ottaviano was also convicted of two counts of tax evasion and one count of money laundering.
Delmar's New State-Of-The-Art Waste Water Treatment Plant Unveiled Today
Delmar, DE/MD Delmar's new state-of-the-art WWTP was unveiled today at a ribbon cutting ceremony that included dignitaries from Delaware, Maryland and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Delaware Governor Jack Markell, Senator Tom Carper, Senator Chris Coons and Delegate Mike McDermott were present. $7.4 Million Dollars was invested in this aging Plant to make it cleaner and safer for our local Bay watersheds.
The facility was upgraded to include the additional biological and enhanced nutrient removal system that effectively reduce pollutants, nitrogen and phosphorus loadings from entering the waterways that drain into the Chesapeake Bay.
This upgrade helped provide jobs into the local economy and proves, (once again) that Delmar MD or DE is by far the greatest place to live on the Eastern Shore.
Higher State Borrowing Proposed Over Franchot’s Objection
A state debt committee voted to increase Maryland’s borrowing by $150 million next year to almost $1.1 billion, and the decision left Comptroller Peter Franchot steaming. “One week we are taking in less money, and the next week we are spending more,” Franchot said in an interview, referring to a write down of estimated revenues Dec. 9. “We are doubling down with a vote on a failed economic model” – that higher taxes, more spending and more debt can reduce unemployment.
DEFAC: Revenue Up $33M
Revenue projects are up $33 million, says the Delaware Economic and Financial Advisory Council (DEFAC).
State Finance Secretary Tom Cook tells WDEL this is better than expected, but still not great.
O'Malley Signs Executive Order On Md. Growth Plan
ANNAPOLIS — Gov. Martin O’Malley signed an executive order Monday outlining how to implement the state’s first long-range strategy to control growth as the population continues to swell, but opponents say the plan that includes sweeping land-use implications should have gone through the General Assembly.
O’Malley was joined by former governors Harry Hughes and Parris Glendening for the presentation of PlanMaryland. The basic framework of the plan is in effect. However, the administration will be working with local governments for the next six months to develop a specific list of criteria for planning areas, and no major changes are expected to happen before a year’s time, said Maryland Department of Planning Secretary Richard Hall.
O’Malley was joined by former governors Harry Hughes and Parris Glendening for the presentation of PlanMaryland. The basic framework of the plan is in effect. However, the administration will be working with local governments for the next six months to develop a specific list of criteria for planning areas, and no major changes are expected to happen before a year’s time, said Maryland Department of Planning Secretary Richard Hall.
The Law Adds To The Harm
The appearance of any new study indicating an increase in marijuana use by youth is always a prelude to a renewed government surge in America’s war on drugs. But let’s be realistic about our options. It's not as though tough enforcement keeps kids away from marijuana. Usage goes up and down no matter what we do. By keeping marijuana illegal, we nudge youngsters into contact with real criminals engaged in the drug trade. Then we bust kids, giving them a criminal record.
Don’t Drive Buzzed This Holiday
Last year, approximately 10,500 people died in alcohol-impaired-driving crashes. Historically, holiday periods have shown higher incidences of alcohol-impaired driving crashes, so whether you're at a holiday party, a New Year’s Eve bash at a bar or reveling with friends, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council are reminding everyone that the best way to stay safe is to plan ahead and designate a sober before you head out for your festivities.
Plan a safe way home before the festivities begin
Before drinking, designate a sober driver and leave your car keys at home
If you’re impaired, use a taxi, call a sober friend or family member, or use public transportation so you are sure to get home safely
Use your community’s sober ride program
If you happen to see a drunk driver on the road, don’t hesitate to contact your local law enforcement
Remember, Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving. If you know people who are about to drive or ride with someone who is impaired, take the driver’s keys and help them make other arrangements to get to where they are going safely.
Could you help us get the word out about this important message on your site? We have a lot of helpful information and tools that would be great to show your readers:
• Designated Driver Drink List — One of the most important things you can do before going out is designate a sober driver. If you’re throwing a party, make sure to offer non-alcoholic drinks for the sober drivers. We’ve compiled a Facebook tab with 50 non-alcoholic party drink recipes.
• Alternative Ride Locator — We’ve created a Facebook tab with a list of nationwide alternative ride programs that can help keep your readers safe.
• Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving website — Your readers can sign a pledge not to drink and drive; play “Spot the Difference,” an interactive game that simulates the effects of buzzed driving; and watch a real-life video about how buzzed driving changed one woman’s life.
Plan a safe way home before the festivities begin
Before drinking, designate a sober driver and leave your car keys at home
If you’re impaired, use a taxi, call a sober friend or family member, or use public transportation so you are sure to get home safely
Use your community’s sober ride program
If you happen to see a drunk driver on the road, don’t hesitate to contact your local law enforcement
Remember, Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving. If you know people who are about to drive or ride with someone who is impaired, take the driver’s keys and help them make other arrangements to get to where they are going safely.
Could you help us get the word out about this important message on your site? We have a lot of helpful information and tools that would be great to show your readers:
• Designated Driver Drink List — One of the most important things you can do before going out is designate a sober driver. If you’re throwing a party, make sure to offer non-alcoholic drinks for the sober drivers. We’ve compiled a Facebook tab with 50 non-alcoholic party drink recipes.
• Alternative Ride Locator — We’ve created a Facebook tab with a list of nationwide alternative ride programs that can help keep your readers safe.
• Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving website — Your readers can sign a pledge not to drink and drive; play “Spot the Difference,” an interactive game that simulates the effects of buzzed driving; and watch a real-life video about how buzzed driving changed one woman’s life.
Dogs and Presidential Candidates: Man's Best Friend Dominates The Race
Santorum stood up for them, Cain tried to get rid of one, and Romney strapped his to the top of a car. Leslie Bennetts on how man’s best friend came to dominate this year’s race for the White House.
What is it with this year’s presidential campaign and dogs? Politics usually generates more dumb sports metaphors than dog news, but one of many curious aspects of this race is the unusual persistence of canine motifs, which have been popping up with bizarre regularity.This week Stephen Colbert got into the act by telling viewers of The Colbert Report how he’s planning to fill “the giant, ego-shaped hole” that Donald Trump left in the GOP primary when he cancelled the Trump debate nobody was planning to attend.
Obama To Mark End Of Iraq War
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama will mark the end of the war in Iraq at a special ceremony Tuesday.
The president will be joined by Vice President Joe Biden at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland for the return of the United States Forces-Iraq colors, the flag that was lowered from a staff in Baghdad last week.
The president will be joined by Vice President Joe Biden at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland for the return of the United States Forces-Iraq colors, the flag that was lowered from a staff in Baghdad last week.
Hearing Set On Md.'s Congressional Redistricting
GREENBELT, Md. (AP) -- A three-judge panel in federal court is scheduled to hold a hearing on a lawsuit opposing Maryland's congressional redistricting map.
The hearing is set for 10 a.m. in Greenbelt.
The hearing is set for 10 a.m. in Greenbelt.
BREAKING NEWS: House Vote Effectively Rejects Senate's Payroll Tax-Cut Bill
House of Representatives passes a motion to force the Senate into a conference on extending the payroll tax cut, effectively rejecting the Senate's two-month extension bill.
Fox News
Fox News
Dad Who Used 9-Year-Old As Designated Driver Pleads Guilty To Child Abuse
(CBS) BROWNSTOWN TWP, Mich. - The man who used his 9-year-old daughter as a designated driver has pleaded guilty to child abuse charges.
At about 3 a.m. on October 8, police pulled Shawn Weimer's full-sized panel van over and discovered his daughter at the wheel. According to CBS Detroit, the girl asked police, "What did you stop me for? I was driving good."
Child Support Gets Revamp
Sweeping changes, plus new director announced
Single parents who have had to wait on delinquent child support payments should benefit from stepped-up enforcement, state Department of Human Resources officials announced today.
Secretary Ted Dallas said he is bringing in a new director to improve collection of child support payments. Joseph J. DiPrimio, the new executive director of the Child Support Enforcement Administration, said he wants to make Maryland one of the top 10 in the nation in child support collections within 18 months.
The changes come after scathing state audits this year that found the department had left more than $1.7 billion in child support uncollected. The audit found the department often failed to pursue available collection tools such as garnishing wages, seizing bank accounts and suspending occupational licenses.
Single parents who have had to wait on delinquent child support payments should benefit from stepped-up enforcement, state Department of Human Resources officials announced today.
Secretary Ted Dallas said he is bringing in a new director to improve collection of child support payments. Joseph J. DiPrimio, the new executive director of the Child Support Enforcement Administration, said he wants to make Maryland one of the top 10 in the nation in child support collections within 18 months.
The changes come after scathing state audits this year that found the department had left more than $1.7 billion in child support uncollected. The audit found the department often failed to pursue available collection tools such as garnishing wages, seizing bank accounts and suspending occupational licenses.
DART First State Holiday Schedule
Wilmington -- On Christmas Eve - Saturday, December 24, 2011; DART statewide services, both fixed route and paratransit, will operate its regular Saturday schedule. SEPTA Wilmington/Newark Line train service will operate its regular Saturday schedule.
On Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25, 2011 and New Years Day; Sunday, January 1, 2012 DART statewide services, both fixed route and paratransit, will not operate. SEPTA Wilmington/Newark Line train service will operate on a modified Sunday on Christmas Day and a Sunday schedule on New Years Day. Check www.septa.org/rail for specific times.
On New Years Eve, Saturday, December 31, 2011 DART statewide services, both fixed route and paratransit, will operate its regular Saturday schedule. SEPTA Wilmington/Newark Line train service will operate its Saturday schedule, with an additional train leaving Philadelphia (Market East Station) at 1:40 AM., arriving Claymont at 2:21 AM and Wilmington at 2:29 AM.
On Monday, December 26, 2011 and Monday, January 2, 2012 DART statewide services, both fixed route and paratransit, will operate on a Sunday schedule. SEPTA Wilmington/Newark Line train service will operate on a Sunday schedule.
Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for a Healthy and Prosperous New Year from everyone at DART First State.
On Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25, 2011 and New Years Day; Sunday, January 1, 2012 DART statewide services, both fixed route and paratransit, will not operate. SEPTA Wilmington/Newark Line train service will operate on a modified Sunday on Christmas Day and a Sunday schedule on New Years Day. Check www.septa.org/rail for specific times.
On New Years Eve, Saturday, December 31, 2011 DART statewide services, both fixed route and paratransit, will operate its regular Saturday schedule. SEPTA Wilmington/Newark Line train service will operate its Saturday schedule, with an additional train leaving Philadelphia (Market East Station) at 1:40 AM., arriving Claymont at 2:21 AM and Wilmington at 2:29 AM.
On Monday, December 26, 2011 and Monday, January 2, 2012 DART statewide services, both fixed route and paratransit, will operate on a Sunday schedule. SEPTA Wilmington/Newark Line train service will operate on a Sunday schedule.
Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for a Healthy and Prosperous New Year from everyone at DART First State.
DelDOT Celebrates Final Stages Of Bridge Construction With Displays And Time Capsule
Public Invited To Provide Suggestions For Time Capsule Items
Dover -- As the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) prepares to celebrate the opening of the new Indian River Inlet Bridge (IRIB) in January 2012, it announces that its partnering with the Division of Cultural Affairs to create two displays that tell the story of Delaware's the Indian River Inlet, including the archaeology, environmental impacts, history of bridges in this area, as well as attributes of the new bridge. These displays showcase the complex task of bridge building, as well as celebrating the near completion of one of Delaware's most iconic bridges.
The first display will be located in an enclosed case at the I-95 Visitor Center, 530 John F. Kennedy Memorial Highway, Newark, throughout 2012, and will consist of actual materials used in the construction of the bridge including concrete components, stay cable strands and tubing, rebar, sand, etc.
The second display is made up of five panels that are 4 feet wide x 8 foot high each. These panels depict the history, environment, archaeology and an overview of features of the new bridge. The five-panel display will be available for public viewing at the following locations and times:
December 2011 - April 2012: Smyrna Rest Area, 5500 South DuPont Highway, Smyrna
May - September 2012: Cape May-Lewes Ferry Terminal, 43 Cape Henlopen Drive, Lewes
October - December 2012: DelDOT South District Administration Building, 23697 South DuPont Highway, Georgetown
As a part of the bridge's dedication ceremony planned for spring 2012, items for a historical time capsule are being put together. DelDOT is seeking suggestions from the general public for a specific Delaware item they believe should be placed in the time capsule. The suggested item should represent life in the First State as the bridge is completed. Citizens are invited to submit suggestions in writing when visiting the IRIB Historical Display at the Smyrna Rest Area. Suggestions will be accepted at this location only, between December 19, 2011 and January 15, 2012.
If unable to visit one of the displays, DelDOT encourages you to visit its project website, www.irib.deldot.gov, under "Education", and click on "Historical Display" to view a web version. Due to the significance of the IRIB project, this website (www.irib.deldot.gov) will remain accessible indefinitely.
Dover -- As the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) prepares to celebrate the opening of the new Indian River Inlet Bridge (IRIB) in January 2012, it announces that its partnering with the Division of Cultural Affairs to create two displays that tell the story of Delaware's the Indian River Inlet, including the archaeology, environmental impacts, history of bridges in this area, as well as attributes of the new bridge. These displays showcase the complex task of bridge building, as well as celebrating the near completion of one of Delaware's most iconic bridges.
The first display will be located in an enclosed case at the I-95 Visitor Center, 530 John F. Kennedy Memorial Highway, Newark, throughout 2012, and will consist of actual materials used in the construction of the bridge including concrete components, stay cable strands and tubing, rebar, sand, etc.
The second display is made up of five panels that are 4 feet wide x 8 foot high each. These panels depict the history, environment, archaeology and an overview of features of the new bridge. The five-panel display will be available for public viewing at the following locations and times:
December 2011 - April 2012: Smyrna Rest Area, 5500 South DuPont Highway, Smyrna
May - September 2012: Cape May-Lewes Ferry Terminal, 43 Cape Henlopen Drive, Lewes
October - December 2012: DelDOT South District Administration Building, 23697 South DuPont Highway, Georgetown
As a part of the bridge's dedication ceremony planned for spring 2012, items for a historical time capsule are being put together. DelDOT is seeking suggestions from the general public for a specific Delaware item they believe should be placed in the time capsule. The suggested item should represent life in the First State as the bridge is completed. Citizens are invited to submit suggestions in writing when visiting the IRIB Historical Display at the Smyrna Rest Area. Suggestions will be accepted at this location only, between December 19, 2011 and January 15, 2012.
If unable to visit one of the displays, DelDOT encourages you to visit its project website, www.irib.deldot.gov, under "Education", and click on "Historical Display" to view a web version. Due to the significance of the IRIB project, this website (www.irib.deldot.gov) will remain accessible indefinitely.
British Prepare Evacuation Plans Ahead of Spain and Portugal Collapse
British Foreign Office personnel have proposed emergency evacuation plans for their citizens living throughout Europe, especially in Spain and Portugal. As tensions over the survivability of the Euro mount, the government warns that a collapse of the banking sector and the European monetary unit may make it impossible for those with assets in affected countries, including bank deposit accounts and homes, to access their funds and evacuate to Britain.
The drastic proposals emerged as a former Security Minister warned expats could be left stranded and destitute by the break-up of the single currency.
Brits who invested their savings in their adopted countries may not be able to withdraw cash and could even lose their homes if banks call in loans, worried ministers are warning.
The Foreign Office is preparing to bring them back from Spain and Portugal if the two countries are forced out of the euro, triggering a banking collapse.
Commenting on the evacuation plans, she added: “I think they are right to be doing that. I think this is a real contingency that they need to plan against – very, very worrying.”
Officials are braced for a nightmare scenario where thousands end up penniless and sleeping at airports with no means of getting home. Planes, ships and coaches could be sent, with some expats being brought out through Gibraltar.
The Foreign Office could offer small loans while piling pressure on the banks to give Brits access to their funds.
Spanish and Portuguese banks guarantee the first 100,000 euros deposited by savers but many put limits on withdrawals in a crisis.
The drastic proposals emerged as a former Security Minister warned expats could be left stranded and destitute by the break-up of the single currency.
Brits who invested their savings in their adopted countries may not be able to withdraw cash and could even lose their homes if banks call in loans, worried ministers are warning.
The Foreign Office is preparing to bring them back from Spain and Portugal if the two countries are forced out of the euro, triggering a banking collapse.
Commenting on the evacuation plans, she added: “I think they are right to be doing that. I think this is a real contingency that they need to plan against – very, very worrying.”
Officials are braced for a nightmare scenario where thousands end up penniless and sleeping at airports with no means of getting home. Planes, ships and coaches could be sent, with some expats being brought out through Gibraltar.
The Foreign Office could offer small loans while piling pressure on the banks to give Brits access to their funds.
Spanish and Portuguese banks guarantee the first 100,000 euros deposited by savers but many put limits on withdrawals in a crisis.
Einstein Or M. Monroe
What A Year!

By days end Salisbury News will have delivered 54,000 Posts since we've been on Blogger. By years end we should have delivered around 20,000 of those Posts in just one year. So far we have published 333,445 comments, WOW! The Daily Times would LOVE to have a piece of that, but they don't. Not even close.
What this means to us is that WE are bringing together communities on the Eastern Shore. If we can provide a sort of one stop shop for news and information and get people involved through comments, we can get a better feel as to where we stand as a whole.
We can't thank you enough for your support. Don't think for a second that we do this all alone. There are many very dedicated supporters of this Site that send us information daily. SBYNews.com works because of all of you.
Our Contributors are another vital reason for the success of this Site. Some remain silent because of their positions but let me assure you, these people are very much in the know and provide incredible information we would otherwise never be aware of.
Finally, its our advertisers that allow us to make incredible donations by Paying It Forward to those in need. Buy local and help support those advertisers.
Ocean City Council Makes The Right Move

Last night the Ocean City Council met and at the 11th hour Mr. Hall proposed the City pony up the more than $6,000.00 for the surgery on former/retired K-9 Charlie.
Under nation wide review the City felt the wrath of the media outreach and finally decided to do what I feel is the right thing, own up to their responsibility.
Of course the Main Stream Media never made any mention of all the money Charlie had brought into the Town of Ocean City in drug busts but thank God one of the Council Members read our message and chose to do the right thing.
It was voted upon and approved last night, so Earl should be getting a call soon. In an early morning conversation with Earl Campbell I strongly urged him to accept the money. By now, we all know Earl did this to help Charlie. However, we have provided pictures of the Campbell Family posing with Charlie and the Family comes first. He's got a period ahead of him in which he'll be looking for a job. He's got children who will be heading off to college. He did the right and honorable thing, hopefully Earl accepts the City's offer for his Family's sake.
I want to personally thank the Ocean City Council. It has been mentioned by Earl several times, this had NOTHING to do with the City Council. Yet the City Council stepped up to the plate and overruled the OCPD by proposing to take care of those expenses.
With any luck Earl will accept their offer. More importantly, after speaking to Earl this morning we will continue to fight to insure the rights of a K-9. New legislation needs to be proposed to protect these animals during and after their career on the Force.
I just love it when a plan comes together. I love it even more when a group of politicians come together and make the right choices.
New Posts to fall below.
BREAKING NEWS: Massachusetts Man Found Guilty Of Conspiring To Help Al Qaeda
Tarek Mehanna, 24, found guilty by federal jury on four terror-related charges and three charges of lying to authorities, as prosecutors say he conspired to travel to Yemen to receive training at a terrorist camp so he could eventually fight and kill U.S. troops in Iraq.
From Fox News
From Fox News
Beware The Coming Bailouts Of Europe
The economic establishment in this country has come to the conclusion that it is not a matter of "if" the United States must intervene in the bailout of the euro, but simply a question of "when" and "how." Newspaper articles and editorials are full of assertions that the breakup of the euro would result in a worldwide depression, and that economic assistance to Europe is the only way to stave off this calamity. These assertions are yet again more scare-mongering, just as we witnessed during the depths of the 2008 financial crisis. After just a decade of the euro, people have forgotten that Europe functioned for centuries without a common currency.
The real cause of economic depression is loose monetary policy: the creation of money and credit out of thin air and the monetization of government debt by a central bank. This inflationary monetary policy is the cause of every boom and bust, yet it is precisely what political and economic elites both in Europe and the United States are prescribing as a resolution for the present crisis. The drastic next step being discussed is a multi-trillion dollar bailout of Europe by the European Central Bank, aided by the IMF and the Federal Reserve.
The euro was built on an unstable foundation. Its creators attempted to establish a dollar-like currency for Europe, while forgetting that it took nearly two centuries for the dollar to devolve from a defined unit of silver to a completely unbacked fiat currency note. The euro had no such history and from the outset was a purely fiat system, thus it is not surprising to followers of Austrian economics that it barely survived a decade and is now completely collapsing. Europe's economic depression is the result of the euro's very structure, a fiat money system that allowed member governments to spend themselves into oblivion and expect that someone else would pick up the tab.
The real cause of economic depression is loose monetary policy: the creation of money and credit out of thin air and the monetization of government debt by a central bank. This inflationary monetary policy is the cause of every boom and bust, yet it is precisely what political and economic elites both in Europe and the United States are prescribing as a resolution for the present crisis. The drastic next step being discussed is a multi-trillion dollar bailout of Europe by the European Central Bank, aided by the IMF and the Federal Reserve.
The euro was built on an unstable foundation. Its creators attempted to establish a dollar-like currency for Europe, while forgetting that it took nearly two centuries for the dollar to devolve from a defined unit of silver to a completely unbacked fiat currency note. The euro had no such history and from the outset was a purely fiat system, thus it is not surprising to followers of Austrian economics that it barely survived a decade and is now completely collapsing. Europe's economic depression is the result of the euro's very structure, a fiat money system that allowed member governments to spend themselves into oblivion and expect that someone else would pick up the tab.
Teens As Young As 14 Engaging in Group Sex, Study Finds
A study of girls at Massachusetts health clinics found that one in 13 said they had participated in group sex -- and that the behavior was strongly associated with pornography and child abuse.
Although the study, published by the Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of New York Academy of Medicine, is a small one, the researchers said it offers a window into a risky sex behavior that has so far been given little legitimacy.
CNN Star Piers Morgan To Be Grilled Over Phone Hacking
LONDON -- Former News of the World editor and CNN interviewer Piers Morgan will appear by videolink from the United States on Tuesday at a judge-led investigation into the ethics and practices of Britain's scandal-tarred press.
He is expected to be grilled about comments he has made about widespread phone hacking at tabloid newspapers.
Time For North Korea's Economy To Come Out Of Isolation?
To the outside world, the next leader of North Korea is a blank slate, a fat-faced young man in his late 20s who, according to people he went to school with in Switzerland over a decade ago, was a fan of Michael Jordan's. That's pretty much what we know. What we don't know is everything else, including what Kim Jong Un would do running one of the poorest, most isolated countries in the world.
Dagsboro Man Charged After Defrauding Three Victims

30000 block of Thorogoods Road, Dagsboro, DE
22000 block of Hurdle Ditch Road, Harbeson, DE
Date of Occurrence:
Sunday, November 18, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
48 year old Millsboro, DE woman
53 year old Millsboro, DE woman
69 year old Harbeson, DE woman
Jonathan E. Brown, 29, Dagsboro, DE
Theft by False Promise (2 counts)
Committed to the Sussex Correctional Institution for lack of $3000.00 secured bail.
Dagsboro, DE- The Delaware State Police have arrested a Dagsboro man after he defrauded a Millsboro pair and a Harbeson woman late last month.
The investigation began on Sunday, November 20, 2011 after troopers were called to respond to a residence located in the 30000 block of Thorogoods Road, Dagsboro for the report of a theft. It was at this time that troopers contacted a 48 year old victim who advised them that on November 16, 2011 she had been at the Thorogoods Road address visiting a friend when defendant Jonathan Brown arrived. The victim described Brown as an acquaintance. As they were talking, Brown advised the victim that he knew a male subject who was going through a divorce and was attempting to sell some of his property, namely a flat screen television. The victim advised that she provided Brown with $135.00 for the television with the promise that he would deliver it to her on November 18th. However, Brown never arrived as promised on that date.
The investigating troopers were also contacted by the homeowner of the Thorogoods Road address who indicated that on the same date, Brown had also promised to sell her a flat screen television from the same male subject for $100.00. The second victim, a 53 year old woman, provided Brown with $100.00; however, he again never delivered the television as promised. The investigating troopers then obtained warrants charging Jonathan Brown with two counts of Theft by False Promise.
On Sunday, November 27, troopers responded to a residence located in the 22000 block of Hurdle Ditch Road, in Harbeson in reference to a theft. It was there that they contacted a 69 year old female resident who advised them that on November 20, a male subject, later identified as Jonathan Brown, responded to her residence and introduced himself as her new neighbor. After a period of time, the female resident and Brown began to talk about a boat that was parked in her driveway. It was at this time that Brown advised her that he had a friend who was attempting to sell a stainless steel boat prop and a flat screen television for $100 each. The victim agreed to purchase the items and provided Brown with $200.00 with the promise that they would be delivered on November 27th. However, Brown again failed to show. Troopers obtained an additional warrant charging Brown with one count of theft.
On December 16, 2011 Brown was located in the area of Delaware Avenue in Frankford and taken into custody by the Delaware State Police. He was then arrested on the above list of charges and committed to the Sussex Correctional Institution for lack of $3000.00 secured bail.
Detectives are asking anyone who may have been defrauded in a similar manner by Jonathan Brown to contact Detective John Evans at Troop 4 at 302-856-5850 ext. 214. Citizens may also provide a tip by texting keyword “DSP” plus your message to 274637 (CRIMES). Tipsters may also provide information through lines maintained by Delaware Crime Stoppers at (800) TIP-3333. Callers can also submit information via the internet at www.tipsubmit.com.
Dear Internet: It's No Longer OK To Not Know How Congress Works
This weekend I read a post titled "Dear Congress: It Is No Longer OK To Not Know How the Internet Works." The author, Joshua Kopstein, is right: it's not ok to not know about something before legislating or regulating it. The confessions by members of Congress that they are "not nerds" is frustrating at best because these guys, the guys that are regulating the Internet can't tell a server from a waiter.
And so a post is born, sympathetically climbing the charts at Reddit and HackerNews, telling Congress to get a clue. But the problem is that that post won't do any good. Few if any members of Congress will read it, and those that might certainly won't read it and decide that it's time for them to brush up on understanding how the Internet works as well as a professional that works on the Internet.
The War On Drug Addicts - And Everyone Else
When Congressional Republicans rammed through their disastrous consolidated spending bill on Friday, subsidizing abstinence-only education and granting $2 billion per week for the war in Afghanistan, they also locked in a regressive funding cut that would endanger the lives of many thousands of Americans. The bill reinstates a ban on federal funding for needle exchange programs - a ban that was repealed just two years ago, due to overwhelming evidence that the programs dramatically curb the spread of blood-transmitted diseases like HIV and hepatitis B.
Incredibly, when the Republican-led House Appropriations Committee announced the ban's first incarnation in September, it was listed under the heading "Protecting Life." Conservatives have long framed needle exchange as an incitement to drug use (naturally, if cheap, clean syringes are readily available, hordes of previously uninterested Americans will be inspired into heroin addiction) and a "dopey idea" that deters recovery.
"I am very concerned that we would use federal tax dollars to support the drug habits of people who desperately need help," argued former Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Kansas), the anti-needle-exchange warrior who rallied in favor of the ban each year until his recent retirement.
Incredibly, when the Republican-led House Appropriations Committee announced the ban's first incarnation in September, it was listed under the heading "Protecting Life." Conservatives have long framed needle exchange as an incitement to drug use (naturally, if cheap, clean syringes are readily available, hordes of previously uninterested Americans will be inspired into heroin addiction) and a "dopey idea" that deters recovery.
"I am very concerned that we would use federal tax dollars to support the drug habits of people who desperately need help," argued former Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Kansas), the anti-needle-exchange warrior who rallied in favor of the ban each year until his recent retirement.
SOPA Will Mean The End of Reddit, Says General Manager
Last week the House Judiciary Committee discussed the “Stop Online Piracy Act” (SOPA). After an abrupt end of the markup session on Friday, a new hearing date was set for this week. Meanwhile, opposition to the controversial bill is increasing and yesterday the General Manager of the largest online community Reddit said that the bill would “almost certainly mean the end” of the popular site.
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Releases 12-20-11
Incident: DUI Enforcement
Date of Incident: 16 December 2011
Location: Wicomico County
Narrative: On 16 December 2011 beginning at 9:00 PM, the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office conducted a special detail targeting drivers under the influence of alcohol or otherwise impaired. During this initiative which lasted until 3:00 AM on 17 December, deputies stopped 23 vehicles and investigated 5 possible impaired drivers by placing them through field sobriety testing. As a result of these efforts, two drivers were arrested for Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and removed from Wicomico County’s roadways.
Those arrested were:
1. Timothy Wade Miller, 46, Gurnee, Illinois
2. Paige Nicole Roosa, 20, Elkton, MD
Incident: Driving under the Influence of Alcohol
Date of Incident: 17 December 2011
Location: Waller Road at Line Road, Delmar, MD
Suspect: Wayne Charles Lofland, 60, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 17 December 2011 at 8:04 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to a reported collision between two vehicles on Waller Road near Line Road outside of Delmar, MD. Upon arrival and speaking with the at fault driver, Wayne Lofland, the deputy detected a strong odor of alcohol emanating from Lofland, who advised he was coming from a party in Delmar. The
deputy put Lofland through a battery of field sobriety tests which culminated in the arrest of Lofland for DUI.
The deputy processed Lofland at the Maryland State Police barrack in Princess Anne where a breath sample was obtained. Lofland was subsequently released after the issuance of citations.
Charges: Driving under the Influence of Alcohol Per Se
Incident: Possession of Marijuana
Date of Incident: 18 December 2011
Location: Billy Gene Jackson Park, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: 1. Bryan M. Carter, 30, Salisbury, MD
2. London R. Marshall, 21, Delmar, DE
Narrative: On 18 December 2011 at 8:35 PM a deputy investigated an occupied vehicle parked in Billy Gene Jackson Park in Salisbury during night time hours, after the park was closed. As the deputy closed on the vehicle, the deputy observed smoke coming from the front passenger windows. As the deputy approached the vehicle, the deputy recognized the odor of burning marijuana. During the ensuing investigation, the deputy recovered a baggie of marijuana from Carter that Carter attempted to hide in his mouth.
Both Carter and Marshall were arrested and transported to the Central Booking Unit where they were processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained both Carter and Marshall in the Detention Center on bonds of $15,000.00 on $3,000.00 respectively.
Charges: Possession of Marijuana
Date of Incident: 16 December 2011
Location: Wicomico County
Narrative: On 16 December 2011 beginning at 9:00 PM, the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office conducted a special detail targeting drivers under the influence of alcohol or otherwise impaired. During this initiative which lasted until 3:00 AM on 17 December, deputies stopped 23 vehicles and investigated 5 possible impaired drivers by placing them through field sobriety testing. As a result of these efforts, two drivers were arrested for Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and removed from Wicomico County’s roadways.
Those arrested were:
1. Timothy Wade Miller, 46, Gurnee, Illinois
2. Paige Nicole Roosa, 20, Elkton, MD
Incident: Driving under the Influence of Alcohol
Date of Incident: 17 December 2011
Location: Waller Road at Line Road, Delmar, MD
Suspect: Wayne Charles Lofland, 60, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 17 December 2011 at 8:04 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to a reported collision between two vehicles on Waller Road near Line Road outside of Delmar, MD. Upon arrival and speaking with the at fault driver, Wayne Lofland, the deputy detected a strong odor of alcohol emanating from Lofland, who advised he was coming from a party in Delmar. The
deputy put Lofland through a battery of field sobriety tests which culminated in the arrest of Lofland for DUI.
The deputy processed Lofland at the Maryland State Police barrack in Princess Anne where a breath sample was obtained. Lofland was subsequently released after the issuance of citations.
Charges: Driving under the Influence of Alcohol Per Se
Incident: Possession of Marijuana
Date of Incident: 18 December 2011
Location: Billy Gene Jackson Park, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: 1. Bryan M. Carter, 30, Salisbury, MD
2. London R. Marshall, 21, Delmar, DE
Narrative: On 18 December 2011 at 8:35 PM a deputy investigated an occupied vehicle parked in Billy Gene Jackson Park in Salisbury during night time hours, after the park was closed. As the deputy closed on the vehicle, the deputy observed smoke coming from the front passenger windows. As the deputy approached the vehicle, the deputy recognized the odor of burning marijuana. During the ensuing investigation, the deputy recovered a baggie of marijuana from Carter that Carter attempted to hide in his mouth.
Both Carter and Marshall were arrested and transported to the Central Booking Unit where they were processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained both Carter and Marshall in the Detention Center on bonds of $15,000.00 on $3,000.00 respectively.
Charges: Possession of Marijuana
Federal Funds Likely For County Airport Runway
Federal funds likely for county airport runway
Baker has been working with county staff and state and federal officials for months to develop a funding plan for the nearly $25 million project at the Georgetown airport.
Ron Paul Takes Swipes At Rivals On 'The Tonight Show With Jay Leno'
Ron Paul has finally spoken out critically of his Republican rivals. The race toward the Iowa Caucuses is heating up.
In a startling break with tradition, Ron Paul took a few quick jabs at his Republican rivals on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Friday. Asked his opinion of Michele Bachmann, who Paul had clashed with earlier in the week over the question of a nuclear Iran, Paul said Bachmann “hates Muslims” and “wants to go get them.”
Leno asked Paul his opinion of Rick Santorum, asking whether he talked about anything other than gay people. “Gay people and Muslims,” Paul quipped.
In a startling break with tradition, Ron Paul took a few quick jabs at his Republican rivals on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Friday. Asked his opinion of Michele Bachmann, who Paul had clashed with earlier in the week over the question of a nuclear Iran, Paul said Bachmann “hates Muslims” and “wants to go get them.”
Leno asked Paul his opinion of Rick Santorum, asking whether he talked about anything other than gay people. “Gay people and Muslims,” Paul quipped.
Sexting Substitute Meagan Gordon Pleads Guilty
GEORGETOWN — A substitute teacher who showed a high school student racy pictures of herself on a cellular phone is not going to jail. Meagan Gordon, 22, was sentenced to one year of probation and ordered to pay $500 for showing a 15-year-old Sussex Technical High School student naked pictures of herself and sending the student sexually suggestive text messages.
Being Legally Married Improves Gay Men's Health, Study Finds
If heterosexual men are known to thrive after getting hitched, the marriage effect might be as strong for gay men’s health.
In fact, just the possibility of legalized marriage might make gay guys healthier, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Public Health.
Columbia University researchers looked at the health effects on gay men from legalized marriage, surveying 1,211 patients from a large Massachusetts health clinic focused on the gay, lesbian and bisexual community. The researchers examined the clinic’s billing records 12 months before and 12 months after Massachusetts passed the law in 2004 allowing same-sex couples to get married.
In fact, just the possibility of legalized marriage might make gay guys healthier, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Public Health.
Columbia University researchers looked at the health effects on gay men from legalized marriage, surveying 1,211 patients from a large Massachusetts health clinic focused on the gay, lesbian and bisexual community. The researchers examined the clinic’s billing records 12 months before and 12 months after Massachusetts passed the law in 2004 allowing same-sex couples to get married.
Body Found In Chester ID'd As Delaware Barber
A body found wrapped in plastic in a vacant lot in Chester has been identified as that of a Delaware barber.
The Delaware County Daily Times says 39-year-old Eddie Lockhart of Newark died of multiple gunshot wounds before his body was left in the weed-strewn lot, where it was found Friday.
At Gas pump, 2011 Was The Year Of The Big Squeeze
After a year of record prices, next year isn't looking any better for motorists
NEW YORK — It's been 30 years since gasoline took such a big bite out of the family budget.
When the gifts from Grandma are unloaded and holiday travel is over, the typical American household will have spent $4,155 filling up this year, a record. That is 8.4 percent of what the median family takes in, the highest share since 1981.
Gas averaged more than $3.50 a gallon this year, another unfortunate record. And next year isn't likely to bring relief.
NEW YORK — It's been 30 years since gasoline took such a big bite out of the family budget.
When the gifts from Grandma are unloaded and holiday travel is over, the typical American household will have spent $4,155 filling up this year, a record. That is 8.4 percent of what the median family takes in, the highest share since 1981.
Gas averaged more than $3.50 a gallon this year, another unfortunate record. And next year isn't likely to bring relief.
Dutch TV-Show Hosts Appear To Dine On Each Other’s Flesh
Two Dutch television-show hosts said they had their flesh cooked by a top chef and then dined on each other before a studio audience.
“Nothing is really that special when you’re talking about the taste of the meat,” host Dennis Storm told ABCNews.com.
“But it is weird to look into the eyes of a friend when you are chewing on his belly.” Part of Storm’s left butt cheek was carved out by a surgeon, while his co-host, Valerio Zeno, opted to have a piece of his abdomen removed, they say.
“But it is weird to look into the eyes of a friend when you are chewing on his belly.” Part of Storm’s left butt cheek was carved out by a surgeon, while his co-host, Valerio Zeno, opted to have a piece of his abdomen removed, they say.
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