Greg Forte was reported missing today. His family and friends are very worried. He was last seen last night at 10 pm in Fenwick Island. His car was found early today on the ocean side of S. Carolina Street in Fenwick Island. HIs car door was open, with his radio on and phone, and socks inside the car. His hat was later discovered out on the beach dunes. Please help find Greg! If anyone has ANY information please contact the Delaware Police Department.
God bless Geg and his family. Praying for his safe return.
Praying for Greg and his family a safe return.. That name rings a bell I think i went to school with him "Indian River "
hang in there greg we know you will
Praying for Greg and his family a safe return.. That name rings a bell I think i went to school with him "Indian River "
Praying for a safe return!
just saw him last week. Greg come home. we are all praying for you
Please keep us posted on this story. I pray it'll turn out well for him and his family.
A lot of people know his Dad very well as he was the guidance counselor for Delmar High School in the 80's (Freddie Forte) God bless and hope he is found safe!
Thoughts and prayers to his family!
Prayers from Delmar
My prayers are with Greg and his family. I can't imagine how hard this is on them. I will keep them in my prayers and heart. They are wonderful people.
Just read this on WBOC's site and was surprised there was no picture posted! Great job on this Joe!
Praying for a miracle for this man. From the sounds of it I fear alcohol may have been a factor if he left w/out his shoes on in the snow from a party and w/out anyone knowing. Very sad either way. Alchohol and drugs make people do things they would not normally do under rational circumstances. I hope he is found safe and that other people can learn from this.
greg is probably one of the coolest people i know other than knowing his dad and john, also two of the coolest people i know, i knew him from him subsituting at i.r. after i met him the first time he remembered my name and never failed to say whats up or ask me if i had been out in the water. hes a good man and there is a reason why the apple doesnt fall far from the tree. greg i know we will be sittin in the water laughing about this in the future
For all judgmental people on the blog. Greg and his family are all great people and would do anything for anyone. i know them very well, so please show some respect and dont start bashing with comments which is what happens with narrow minded people.Prayers go out to greg and his family.
Tony, I'm stepping in on this one. Just who in the hell do you think you are? Do you see ONE comment here along that line? NO, that's the answer Tony, NO!
YOU are the only negative person commenting here, demanding others not go there, yet you started it.
I moderate this Site and I'll decide what does and or doesn't go up here. You get off your Harley A$$ and go look for your friend while we spread the word to tens of thousands of people who may recognize and or have seen him.
Place your energy elsewhere and keep YOUR narrow mind focused on finding your friend. Yeah, I'm a Harley Dude too.
Greg has hundreds of friends who are anxious about his whereabouts. Thanks to sbynews for helping.
As always, the latest information can be found here. Please keep us posted, Joe. Thanks.
Joe - thanks for setting that Harley dude straight....the "party" comment probably offended him but it's true. Anyone in their right mind would have kept their socks on and taken their phone with them. Just a little odd....best wishes in the search everyone
This is terrible. I can't imagine what his family must be going through. This weather makes it even more worrisome.
FENWICK ISLAND, Del. - Police are searching for missing Selbyville man and are requesting the public's help.
State Police say Gregory Forte has been missing since Tuesday evening, and he was last seen during a party in a condo on South Carolina Avenue in Fenwick Island.
Partygoers told police Forte left the condo around 11:30 p.m. with no shoes and without telling anyone.
He is described as a white male, 5'11", weighing 155 lbs, with black hair and brown eyes.
When Forte failed to return home Wednesday morning, police say his family went to the condo, where they found his gray Jeep Grand Cherokee with the keys still in the ignition, the radio playing and driver's door open. The Jeep was found parked under a car port at the condo complex. His cell phone was also located with a dead battery. Forte's knit hat was also located on a walkway that leads to the beach.
Troopers searched the area but were unable to locate Forte. His vehicle was towed to Troop 7 to be processed for any evidence.
Anyone who has any information is asked to call Delaware State Police Troop 7 at 302-645-6653.
What can we do to help?
Praying for Greg and his family.
sooo sad... I do not know him personally but i feel for him and his family during this time.I searched for this blog since i found this on one of my friends facebook postings...i will forward the posting to all my friends also to help get the word out.My family and I will pray for his safe return.Good luck and god bless
Linda, if you see this I'm praying for you girlfriend and your family. God Bless!! Linda
This guy was always nice to me. It's a horrible feeling to think bad has happened to such a truly good person. My prayers are with his family and friends. Please work hard to find him!
any news on greg?
I just drove past the area and noticed that there were a lot of people and emergency personnel walking around the area. It appears that they are still searching as there were no vehicles with flashing lights, etc. to indicate a discovery of any sort.
We just returned home after hours of searching with the police and fire co. As of now, nothing has turned up any clues. There are many friends there along with Greg's family, searching and praying for his safe return. I did hear the officer in charge of our search team say that they were hoping not to wear out all of their man power. If you can please join them in Fenwick Island and help search for Greg. My prayers to the Forte family.
It is obvious to me that everyone commenting only has the Forte family at heart. I can't imagine the emotion family and friends are going thru. The comment above Tony D's about drug and alcohol attempted to bring them into play even tho they wished the family well; thus Tony D's response. Joe, I think you were a little touchy on this one and missed the thought. We all know how negative commenters can be and how they don't keep their eye on the ball (missing people).
I know greg from I.R. He is a great guy and I hope he is safe.
Thoughts and prayers are with the entire Forte family as they continue the search for Greg.
I went to high school with Greg, and he is one of the nicest guys. I can't imagine that he would have any enemies, nor can I see him doing drugs. I just cant fathom what could have happened. I hope to hear some good news soon. My prayers go out to his family. If I still lived in DE, I would be out there joining the search party.
Flatland Search And Rescue could be activated if needed......
Joe..is there any news? Why isn't this being followed more closely by the news?
anonymous 8:47, with all due respect, we're talking about a grown man, not an 11 year old girl gone missing.
It is my understanding they are doing well with search and rescue people at the moment.
I can understand how those people close to this individual would be wondering why but again my reply would be, considering the circumstances and evidence left behind, there's not a whole lot anyone can do until detectives get more answers.
If the DE State Police send out something new we'll be happy to post it. If they also put in a request for additional help, we'll be happy to post that as well.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Greg and his Family.
anyone that knows Forte knows how good of a dude he is; hopefully he is found safe and sound
My thoughts and prayers go out to the Forte family and for a safe return.
Exactly. My prayers go out to Greg and his family. I wish i could have made the vigil tonight. The guy is as good as they come. I hope we can get some answers soon.
Thanks to Joe for getting out information! I saw his picture posted at Fagers last night and looked it up this morning. The state has cameras on the highway at 54 intersection. Hope DSP is asking Royal Farms and anybody if they might have video that could be helpful. Some homes nearby might have video, especially on beach and with snow light that might help with discovering something. God Bless this young man and his family.
They are still searching today. Delmarva Search and Rescue is on the job with dogs. This is troubling. Praying for this guy.
has all of his friends been interviewed. i just dont see him leaving at night with bad weather with no shoes on. are we sure they arent covering something. i dont know them, or him. and i dont mean to offen anyone, but i was just wondering.
Linda, Karen just told me about Greg. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Barb Grady Todd
Rest in Peace.My prayers go out to his family.
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