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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Eric Wargotz Supports Free Health Care For Illegal Immigrants

Jim Rutledge Believes Marylanders Should Know The Truth About Wargotz


Republican U.S. Senate candidate Jim Rutledge of Maryland believes election results continue to reflect America's outrage with Washington's career politicians. Jim Rutledge said, "State by state voters are sending a clear message that they are tired of politics as usual." Jim Rutledge understands and shares the frustration Marylanders have with politicians who say one thing and then do another.

The Rutledge Campaign believes statements by Eric Wargotz are an affront to the values and beliefs of Marylanders. Voters deserve to know the truth about where Eric Wargotz stands on the issues. Illegal immigration is costing taxpayers billions of dollars and the Wargotz solution is to advocate free health care for all illegal immigrants. In an October 30, 2009 interview with the Jewish Times Wargotz stated that he was disappointed that President Obama was not going to pay for health care for illegal immigrants. Eric Wargotz is attempting to hide behind the conservative banner while advocating liberal positions.

Jim Rutledge is the only true conservative seeking to represent Maryland in the U.S. Senate. Eric Wargotz has a record making liberal and irresponsible decisions. Jim Rutledge provides a clear alternative to the Washington Insiders and candidates like Eric Wargotz who want to drive America farther in debt. Jim Rutledge said, "It's time to take the gloves off because Marylanders need to know the truth about Eric Wargotz."

The time has come for Marylanders to join the fight to restore Washington and bring the career politicians home. Jim Rutledge is leading the way by proudly holding up the conservative banner not hiding behind it.


Arnie said...

Are you posting this article again expecting to get different responses?

If you do some research, you will find that the Jewish Times article does not reflect Eric Wargtoz's position on immigration and health care.

Anonymous said...

Good Lord!! You're still beating this contrived dead horse....
Funny how when you are an 'also ran' you have to try to take out the leader, while the true leader is focused on the ultimate prize; Mikulski's fat liberal ass!!
Jim would do the party a favor and quit watering down the vote and bow out gracfully. ~ BillC

Anonymous said...

Rutledge will win the primary, based on a non-scientific poll.

Anonymous said...

If you are correct and he does, then Mikulski is assured another victory in November. Jim, although a bright trial attorney with no legislative experience or track record, cannot beat babs. His cross-firing at primary opponents ensures bitter post-primary tensions. He doesn't have a chance now or then should your fantasy prove true.

Anonymous said...

At least Wargotz doesn't mislead. It is Rutledge who appears to be doing all the misleading. Think it through.