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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Utah Inmates Stricken With Botulism After Drinking Prison-Brewed Hooch

Three Utah State Prison inmates remained hospitalized in critical condition after they and nine other prisoners were sickened by botulism from a batch of prison-brewed alcohol.

The dozen men fell ill starting Oct. 2 with symptoms that included nausea, vomiting, facial paralysis and blurry vision after drinking a concoction commonly referred to as pruno or jailhouse hooch. As of Friday, five of eight men hospitalized were returned to the general population, said Steve Gehrke, a department of corrections spokesman.



Ben in Salisbury said...

I am having a bit of a problem feeling sorry. I guess I am the example of evil I have been told I am

Anonymous said...

if they drank a jailhouse hooch why should I be concerned? just like with illegal moonshine, you drink it you take the chance of bad brew and you suffer the consequences. Now the taxpayers get to pay for their hospital stay. may not sound nice, but let them suffer.

Anonymous said...

How ignorant are you people! If it was you're son or daughter, I bet you would be one of the first one's on the phone with the warden. Because you're an inmate doesn't mean you're not human and should be disregarded.