I thought my life could not get any worst until 6 months after my diagnoses My 15 year son was also diagnosed with chronic Lyme..
I was fortunate to be able to tell my story on our local TV station a few weeks ago. I was so happy to be able to tell people how bad this disease is and how it can destroy ones life if not caught early.. I'm hoping you can do the same for me and all my Lyme friends.
We need You to do a story on Lyme disease to get the awareness out to the world and to let people know what the IDSA is doing to all of the Lyme sufferers. Lyme Disease is a slow death if not caught early or treated. All we want is to have the chance to live like other disease suffers.. A chance to be treated by our primary doctors..
I primary doctors are scared to death to treat us because they are afraid of losing their licenses. So most that can afford treatment travel hundreds of miles to LLMD that will treat. But because the insurance companies refuse to cover our treatments, all is paid out of pocket and the ones that cant afford, go without treatment like me and my son.
Please let our stories be told so maybe we can make a difference and hopefully change the laws..
Thank you so much for your time..
Lisa Ray & Jordan Ray
I had to diagnose my own Lyme' disease about 8 years ago. My doctor who was an excellent local physician took "MY" advise and ordered the THREE tests to determine if I had Lymes. At that time, Lyme's disease was not as rampant on the Shore as it is today. I had a friend in CT that had told me about her symptoms and I felt mine were closely mirrored. The first blood test came back negative, but the second one came back positive. I probably had it for about 1 1/2 years or more before I realized it. I just thought I was aging and it came on very gradual. Once I took the prescribed antibiotics I was fortunately back to my old self. Then this past April, 8 years later, I again had those same symptoms and asked my doctor about it. They put me on 28 days of antibiotics and fortunately, all is good. I had some slight trauma in my lifestyle this past few months that apparently caused the Lyme's to resurface. Again, I am feeling great. People need to listen to their bodies and ask your doctor, they only know what you tell them and hopefully, they will listen like my doctor has done.
Dr. Geoffrey Gubb, in Belle Haven, VA, (757) 414-0595, is an expert in Lyme disease and related illnesses.
His fees are extremely reasonable.
Several years ago, when I contracted Lyme disease, and associated problems, he cured me within a few months.
Dr. Gubb is the best! I was misdiagnosed for 3 years. The 1st test came back negative and I was told if that was negative it was in no way Lyme disease (I had the tick bite, the bullseye and the primary dr treated me for ring work, although the cream never took care of it, I now have a scar on my leg). Finally my primary sent me to Dr Gubb and he explained why my tests came back negative and treated me. I immediately noticed a decrease in my symptoms, but unfortunately when you go so long without treatment the symptoms have returned. I am 31 years old and feel at times like i am 80!
I have been sick off and on for 8 year, I was diagnosed with Chronic Lymes 1.5 years ago. I was in and out of the hospital for 2 years . Than one day my doctor said lets test for Lymes.The next week I got a call ,I have chronic lymes and 3 co infections..I have been on antibotics for over a year, I am waiting on the insurance company to get off their butts to approve a pic line so i can get my medicine thru I.V thearpy. I have had to fight the insurance company everyday . There are days I feel like I cant go on , Iam in so much pain.There is never a good day. This disease fights your body in ways you cant imagine. I get up everyday and try to keep going , but the pain and sickness usually win.. YOu dont sleep normal, eat normal or anything normal, you stay depressed due to the pain and all other symptoms..People might look at you and say oh he or she looks fine, and they cant imagine the pain this person is going thru..People this is no joke . I am a Lymes patient and you would not want to walk in my shoes for a minute..Lymes HURTS....
DR. Gubb Rocks
Ditto 12:44! I've been seeing him for 3 years. Well worth the drive to Belle Haven.
I too have Lyme disease. I has cause me problems at work, people to treat me differently because they think that I am "acting" like I am sick, memory loss, chronic pain, etc etc etc. I estimate I have been sick now for about 11 years. This disease is very isolating, extremely expensive and gives you the feeling of hopelessness. Maybe someday someone will get it and someone will understand that we are really real, we are really sick and we do not want to feel this way.
I to have Lyme Disease and went undiagnosed for 7 plus years. The HELL I went through and my family and work had to suffer through with me. I am a very strong person and fought for a long time with not knowing what was wrong with me. My doctors tested me for so many diseases, I went to John Hopkins, and I was tested for Lymes 6 years ago upon the encouragement of Lee Clarke, but that "first" test has a high percentage of false negatives. I was referred from doctor to doctor and most eventually told me it was my nerves and wanted to put me on a nerve pill. I refused.
I know my body and my mental state better than anyone else and knew what I was going through was medical, just not diagnosed. Then I get the all time diagnosis, I have auto-immune. What is that?
That is when the doctors can't figure it out, they label it with a name.
But my lucky angel in my life was my pulmonary doctor, Dr. Layton. When everyone else gave up, he kept the fight and testing going. Because of him, he kept baseline testing and breathing on me in order for hopefully some day a doctor would be able to figure it out. He would tell me by looking at me, I looked healthy, but my tests proved that I wasn't healthy.
I have been fighting this disease since 2002 (that I definitely know of) and it became more agressive in 2005. I began to realize I was loosing my fight in 2008-2009. I couldn't stand the pain, the chest pains, the gasping for breath, the migraines even to the point it attacked my nervous system. My joints and muscles hurt and nothing could stop it.
My next angels are my daughters. For a 9 and 12 year old taking care of their mom more than I was taking care of them. I pushed myself to work because I had to have the insurance and my job for a paycheck, but that was becoming unbearable. But when I got home, I couldn't go anymore. I couldn't go to a grocery store, I couldn't take my girls shopping and yes I was giving up. Not wanting too, but knowing that my body and will- power was shutting down. I watched my girls grow and I couldn't be there physically for them, but I told them many times a day how much I loved them.
Then my next angel, Dr. Bernard Gubb. I changed insurances July 1, 2009 and went to see Dr. Gubb on July 3, 2009. I received my diagnosis August 10, 2009. My regular doctor still does not believe that Lyme Disease is as serious as what it is made out to be. I don't go there anymore.
I am at a year later. I can actually run and chase my girls, I am back riding horses, I am enjoying friends (the ones that stayed around and then the new ones that realized that I needed help). Not all friends have the tolerance for someone who is sick. Too those that are in my life, I love you all. Dr. Layton, thank you for not giving up on me and seeing this through. Dr. Gubb, bless you for all you do to help the people that others have given up on. To my family, I am sorry I let you down for so long, and hopefully I can make up for the years we lost. As Dr. Gubb told me at the beginning. "I can't give you the 7 years you lost, but I can give you the rest of your life." Dr. Gubb, I now have my life.
Thank You
Kelly Dukes
I have been a chronic Lyme and co infection victim
for 10 yrs now but only diagnosed 3 yrs ago. I was seeing a Dr. in PA
at a Fibro and Fatigue center there.
I recently changed to Dr. Gubb as it
is an easier drive for me, and a lot
less expensive. Two months ago I was
bitten again and it has been an unbelievable 10 steps backward for me. New antibiotics, vitamin b-12 injections and many other supplements just to try and get through the day, and in hopes that at some point I will be back to being functionally sick and not dis functionally sick as I am now. Unable to work and probably un successfully filing for disability,
but feel it worth trying. I have no
health insurance so everything is out of pocket for me. I feel horrible for any human being that suffers from this horrible disease,
because it has totally taken all the joy from my life and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. You may feel better for a time...but it is never totally eradicated from your body. Headaches, chronic fatigue, nausea,bladder infections, heart palpitations and neuropathy are just a few of the things one has to look forward to when being the proud owner of Lyme Disease. Best of luck to all other fellow sufferers out there..you are all in
my prayers..... anonymous
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