After scrounging around for quarters in my car to pay the meter downtown, i turn around and i see this... A city truck double parked. I understand that they don't need to pay the toll for parking, but being double parked! The parking lot wasn't totally full, this was a Friday after work hours, but having the city take up two parking spaces means the city cant make twice as much revenue from their practices. If their gonna be strict about parking, they should at least be profitable.
The way many of you drive (and park), I would also hate to have to back this truck out of a space if it were "single parked"
If it was Friday, after work hours, there is no need to pay the meters.
Get a life you punk!
Maybe they needed room to pull tools off and didnt want to hit any vehicles
Get "picky", why don't you? If they had taken up more than one space you would have been bitching about that. Go ask the "horses mouth" what is the reason for this BEFORE making a mockery of the situation.
This is making something out of nothing. I give the guy credit for this, if he parked next to those cars they would not be able to get in their cars.
It was stated that the lot wasn't full, so whats the big deal?? If the lot was full, I can see the complaint, but damn. Anyone that is having a fit about this would be one of the first to complain when the utility body doors were opened and hit their car parked beside him. It costs a lot less for the city truck to double park than it does to repair the car that a tool or a door has hit.
9:33, You called it right.
City can write any person up for such things, but when it comes to them doing it themselves, they don't think twice. Since its the city, they can park in the street, I'm sure the yellow light could cover any excuses anyways. Its a question of if the city thinks their above their own laws!
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