According to the Maryland Department of Transportation both east bound and west bound lanes are currently shut down, INCLUDING the shoulders of the road. GO HERE to see more.
At this time the traffic is backed up from Forest Grove Road to Rt 346. A Mercedes drifted off the side of the road and hit a tractor trailer.
What I'm about to tell you is only a RUMOR, so take it as such. We're told the driver of the Mercedes is allegedly Dr. Alvarado, a well known and well respected local Pediatrician. While the accident was extremely serious, no one has died as of yet but they do not expect the driver of the vehicle to survive.
We had been told by others that Dr. Alerado's Office was closed this evening due to an accident, so that's why we're saying it's a rumor.
rubberneckers crashing, too?
Please say a prayer for this local doctor. He is a wonderful man with a beautiful family.
We have heard rumor that this was a fatal accident allegedly involving Dr. Alverado.
Whoever 516pm is needs their heads examined. I have heard its a very serious accident and cant believe someone would write such a remark!
he is still alive and being flown out from last i heard
How 'bout the completely BOTCHED traffic re-routing... Where was the Sheriffs Dept in all of this? Good old boys directing traffic BACK to the highway to sit and wait there instead of allowing anyone to proceed east on Old OC rd at Goodfellas. Nice. I could throw a stone and hit my house but some complete MORON tells me I need to stare at an empty stretch of road and head (in more stopped traffic) back tothe highway. Smart. Real Smart. Amateurs.
I heard the sirens toned out a little after 2:00 in pittsville. The traffic on Old O.C. road is backed up from forest grove to sixty foot.
not fatal, airlifted out though.
yes, it was Dr. Alverado, not sure if he survived?
5:41 what if it was your wife or kid, shut up.
I really pray Dr Alverado is ok he's a very nice man just saw him in Peninsula Orthopedics and he still remembered me from when he was my doctor as a kid and I'm 27 now!
This is my childs doctor. He is a wonderful man. Our thoughts are with his family. We pray that he makes it.
I am praying.
People, ALWAYS be kind when things like this are posted. There is no reason EVER to be a smart aleck or mean at a time like this.
I just ran into Dr. Alverado after all these years and he remembered my name, my sons name etc. All three of my grown children were his patients. We had a nice, long conversation in another Doctor's office just last Thursday. I just couldn't believe how great he looked and all the details he recalled from our family visits such a wonderful man. My prayers go out to him and his family!
Update... He is moving all of his limbs, He has been alert and talking to doctors, He should be at Shock Trauma by now... He does have severe head and face truama...No bleeding in brain... I was told it is going to be long road for his recovery..Continue to pray for him and his family... He is a wonderful Doctor...and saved my daughters life...
I pray for the people who have made bad comments...SORRY THAT YOU HAD TO DRIVE IN A DIFFERENT DIRECTION.... I just hope one day it does not happen to you or your family, We would not anyone to have to go a different direction home.....We need to pray for him and his family....
Who ever 5:41 is get a grip on life. We are talking about someones life here and all you can think about is getting home, how selfish can you be. He is a wonderful man and in our prayers. Just think if it was you in that accident.....
5:58 - It wasn't (yours OR mine) and if it was I would want to be able to get SOMEWHERE. Jacka$$. I said nothing about the care received by the accident victim, just the poor handling of such an event by response teams. Is this the first accident on Rt 50? One would think so. Jerk.
38278 Providence church road Delmar, De any time you want to discuss it.(6:53).
Dr. Alvarado was the best pediatrician. My children are 19 and 21 and he truly cared for each and every child he took care of.
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