Wicomico County Executive Richard M. Pollitt, Jr. announced today that the news media and the general public are invited to a comprehensive news conference on the county landfill theft scheme. The county’s first executive said, “I hope that this conference will bring closure to the 2008 scandal that rocked the county’s Solid Waste Division.”
Mr. Pollitt will meet the news media and his constituents at 9:30 A.M. on Tuesday, August 11th, in the City/County Council Chambers in the Government Office Building. The meeting will be carried live on PAC 14.
Mr. Pollitt said that, “It’s time to bring this matter to a conclusion. I intend to present a narrative entitled ‘The Landfill Thefts – From A-to-Z.’ I and my staff shall be present to answer any and all questions from the public and the news media. We intend to describe how this happened, how we dealt with it, what we’ve learned and what we’ve done to ensure that something of this nature does not happen again.”
Isn't that convenient? The exact time of the Kratovil protest on Main Street.
How you have handled it, you havent handled it. Sissy ass Ray gets a couple months and damn near cries like a little girl and the rest of them including Sharma walk away. Rick what do you actually do? Its time for you to go partner.
He needs to do the same with the WCDC controversy. To many unanswered questions in that situation, just like the landfill case. Only difference is no one has been replaced at the WCDC! The public deserves answers for both situations, not just the landfill case. Maybe Pollitt is not capable of handling 2 crisis at once.
Anon 2:05 and 2:18 show up and ask these questions I am sure you will get a reply
I cant, Im 155 yards into Delaware.
Here we go again, most working people will be doing what we do best, working so you beauacrats can waste our money. Why can't they ever have these things when the common layman can make it?
You can say that Rai was too trusting all you want, fact is is wasn't doing his job following up after audits
Something stinks here. the auditor fired ??? The big wigs walked and the fall guy is the guy buying the stuff. BULL SHIT !!!!!! Pollitt i have lost all faith in you for numerous reasons. This is just one of them. You are as crooked as the rest of them. Just as you protected and upheld Dale littleton. The cleptomaniac you had for a Chief in Fruitland.
You are either one dumb bastard or just plain crooked. Either way you need to go. Unless you start practicing what you preach and clean house and let the REAL truth come out.
Hope you clean this crap up. Mike Lewis get busy and take a hard look at your county goverment. Something stinks.
Woner if the auditor wanted to look back at Matt Craemer and his buddy Carl Petersons financial dealings. Those good ole boys did right well for themselves. Along with the old crooked Warden J.Welch.
There needs to be a Federal invetsigation into the GOOD OLE BOYS. Dixie land mafia is a better title.
The employees who work for the county are the ones who have paid the price. Between speculation and ignorant comments from those in the public who obviously should educated themselves on a few things, I certainly will be glad to see this come to an end. Honest, hardworking employees just like those in the private sector. We have been scrutinized and made to feel like we have done something wrong. The lengths that have been taken to ensure that this type of thing will never happen again have made just trying to perform simple tasks, difficult tasks. I am confident that the incident at the landfill was something that will never happen again.
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