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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pelosi's New District Office Costs $18,736 A Month

San Francisco is a high-rent city. Just ask Nancy Pelosi.

The House Speaker's district office in the new federal building in San Francisco costs a whopping $18,736 a month -- the highest rental paid by any member of the House -- or, more precisely, the highest rental paid by taxpayers on behalf of a member of the House. The rental price was reported by Roll Call on Monday.

The Democratic congresswoman moved last fall from her old office in the Burton Federal Building, which she occupied for 20 years, to a "greener" space in the city's new federal building -- a move and a high price that her spokesman, Drew Hammill, says was amply justified.

Hammill cited the new building's increased security measures and the new office's larger size as reasons for the move -- and the expense. "The new office space is 3,075 square feet, nearly a third larger than the old space, which was of inadequate size," he told

"As speaker, the security needs are different," he said. "The new San Francisco Federal Building offers enhanced security features, which were a major factor in the decision to move offices

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget to mention the G-4 jets she requested...

Anonymous said...

Pelosi is another one who needs to be replaced. She needs to live on a salary most of us have to and see how she fares then - the old saying "if you've got it, flaunt it", really applies to her cause she sure knows how to flaunt it - even if it is taxpayers $$.

Anonymous said...

if she needs additional security then she must be afraid of her constituants. as well she should be. she screws us all but we dont get kissed. (thank goodness). i would probably barf if that witch tried to kiss me. thanks sjd