Talk about a bunch of people upset with their congressional representative!
Freshman Kratovol, our representative for the first District took it on the chin all day today and still never seemed to get it or get over it. People do not want this government run option. Over 75% of Americans have said so. As if that is not enough, hundreds poured out to events all over the shore from Snow Hill to Salisbury to tell him so. His attempts to tell people that he was undecided because of a few key issues in the bill, seemed to be translated to "I'll vote for it if I can quell a few concerns" were met with boos and strong opposition.
His last event of the day was at Mardela High School, was supposed to be a town hall format, but when we arrived, there was a number system and a lottery to see who might be able to have the opportunity to speak to the hired hand. It appeared he had taken some measures with security and face time with his district since the 1 o' clock meeting at the UMES Extension Office earlier that day. There wasn't any sherriff or police officers at the earlier event.
When we arrived to Mardela's High School, hundreds were in line before us. Finally under pressure of the number of people who turned out, the congressman decided to face the crowd. For that I give him props, even if I do think it would have been political suicide for him not to face his tax payers, and employers.
He was met with some pretty well informed individuals who had studied the bill in depth. Perhaps more than the congressman himself. He fought to keep control of the meeting as seniors and young people both pointed out issues such as the provision to make private insurance illegal, end of life counseling, the out of control cost of this bill, as well as the cap and trade tax and the the "bail outs" he voted for along with numerous other issues with the current forms of the healthcare bill. Many referred to specific pages of the bill. Frank appear to have some contempt at these voters and tax payers, and at time got visibly angry at the crowd, when they questioned him and spoke out.
What I felt was a bit odd was the manufactured stories Kratovil repeated over and over again from meeting to meeting. He mentioned repeatably how his sisters' sick child was living over seas and came to Maryland for treatment and how he, (Kratovil) as a prosecutor was somehow smarter than everyone else. As if credentials as a lawyer as something good these days. I found this all extemely disengenious especially having heard it 3 times in a row.
Frankly, Frank, what really pissed me off was your handler Kevin. Kevin surely was the same guy I spoke to on the phone a few days ago that decided it was his position/duty to debate me as opposed to reporting my views to you the congressman. Kevin, tonight once again decided to debate me but this time publicly, regarding Krotovil statement that he had better health insurance coverage previously in Queen Annes' County as opposed to his current State coverage (federal) and wouldn't allow me to ask a question, even though I spent four hours today, taking time from my job, as a private citizen, to try to speak to the congressman. He was full of contempt for the whole room. He was particularly rude to me as he wanted to privately argue with me but refused my question to the congressman. The room chanted "let her ask her question" over and over but he went on to someone else.
I don't know where all the people were that are supporting and urging this so called reform, but they didn't come out to ANY of the meetings on the shore today.
We have plenty of pictures and vidoes to come. One of the most charming was Kratovil telling a soilders son that was maybe an 8 year old little boy, all about how many soilders commit suicide. That's a real winner we'll have up soon.
Let's see what the Washington Post, ABC News, and The Boston Globe have to say Wednesday, as they all interviewed us.
Don't these idiot politicians know that their job is to represent their prople and vote accordingly. All these politicians think is hear what we want and then they make a decision on which way to vote. To me that says I know better than you because you are not as smart as I am so I have to make all the decisions for you. Typical Obama politics we are to dumb to make our own decisions on our own health care. it is suppose to be FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE.
Not of the p[oliticians for the politicians.
These idiot politicians are stand alone and for the most part don't represent the popular vote. Just wait until the Lobbyist bring in the dollars. This is a nightmare!
The same contempt for the citizens is being showm by every politician at these forums--it is crystal clear that the Government no longer works for us but is working against us. WTF up people, honest hard working taxpaying people are being squeezed dry.
Has he been getting coaching from a certain city council president?
The more we look into these bills going through, and challenge our representatives on their content, the more we will be exposed to the contempt that they have for us "commoners". This will arm us with the anger and confidence we will need to stop this crap.
You say he was full of contempt for the whole room but it sounds like you and the whole room were full of contempt for him. What am I missing?
This guy was unbelievable. He thought he was smarter than everyone in the room because he was a lawyer. The biggest insult was when he left early, saying he had to go eat dinner. Ever heard of working overtime, Frank? These guys have to go!
If you are opposing the public option then you are siding WITH the lobbyists, the insurance companies, the pharmaceutical corporations.
Maybe I think I'm smarter than you are too, or maybe I just don't understand why you consider it wise to shoot yourself in the foot.
By the way - half of the people in that photo are already on the public option (Medicare). So they have some splainin to do as to why they are for it for themselves but agin it for the self employed person or anyone else who wants to do things the smart way.
Instead of complaining about what each other says in this blog, it would be more productive to use this space to further reinforce to our representative in Congress and other members of Congress that we/I do not favor this piece of legislation in any manner, shape, or form and request that Mr. Kratovil vote against it. No amount of tinkering can fix what is fundamentally flawed. While it is not perfect the US has the best health care in the world, that's why people come here from all over the world to get serious operations, etc. they can't get in their own countries, which btw have the kind of rationed health care that this bill wants to force down the throats of all Americans.
Mr. Kratovil, Vote No.
Why would they listen to you, Joe? You're not even a Maryland resident, let alone one of his constituents. The Mardela meeting was supposed to be a "Congress at your Corner" meeting, not a town hall meeting, where they treat a remote location like his district office. And guess how they handle people at the District office? That's right - one at a time, just like the dentist, not all at once. So maybe you should relax, Frank is a smart guy and he's doing the best he can. You want better? Move to the 1st District and run for Congress yourself (we know you have the money).
What every adult in this area needs to do is go to each nursing home, PRMC, and rehab center...look first hand at what your "insurance dollars" get is pitiful. Yes, PRMC is spending a fortune getting beautiful, but the quality of care and communication is worse than terrible. The nursing homes and rehabs are simply disgusting with very little attention paid to patients. Medicare and insurance companies mandate what they will and will not pay for with no consideration for the individual case. It is nothing short of sad to see how we are cared for in our worst times. We all need to do whatever is necessary to get good healthcare in this country!
I agree Frank is a smart guy. He listened to each question and then gave a canned response with his liberal talking points. We heard soft sweet stories of his sister’s kid using Maryland's health care, great.
Regardless of his planned format of one-on-one, he and his office sent out phone messages asking for our inputs. When 700 - 800 people responded to the invite, they should have quickly changed the format. Instead, they made calm orderly citizens wait in long line to sign up for questions, and then informed them they would not really be heard because it was intended to be a one-on-one format and that got the citizens and crowd off in the wrong direction.
Any congressman who votes for this bill will be out of office at the next election. The Democrats know this and will try to sweeten the deal (more pork) to allow enough Republicans to jump to their side to cover a “no votes” from the Dem’s who have seats up in 2010 elections. Stay strong as a fiscal conservative and this will be defeated.
Mr. Kratovil Just Say No
Just got back from the town all in Rock Hall with Congressman Kratovil. 220 people attended. At one point the congressman asked those who support a single-payer healthcare plan to stand. Then he then he asked those who opposed a single-payer plan to stand. There was a clear 35% to 65% split in favor of rejecting any single-payer plan. Congressman Kratovil went on to explain his point of view, which was as a Blue Dog he would not sign on to the present bill in the House. He didn’t really say why he felt that way. Only that it was a work in progress. He also claimed to have told Madame Pelosi and Rahm Emanuel in person at meetings that they were “moving too fast”.
During the town hall Congressman Kratovil was twice asked if he would enroll his family in a public single-payer plan. Both times ducked the issue by stating that he would “not sign on to any plan he did not feel was good for him personally or for us”. That did not answer the question he was asked, and we said so, loudly.
He was asked about illegal immigrants and healthcare. He stated that they would not be covered under the Obama plan. He is incorrect.
When we first arrived this big guy was pulling up on a Harley (not a local). During the event he was standing in front of me. During the question and answer session the big guy turned to a Rock Haller and told him that if he wanted to talk to the Representative that he had to get a card from the congressman’s aide.
Now, in Rock Hall, it is best to never ever tell a Rock Haller what to do, even if you are tryin’ to get the man to leave a burning building. Soon a quiet, earnest discussion was underway. Across the way the county sheriff – in plainclothes – quietly watched the brewing storm. Another man (not a local) joined Big Guy in harassment of the waterman. Soon the waterman was signaling to the local uniformed Rock Hall cop from across the room, who approached the trio. Words were spoken and situation passed.
There was one lonely Union official out front of the Town Hall sitting his car. He looked to be asleep. Although they were called to action on Progressive websites, no ACORN members showed up. The crowd was local, white, half male, half female, with an average age of 55 or so. They were relatively polite, but not ready to stand for any doublespeak, either.
Comment by Jimmy Reynolds — August 9, 2009 @ 5:50 pm
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