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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Daily Times Twists Story On Webster/Campbell/Cohen Day After Day

A Daily Times Reporter called Cohen and Campbell and stated, There's a rumor you have filed charges against Chief Webster. They responded that this was not true. She went on to say she had come to learn that they had filed a Court action against the Chief of Police. Again, they responded saying this was not true.

In recent days the Daily Times has attempted to twist this story around and seem to be quite upset that Campbell and Cohen simply didn't come forward and admit they had at least filed independent documents to the Mayor referencing this or that.

Look Daily Times, this is a personnel matter and CANNOT legally be discussed in the first place. Just because the Chief of Police wants to grandstand and even allegedly send information to their inside Blogger who will say anything, (including lies) just to gain attention, so be it.

However, Cohen and Campbell did exactly what they were supposed to do and did NOT fall in Webster's trap by exposing a personnel matter.

There is also talk about Webster asking the Mayor to pay his legal fees. Jim, that should tell you right there that the man can't afford to sue the City, fire him now and get it over with. The man is broke, especially after a wedding and honeymoon, (if you want to call it that).

Bye, Bye Chiefy


Anonymous said...

Ha Ha
That is really kicking him in the chops. Take that Chiefy.

Anonymous said...

if it's illegal to disclose information in this case and has been made public on the internet,

wouldn't this be similar to charges brought against another blogger recently?

joealbero said...

anonymous 10:24, would you like to expand on that some more?

joealbero said...

My point is, Campbell and Cohen were coaxed into making statements but because they refused to do so, what right does the Daily Times have bashing them because they refused to speak on a personnel matter. Once again Cohen and Campbell were smarter than the Daily Times and Chief Webster. How many times do they have to prove themselves. The ethics charges the other Blogger put on them also failed, yet the Daily Times wrote about it as if they were yet again about to nail Campbell and Cohen, but they failed.

Everything that other Blogger puts out there is a lie. He has NO FACTS. No pictures, no documents, nothing. He simply lies in the hopes of defaming anyone who says anything against Webster, Tilghman, Comegys, Cathcart, Dunn and others. If you can't see what they're up to, well, then you're simply not very smart.

Anonymous said...

the chief sucks as chief...too busy about not being at work, then taking care of what he should be taking care of. Fire him now and get someone in there that wants to turn the city around, address the prostitutes, drugs, gangs, robberies, etc

Anonymous said...

What would being broke have to do with being the Chief ?

Anonymous said...

Joe move back downtown. Chief jack/coke woiuld be riding around all nite.