Joe, perhaps you would consider writing an article about the re-location of the library.
It appears from what I have heard, and what is in the paper this am. that a huge mistake is about to be made.
One of the largest, and most valuable (I am an appraiser-but it is a no brainer that parking lot 10 is valuable due to visibility and location, much less it's size) piece of property in the "old town" part of the city.
As I hear it the director of the library wants the site and the bobble heads are willing to go along. In my opinion this is a true show of stupidity. 100% stupid. Children walking on one of the busiest corners in the city, (traffic stops for no one there) check it out with your camera. events for kids and parents would be impossible. The city is trying desperately to "revitalize" and will do so with the help of the current Mayor and the businesses, the Urban Salisbury group and other really knowledgeable people.
It is more than obvious that the director of the library is not a business person, nor are the three council persons who voted for the site. (don't know if it was a work session or a council meeting) think a work session.
Please Joe, I think this is preventable, and it is rivals the fire station in its stupidity, and probably cost. A good business person does not give away one of its best assets to a "non profit" first of all, and secondly a good business considers business, first, and the knowledgeable persons in the community and the intelligent business persons on the council, and the Mayor have suggested that it is not a good idea, that there are other sites that would do just as well, perhaps better. I agree.
Nothing more needs to be said about the stupidity of this location. Why would Comegys, Shields and Smith take a lucrative piece of commercial property off the tax rolls PERMANENTLY? Ireton has got to use his veto power in this situation.
Comegys and those behind the scenes have drawn a line in the sand to test Jim Ireton. If this goes through, we might as well just put Tilghman back in the GOB because she is still running this city.
First of all, I don't remember a city citizen vote or even a poll of those who use the library as to whether or not er even need a new one in these harsh economic times.
Secondly, if it is decided by the CITIZENRY that we need a bigger/ remodeled/ new library, let's get a few disigns on the table that can have CITIZEN and Urban Salisbury input OUT ON THE TABLE FOR A VOTE before anybody buys any real estate.
Buying the real estate first is putting the cart before the horse.
The City is simply providing the site, not completely funding it. Again, get the facts right prior to bitching! You are all barking up the wrong tree, or atleast not up all the right trees. This is essentially a joint effort between the city and county, but the city does not play the majority role in funding-that goes to the county's dollar.
In addition, this library talk has been going on for almost a year now-it's been in the paper, there have been public forums and (I believe) it has been on SBYNews too. So now they they are moving on with the plans people want to srt complaining! Folks, you do this EVERYTIME! Act earlier and you will get results, speak up late and you will be too late!
Absolutely stupid! Makes no business sense whatsoever. Who or what is going to support all these non-profits if they all take up all the prime locations for business?
I've lost any respect I had for the library people. They just want their grand building and they don't care if it hurts the people of Salisbury.
8:52 sounds like Mike Dunn or Barrie Tilghman. Same condescending talk.
People DID speak up about it before, but the info about Lot 10 has been very little.
Yes, it's a COUNTY library and CITY taxpayers are also COUNTY taxpayers.
You're talking down to city people as though they have NO say in this because it's a county library makes me sick!
Take Salisbury's tax base out of Wicomico and what do you have left? Instead of moving out to the county to avoid city taxes, maybe all of Salisbury should secede from Wicomico County!
If the county has all this money why notinvesst it in the public school system. There there is not enough money to purchse supplies to do the job..No library a few years it will go south just like newspapers. These people need to get their head out of ther a$$e$ and act like educated people and stop spending money. New building and parks are nice BUT we cant afford it..and I cant afford anymore taxes.
anonymous 8:57, while I personally agree with you, perhaps I can share or shall I say expand on your comment.
Barrie Tilghman, Gary Comegys, Shanie Shields and Louise Smith want the old Library for the new GOB.
Think about it. It's the ONLY building around that would suit them. Barrie wants her name on something, always has. Nevertheless, they're the ones who encouraged and supported the Library relocation and by golly they're going to get it done no matter what the citizens/TAXPAYERS want.
They have NEVER signed a contract with the County for 1/2 of the current GOB because they simply don't want it.
Open your eyes more Folks. Barrie Tilghman is still running the City.
From what's been said, the county (say purse strings)has no preference about location of a new library. It's location will be an asset to any part of the Salisbury area where it's built. Old downtown Salisbury is not the easiest place to get to by car and parking will be an issue. When I go by the present library I see people walking in... walking from the adjacent public parking lot into the library building. I admire the lady in today's newspaper quoted as walking for 3 hours to get to the library. That has to be the exception, rather than the norm.
The library board is right to guage the extent that the city government and downtown property owners want to keep the library downtown by either providing a no cost site to build on, or a site for parking by library patrons. If the county has to buy land for a new library, it should combine it with some existing county building, maybe the civic center, the old mall property...doesn't the civic center need more land for expansion and parking? How about a new library with it?
I also agree with the writer (appraiser) who said the parking lot at Rt. 13 and Rt. 50, while preferred by the library, makes no sense, business wise, as a location to put the new library. When developed that site sould be commercial, maybe with parking in it, an activity that will generate business and tax revenue.
The headline should read:
Library, Council Majority Slap Mayor, Planning Expert, Business Community and Taxpayers in the Face
This is the fire house boondoggle all over again.
Joe, your last comment, "Barrie Tilghman is still running the City," is so true. But let me change one letter in that sentence so people really get it:
Barrie Tilghman is still RUINING the City.
Let's hope Mayor Ireton vetoes this rape.
And just where did they find that exceptional lady who walks 3 hours to get to the library? Sounds like a put up job to me.
Here the city is willing to give up a prime piece of land for the library, but no, they want the best of the best. They don't care if they rob the people of Salisbury of a prime business lot.
anonymous 9:35, the ONLY reason Ireton will perhaps veto it is because he would rather give away lot 1 versus lot 10. Ireton is all FOT the Library project, I have confirmed that. He and others believe Comegys wants to give away the wrong lot. The entire thing is assinine.
9:10, Please secede from Wicomico County, There is nothing wrong with the library we have now, If and when one is needed, place it out in the County and get it out of the dump named Smallsbury.
Maybe the Boggie-Man needs to pay Barrie a visit. Things that go bump in the night weet heart.
Its a terrible location for the library,period.
Joe, I like the library. I think it should stay downtown. I don't think that makes me a "friend of" anybody.
If they are hell bent on dumping the old building, nothing will stop that except people not donating.
But Lot 10? It makes no sense to do that. And for the library to expect it is a slap in the face.
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