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Friday, February 05, 2010

Dumbest Harvard Grad In History


Anonymous said...

this guy is an empty suit. thanks sjd

Anonymous said...

this shows what an empty suit this man really is, He knows nothing about national security or the military. SAD, very sad indeed! He might be able to read from a teleprompter unfortunately being a community organizer has nothing to do with running the country!
God help us!

Anonymous said...

He is not dumb.

Dubya' was not dumb.

These people are controlled puppets made to look dumb for the masses - who really are DUMB!

Anonymous said...

Conservatives hail Sarah Palin as being presidential. I don't think you leave much room to be calling out anyone's intellect.

Anonymous said...

No... HE IS DUMB! Not a clue!

Anonymous said...

The dumbest ones are the ones who voted for this man!

Anonymous said...

I am a prior Marine who has supported Obama. When he pronounced "CORPS" the way he did, I know every military member was thinking this guy is an idiot, That's not how it is pronounced. If CORPS in Marine Corps was ever pronounced like that, My fellow Marines and I would of had a filed day on someone. Those were fighting words. So maybe he just didn't know how to say it, but he is the commander in Chief. I think pronouncing that words is very important to us. Joe ask your son who is in the Corps what he thinks.

Anonymous said...

Respectfully I think 9:00 is correct.

This guy (like George W. Bush) is NOT dumb or stupid about how our government works. This guy has been groomed for a long time to be in politics. Lots of education, just like Bush.

These guys pretend to be dumb so we will not conclude the obvious option which is that he is a criminal. Bush / Cheney violated our Constitution regularly. Obama and crew are violating our Constitution. They know better!

If they aren't dumb then they are criminals.

Think about it.

Anonymous said...

Thank god I didn't vote for him, but in all fairness I did have a hard time punchin McCain.
At least with Bush, we had Cheney and Rumsfeld. They were both real actual leaders who kmow how to get things done; like em or not.
Now we have Biden,
please,thats just as bad as Gore was to Clinton.
Its time to find a pres who doesn't need a teleprompter and writers.
This makes me wonder how he ever speaks without one.

Anonymous said...

One of the requirements for being President should be serving in the military.

Anonymous said...


Ridiculous, why would that be a requirement?