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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Are Donor Contributions To The U.N. Smart Investments For The U.S.?

Is the multibillion-dollar U.S. annual payout to the United Nations a good investment? The Obama administration says it is a smart move. The facts, however, suggest otherwise.

The smart investment claim was made most recently by Esther Brimmer, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs, the branch of State that includes U.N. oversight, during last month’s opening session of the U.N. General Assembly.

While arguing that “the U.N. helps sustain the global economic landscape that U.S. companies depend on,” Brimmer also declared that “the U.N. spends hundreds of millions of dollars every year procuring goods and services from American companies. They spend more money here than in any other country in the world -- more than $1.5 billion last year alone.”


1 comment:

ranger3325 said...

we are paying BILLIONS of dollars to an organization that hates the USA and everything we stand for and want us to become part of a one world goverment that we will have no control over and we house it in our own country.
!!Then we bring in the leaders of other countries that are funding terroism and killing our troops and listen to them berate us .
Then they will tell us that the USA and the Jews are the cause of all the worlds problems and then deny the Holocaust .
Can anybody please tell me why we are part of the nutjobs.