ANNAPOLIS, MD (October 21, 2009) – Governor Martin O’Malley will join President Barack Obama today in Prince George’s County for a small business roundtable discussion. The discussion will center around the Obama Administration’s efforts to expand credit access to small businesses, create new jobs, and work with regulators and Congress to ensure lending is available for small businesses. The proposal will increase the caps for existing SBA loans and give smaller banks better access to TARP funding to encourage more lending to small business.
Great. So two guys who have never run anything well are getting together to discuss how to make small business work. How about some tax cut$?
The raised un-employment rate sure isnt it.
I saw Martin O'malley on Bill Maher last night and he absolutely turned my stomach. Maher is a leftist extremist and O'Malley was right there with him, denigrating anyone who does not agree with the Leftist Agenda of destroying America. VOTE THESE SCUMBaGS OUT!!!!
Please help me, I'm barfing!
They should invite Pollitt and Ireton, too, and have a four ring circus.
Is that what they call the blind leading the blind. In his 3 years in office Omalley has destroyed or chased many small businesses out of Maryland due to his tax increases. And as for Obama he is just an empty suit with no clue how to do anything other than be a radical community organizer.
Well 10:51 at least you watch something other than Fox News.
Too bad Maher's season is over. You could learn a lot from him.
Yep. You could learm that he thinks Americans are stupid.(his own words). You could learn that he thinks communism is good.
Are you people really stupid enough to not see what these "progressives" are doing to this country.
Was that O'Malley I saw on the Bill Maher Show the other night?
They just want to give OUR money to the small banks so THEY can control them too. Any body stupid enough to take money from these commununists is a fool and deserves what they get.
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