Ladies & Gentlemen, I owe you an apology, (sort of).
Not long ago I had proudly stated that when it came to our poll questions, you could only vote "one time" in one year, per question. I was wrong and I'm sorry about that.
However, allow me to further explain. I had been speaking with a close friend who brought this subject up and he informed me that the poll could in fact be fixed. I immediately defended the poll by stating we had set it up for only one vote, per question, per year.
He said to me, let me give you an example. Take a look at so and so's numbers, so I did. He said, take a look at it again tomorrow morning. The next morning I looked at it and their numbers had risen by about a hundred more, overnight. Still not totally convinced, I went to his office and actually watched him alter the numbers right in front of my eyes.
That being said, many of the polls on this Blog Site as well as others cannot be trusted. We had been curious about why the poll on the $1.00 fee to get into the Zoo had started out in favor of charging the $1.00 fee and the next morning there were some 200 more votes in favor of not charging the fee.
The same went for Chief Webster. His numbers were definitely in favor or relieving him as Chief of Police for Salisbury and the next thing I knew, (overnight one night) his numbers also had risen by some 200 + votes.
So in my opinion, either Jim Rapp fixed the polls for the Zoo, Chief Webster fixed his own numbers, perhaps the Mayor had someone do it, we're not positively sure who did it but based on the fact that it happened overnight during the slower period of visitors at night, I'm now convinced they have been fixed.
You should be real proud of yourselves Chief Webster and Jim Rapp. You're lying to the public and covering your asses because you knew the numbers would overwhelmingly show the actual lack of support you truly have. One way to prove that is, no one is willing to make donations at the Zoo any more. Barrie Tilghman wants a Free Zoo in the City of Salisbury and she wants the taxpayers to pay for all these dead animals and the replacement of such regularly and since they're not coming to your door regularly to ask for cash to pay for new ones, the taxpayers simply don't know where their money is being spent.
As for the Chief, desperate people do desperate things. IMO, it's cheating and cheating is almost a criminal act. What does that tell you about your Chief of Police!