The only black people there, (with all due respect) were the Staff Members working for Frank Kratovil.
That being said, I personally think Frank is going to have one hell of a time getting re-elected.
While Obama was a major force in bringing out the black vote, Frank's not going to enjoy riding that wave again this go around and will more than likely lose about 20% of the people, (easily) that voted for him in the past.
On another note, why weren't they there last night? These are important issues that affect us all. I just don't get it.
The event was at 5pm, many people were working and just getting off and could not make it. i believe if it was at 6pm or 6:30pm, many more would have attended and all people represented for the most part.
Are you kidding? You don't know?
These politicians know what they are doing when they set meeting times in the middle of the week after the lunch hour (1:00pm Nanticoke Road), and 5:00pm. They time it so not many will be able to show up and be heard.
Same goes for the county council holding their meetings at 10:00am. They don't want to be bothered with what constituents have to say, they just want to get their business done and leave.
One thing about the city council, as much as they get beat up they at least hold their meetings when people can show up and be heard.
It doesn't look like there were many people there between the ages of 15-50 either. What's your point?
The robocalls reached many persons of color in my neck of the woods.
It's simple, these people are waking up to what cap and trade is going to do to American Ag.
The black vote also knows that we need reform, but this bill isn't it.
It will end up hurting the elderly and working middle to lower middle class more than anyone else.
It also turns out that Rudy Cane put the word out as well, he's is one heck of a lot smarter than slick talkin liberal Frank Kratovil.
By the way Congressman, thanks for giving my nephew the lesson on suicide and mental health!
I've already gotten a copy of the video from that one guy, don't worry, you'll be seeing it again!
As of the 2000 Census, the district is 85 percent white, 11 percent black, 2 percent hispanic, and 1 percent Asian.
That means if 70 people were at the meeting, then the attendance of even a single black person is on par with the district population. This ain't Bawldymore City, hon.
Also -- Of those living in the district, 62 percent of the population falls between age 18-64. Older than 64: 13 percent. Age 18 and below: 25 percent.
How acurate you think that census is buddy?
2:46 - WHAT? If there were 70 people in attendance then that would be properly represented with 59.5 white, 7.7 black, 1.4 hispanic, .7 asian and .7 other people in attendance. Where did you go to school exactly?
This, my friends, is why stupid people should not be allowed to vote in the first place....RHOS
I agree 100% and dont forget about the young vote. The celebrity worship crowd that only came out because they were in aw of someone so hip and so cool. dont look for them to come out next year
Eastern Shore math
7 black folks
+ 63 old white people
0 black voices heard
I need to check that Census. Last time I looked at the WCBOE demographics for this area, add things are real close to 50-50 'round these here parts.
Just looked it up on the Census Bureau site, 73% White, 23% black, then others as of 2007. That's 16.1 Black folk to 51.1 Whitey at a crowd of 70.
So, where's Waldo? Is it that he stands to benefit from this giveaway? Did anyone go to that "no whites" site that Joe showed us the other day thrashing that middle class Whitey has to pay for all black peoples' health care and support? That hate mongering racist site that demands that "Whitey" needs to feel the slavery that the site masters and contributors seem to be feeling these days?
I, personally am unaware of any slavery or Black suppression going in today, but that's just me living in my sheltered hard working world. Who Knew?
Another pointer for Kratovil staff, each person there is going to tell 9 or 10 people about this. This isn't a threat, it's a marketing tool that everyone in business knows. ONe bad experience with a service or product and they'll tell everybody they know, meet, who'll listen. A Good experience doesn't go quite as far.
First of the month, they were out spending our hard earned money.
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