Driver # 1/ Veh. #1:
Dr. Jose F. Alvarado/50 yrs. old/Ocean City, MD
2009 Mercedes SL350 convertible
Serious life threatening injuries, transported to PRMC via Pittsville EMS
Veh. #2: 2001 Ford Sterling -Tractor
2006 MGS Fabrique Trailer
LOCATION:E/B US RT 50 & Sixty Foot Rd., Wicomico Co. MD.
On the above date and time, a tractor trailer was disabled on the shoulder of E/B Rt. 50 @ Sixty Foot Rd. For reasons unknown, the Mercedes left the roadway and struck the rear of the trailer. Dr. Alvarado was the lone occupant in the convertible. He was transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center for life threatening injuries. Investigation is continuing.
Oh My God! I Love Dr. Alverado. He's been my kids doctor since they were born. I'm sending prayers to him and his family. I pray to the good Lord he is OK.
OMG, he was my daughters first pedatrican! I hope he's okay.
I have heard that he is now on his way to Baltimore.
Hes on the way to Hopkins right now
My prayers are with Dr. Alvarado and his family. He is truly a genuine, wonderful man.
Please pray for his wife Margarita and their 4 boys. She is such a wonderful woman. I pray for a miracle.
God Bless him and his family. He is such a wonderful, caring person. Prayers to him and his family.
I am praying for the good doctor and his family.
Update: He is moving all of his limbs, He is in air on the way to Shock Trauma.... He does have face and head injuries , so far no bleeding in brain... He has been talking and alert....Please continue to pray for him and his family... I was told it is going to be along raod for him....
Thank you for the update. I am in tears over here. My kids have lost almost everyone in their life. I really don't want to tell them they lost their doctor too. Of course, that's my selfish reasons cause we really like this man but I can imagine what his family is going through. Joe, thanks for letting all of know.
Prayers to Dr. Alvarado and his family. He's our pediatrician and the kids love him. Dear Lord, you can't take Dr. Alvarado yet. "He's a keeper!"
Dr Alvarado saved my daughter when she was young!! He will be in my prayers! God please be with him and his family!!!
He is in my prayers and a wonderful doctor , he has seen my kids since we moved here. My son calls him Dr. Alvacado,:)
Dr. Alvarado and his families have been very good to Salisbury. My prayers are with them all for a full recovery.
6:19 where are u getting ur information?
Everyone says, that everything happens for a reason. But we don't want to believe this. I believe that Dr. Alvarado will make it. he's a strong man. and will fight for anything. please pray for him. everyone. hes taken care of many of us. he is well loved and appreciated. and IF he were to go. . . at least he went down without a fight. and he sure as heck would have lived his life to the fullest. but thats for future refrence. for right now. he is still kicking. and hes pulling through. everyone pray. Doctor Jose Alvarado is in our thoughts.
My whole family loves this man! He has been there so many times for our two sons as their pediatrician. Our prayers are with him and his family.
It sounds like hes gonna make it. Lets hear it for all the people involved. The paramedics, the fireman,the police, the doctors and our Health Care System. And all your prayers.
He is such a wonderful person and a helluva doctor. All of our kids went to him. Him and his wife Margarita are divorced however. Lets keep him and his family in our prayers. Keep fighting Doc!!
Our Prayers are with him and his family. He was my son's first Doctor and what a fine, caring one he is.
They are very much married. stop the gossip
Lets not talk about this.His health is more important. But they are not married.
to 6:19, he was intubated on the scene and cannot possibly be talking. get your facts straight
At a time like this, it does not matter whether or not he and his wife are married. In fact, it shouldn't matter to anyone at anytime. Them being married or not has NOTHING to do with his skill as a Pediatrician!!! He is such kind and caring man. Let us pray for him and his family!
to 7:15 Were you at the scene how do we know that your facts are correct....
He who is without sin may cast the first stone. How dare any one of you try to make assumptions of someone's personal life. For the record Joe and Marg are very much married, they are very strong in spirit, and The Lord's protection and love will cause this family to triumph over what seems impossible. If you have nothing to say that is encouraging please keep your mouth shut. Joe, our family loves you, respects you, and is praying for every member of your family. Marg--your love will prevail. I send the deepest and willful prayers to your children as well. You are a wonderful man!!!
God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His heart
This is the chorus to a Babbie Mason song that always encourages me. I hope it brings some measure of comfort to the friends and family of this wonderful doctor.
The most important thing is to pray for him and his family. Dr. Alvarado is a wonderful man and compassionate doctor to all that have been blessed to have him take care of their children. From the pictures it is obvious that he is critically injured and it doesn't matter who knows what information. His right for privacy should be respected during his difficult time.
9:03 PM -- Thank you. I like that!
Dr A. Has passed please pray for his family. He is my son doctor since his birth in April. He is surely going to be missed
Are there any updates? I have heard bad news thru the grapevine. Any news???????
He is still alive, don't mourn him, pray for him
Dr. Alvadado has been my three daughters doctor for the past 14 years and he has been the best doctor I have ever dealt with. My daughters love him and nicknamed him Dr. El Dorado :). My prayers go out to him and his entire family, I'm still in shock from the news. Hoping for the best results for him.
My thoughts & prayers are with Dr. Alvarado and his family. We are so thankful for him and everything he has done for our family. We truely believe he is responsible for both of our sons being healthy today. God bless him.
My thougths & prayers are with Dr. Alvarado & his family. He is a wonderful man and an amazing Dr. We are very thankful for him and pray for a full recovery.
Dr A has passed. he is goin to get his wings as his son david says on his fb page.
everyone pray for this family
a huge loss for all of the shore
What a sad time for all. Pray for strength for the coming days for the family. Take time to thank your pediatrician whomever they may be. Life is so short, share your appreciation with those you appreciate! I know Im going to take the time to tell my pediatrician how much he means to my family.
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