This is a video of what looks like a couple getting attacked by a group of black men. They casually walk up behind him and then spring into assault.
The white guy is thrown around, punched, kicked, and stomped on during the attack. A group of what looks like six guys jump this couple and begin to whoop on him.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Sunday, September 07, 2014
SFD Calls For Service 9-6-14
- Saturday September, 6 2014 @ 23:10 Nature: Automatic AlarmAddress: 119 Naylor Mill Rd Salisbury, MD 21801
- Saturday September, 6 2014 @ 22:46Nature: Automatic AlarmAddress: 1325 Treetop Dr Salisbury, MD 21801
- Saturday September, 6 2014 @ 22:37Nature: WithheldAddress: 1000-Blk Mohawk Ave Salisbury, MD 21801
- Saturday September, 6 2014 @ 22:37Nature: WithheldAddress: 1000-Blk Mohawk Ave Salisbury, MD 21801
- Saturday September, 6 2014 @ 22:18 Nature: ElectricalAddress: 1106 Nokomis Ave Salisbury, MD 21801
Major Lawsuit Filed Against The Salisbury Police Department
Salisbury News will be delivering some exclusive photos and video footage of a Salisbury Police Officer absolutely abusing his power on several Salisbury University Students recently.
The lawsuit was filed TODAY in Federal Court and while I will be delivering a series of articles on this matter, let me tell you what I do know.
First of all, I have seen ALL of the video footage of this incident. I have also seen the still photos as well as the POLICE REPORT.
Talk about INCREDIBLE inconsistencies from the Police Report vs. the actual video footage. Oh, there's a major storm about to hit the City.
Here's what bothers me the most about all of this. You have a ROOKIE Police Officer who, (as we have learned) has a history of complaints, yet he's still on the streets of Salisbury. We'll get into his history later but know I am aware of his history and we will document it soon enough.
Nevertheless, here are several college students getting arrested for BOGUS charges. The video shows one thing and the Police Report shows something completely different. Unfortunately, NO MATTER WHAT, these students lives are DESTROYED by one rogue Officer.
The upper brass at SU viewed the video and cleared EACH STUDENT. Get this, SPD confiscated the SU footage the very next morning and the students attorney had to subpoena the SPD for the footage because SU no longer had it and SPD was not willing to turn it over.
While the attorney and students tried everything they could do to get the City to respond, the City REFUSED to do so and now this case will go to Federal Court, (as it should).
It is time we EXPOSE local Law Enforcement. Spread the word about this case Ladies & Gentlemen because from what I hear there are MANY more complaints about this Officer and this Law Firm should be made aware of it. Leave it to your Mayor to IGNORE the seriousness of this case and not respond at all.
Below is the case filing documents:
The lawsuit was filed TODAY in Federal Court and while I will be delivering a series of articles on this matter, let me tell you what I do know.
First of all, I have seen ALL of the video footage of this incident. I have also seen the still photos as well as the POLICE REPORT.
Talk about INCREDIBLE inconsistencies from the Police Report vs. the actual video footage. Oh, there's a major storm about to hit the City.
Here's what bothers me the most about all of this. You have a ROOKIE Police Officer who, (as we have learned) has a history of complaints, yet he's still on the streets of Salisbury. We'll get into his history later but know I am aware of his history and we will document it soon enough.
Nevertheless, here are several college students getting arrested for BOGUS charges. The video shows one thing and the Police Report shows something completely different. Unfortunately, NO MATTER WHAT, these students lives are DESTROYED by one rogue Officer.
The upper brass at SU viewed the video and cleared EACH STUDENT. Get this, SPD confiscated the SU footage the very next morning and the students attorney had to subpoena the SPD for the footage because SU no longer had it and SPD was not willing to turn it over.
While the attorney and students tried everything they could do to get the City to respond, the City REFUSED to do so and now this case will go to Federal Court, (as it should).
It is time we EXPOSE local Law Enforcement. Spread the word about this case Ladies & Gentlemen because from what I hear there are MANY more complaints about this Officer and this Law Firm should be made aware of it. Leave it to your Mayor to IGNORE the seriousness of this case and not respond at all.
Below is the case filing documents:
U.S. District CourtDistrict of MarylandNotice of Electronic Filing
The following transaction was entered by Rommel, Luke on 9/3/2014 at 9:31 AM EDT and filed on 9/3/2014
Docket Text:
Case Name: Adams et al v. Aita et al Case Number: 1:14-cv-02793-RDB Filer: Curtis Adams Document Number: 2
NOTICE by Curtis Adams re [1] Complaint (Rommel, Luke)
1:14-cv-02793-RDB Notice has been electronically mailed to:
Luke A Rommel
1:14-cv-02793-RDB Notice will not be electronically delivered to:
The following document(s) are associated with this transaction:
Document description:Main Document
Original filename:n/a
Electronic document Stamp:
[STAMP dcecfStamp_ID=1046883720 [Date=9/3/2014] [FileNumber=5393163-0]
Teaching While Black
Patrick McLaw is an Eastern Shore Teacher/Author who is now undergoing "mental health treatment" after Sheriff Mike Lewis made claims there MAY HAVE BEEN inappropriate relations with an underage student.
Sheriff Lewis claims he is not targeting Patrick based on his published FICTIONAL books about school shootings. Patrick states that he has a hobby of making miniatures, cruise ships, planes and yes, even buildings. He claims that the building was Sheriff Lewis' only interest, yet the Sheriff claims Patrick is not being targeted for ANYTHING other than an alleged complaint about an underage student, (how convenient).
Look, the man was hired knowing he had written the FICTIONAL books. He is not a GHOST writer. Neighbors say Patrick is a really decent guy.
“Within hours, we received information of perhaps an inappropriate relationship involving a student so we had some concerns,” said Sheriff Mike Lewis. “We have a duty and a responsibility to look into these concerns.”
WITHIN HOURS, within hours of WHAT? So you are saying you were INVESTIGATING something else and then all of a sudden, "within hours" something about a student popped up. Do tell us just what you were investigating BEFORE you claimed it was about the student. I mean, Mike, "Teaching While Black" comes to mind because something sounds VERY fishy.
The man WORKS in Dorchester County. Yes, he lives in Salisbury but one would THINK that IF anything had happened with an alleged student, the Sheriff in Dorchester County would be investigating it and NOT Mike Lewis.
It reminds me a LOT of the Delaware phone call I received in Delaware. It was a Delaware number received in Delaware, yet the SPD did the investigation. GOOD OL' BOYS. Even the Chief of Police Barbara Duncan ADMITTED everything was done in Delaware, where it is ILLEGAL to do a phone spoof. So why a SPD investigation?
So do tell me why Mike Lewis is investigating this case. Do tell me why it has made NATIONAL news. This too reminds me of the Thomas Leggs case where the Sheriff CLAIMED he had DNA evidence to PROVE Thomas Leggs had murdered Sarah Foxwell. While spending TONS of money paid for by Wicomico County Taxpayers for a trial Lewis claimed he had enough evidence for the DEATH PENALTY, HE HAD NONE, NOTHING. Once the Judge called them out on it, AMAZING how they convinced the Foxwell Family to settle for a plea deal.
Maybe Sheriff Lewis should come back to work FULL TIME in the Sheriff's Office instead of traveling around the country doing seminars that pay him HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars per year. His words, NOT MINE. If the WCSO actually had a full time leader, perhaps the crime rate in Wicomico County wouldn't be through the roof. Hey, how dare I challenge the living legend though, eh?
A Letter To The Editor 9-5-14 Another View Of The SU Incident
This has become a lynch mob. I have watched the videos provided and based only upon what you can see and hear, you can only draw one conclusion. I'll go into that later. Lets break it down one piece at a time.
The first video - no sound. a large crowd is moving along. Just because they are moving along doesn't mean they are complying with the law. They could be yelling and screaming profanities. That's called Distrubance of the Public Peace. We can't tell. There is no audio. What I can tell you is what I see. I see the officer run by half of the crowd and grab one student by the arm. Based on allegations made here in comments, this officer may have problems with college students - but we have seen no evidence of that. What we do see is that if that were the case, he could have grabbed any one of the students he came into contact with first. But he didn't. He went around several and took custody of one. That leads me to believe that the one taken into custody had broken the law. OK.....there is absolutely no evidence to conclude that the student did absolutely nothing let's go on to the next issue in that same video. The officer has hold of the student by the arm....but the student doesn't have the appearance of one who is complying. He is facing the officer and backing away. An officer in this instance would be ordering the subject to turn around and put his hands behind his back to facilitate handcuffing. THAT's the proceedure and there is nothing to indicate that this isn't whats going on here. There is video footage showing the student backing away from the officer while facing him. That is not compliance and THAT would would be the action which would trigger the officers next action - take the suspect to the ground. Now - on to the second video. With sound this time. One officer is handcuffing the suspect while another officer is trying to assist but has to deal with another distraction - a crowd expressing anger toward the officers. You can hear one individual above the other. "He wasn't doing anythin wrong!!!" Loudly and angrily - over and over again. The officer is yelling......"Back off!!" This is a very, very dangerous situation. The fact is that one person with the intent to harm another can cover 21 feet before the intended target can even defend themselves against the attack. That's a fact. Google it.These officers are in a bad position at best. They know it. If that crowd became assaultive to those officers, the officers wouldn't stand a chance. They know that as well. Most people would run from a situation in which they face an angry, yelling crowd. But these officers can't. They are duty bound to stand their ground and finish doing what they started - keeping the peace. Inside, their instincts are to do what they must to keep themselves from harm....and they can't run - like many here making hateful comments under "Anonymous". These officers warn these individuals many times to back off yet they continue to yell - until other officers arrive and the odds change. I've been here many times. As other officers arrive, some of the less intoxicated members of the crowd realize that it is in their best interest to leave - others opt to stay and do what, in their mind, is the minimum in compliance to prevent their arrest. Yet they continue to yell and become disorderly. The officers have seconds to make decisions that we can debate on this blog - and we have - for minutes, and hours, and days. These decisions will affect the course of events that follow. Will someone be arrested? Sprayed? Shot? Not just members of the crowd.....the officers as well. The dynamics of human combat are unpredictable. Each decision made has consequences that are estimated by the officers to have the best outcome for all involved. EVERYONE. The officers made the decision to arrest a number of others who continued to yell. This was done to get them out of the equation so that they couldn't continue to enflame the situation any further. It worked very well. All but those arrested went home. Based upon the available audio and video, the officers did their job and did it well.
Now we have another issue. The court of public opinion. This isn't a first amendment issue. We all have a right to our opinion. But now, because of the coverage of Sbynews, these officers will likely be thrown under the bus by politicians who feel as though they must make an example of them to appease those on the front door of town hall with pitchforks and torches acting in a manner consistent with angry mobs of centuries ago demanding that those suspected of witchcraft be burned at the stake. AND if it were to go to trial, an untained jury pool would be unobtainable locally. I'm not faulting Sbynews in any manner. The good things accomlished by this blog have been immeasurable. I'm saying that the times in which we live are rapidly changing into dangerous times indeed. The comments made here have an incredible impact and with such a powerful media and with the unaccountability of anonymous comments, it's likely that these officers will be thrown under the bus, their careers ruined, and their lives changed forever. Other officers on the job and totally uninvolved with this will be even less likely to risk their own safety for the citizens they serve because to do so would likely lead them to a similar fate.....or worse. Maybe they will second guess their own reactions to a deadly situation and they will be killed or seriously injured because they don't want to be fired, sued, or jailed due to some public outcry from a populace uneducated in the law and inexperienced in making split second decisions that can cost them their lives. But Whatever. These people will soon get the type of law enforcement they deserve.
The first video - no sound. a large crowd is moving along. Just because they are moving along doesn't mean they are complying with the law. They could be yelling and screaming profanities. That's called Distrubance of the Public Peace. We can't tell. There is no audio. What I can tell you is what I see. I see the officer run by half of the crowd and grab one student by the arm. Based on allegations made here in comments, this officer may have problems with college students - but we have seen no evidence of that. What we do see is that if that were the case, he could have grabbed any one of the students he came into contact with first. But he didn't. He went around several and took custody of one. That leads me to believe that the one taken into custody had broken the law. OK.....there is absolutely no evidence to conclude that the student did absolutely nothing let's go on to the next issue in that same video. The officer has hold of the student by the arm....but the student doesn't have the appearance of one who is complying. He is facing the officer and backing away. An officer in this instance would be ordering the subject to turn around and put his hands behind his back to facilitate handcuffing. THAT's the proceedure and there is nothing to indicate that this isn't whats going on here. There is video footage showing the student backing away from the officer while facing him. That is not compliance and THAT would would be the action which would trigger the officers next action - take the suspect to the ground. Now - on to the second video. With sound this time. One officer is handcuffing the suspect while another officer is trying to assist but has to deal with another distraction - a crowd expressing anger toward the officers. You can hear one individual above the other. "He wasn't doing anythin wrong!!!" Loudly and angrily - over and over again. The officer is yelling......"Back off!!" This is a very, very dangerous situation. The fact is that one person with the intent to harm another can cover 21 feet before the intended target can even defend themselves against the attack. That's a fact. Google it.These officers are in a bad position at best. They know it. If that crowd became assaultive to those officers, the officers wouldn't stand a chance. They know that as well. Most people would run from a situation in which they face an angry, yelling crowd. But these officers can't. They are duty bound to stand their ground and finish doing what they started - keeping the peace. Inside, their instincts are to do what they must to keep themselves from harm....and they can't run - like many here making hateful comments under "Anonymous". These officers warn these individuals many times to back off yet they continue to yell - until other officers arrive and the odds change. I've been here many times. As other officers arrive, some of the less intoxicated members of the crowd realize that it is in their best interest to leave - others opt to stay and do what, in their mind, is the minimum in compliance to prevent their arrest. Yet they continue to yell and become disorderly. The officers have seconds to make decisions that we can debate on this blog - and we have - for minutes, and hours, and days. These decisions will affect the course of events that follow. Will someone be arrested? Sprayed? Shot? Not just members of the crowd.....the officers as well. The dynamics of human combat are unpredictable. Each decision made has consequences that are estimated by the officers to have the best outcome for all involved. EVERYONE. The officers made the decision to arrest a number of others who continued to yell. This was done to get them out of the equation so that they couldn't continue to enflame the situation any further. It worked very well. All but those arrested went home. Based upon the available audio and video, the officers did their job and did it well.
Now we have another issue. The court of public opinion. This isn't a first amendment issue. We all have a right to our opinion. But now, because of the coverage of Sbynews, these officers will likely be thrown under the bus by politicians who feel as though they must make an example of them to appease those on the front door of town hall with pitchforks and torches acting in a manner consistent with angry mobs of centuries ago demanding that those suspected of witchcraft be burned at the stake. AND if it were to go to trial, an untained jury pool would be unobtainable locally. I'm not faulting Sbynews in any manner. The good things accomlished by this blog have been immeasurable. I'm saying that the times in which we live are rapidly changing into dangerous times indeed. The comments made here have an incredible impact and with such a powerful media and with the unaccountability of anonymous comments, it's likely that these officers will be thrown under the bus, their careers ruined, and their lives changed forever. Other officers on the job and totally uninvolved with this will be even less likely to risk their own safety for the citizens they serve because to do so would likely lead them to a similar fate.....or worse. Maybe they will second guess their own reactions to a deadly situation and they will be killed or seriously injured because they don't want to be fired, sued, or jailed due to some public outcry from a populace uneducated in the law and inexperienced in making split second decisions that can cost them their lives. But Whatever. These people will soon get the type of law enforcement they deserve.
BREAKING NEWS: High Speed Chase
Several Police Officers are involved in a high speed chase on Rt. 13 heading north. He is currently heading north east in a dark colored van. Fruitland Police put down spike strips but the suspect missed it. He is driving even in the south bound lane and almost hit a friend head on. Hopefully we'll have a press release soon. BE CAREFUL!
UPDATE: He is now heading south bound. Fruitland Police are putting out spike strips. He is flying past Police. Green van, white male and swerved around spike strips AGAIN. This is LIVE from the Nina Lane area. At least 30 cops chasing him.
UPDATE: He is now heading south bound. Fruitland Police are putting out spike strips. He is flying past Police. Green van, white male and swerved around spike strips AGAIN. This is LIVE from the Nina Lane area. At least 30 cops chasing him.
Might I Make A Suggestion On The Salisbury Police & Salisbury University Student Arrests
I have always felt it is our job here at Salisbury News to deliver news and information, many times you more than likely will not see in the local Main Stream Media.
Once we deliver such news and information Salisbury News then allows YOU the public to agree or disagree while doing so through comments.
When it comes to this highly followed topic with the SPD & SU, we have delivered what we know, documents and even video evidence. We/You are not the Judge and Jury. I see questionable actions of both the Students as well as the Officers. I understand the position of the Police and I also understand the Students.
"Two Wrongs Do Not Make A Right". That being said, here's what I suggest.
During orientation at SU, I believe it should be mandatory that every Student be placed in an auditorium to watch these videos. I believe the SPD, WCSO and the SU Police be present with representatives who address ALL Students welcoming them to Salisbury and Wicomico County. Express to them with sincerity that we want to assure your safety as well as our own.
The following video will show a particular situation where a crowd of Students were out having a good time when things got out of control, something we will not tolerate. When an order is given, we will respect YOU as much as you respect US. We want you to enjoy the experience of your education and your time in Salisbury but we cannot take the risk of certain situations possibly getting out of control.
Once these Students see the video they will clearly know throughout their time in Salisbury what Law Enforcement will and won't tolerate. END OF STORY.
Officers can then go out into the crowd and introduce themselves. They can hand out business cards and say, if you ever need us please don't hesitate to call. Law Enforcement can open a welcoming dialogue and IF Students refuse to respect their orders and or authority, NO ONE can come back and claim Cops are Kops.
It would be nice if our States Attorney, Police Chief and those charged could use this as a form of mediation. Either way, my hope is that the University will consider this as a proactive way to assure peace in the future.
Once we deliver such news and information Salisbury News then allows YOU the public to agree or disagree while doing so through comments.
When it comes to this highly followed topic with the SPD & SU, we have delivered what we know, documents and even video evidence. We/You are not the Judge and Jury. I see questionable actions of both the Students as well as the Officers. I understand the position of the Police and I also understand the Students.
"Two Wrongs Do Not Make A Right". That being said, here's what I suggest.
During orientation at SU, I believe it should be mandatory that every Student be placed in an auditorium to watch these videos. I believe the SPD, WCSO and the SU Police be present with representatives who address ALL Students welcoming them to Salisbury and Wicomico County. Express to them with sincerity that we want to assure your safety as well as our own.
The following video will show a particular situation where a crowd of Students were out having a good time when things got out of control, something we will not tolerate. When an order is given, we will respect YOU as much as you respect US. We want you to enjoy the experience of your education and your time in Salisbury but we cannot take the risk of certain situations possibly getting out of control.
Once these Students see the video they will clearly know throughout their time in Salisbury what Law Enforcement will and won't tolerate. END OF STORY.
Officers can then go out into the crowd and introduce themselves. They can hand out business cards and say, if you ever need us please don't hesitate to call. Law Enforcement can open a welcoming dialogue and IF Students refuse to respect their orders and or authority, NO ONE can come back and claim Cops are Kops.
It would be nice if our States Attorney, Police Chief and those charged could use this as a form of mediation. Either way, my hope is that the University will consider this as a proactive way to assure peace in the future.
Delegate Norm Conway Full Of Craps
You might remember on August 7th, SBYNEWS posted a piece that detailed how Delegate Norm Conway and 9 other Democrats received money from casino interests in a way that appeared to run afoul of campaign finance law. Now Conway has doubled down with his casino cash buddies in a breakfast event in Annapolis.
The list of hosts include Governor O’Malley , #1 on the casino cash list, Lt Governor Brown, #2 Howard County Executive Ken Ulman and #4 Delegate Michael Busch. All told the group has been given over $40,000 in questionable casino contributions.
In addition, while the policies of the O’Malley-Conway team have driven over 8,000 jobs from the state, created very high unemployment on the lower Eastern Shore, and are making it harder for farmers and those in the poultry industry to survive, Conway has the gall to charge a minimum of $125.00 to attend his breakfast in Annapolis!
Those better be the best eggs in world my friend!
How can Conway charge $125.00 for breakfast?
He is supported by PACs, special interest money, and high rollers, which is demonstrated by his willingness to take casino cash. Make no mistake, the casino cash is only the beginning. When you go through Conway’s contributions one word appears over and over: Baltimore.
Delegate Conway talks a good game when he is on the shore, but his votes on higher taxes, more regulations, and aligning himself with Governor O’Malley who has raised spending by $10 billion in 8 years, tells me that he is a secure vote for the big money interests of the western shore, especially Baltimore.
Conway has been in elected office in one form or another since 1974! He’s been a Delegate since 1986. Think about that folks! What were you doing in 1974? What were you doing in 1986?
It’s time to wake up and realize that Norm Conway does not represent us in Annapolis. If anything, he represents Annapolis on the shore.
My article from August 7th: HERE
The list of hosts include Governor O’Malley , #1 on the casino cash list, Lt Governor Brown, #2 Howard County Executive Ken Ulman and #4 Delegate Michael Busch. All told the group has been given over $40,000 in questionable casino contributions.
In addition, while the policies of the O’Malley-Conway team have driven over 8,000 jobs from the state, created very high unemployment on the lower Eastern Shore, and are making it harder for farmers and those in the poultry industry to survive, Conway has the gall to charge a minimum of $125.00 to attend his breakfast in Annapolis!
Those better be the best eggs in world my friend!
How can Conway charge $125.00 for breakfast?
He is supported by PACs, special interest money, and high rollers, which is demonstrated by his willingness to take casino cash. Make no mistake, the casino cash is only the beginning. When you go through Conway’s contributions one word appears over and over: Baltimore.
Delegate Conway talks a good game when he is on the shore, but his votes on higher taxes, more regulations, and aligning himself with Governor O’Malley who has raised spending by $10 billion in 8 years, tells me that he is a secure vote for the big money interests of the western shore, especially Baltimore.
Conway has been in elected office in one form or another since 1974! He’s been a Delegate since 1986. Think about that folks! What were you doing in 1974? What were you doing in 1986?
It’s time to wake up and realize that Norm Conway does not represent us in Annapolis. If anything, he represents Annapolis on the shore.
My article from August 7th: HERE
Salisbury University Police Footage: Part 1
That being said, let me walk you through what you'll be looking at. In the top right hand corner of the screen you'll see Pat's Pizza on the corner. You'll see a group of students coming around the corner where the Police have asked them to move on.
As you continue watching you'll clearly see they are doing exactly what they were asked. Perhaps to some officers, it's not fast enough, which is a load of crap.
As they continue moving you'll see a police vehicle pull up, provoking the situation. They cross the street and continue moving and even start heading into the tunnel, (keep your eyes on the guy with the yellow shirt next to the tunnel wall) when all of a sudden the police officer comes running across the street and tackles the guy in yellow from behind. The rest is history and spells out the cell phone footage from earlier.
More to come...
Caught on camera: The terrifying moment gang viciously beat couple on Missouri street
Police are asking for help identifying a group of young males involved in an assault on a couple in Springfield, Missouri.
The Springfield Police Department has released surveillance video of the brutal beating that occurred on Friday August 22.
The couple, Meredith Cole and her boyfriend Alex Vessey, were both treated for serious injuries after the ordeal at a nearby hospital.
The Springfield Police Department has released surveillance video of the brutal beating that occurred on Friday August 22.
The couple, Meredith Cole and her boyfriend Alex Vessey, were both treated for serious injuries after the ordeal at a nearby hospital.
Is Delegate Norm Conway Out Of His Mind?
YOU, award a Fire Department, WHAT? The City Taxpayers are paying for the Fire Department and you had NOTHING to do with this. It's absolutely amazing how a politician will take credit for things they didn't do.
Hey Norm, will you be telling voters you vote more like a republican too?
By the way. Perhaps Ireton should force these fat asses to use the expensive gym in the Fire Palace and make these obese people get a little healthier. After all, Triple X shirts cost a LOT more than an XL or even better, L.
Hey Norm, will you be telling voters you vote more like a republican too?
By the way. Perhaps Ireton should force these fat asses to use the expensive gym in the Fire Palace and make these obese people get a little healthier. After all, Triple X shirts cost a LOT more than an XL or even better, L.
The NFL was reportedly scared of the mainstream media blowback that it would receive if Michael Sam, the league's first openly gay player, did not make a team.
When the Rams cut Michael Sam last weekend, the NFL reportedly called teams to inquire if they had "evaluated Sam as a possible practice squad player," according to a report from MMQB's Peter King.
When the Rams cut Michael Sam last weekend, the NFL reportedly called teams to inquire if they had "evaluated Sam as a possible practice squad player," according to a report from MMQB's Peter King.
Here’s How the Price of Your Favorite Fast Food Would Change With a $15 Minimum Wage
Thousands of fast-food workers across 150 cities nationwide gathered today to call for a $15-an-hour minimum wage.
However, a report released today by James Sherk, senior policy analyst in labor economics at The Heritage Foundation, found that fast-food restaurants would have to boost their prices 38 percent to make up for the increased labor costs.
However, a report released today by James Sherk, senior policy analyst in labor economics at The Heritage Foundation, found that fast-food restaurants would have to boost their prices 38 percent to make up for the increased labor costs.
Feds Pushing States To Lower The Drunk Driving Threshold To 0.05 BAC
Having a glass of wine with dinner and thinking about driving? That might be a bit more of a gamble in the future, as the National Transportation Safety Board is lobbying states to reduce their thresholds for drunk driving from the national standard of 0.08 blood alcohol concentration to 0.05.
Members of the board presented their case this week in New England, reports, saying the new standard could help save lives.
“If you are impaired and behind the wheel, you should not be driving,” said an attorney with the local chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving.
Members of the board presented their case this week in New England, reports, saying the new standard could help save lives.
“If you are impaired and behind the wheel, you should not be driving,” said an attorney with the local chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving.
Groundbreaking Ceremony For Station 2 In Salisbury
Salisbury is holding a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Station 2. Here's what you don't know.
Remodeling the old station would have cost the taxpayers $2,000,000.00. Instead, (in typical liberal form) they are buying additional property and building a SMALLER station for more than $4,000,000.00.
Oh, get this Ladies & Gentlemen. Guess who the General Contractor is for this job? None other than former/retired Volunteer Chief Bill Gordy. Can you say Good Ol' Boys!
Here's one better. They can furlough Firefighters for TWO YEARS but now they have enough money to build a new station. Pretty cool when you RAISE taxes every year under Ireton and they BLOW IT on a newer, smaller station.
It was YOUR election to lose and I'm so glad I no longer own property in the City.
Remodeling the old station would have cost the taxpayers $2,000,000.00. Instead, (in typical liberal form) they are buying additional property and building a SMALLER station for more than $4,000,000.00.
Oh, get this Ladies & Gentlemen. Guess who the General Contractor is for this job? None other than former/retired Volunteer Chief Bill Gordy. Can you say Good Ol' Boys!
Here's one better. They can furlough Firefighters for TWO YEARS but now they have enough money to build a new station. Pretty cool when you RAISE taxes every year under Ireton and they BLOW IT on a newer, smaller station.
It was YOUR election to lose and I'm so glad I no longer own property in the City.
Norm Conway Donates $500.00 To Josh Hastings Campaign
Other contributors are Senator Joan Conway, $250.00, Billy Sarbanes, Muir Boda, Chuck Cook and others.
Josh claims he's not a democrat, he just filed as one yet this information clearly proves quite the opposite. Funny how DEMOCRATS running for Office always tell people they're NOT a Democrat and vote more like a Republican. He told the paper he was a moderate.
A Letter To The Editor 9-5-14
On 9/1/14 @ approx. 9pm a white female was driving home on Parsons road past Fairground Dr. and she had an incident with about 10 black teenagers. According to her, 4 teens blocked the road with their bikes while 2 others approached her minivan and began to kick the vehicle. She honked at them and drove away while they followed her for a short time. There were several black youths on the side walk cheering them on.
Matt Maciarello has interviewed the victim and a police report was made. From the SPD website “9/1/14 9:04 PM Fairground Dr/Parsons Rd Juvenile Problem 201400033147 GOA-Gone On Arr”
I just wanted to make everyone aware that this happened and where, considering the growing trend of black on white crime being all over the news. This goes to show that it is also happening in our town and people need to think about how they will deal with these types of situations should they happen to them.
Matt Maciarello has interviewed the victim and a police report was made. From the SPD website “9/1/14 9:04 PM Fairground Dr/Parsons Rd Juvenile Problem 201400033147 GOA-Gone On Arr”
I just wanted to make everyone aware that this happened and where, considering the growing trend of black on white crime being all over the news. This goes to show that it is also happening in our town and people need to think about how they will deal with these types of situations should they happen to them.
Delaware Governor 'Inadvertently' Tweeted Photo Of Woman In Bondage Gear
Delaware Gov. Jack Markell (D) tweeted Thursday that his staff was “looking into” how an “inappropriate” photo of a woman in bondage gear was sent out from his Twitter account.
The tweet, which promoted the governor’s announcement of a new education initiative, was accompanied by an image of a blonde woman wearing what appeared to be bondage gear and making a peace sign. The tweet was deleted, but not before WHYY reporter Shirley Min caught a screen grab:
Family Maintains Charges In High-Profile Case Rooted In Politics; State’s Attorney’s Election Foe To Help Defense
OCEAN CITY — More details emerged this week in the manslaughter case against two local men charged for their roles in the death of a Pennsylvania man, including video that chronicles the events leading up to the alleged confrontation and allegations the charges are politically motivated in an election year.
Around 3 a.m. on Aug. 24, Ocean City Police were called to assist paramedics who discovered Justin D. Cancelliere, 37, of North Whitehall, Pa., unconscious and unresponsive in a hotel parking on 2nd Street. First responders initiated emergency lifesaving procedures on the victim and transported him to AGH where he was later pronounced deceased. An autopsy concluded the nature of Cancelliere’s injuries as head and neck trauma and the cause of death a homicide.
After an investigation, OCPD detectives determined the assault occurred during an altercation in the area of Talbot Street and Baltimore Ave. The two suspects, identified as Caleb Edwin-Earl Ochse, 27, of Ocean City, and Christopher Blake Kendall, 22, of Ocean City, have been charged with manslaughter, second-degree assault, reckless endangerment and affray for their alleged roles in the confrontation.
Around 3 a.m. on Aug. 24, Ocean City Police were called to assist paramedics who discovered Justin D. Cancelliere, 37, of North Whitehall, Pa., unconscious and unresponsive in a hotel parking on 2nd Street. First responders initiated emergency lifesaving procedures on the victim and transported him to AGH where he was later pronounced deceased. An autopsy concluded the nature of Cancelliere’s injuries as head and neck trauma and the cause of death a homicide.
After an investigation, OCPD detectives determined the assault occurred during an altercation in the area of Talbot Street and Baltimore Ave. The two suspects, identified as Caleb Edwin-Earl Ochse, 27, of Ocean City, and Christopher Blake Kendall, 22, of Ocean City, have been charged with manslaughter, second-degree assault, reckless endangerment and affray for their alleged roles in the confrontation.
Turbines Turned Away in Alabama
Publishers Notes: This is about the same one that is trying to put them in Somerset County
Not Pioneer Green Energy. They have halted plans for an industrial wind turbine project on top of scenic Lookout Mountain in northeast Alabama. NextERA has announced wind projects in Jackson and Madison Counties, and others have a project planned in Cleburne County. A proposed wind development in Baldwin County was denied last year, when the county commission obtained clarity from the state legislature through a local bill regarding their ability to regulate such towers under their zoning statute.
Why all this interest in Alabama?
Developers are seeking new territory for energy corporations who are looking to take advantage of lucrative federal subsidies and federal and state tax credits for alternative energy. Alabama is a target, because of a lack of regulation on this type of energy producing industry in unincorporated areas of the state.
When Leesburg resident Shannon Mackey found out about Pioneer Green’s plans to place turbines at Cherokee Rock Village, one of the top 10 rock climbing venues in the country, he began protesting at public meetings and started a Facebook page called Save Cherokee Rock Village with the goal of stopping the project. It currently has over 3,600 followers.
90 city schools failed to pass a single black or Hispanic student on state tests, study shows
While black and Hispanic students did better on the math and reading exams this year compared with 2013, the achievement gap still worsened, since white and Asian kids saw bigger increases. Families for Excellent Schools CEO Jeremiah Kittredge said the findings should shock the city Education Department into taking better steps to help struggling kids.
Dozens of public schools across the city failed to pass even a single black or Hispanic student on this year’s state math or reading exams, a new analysis shows.
Pro-charter school group Families for Excellent Schools found no black or Hispanic kids passed the standardized tests — based on the more stringent Common Core standards — at 90 schools with diverse student bodies.
Families for Excellent Schools CEO Jeremiah Kittredge said the study’s findings should shock the city Education Department into taking fresh action to help struggling students.
“It’s time for bold and transformational change,” said Kittredge. “We need to acknowledge that this is not the fault of children — it’s the fault of our system.”
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Overrun Libyan Airport
Leading up to the somber anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, there are fresh fears of possible 9/11-style attacks taking place across North Africa as radical Islamist groups in Libya have reportedly seized nearly a dozen commercial airliners in the last month.
While counterterrorism officials are reportedly concerned that the missing jetliners could be used by terrorists to carry out deadly attacks, the timing of the theft is also setting off alarms. The concern is that radical Islamist groups will use the planes to mark the anniversary of the deadly 9/11 attacks, according to alleged intelligence reports disseminated within the U.S. government.
Reports that Islamist militias have seized the jetliners come just weeks before the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
While counterterrorism officials are reportedly concerned that the missing jetliners could be used by terrorists to carry out deadly attacks, the timing of the theft is also setting off alarms. The concern is that radical Islamist groups will use the planes to mark the anniversary of the deadly 9/11 attacks, according to alleged intelligence reports disseminated within the U.S. government.
Reports that Islamist militias have seized the jetliners come just weeks before the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
Fast food workers plan nationwide strike on Thursday
Thousands of fast food workers across the United States will once again go on strike this Thursday, representatives of the Fight for 15 movement announced Monday night. The new strike will likely be comparable in size to the last one, which occurred in mid-May and affected fast food restaurants in 150 U.S. cities. But unlike any previous strikes in the fast food industry, Thursday’s action is likely to feature acts of civil disobedience in at least a handful of cities. If workers do risk arrest on Thursday, that would represent a significant escalation in movement tactics and militancy.
“If workers do risk arrest on Thursday, that would represent a significant escalation in movement tactics and militancy.”
This week’s strike will be the first major fast food worker action since the first-ever Fight for 15 convention, which took place in late July. Many of the workers who attended the conference expressed a desire to escalate the campaign, and a handful of scheduled speakers extolled the virtues of civil disobedience. At the end of the convention, workers agreed to a resolution saying they would do “whatever it takes” to win.
Terrence Wise, a Missouri-based Burger King employee and a member of the Fight for 15 national organizing committee, cited that resolution in a statement regarding Thursday’s upcoming strike.
“If workers do risk arrest on Thursday, that would represent a significant escalation in movement tactics and militancy.”
This week’s strike will be the first major fast food worker action since the first-ever Fight for 15 convention, which took place in late July. Many of the workers who attended the conference expressed a desire to escalate the campaign, and a handful of scheduled speakers extolled the virtues of civil disobedience. At the end of the convention, workers agreed to a resolution saying they would do “whatever it takes” to win.
Terrence Wise, a Missouri-based Burger King employee and a member of the Fight for 15 national organizing committee, cited that resolution in a statement regarding Thursday’s upcoming strike.
Salisbury News Delivers Investigative Reporting On HOW YOUR TAX DOLLARS ARE SPENT: Part 21
Still no new expense postings from the Wicomico County Executive's office. Last post was in May as we reported last week. What are they hiding? Oops, forgot there's an election coming up. Wouldn't want the taxpayers to REALLY know where their tax dollars are being spent.
Now for the Wicomico County Board of Education. This week we will post some of the expenses that were made in June, July & August. As they say it's all for the kids, just wonder which kids are eating all this food in the summer months?
6/2/12 Amy Kenney Outback $100
6/2/12 Amy Kenney Sobo's Wine Bistro $100
6/2/12 Amy Kenney Texas Roadhouse $50
6/5/12 Amy Kenney Sobo's Wine Bistro $50
8/8/12 Amy Kenney Sage Diner $135
6/14/11 Amy Mensack Famous Dave's $65.20
7/7/11 Amy Mensack East Side Deli $46.33
6/6/12 Amy Mensack Rise Up Coffee $25.00
8/17/12 Amy Mensack Chick Fil-A $28.44
8/24/12 Amy Mensack East Side Deli $213.62
6/5/12 Barbara Parsons Classic Cakes $95.00
6/14/12 Barbara Parsons Roly Poly $19.50
8/20/12 Barbara Parsons Bob Evans $103.93
6/4/12 Barbara Jenkins Denny's $63.76
6/4/12 Barbara Jenkins Golden Corral $348.66
6/5/12 Barbara Jenkins Little Caesar's $100.00
6/6/12 Barbara Jenkins Pat's Pizzeria $15.87
6/7/12 Barbara Jenkins Rt 12 Pizza $85.00
6/11/12 Barbara Jenkins Chick Fil-a $90.50
6/28/12 Barbara Jenkins Uno's $140.08
6/28/12 Barbara Jenkins Uno's $268.10
8/13/12 Barbara Jenkins Dunkin Donuts $37.96
8/15/12 Barbara Jenkins Panera Bread $25.88
8/23/12 Barbara Jenkins McDonald's $91.92
8/31/12 Barbara Jenkins Brew River $129.80
6/3/11 Cathy Townsend Domino's $21.19
6/5/12 Carol A Harrington Subway $303.00
6/7/12 Carol A Harrington Golden Corral $25.00
7/2/12 Carol A Harrington Chick Fil-a $11.95
7/2/12 Carol A Harrington Chick Fil-A $33.11
8/17/12 Carol A Harrington East Side Deli $300.05
8/20/12 Carol A Harrington Panera Bread $153.89
8/25/11 Carroll Nichols Zia'a Pastaria $368.55
7/28/11 Laura Bounds Panera Bread $157.11
8/11/11 Laura Bounds Panera Bread $201.18
8/15/11 Laura Bounds Subway $89/97
8/16/11 Laura Bounds Panera Bread $31.56
6/28/12 Laura Bounds Panera Bread $65.85
7/31/12 Laura Bounds Little Caesar's $50.00
6/1/11 Linda Stark DeVage's $72.54
6/21/11 Linda Stark DeVage;s $69.35
7/7/11 Linda Stark DeVage's $38.51
7/19/11 Linda Stark DeVage's $127.17
8/12/11 Linda Stark DeVage's $71.75
6/4/12 Linda Stark DeVage's $98.84
7/20/12 Linda Stark Acorn Market $46.09
7/24/12 Linda Stark Acorn Market $42.62
7/26/12 Linda Stark DeVage's $56.43
8/13/12 Linda Stark Goin' Nuts Cafe $220.35
8/31/12 Linda Stark DeVage's $31.67
6/6/12 Liza Hastings Sobo's Wine Bistro $150.00
7/3/12 Bridgit Reynolds Taylors BBQ $436.00
6/7/11 Brian D Ashby Dayton's $71.95
8/30/12 Brian D Ashby Sage Diner $71.39
6/8/11 Carol A Harrington Olive Garden $60.00
6/9/11 Carol A Harrington Subway $262.00
8/2/11 Carol A Harrington Delmar Pizza $50.00
We know that school doesn't close until the middle of June. But were all these charges to feed the kids? We'll be bringing you more info on summer time munches next week cause today's list is only the tip of the iceberg.
A Gunman Would Be Stopped in His Tracks by This Teacher’s Simple Invention
After the massacre at Sandy Hook, seventh-grade teacher Celisa Edwards began obsessing over how to keep her students safe.Now she’s created a safety tool to stop them from getting in.
“I tossed and turned night after night and it came to my mind. It’s simple,” she said. “Just make it so they can’t get in.”
Edwards designed the Portable Affordable Lockdown System, also known as PALS. Running for about $70, it’s a steel rope encased in plastic that can be placed on a door handle and latched to the eye bolt of a classroom wall, according to WGCL.
She said it’s possible for school staff to secure a door in just seconds to keep an intruder from entering.
“I want this to be in every single school or classroom in America because it’s the only thing that’s quick and easy,” Edwards told the Gwinnett Daily Post. “Is it bulletproof? I don’t know. I know it’s better than a file cabinet and a desk. It’s better than putting myself and my children at risk.”
“I tossed and turned night after night and it came to my mind. It’s simple,” she said. “Just make it so they can’t get in.”
Edwards designed the Portable Affordable Lockdown System, also known as PALS. Running for about $70, it’s a steel rope encased in plastic that can be placed on a door handle and latched to the eye bolt of a classroom wall, according to WGCL.
She said it’s possible for school staff to secure a door in just seconds to keep an intruder from entering.
“I want this to be in every single school or classroom in America because it’s the only thing that’s quick and easy,” Edwards told the Gwinnett Daily Post. “Is it bulletproof? I don’t know. I know it’s better than a file cabinet and a desk. It’s better than putting myself and my children at risk.”
Illegal Immigrant Related Pandemic Diseases are Appearing in the United States
Three months ago, people like Dr. Jane Orient, myself and anonymous Border Patrol agents began to call for quarantine, for the purpose of health screening all immigrants. Many people laughed and said there was no real threat. The invasion of our country, the very invasion that people said was not real, has just endangered the entire country. We are sitting on the beginning of a series of pandemic outbreaks.
Prominent Health Officials Have Called for Quarantining All Illegal Immigrants for Health Reasons
In June, one of Arizona’s most prominent physicians, Dr. Jane Orient, called for proper health screening as she thought the unbridled and unconditioned entry of illegal immigrants into the country was problematic.
Dr. Austin King, head of the Texas Medical Association, is now calling out Texas Governor Rick Perry and President Barrack Obama to allow doctors to screen all of the unaccompanied children who have been coming across the border from Honduras and El Salvador. The President has remained silent with regard to the request.
Dr. King expressed the view that in order for more doctors to go down to the border, emergency funding would likely need to be approved, and ICE would have to change some policies in order to allow everyone coming across to be screened.
Prominent Health Officials Have Called for Quarantining All Illegal Immigrants for Health Reasons
In June, one of Arizona’s most prominent physicians, Dr. Jane Orient, called for proper health screening as she thought the unbridled and unconditioned entry of illegal immigrants into the country was problematic.
Dr. Austin King, head of the Texas Medical Association, is now calling out Texas Governor Rick Perry and President Barrack Obama to allow doctors to screen all of the unaccompanied children who have been coming across the border from Honduras and El Salvador. The President has remained silent with regard to the request.
Dr. King expressed the view that in order for more doctors to go down to the border, emergency funding would likely need to be approved, and ICE would have to change some policies in order to allow everyone coming across to be screened.
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