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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Notes From The July 14 Meeting Of The Wicomico County Board of Education

The Wicomico County Board of Education at its July 14 monthly meeting reorganized (as required annually by COMAR) and elected officers for the 2009-10 year, with Mark S. Thompson now serving as president and L. Michelle Wright serving as vice president.

“We are very capable of handling any challenge that comes before us, and we’re looking forward to a great school year,” Thompson said.

Board members thanked outgoing President Robin H. Holloway for her leadership over the past three years. Holloway’s term as a Board member has two years remaining.

"Hopefully Mark and I can continue the progress that that she (Holloway) has led us in through the past three years as president and eight years on the Board,” Wright said.

“I appreciate being able to serve,” Holloway said. “We have a lot to celebrate here in Wicomico Schools and I’m happy to be a part of that.”

The Wicomico County Board of Education is currently awaiting word from Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley’s office on the appointment of two new Board members.

During the July 14 meeting, the Board also:

Heard from Superintendent of Schools Dr. John Fredericksen, in his monthly Superintendent’s Report, that:

The school system is waiting to hear from the Maryland Attorney General’s Office concerning the maintenance of effort arrangement with Wicomico County.

The process of bringing federal stimulus dollars to Wicomico Schools is progressing well.

A committee studying the issue of whether to change the minimum grade point average (GPA) requirement for participation in extracurricular activities is looking hard at raising the minimum GPA from 1.6 to 2.0. Wicomico may look at the method used in Dorchester County, where students with a GPA below 2.0 can participate if they also receive tutoring (1 hour of tutoring for a 1.9 GPA, 2 hours for 1.8 GPA, etc.). There will be ample opportunity for public comment on any proposed change before the Board holds a final vote.

Some 45 rising seniors (out of 200 still needing to meet the HSA graduation requirement to graduate in 2010) are participating in Bridge project training this summer. “I think the students are now actually believing that this requirement is a reality, and they’re now starting to comply with it,” Fredericksen said.

More than 1,000 elementary, middle and high school students are engaged in summer learning through various programs going on now in Wicomico Schools.

Staff is gathering quotes for conducting a school climate survey.

The Aspen Management Group, which is working with the Local Management Board to help young people who may be having gang involvement, is looking to collaborate with the school system on the project, one which could also be an option for some students at Choices.

Many school system administrators, principals, assistant principals and others will be engaged in learning next week through a two-day Leadership Academy, a one-day discipline summit, and a one-day student services summit. The meetings will take place at Salisbury University. Meetings to introduce the community to the revised Code of Conduct will take place Aug. 11-13 and Aug. 20.

The James M. Bennett High School project is going well.

The monthly Superintendent’s Webcast may be viewed at, with a printed text also available at the web site. A copy of the text can also be mailed out; call 410-677-4400.

School Bus Contract

Approved the request of bus contractor R. Jeffrey Holloway to add his wife, Leah Holloway, to the contract for Bus 57.

Table of rates

Received for information a proposed table of rates for fiscal year 2010. The proposed table of rates includes recommendations for changes in the hourly rate and mileage rate; the per vehicle allotment is still being studied. A number of bus contractors in attendance requested that the Board approve a new table of rates as soon as possible so they know what compensation they will receive in fy2010, a key piece of financial information for contractors seeking to borrow money to purchase new buses. The Board will hold a work session on the topic in the near future.


Approved the monthly Personnel Matters report for certificated employees and the Budget Transfers for the month of July, and received for information the monthly Personnel Matters report for classified employees and the updated grants report.


Appointed William Cain, the assistant superintendent for administrative services, to complete the second year of a two-year term on the Maryland Association of Boards of Education’s Legal Services Association board of directors. He will complete the term begun by Charlie Bounds, who retired June 30.

Bid Awards

Awarded the contract for miscellaneous painting to R&R Coatings Inc. as the primary company and Pro-Coat LLC as the secondary company.

Awarded the bid for a four-year lease for computers, computer peripherals, interactive whiteboards and point-of-service touch screen terminals to M&T Bank as the low responsive and responsible bidder.

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