Hi Joe,
I wish everyone would watch this and think about just how bad bush was or NOT
Every day that goes by I miss the man, I don't care what most think,
I know that he gets it
doesn't need a teleprompter
and seeing this now really shows how Obama is...
I hope you'll share this as its well worth the time
The American public was brain washed daily by the MSM to hate Bush for 8 years . I'm thinking Bush will be remembered as one of the better Presidents !
Kept us safe since the 9-11 attacks. Now how many terrorist attacks been on American soil/airspace since the Obamination took office?
Bush didn't need a teleprompter? *lol*
God Bless President Bush. He is a REAL American!!
Hahahaha, are you all serious. Will be remembered as one of the better presidents? Kept us safe since 9-11? How do you all so quickly forget the shoe bomber?
1:30 wasn't that foiled ? This is in comparison to Obama you know the guy with no experience and no back ground.
Wasn't the one over Christmas foiled? But that didn't stop anyone from blaming Obama. What about the anthrax mailings, you chose to forget about that too. No experience and no background, sounds like you are talking about Bush. I am just sick of the right wings contradictions.
3:45 No contradictions . There was the terrorist in Ark. then Fort Hood and the underwear bomber then the bungled arrest and interrogation . Just to name a few ! Also Bush had run companies and was a successful Governor so I'd say that is more then a man that never had a job in the private sector and has never held a job longer than 18 months !
lol he is a good man elmo could have ran the US better than he did.....
Elmo is running the country !
Bush did a fine job until the democrats held the majority in congress and things have been going down hill ever since !
5:57, Ditto
I would like one question answered, What did Bush actually do to better this country??? Nothing I think you all should watch Morning Joe best show on air
10:17 He protected it and the economy was record breaking until the progressives took over congress . All a good President has to do is maintain a good thing ! Democrats ruined it !
BHO should watch this all the way thru and be embarrassed
Look Bush can think and talk without help
I cant believe how discredited GW has become
Im just curious as to how the nose cone of the object that hit the Pentagon doesn't match the plane they said hit it. Research it, there's video out there.
Bush ruined our economy, bogged us down in two wars, removed our liberties with the Patriotic Act and getting rid of habeas corpus, and, yes, he read off a teleprompter. You guys want that back? You're crazier than the stupid a$$ signs you carry at your rallies.
I think Bush did a great job. No he wasn't perfect but we didn't go into a deep dark hole like we're doing now with Obama. Keep and eye folks on the president you voted in. See what he does and is doing now and let that be your guide. If you gauge it so far, he's doing a horrible job.
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