At approx 1:45pm station 16 was alerted to a motor vehicle crash with injuries
at the intersection of Naylor Mill Rd and the Rt.50 bypass.
One of the vehicles involved was a six or eight wheeled commercial "box truck" in which the truck had over-turned.
All lanes of traffic at both intersections of the Rt.50 bypass on Naylor Mill Rd. I do not know how many people were taken to the hospital nor do I have info on the injuries. I was, however, told by an official on the scene that "several" people were transported.
Fire officials cleared the scene at 2:45pm, but the road is still closed and will remain that way until an accident reconstruction is completed (Sheriff Mike Lewis is even there to assist with the investigation!). The investigation will take at least a few hours to complete.
In fact, they had to call the Maryland State Police reconstruction team from
Somerset Co. to come up and perform the task.
The public is asked to PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THAT AREA!!! No one will be allowed to pass through. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Terrible intersection, if you want to call it that.
I hope that red thing isnt the front end of a little car.
when i was a mover, we used to build cots in the back of those trucks to catch a few extra winks. pretty sure this wasnt one of those trucks, but dang...makes ya think.
Is the bypass open?
I hope everyone is ok. Is it me or does it seem like there have been some extremely horrible accidents this summer?
Looks like the UPD truck.
Annon 3:34
Please do not hold me to it because I could not get that close, but I was told by an officer that it was his understanding that the "red dot" IS a small car. But, PLEASE do not quote me on that.
Thats the worst intersection around. When you get to the stop sign to turn left or right....there is ABSOLUTELY no way to see whats coming until you have pulled out, if your in a slow vehicle....your going to get hit. The person thats responsible for this accident is the engineer that designed this road...
4:36 than why did you write a comment about it and Joe why did you post it? Jeez!!!
5:52 ROTFLMAO!!! Thank you!
The "red dot" was not the car, it was the hood that had come off of the car. The car that struck the truck is on the other side of the trailer, where you cannot see.
I travel through those stop signs and intersections on a regular basis. If you stop like you are supposed to and look you should have no issue with the intersection. I have a small car, I stop fully and look both directions twice to make sure no othere vehicle is coming before I proceed. Everyone needs to just slow down and take your time. Leave a little bit earlier to make sure you arrive alive.
I travel on Naylor Mill Rd almost everyday and almost everyday a car coming off of the Rt 5o bypass barely stops at the stop sign and tries to pull out on me. I have to come up on that area slowly because I do not want to get hit. Seriously thinking about taking an alternate route from now on. It would take a lot longer but at least i wouldnt be putting mine and my daughters life in risk. It was only a matter of time that an accident at this intersection was going to happen
With over twenty-three years of traffic enforcement I will say that was a poor layout due to the grade of the road. People fly down naylormill in that area.
I thought the Sheriff's Office has their own recon teams. Hmmmmmmmm.
I dont understand why people keep asking if the red thing is a car... It clearly looks like that hood.
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