An 11-year-old girl in the Northeast recently gave birth to a baby boy, the girl’s family told Fox News.
"My daughter and (her) baby are fine, and the baby is absolutely beautiful," said the mother of the 11-year-old girl. The girl and her family are not being named in order to protect the new parent's privacy.
According to Dr. Manny Alvarez, managing health editor of FoxNews.com, the girl’s age places her in significant danger.
"A very comprehensive approach to her care needs to be instituted early in her pregnancy," Alvarez said.
A recent report by the Guttmacher Institute said teen pregnancies in the U.S. were up 3 percent in 2006. But this case is not about a teenager, noted Dr. Abdulla Al-Khan, a leading high-risk obstetrician — it’s about a pre-teen whose body is not yet built to carry a child.
"Her body is clearly not defined for pregnancy with its short stature," Al-Khan said. "Her chest is not extensively developed for breast tissue, her bones aren't quite fused, and once you expose a child this young to high amounts of progesterone and especially estrogen, there is (a possibility) that it could halt her growth."
Two more mouths for us to feed.
Another molestation case? Bless her whose childhood is taken.
A ten year old having sex. This is criminal.
Babies having babies.
This is a terrible story Joe , I feel sick to my stomach .
TDP, your not 11, are you????
Hey, I was out of town when it happened Folks.
Sick to your stomach.
When is society going to realize that by glorifying the act of sex and dressing our children as adult prostitutes, we are setting ourselves up for more and more of these kinds of stories? Have you seen the clothes that are being manufactured for little girls? Bellies, butts and chests that aren't even developed sticking out. Now you have 11 year olds giving birth. How the hell is an 11 year old going to take care of a child? Gross. Where are the parents?
I dont see anything funny about this! How on earth can a child this young even get preganant?Is that the case here,was she molested or was she sexually active?Wow I just cant even believe its true,Im sure glad that its not my daughter,thank the Lord!
I knew a girl in high school who was in 11th grade with 4 kids already so I would guess she wasn't much older than 11 when she had her first. My sister in law was 13, my sis was 14, I was 16. It happens, doesn't make it right of course, but it does happen and the most important thing is learn from it and try to prevent the cycle.
The parents need to be held accountable and this baby needs to be taken and given to a home that will do a better job
5:04 doesn't sound like you learned from it..since you followed in the foot steps...
Little girls this age are not thinking about sex. Please! You can bet that the father of the child was over 18 AND a family member or friend of the family. Unbelievable parents to put their little girl through that kind of pain when her body is not even designed for it yet.
5:43, amen! A NINE-year-old in China just had a boy. Had to have a Cesarean (sp?).
Youngest on record was a 5 yo. Brazil, I think.
I think it is cruel to force girls that young to go to term. I hope the ba$tards who forced themselves on these girls are sentenced to the max.
This infuriates me!!! I would like to beat in the parent's heads. they must have the brains of a F$##ing cockroach.
Like the first comment, two more mouths to feed....I shouldn't judge, but the parents need to be held accountable...More government waste...
They need their nuts cut out and the mother should be the one to do it.
someone ought to be sterilized and going to jail for robbing this girl of her childhood!
Wonder where the parents were in all this.
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