Gun rights advocates were upset about a bill strengthening state gun-control laws even before anyone had seen the legislation introduced Tuesday.
Sen. Brian Frosh, D-Montgomery, Senate sponsor of the bill, called the it “comprehensive” in scope. It includes a requirement for gun license applicants to provide fingerprints to the Maryland State Police for a background check.
The bill would also expand the definition of a “habitual drunkard” in current law, a classification of people who are ineligible for purchasing firearms. Currently, a person who has been found guilty of three alcohol-related crimes in the past year can't get a gun permit. Frosh's bill would change that to someone convicted of two alcohol-related crimes in the past five years.
The bill would also require gun sellers to be audited at least once every two years.
GO HERE to read more.
Habitual Drunkard - I think I know him !
Not to mention, you would have to have an identifying mark ON YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE!!
BTW, my understanding was that it is only one DUI to get your handgun license pulled.
Maryland Shall Issue sent out a very informative email about this bill.
ps: my verification work is "chillyas"...appropriate for this weather!
They will do whatever they can to take our weapons so we can't fight back when the time comes. This is the first thing Hitler did. The Constitution says we have the right to bear arms for the sole purpose of keeping the government from becoming too powerful.
This bill has only one sponsor, and will probably never make it anywhere; but a good one to keep on your watch list.
The bill may only have one sponsor but keep in mind these idiots in government keep putting them in there and one of these days it might just get through. This state has enough guns laws now we don't need any more! I our court system would dish out the correct sentences for crime we could get rid of half of the laws on the books that don't work to start with. The drunkards clause is a disguised attempt to push a unconstitutional law through.Trouble is the only one any of these laws pertain to are law abiding citizens and they are the only ones hurt by them.
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