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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Daily Times Doesn't Recycle

"Last Saturday morning my husband and I went to Bob Evans in Salisbury for breakfast. As we walked by the trash can right next to their front door, we noticed a pile of 5 or 6 daily times newspapers half in half out of the trash can.

Appears that when the Daily Times carrier refills the machine there, instead of taking the previous days newspapers back to be recycled, they take the lazy route and toss em right in the trash.

I am not surprised by this but I am disgusted by it. If this is done at all the machines, what a waste! I just had to write and tell you about it."


Anonymous said...

Well, congrats Joe. Your poisonous propaganda against the Daily Times has seeped into the minds of your sheep readers.

Anonymous said...

They should recycle regardless of the sheep.

Anonymous said...

This is certainly earth shaking, mind boggling local news. I think there are more important things to be concerned about than if one or all DT are thrown in trash. It probably would have been better if you actually counted them instead of just giving us an estimate.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you and the rest of the blog readers on the quality of the DT as a whole. I think we all agree its far from news anymore and its really a bad publication. I do think however pointing out every fault they have now is bordering on a witch hunt at this point. What about all those monthly shore magazines that come out and placed in free bins at every store. I bet all those don't even get picked up by people. I'm sure those are chunked. What about those annoying papers with advertisements that come in those red bags that sit at the end of everyone's drive ways. That's a huge waste and I doubt those are being recycled. There's a ton of things that should be recycled but don't get there. Point being, yes the DT is a terrible newspaper at this stage in the game, but pointing out each and every fault you can find isn't fair either as many publications are guilty of the same habits...

J.Albero said...

anonymous 9:48, clearly this came in from a reader of SBYNews. I believe every one has the right to express their opinion. Don't you ever think for a second the DT's doesn't take advantage of any bad press they can place on Salisbury News because they do it often.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, I'm sure they do take those shots at you. I think its because of the accuracy and the quick turn around you give folks on the news. I appreciate being able to come here at get it while its happening. I just feel like sometimes people will take any shot they can though. Even ones that aren't exclusive to anyone. There are lots of folks living in glass houses but SBYnews is a brick house! Thanks Joe...

Anonymous said...

Joe, sounds like you've got a couple of Daily Times employees on here raggin' about you raggin' on their rag.

J.Albero said...

anonymous 10:36, I couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

The County Government doesn't even recycle and they boast about the community % that recycles. Pollitt has had numerous suggestions to have Wicomico Government Agencies recycle and it has fallen on deaf ears. What a waste that could help the county out.

What ever the purpose of the post, The Daily Times should recycle, that is a lot of paper. That would make a huge difference.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I posted a couple times on this thread at 9:58 and 10:11. I certainly do not work for the DT. My point was just that if we spent our lives taking every shot we were offered at people what have we really accomplished. I agree the DT is a joke. I wouldn't pick it up and read it for anything. I just think on some of the tiny stuff the high road is a better path to take. Always being on the offensive is no way to be. On a better point though, I think we can all agree that your blog is a wonderful thing and is something that is just part of my daily routine now. You are the news now. Have a great day everyone.

Anonymous said...

5 or 6 papers? It's the Daily times that amounts to about 10 or 12 pages :~)

Anonymous said...

How is that any different than their weekly trash being thrown on everyone's property? Go down any road in the county and see at least half of the houses/lanes with 2 or more weeks worth of this garbage smashed into the road.