Nevertheless, we're told a post card was sent to all the parents from Superintendent Fredericksen asking they show up. No doubt, because we only learned of the BOE's interest in a Post they put up later in the day yesterday.
I took several pictures, spoke to several people and left. Some stories were interesting but most were the same. The Board of Ed wants more money and the citizens that were there seemed to be absolutely clueless towards the fact that, guess what, there is NO money.
Picture in your head your 16 year old kid coming to you for money and you don't have it. They get louder and louder, give you every excuse as to why they must have it but your pocket is empty. You reach into your pockets and pull them out like elephant ears and there's nothing there. They see there's nothing there but they keep right on going with why they have to have it. Are you getting my drift?
It kind of sucks running for Office because I think you all know what I'd LIKE to be saying here.
Joe, don't stop now! Just say it. I watched it on PAC14 last night. What a disgrace. And these people are in charge of our kids!
Such a sad state of affairs when the ones who are responsible for educating our kids act like 8 year olds. If I were sitting in the chair of a county councilperson, I would likely vote to reduce their piece of the pie. Sad, sad, sad.
It's all about their pay checks. Each and everyone of them claimed it wasn't about the pay(first clue), and then claimed it was about the children. They made subtle threats that they are looking for other jobs at surrounding counties. I say GO!. They want the money they supposedly gave up last year based on their contract. Who approved their contracts.
Send your kids to private schools.
If I had the chance, I would significantly downsize the BOE from the top. Way too much is spent before any money gets to the class room. I would base teacher pay on performance and create more of an environment of competition for quality among the schools themselves. Where is Michelle Rhee when we need her?
Who was the teacher who wanted to know why the members of the council didn't come to see her at her school and then burst out in tears. What the heck was that?
Joe, Please don't change who you are just to win an election. The bottom line is that all of us who come and enjoy your blog also enjoy what you post. You speak your mind and whether we agree with you or not. We would still support you in an election. If you change that now, then you are just acting like the rest of the press out there. PLEASE don't let issues such as this prevent you he from speaking the TRUTH. With all the corruption, greed and lies, we like the fact that you are truthful whether its hurts; NEVER greedy and always Pay it forward and don't blow sunshine up our butts just to make us feel better.
Anonymous said...
Who was the teacher who wanted to know why the members of the council didn't come to see her at her school and then burst out in tears. What the heck was that?
June 6, 2012 7:38 AM
I want to know the same thing. There are over 1400 employees in the school system and she was crying because know one visited her. What made her so special. Me, Me, Me, that's what it is all about.
And who paid for those post cards and postage Fredericksen sent out? Also the ones that were sent home with each student a few weeks ago?
That's why there is no money....fraud, waste, and abuse.
I'm not going to change. I'll still speak my mind. Just not as agressive as I might normally be, is all. I think I made my point in this Post, don't you?
The teacher's union sent out all the propaganda so I assume the union footed the bill. The teachers last night were die hard union members. So don't go blaming all teachers. I think the County Council will hold their feet to the fire - No more money.
Education is an investment. Investments are not free. There is always a common thread on this blog regarding the education of our county and our children, that common thread is ignorance. Wicomico County is the laughing stock of the Eastern Shore and of Maryland. Seems the uneducated are blinded by their own ignorance. There is no money you say? I say BS, Wicomico County has the lowest taxes in the state. You get what you pay for in life and in education. Our children are the future. Time to pony up and do the right thing. Take your heads out of the Eastern Shore sand.
Someone needs to ask all those teachers, would you like a little cheese with all that whine? Teachers are not supposed to be running the conty, but if this council lets them do so, then everyone made great big mistakes when they voted. Everyone wants more money, but if there isn't any, there just isn't any. Adapt. If, at home there is no money in the budget for a movie, you don't go, period. What do you teachers do, whine about that too? This ME, all the time stuff, has got to stop
It is a sad state of affairs in this community that you people treat education like some worthless endeavor. Like some trivial special interest with no common benefit to our society. YOU PEOPLE are the reason this country is going in the crapper. There IS money to be found in the budget, you just elected a bunch of morons who refuse to find it, because they're afraid of losing their jobs if they make any tough decisions. Welcome to the idiocracy, folks.
A large majority of teachers are crazy---yea there are some that are wonderful, but most are nuts---they showed their true colors last night
It's all about themselves and their huge vacations--called SUMMER. Give me a break..
Grow up
County Council hold their feet to the fire. You can do it!
Downsize them from the top down. Everyone else has to. They are no better!
Whatever you make, no matter how much you make, a teacher should make more than you.
No one is against a good education. What we are tired of is having teachers who are only out for themselves, not the children. Notice the "good" teachers weren't the ones crying last night.
I hope none of these comments are from teachers because it goes to show just what ignorance is teaching children these days.
It's been proven time and time again that you can throw all the money you want at the schools and it does not help student performance.
Schools in Baltimore city are replaced every 30-40 years and has that helped student performance?
8:11 is blinded by their ignorance and needs to get out and see what's really going on and not what they think is going on or what they hear and believe.
Any wise teacher would take a lesson from Wisconsin.
Wicomico County Council is a joke. That's right, a joke. Where else but on the inbred, uneducated Slower Lower could a High School drop out rise to the level of Council President? You reap what you sow. It would be icing on the cake if the City of Salisbury elects another uneducated High School drop out as it's next Mayor. Really, you can't make this stuff up.
8:11, if you are a teacher, you should be FIRED.
The county budget has been based on revenue projections that have been overstated by 6,000,000. Where will this money come from when the estimated revenue does not come in. The county spends 46%of revenues on education. The problems with our education system cannot be fixed with new building nor higher teachers saiaries and benefits. Until parents value education,teach their childern to respect schools and teachers, and to behave in ways appropriate to a school setting,no amount of money will improve our schools.
So how many of you on here complaining abou tthe teachers had there pension just tossed around like a rag doll? I am sure if the shoe was on the other foot and your entire life's work was in jeopardy then you wouldn't be complaining just sitting on your hands taking it huh? Give me a break no wonder the Eastern Shore is so bone dry it is full of morons.
I know of a 40 yr old teacher that makes $70 a year and brags she pays $45 a month for health care with a $300 deductible
Yes while other state employees pay $220 a month for health care for two with $4K a year deductible.
I want a good education for our future leaders but enough is enough when you have kids without AC in schools the newly found money to build another new school for bennett! There are hvac systems that can be added to any OLD school and can be implemented in all schools with just the bennett money, why does all the money go to bennett? same old story wealthier parents in that school area.
I don't have a pension and I work much harder (and do a much better job) than most teachers. 50 hr + per week and no summer break.
It's called envy 10:22, and it runs rampant on the Eastern Shore. Everyone takes stock of what they percieve other have that thay don't. Penis envy in other words. In Wicomico County the uneducated are the majority and they would obviously like to keep it that way. Why else whould they deny the truth about how grossly under funded our education system is here? Or deny that this county is among the least taxed in the State? It's ignorance plain and simple...just like they like it.
I worked for the BOE and I can assure you I paid more than $45 for health insurance.
How many of you go home multiple times a week and spend hours doing work outside of your day job for your day job? I would say less than 50% of you and that is being generous. People tend to forget that teachers spend 40+ hours a week in the classroom and probably an extra 5-10 hours per week grading papers, tutoring some of your kids, creating lesson plans, and attending mandatory work shops and meetings on weekends as well. But yes it is easy to complain about teachers when you don't also have to deal with your snot nosed kids all day. I am sure none of you complain at night about how hard it is to keep up with your kids. Well imagine doing that all day every day for average pay only to have your entire life savings tossed around the county with no say...but yes teachers have it sooooooooooo easy I mean they have summers off. Unless that is you are a normal teacher and also work summer school to make up for the lack of pay.
@10:27 what is your job then since you work so much harder than teachers? I would love to see you in control of 20-30 kids for 8 hours a day. That is a joke right?
Sadly, 10:38, it's not a joke. It's typical anti-intellectualism from the local redneck failures. They don't believe in education or self betterment. They prefer to wallow in their ignorance and complain instead of making even the slightest attempt to better themselves. Welcome to Wicomico County.
And to those of you complaining about the teachers, how many of you have to get masters degrees just to keep your job? And within a time limit?
Least taxed! How about fiscal responsibility
Just because you don't have a lot of money to begin with does not mean that the taxes are outrageous. It just means you make crap money and still have to pay taxes.
Oh, yeah right TEACHERS are the cause of our system failure. It is not like it use to be that people became teachers because they loved to teach. They become teachers for the pay and benefit. THey also teach their agendas on our kids to make them a more liberal society.
Thats right, you teachers, who are bashing the community are doing so because you want YOUR way. If you are truly upset, leave the area. I worked in public service for years making nothing because I liked the job, enjoyed what I was doing and worked three jobs to be able to do it and SERVE the community.
Teachers, and being a coach for the school system and substituting and seeing what you really do in schools made me sick. You get days off for everything, planning and work sessions. You only teach the easy ones, the others you pass just to get rid of them or ignore them and let them fail. Dont tell me Im wrong, I have seen and known this personally. You hate home schoolers, cause your afraid they will eventually replace you, and private schools well they are cults to you. Its either your way of thinking or nothing, you Obama worshiping idiots.
Final word, get off this blog and LEAVE Delmarva, if you have dedicated to your job do it. Most people dont even get a freakin pension so quit bitchin babies.
I personally would not want one of you teaching any of my kids. THank God I dont have to have you do it anymore, and by the way... WCBOE need to do better backgrounds, how many of you whiners have sexually assaulted our kids, is that a benefit also, or just pay backs. Call us rednecks but you freaks are the scary ones.
Wow, you are representative of what is teaching our children? Where the hell have you been? Our retirement pensions have not only been tossed around, they have taken a nose dive, now we, the individuals have to rebuild our pension plans, NOT the government. BFD your pension was tossed around, you still have one don't you? You still want more handed to you, don't you? Now there is the truth, more entitlement because you chose to teach in the public school system. You give us a break, the Eastern Shore is bone dry because we have morons like you teaching our children. Take a flying leap off a short cliff and take your whining with you.
Envy this...if you don't like it here and you're paid so poorly, let me offer you this tidbit. While geography may not be your strong point let me assure you, even you will understand this. Rt 13 aka Salisbury Blvd runs North and South while Rt 50 aka Ocean Highway runs east and west. You are FREE to leave, we won't even charge you a toll to cross the bay and get off the Eastern Shore, if you head west. West will take you to the land of entitlement, a Democrats Nirvana. You don't have to stay here, we don't really want people such as yourself anyway. If all you have to do is complain about where you are, what you are doing then make a life change. Get up off your sorry ass and leave. Simple, even a Wicomico County Middle school graduate can comprehend this. Adios, Caio, Goodbye!
@11:14 is defnitely someone who did not do well in school. Sorry you struggled but teachers are promised pensions and that may weigh heavily in a career decision since it is finacially smart. But I would not expect you to understand smart. I guess it is ok to be promised something in a contract you sign and then have it yanked out from under you. I guess it is ok that kids can now act how they want without fear since teachers are not alllowed to discipline their students anymore. @11:14 you speak as if it is still the 1970's and teachers were upstanding citizens who loved to teach and allowed to handle our children with the care they need, paddle them if need be. Now it is tell them good job, dont yell at them, and pass them because you have to "No Child Left Behind". You my friend are an idiot and it shows in your statement. Another great example of Eastern Shore education at its finest. I am sure if you were smart enough to get a job with a pension and it was taken from you, you would not speak a word about it because of your civility. And you my freind would be trampled over by the same people who employ you.
You chose this profession, why? Don't like it? Change it and quit whining about it.
Joe, I think you should still say exactly what is on your mind. Even more so now that you're running for office!
This way, the voters know EXACTLY what they're getting with you.
You've ALWAYS said it like it is, please don't stop now.
I think if you're just "you", you'll have even more people voting for you because there won't be any question after you get elected and start cleaning house. Everyone will have known it was coming.
You've said many times, you are entitled to your own opinion.
Question of the day. Why are teachers not drug or alcohol tested? Answer: Because there would be few left to teach the kids if they were. All the drunks and pot heads don't work on construction sites, they are TEACHING OUR CHILDREN!
10:43am YOU are the ignorant one. Teachers and their union have this idea that they are ENTITLED to all these benefits. Since when are medical insurance and retirement benefits something that you expect the taxpayers to work for on your behalf? Those of us in the private sector are working our asses off to put food on the table and if we are lucky, we put a few bucks away for a rainy day. NOBODY is giving us ANYTHING and that is fine because we DON"T EXPECT IT!! Do you people understand at all what is going down in this country??? THE ECONOMY, STUPID!!!!!!
All I have to say is home schooled and private schools are out performing public schools from year to year. The more money that is dumped in the system the more they waste.
I do not know where you are from @11:28 but they definitely are.... and @11:24 teachers chose the profession for sure....they didn't get to chose their pension plans though AFTER MOST have worked for decades in the school system. But hey you are right "what are you complaining about it isn't like they are taking your retirement away after you worked your entire life to EARN what you are PROMISED when you start.
Teachers knew, or should have known, what the job involved and what the pay was before they took the job. If they don't like it they are free to change careers, just like any other citizen. Unfortunately, some of them prefer to piss and moan and hope someone will take pity on them.
And 11:35 how many private schools or home schooled children have to worry about poverty and not being able to eat? How about having parents who literally could care less? Not too many I would say.
It is NEVER EVER is "finacially smart" to trust someone else with your financial security. Nor is it EVER wise to believe a promise is forever.
The handwriting has been on the wall for the past 20 years-government pensions were not sustainable. They are Ponzi schemes and with people collecting pensions longer than they worked and contributed the well was drying up. Economists have been predicting this for years.
Why didn't the teachers see this coming? Others did. Where was the union? The teachers have NO ONE to blame but themselves and the union that is supposed to prevent this sort of thing. So keep on paying the dues, and supporting the unions because those union officials NEED your money for their pensions which aren't in jeopardy and they will be sure and get!
so sad to see all this b.s. from the education side last night on pac14. yes; we watched and just shook our heads in disbelief.
there are many OTHER citizens in our county that simply don't have the income to support these union teachers and the top heavy positions in our school system.
unfortunately this is all we heard last night. blah, blah, blah...
do you understand what NO MONEY means??? well i hope you get this concept real soon, because it's killing us.
Good teachers are truly gifted people.An earlier comment suggested that another commentor cope with 20 or 30 kids 8 hours per day.I just know that I could not do it and I respect those who can.My fear is that because of the issues at hand the number of teachers will diminish like doctors have.I don't fully understand their plight because I chose an entirely different peofession.If the current course continues,the inevitable will happen;the required educational level for teachers will decrease,along with their pay and benefits.Plain and simple math.Pay less,get less,and expect less from the students.That is of course if the powers that be continue on their current path of destruction.
I will take the President of the County over ANY "educated" teacher. He has more on the ball than most.
Keep their feet to the fire!
I agree with 11:14 and 11:23 100%. If you teachers dont like it leave. Dont let the door hit you in the behind.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
And 11:35 how many private schools or home schooled children have to worry about poverty and not being able to eat? How about having parents who literally could care less? Not too many I would say.
June 6, 2012 11:58 AM
Why do we have to worry about that. Have you ever heard of abstinence and birth control!
Hey 12:13, do you have NO MONEY because you have NO EDUCATION? That's likely considering your ignorant statement. This is a simple question of destiny and control of it. The current path of misguided non spending, let's ride it into the ground short sighted thinking (seems to be really popular, misery loves company), or a logic based commitment to funding better education of our children learning facilities and educational resources that we can be proud of and will pay huge dividends. The future is theirs, not ours.
That deal last night was a lynch mob against the Republicans organized by the teachers union, Slick Rick, and Fast Freddy. They are filling the heads of the ignorant teachers and Fembots with visions of taxpayer funded goodies for all.
Teacher's do not have children 8 hours a day nor does their contract call for a 40 hour week. I know this for a fact. The only 40 hour per week employees are support staff and most of them are 37 1/5 hours.
I make a ton of money, I also think I give more than enough already. I pay for private school for my children. I don't get a pension. God forbid you might actually have to get off you @ss and produce something! I know it's alot easier to jut sit back and whine! typical democrat position!
Don't like it, then make a change but again that would require getting off your @ss and doing something other than whining! Wisconcon coming to maryland! YEA!
I make a ton of money also. My son is in private school. I have a retirement plan. I do not have a college degree. I worked my @ss off and did good planning. So having a masters degree does not guarantee ANYTHING. I dont depend on the government and the taxpayers for my retirement. In fact I help pay for your salary and benefits.
If you dont enjoy where you are MOVE.
The comments here are enough to make me blow chow..The schools system has a poor graduation rate. The cost of our education nationally has gone up 500% since the 50's when we scored alot better in math and science. Liberalsim has caused all of these problems. Public sector unions are huge money laundering operations for democrat politicians. It is embarassing that we have a system that protects bad teachers at the expense of the good ones. Until we treat education as a privilage and not a right, we all will have to continue eating this giant turd sandwich. Many people who shouldn't even be parents are forced by law to drop off their worthless ofspring so people with masters degrees can babysit them. Most of the decent educators have thrown up their hands and are now going with the flow, just trying to get to retirement. I get really pissed when teachers or any other government employee gripes about their pension. I don't get an F'ing pension. I have to pay yours and still put money in a 401K for mine. That is a crappy deal. Hell you don't even educate my kids, I have to pay additional out of pocket to do that. If you don't like your job or your benefits, quit and join the real world and stop bitching about working less than 6 months a year.
The anger needs to be directed toward the Maryland State Education Association (teacher's union.) Afterall aren't pensions a preeminent topic with them? Aren't they supposed to be working to protect those benefits?
Why weren't they aware that the pension fund was massively underfunded?
It's not new news. As someone said economists and others have been warning for years and calling for pension reform. The 35 billion dollar shortfall did not happen over night.
Teachers are paying into and supporting an organization that has failed them terribly.
It's comical and also sad to sit back and wonder how you all could be so damm dumb!
Hey 9:22AM!!
You people with your "higher level of education" think you at it!!
Have you ever heard of "Horse Sense" or "common sense"??? Get a life!! Your brain washed liberal education does not impress us working folks. Working on a farm, digging ditches, digging foxholes makes a person more rounded and able to cope with the BS from people like you. As for the Council President, I'll vote for him again. He's another "JOE" that I like and support.
You people are so funny.
Seems there are alot of "inbred" people that have rose to the top.
Richard Branson left school at 16
Marlon Brando
Humphrey Bogart
Joe Pesci
Jim Carrey
John Travolta
Leonardo Decaprio
Simon Cowell
Quentin Tarrantino
All the above never graduated high school. I guess they are all inbred too right?
Some people are book smart some are not. The ones that are book smart couldn't find their way out of a wet paper bag most days. I will take the person with common sense over someone that knows what a book says anyday!
"Let's get rid of all the teachers then we will show them , yeah!" Makes a ton of sense right? And maybe wonder why your kid can't spell or read. If some of you had to teach children society would be even more doomed.
@3:20 nice list of 10 people in the history of the world who had a decent life without graduating high school. Now list all who havent graduated high school and had a horrible life....
It's very difficult to argue on one hand that the teachers in this county are substandard, but then not produce competitive salary scale that will draw the good teachers here. Quality people are voting with their feet and they are moving away.
"Anonymous said...
"Let's get rid of all the teachers then we will show them , yeah!" Makes a ton of sense right? And maybe wonder why your kid can't spell or read. If some of you had to teach children society would be even more doomed.
June 6, 2012 3:21 PM"
We'd be better off if they all did just quit. When the teachers can't understand Economics 101 the students they are teaching are doomed.
Well this is 11:14, and if that teacher thinks that education, grammar, spelling is all there is.... Remember next time you get stopped by the PD, I am not checking my spelling on the ticket. If your @ss is in a fire and need to be pulled out, I hope we dont worry on the phone did she say it properly...
You think that proper grammar, spelling has really helped get jobs? look at all the DEBT in college loans and college kids too STUPID to get a job. NO COMMON SENSE, you only teach get rich and vote for Obama.
One day when the shooting starts, then God will be a part of schools and the red neck COP or FF that saves your @ss may be smart then.
TEACHERS and our Education system SUCKS!
Name-calling in this discussion is absolutely inappropriate and not helpful. I am an educator who recognizes that school as an institution is not for everyone. Many successful beat have become successful despite a formal education. Education is not a one-size-fits-all process. In my opinion, the current problems of public education are due to the attempts at being all things for everyone when it just isn't possible. That being said, it is a legitimate concern of those advocates for education that people making the decisions on the public education budget may not hold public education in high regard.
Those redneck failures work hard at their redneck jobs, many work a lot more hours then any teacher and pay over the top redneck Maryland taxes, that over pays your purported intellectual cushy jobs along with your next to free health care you arrogant ingrate!
How about you open a book or since you are on the internet your browser and look it up yourself. Why should I do your work for you. You must be one of those teachers that send home a ton a homework. While you are looking up things how about you look up home many people that have graduated that have become nothing. It works BOTH ways.
I can't understand teachers getting all riled up anyway. Who chose your profession? I think you probably did that all by yourself. Not one of us out here forced either teacher to be a teacher. So quit your griping and complaining and teach. If you don't like your chosen profession, try something you do like, maybe you'll be better at it.
Those teachers last night embarrassed Wicomico county. It was disgraceful.
Bloated over fed unionized pigs, forever gorging themselves at the tax payers expense, but always wanting more. One word.....recession, got it?
So tired of hearing teachers whine when they have to share some of the burdens of health care and pensions like those of us in the private sector. I GUARANTEE no teacher works as hard as a nurse but so you ever hear nurses get the same pity treatment? Nurses who have to work nights weekends holidays and summers unlike teachers? Nurses who have to fund their own pensions and health care ? But But But its for the CHILDREN!!!!! Same old crap from the teachers.
3:54, where are they going to find a job with the benefits they have now for the pay?
I mean they are off all summer, have a ton of vacation days, extra days. Work a great schedule, oh I know They can run for office....
And you all wonder why education is horrible around here. You idiots are why teachers do not want to be around here anymore. You are the reason teachers that are decent move out of this area. BEcause they do not want to deal with YOUR stupidity and having to handle your kids all day when you can not even do it for the few hours you watch them. People want champange with beer money for this education system and that will not work. If you weren't lacking so much intelligence maybe your kids would have some. WHo wants to go to work to listen to little kids terrorize each other and other teachers and there is nothing that can be done about it. Punishing your kids is thought of as a crime anymore.
Hey @4:14, I will give you the same smart @ss question that most have been giving on here..."Who chose your profession?"
It makes no sense raising taxes during an economic downturn!
Unemployment is high and there are few if any jobs available to those looking for work. What jobs are available, no longer pay what they used to five years ago.
There is a downward push on wages and the cost of living is getting higher and higher.
Instead of raising taxes, maybe we should be looking at what these administrators and long term teachers are making and start treating them like the corporations do by downsizing, forced retirement, and rehiring at wages comparable to what the tax paying citizens are making!
I don't know about you, but I can't afford a seven percent tax increase of my property taxes!
Why does this always have to fall on the property owners?
Why don't we share the burden equally with everyone?
Even the Welfare recipients? I'll bet then, the local NAACP wouldn't be so quick to endorse this tax increase!
@3:32 no cop or fireman has ever done anything for me so I could careless. And I am sure those same cops and firemen attended the same educational lacking schools this system has. You can't fix stupid.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
It's very difficult to argue on one hand that the teachers in this county are substandard, but then not produce competitive salary scale that will draw the good teachers here. Quality people are voting with their feet and they are moving away.
June 6, 2012 3:25 PM
If you teachers are such quality people then why did all the schools fail AYP!!
@4:26 because you want miracles out of mole hills. If you are not willing to work with your kids at them with homework...maybe read a book or two to them...then there is no reason to think they will gain any intelligence. It is the teachers job to teach but you as a parent should help your child learn to. Everyone blames the teachers but it starts at home.
Everyone is getting so sick and tired of the teachers.
Yes, they have ONLY themselves to blame for being asleep and listening to the union say that everything was okay while the 35 million dollar shortfall was adding up. It blows my mind that supposedly educated people never felt compelled to check up on their pension fund. As someone said it's been underfunded for years now.
You all are getting really nauseating and if you all did leave tomorrow the general concensus of opinion would be "don't let the door hit you in the ass."
Start acting civilized and place the blame where it belongs and then maybe public opinion will favor you.
4:26 PM
Think of all of the adults you know. Could the best teacher in the world get 100% of those adults to pass a test that requires at least average knowledge of academics? Imagine a lot of the adults don't want to learn, won't behave, won't do assignments and intimidate those who do want to learn. Not fair to blame the teacher for all of that.
Kids failed the AYP because their parents do not care for the most part. For those who feel its all the teachers fault I invite you to spend a day in a classroom with a random teacher and see what they have to deal with on a daily basis. It is about being a babysitter more than a teacher anymore. If your child does not want to learn then teachers can not make them learn.
The problem in our schools starts at the front office of Bennett Senior, such a rude receptionist and continues through the system. Not only make changes at the high level but also at this level. Lots of changes need to be made in a lot of positions....
To the teachers who are dissatisfied with their jobs and pay, please do us a favor and leave!
There are so many qualified people out there looking for work who would love to have your job with all the great benefits and time off that the private sector would never offer!
You should be grateful to have a job when so many of us with degrees would jump at the chance for what you have.
As for Bennett, Air Conditioning can be installed in any building no matter what the age!
Private schools do a much better job on a smaller budget. I would love to use the 12,000 per child and have my son go to a good private school with this money instead of the public school system!
It's not been reported on much and overshadowed by Wisconsin but also yesterday voters in 2 cities in CA voted overwhelmingly to impose cuts and reform govenment workers pensions.
I'll tell you why we've not made AYP. since the beginning of no Child left behind the percentage needed to meet AYP has risen every year to the goal of 100% passing in 2014. Every year more and more schools are not meeting AYP because the goal percentage keeps rising beyond what is possible. Does anyone believe that in the year 2014 100% of our children tested will be proficient? It simply is not possible. Unless changes are made, in the year 2014 no school in the country will meet AYP. Please don't take my word for it. Do the research. The no Child left behind act was designed to make public schools fail by establishing unrealistic expectations for performance.
Per pupil spending in this county is nowhere near $12,000. Please get the facts. It's nearly half that, and the second lowest in the state.
Look at all the teachers coming to the defense of failing AYP and passing the blame on the parents. If they were such outstanding teachers then they shouldn't blame someone else. If a child fails constantly then what do you have to gauge your quality of teaching?
Blame everyone else!!
5:03 You need to get the facts, just sayin' It is almost $12K per pupil. You are only looking at county funding. The WCBOE gets federal, state, and county money, which I would assume you pay?
Blame your union! When Wall Street profits soared (most likely atleast 60% if not closer to 75% of your fund is funded by investments) you allowed the union to come in (called collective bargaining) and dictate the pension policies with ZERO forethought that the windfall would be (because it always is) shortly over. The windfall should have been reinvested for longterm gain. That's what those who have a brain and oversee benefical funds/plans do. Before long you were paying out more than taking in.
You were all shortsighted and just looking out for today and not tomorrow.
You were duped by your union all in an attempt to gain their support.
Only a fool would support them!
The Teamsters are behind the public sector unions. Even Robert F Kennedy, an icon of liberalism, called the Teamsters "the enemy within."
Without reading all the comments, I will say that the BOE gets more than half of our tax dolars, and still can't make things work. Sheriff, roads, landfill, county family serveces get the "change".
The BOE is blowing money big time and asking for more.
Just say NO.
All the state did was shift "the problem" to the counties. Still have the problem of more going out than coming in.
I have a Master's +30 and married to a teacher. I have 2-weeks vacation & 8 holidays. She has too many to even count. If the creek rises, fog accumulates or lightning bugs come out early, they go in late. I go to work. She works half days in comparison. I padi for my education and the County (my tax dollars paid for her's). The list goes on. Point is, she has a great job and loves it and loves the kids. And, she's realistic to know she's got a good thing going. I wish more teachers were more appreciative and stopped the complaining, blame game and just did their jobs. I wish the union would go fish! The BOE has way too many supervisors. There are way too many poorly performing teachers. And the pay is excellent for the conditions and what they do. They work part-time jobs and get full-time pay and benefits. Don't come on here and start lying about marking papers etc. It is overused and no one really believes you anyway. I do value education and teachers but there has to be a fair evaluation of jobs and education is not a difficult one in almost every way compared to other professional jobs.
The first thing the teachers have to do to protect their pensions is to get rid of this doofus Fredrickson. Anyone can see right now he has no business even thinking for one second he can grasp the concept of funding and maintaining a pension plan.
To him "money grows on trees," the same mentality that caused the problem to begin with.
You are a freakin idiot and don't even know your facts. A lot of schools made AYP and are examples for others around the state and nation. Just look at my son's school, Northwestern Elementary. They are a NATIONAL BLUE RIBBON SCHOOL and have ALWAYS made AYP. I am proud that I am part of this school and know that they have the best teachers who care about the kids.
Funny thing is all you can b!tch and moan about the budget but guess what, I am a teacher and I am getting a raise next year. Say what you want about us but it is going to happen and you can't stop it. You all speak out because your are jealous cause you are not me!
Truthfully, I could care less about the other departments in this county because they never did anything for me. Cops and firemen are about worthless around here and do nothing accept look for all the glory.
So get over it because I am taking my hard earned raise and will laugh all the way to the bank
Well this is just an example of the BOE wasting money. They purchased GPS systems for the school buses. They spent $70,000.00 on them.The buses already have GPS on them. It will cost them another $30,000.00 a year to manage this new system. They tell the contractors that they are for safety. But when explaining how the system works to the contractors,the more that was explained, the more they realized it was purchased to make Transportation's job MUCH easier. So instead of sending out their employees to complete a job like they always have done, now they sit back at their desks on their computers and do it. Without doing away with any employees might I add.
Dr. Fredickson has nothing to do with the pension system. It is state funded.
Here's real cost cutting-sub out all school cafeterias to Subway and Chick fil A,sub out all county roads work to local contractors and you would see real savings!
I own my own business, pay my health insurance (almost $600.00 a month with a high deductible, work 12 you plus days, no summers off, work some weekends, nights and holidays, take one week vacation a year (unpaid of course) so hearing these teachers whining makes me wonder why are they even teaching. If they can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!
Where is our Scott Walker? We surely need someone with pricipals and convictions, courageous enough to take on the Education Union and the special interests they represent.
No one has had the courage to take them on since Coffin led the petition drives in 2002.
All the teacher's union has accomplished is to dumb down the teachers and indoctinate them. It all started back in the 90's with the bogus claim that there was a teacher shortage and how the salaries and benefits were contributing to this made up shortage.
And the teacher fell for it hook line and sinker!
Well teachers you reap what you sow and when you blindly follow the leader without questioning this is what happens.
Teachers, the union does not care about you. All you are to them is the sound of a cash register so they can continue to receive salaries you will never achieve teaching and so they can contribute to political campaigns and hob nob with the political elite.
I bet a large portion went towards the Wisconsin recall election while you all sit here worried to death if you will have a pension tomorrow.
"Anonymous said...
Dr. Fredickson has nothing to do with the pension system. It is state funded.
June 6, 2012 7:01 PM"
Some of the costs of the teachers pensions were shifted to the counties in the legislature special session in May.
That means the county BOE's are going to have to contribute millions out of their budgets as their contributions.
Is that Drew Carey in that picture to the far right?
Anonymous said...
You are a freakin idiot and don't even know your facts. A lot of schools made AYP and are examples for others around the state and nation. Just look at my son's school, Northwestern Elementary. They are a NATIONAL BLUE RIBBON SCHOOL and have ALWAYS made AYP. I am proud that I am part of this school and know that they have the best teachers who care about the kids.
June 6, 2012 6:48 PM
Check your facts Sir!
Anonymous said...
Well this is just an example of the BOE wasting money. They purchased GPS systems for the school buses. They spent $70,000.00 on them.The buses already have GPS on them. It will cost them another $30,000.00 a year to manage this new system. They tell the contractors that they are for safety. But when explaining how the system works to the contractors,the more that was explained, the more they realized it was purchased to make Transportation's job MUCH easier. So instead of sending out their employees to complete a job like they always have done, now they sit back at their desks on their computers and do it. Without doing away with any employees might I add.
June 6, 2012 6:59 PM
The author of this post is obviously a bus contractor. He/she is telling a lie about all the buses have GPS on them. They don't. My personal vehicle does have GPS in it, but that doesn't mean the transportation supervisors can track my every move and prove that I am lying about my mileage. Doesn't mean they would be able to catch me goofing off at the local bar in between. The bus contractors complaining about the GPS rule has something to hide.
Many comments last night were essentially " this county doesn't care about education "
Well. Look at the new high school. Look at the council support for BMS. Consider that 80 % of capital spending here is on schools. That nearly 50 % of our budget is appropriated to education.
That we are now funding teacher pension costs.
That the BOE budget request was fully funded in the budget ...., until certain people felt they could politically extort more through the state.
Get real BOE
9:44 are you aware that the National Blue Ribbon School awards are nothing more than a corporate consulting firm coming in (after being paid handsomely by the school) called the Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence INC. Schools pay (if I'm not mistaken it's around $20,000), they consult, school receives this award.
It is nothing more than a marketing company using a dubious award to promote services.
All the blue ribbon stuff is nothing more than a couple of snake oil saleman with a pocket of money lobbying the US Dept of Ed to buy into their scam. Taxpayers pay dearly for this scam.
It means nothing. Another quasi government meaningless waste.
You are totally incorrect. Although there may be firms that do this, the award this school won was sponsored and presented by the US Dept of Ed. The school or county paid nothing...they were chosen based on consistent high test scores. Here is the proof.
This comment from the Daily Rag about the Board President makes it sound like John Fredericksen is the boss of the board members?
"Being president of the board is a lot of extra work," Fredericksen said. "Regular board members, they work hard, and we've expanded their activities as far as budget and other committees."
I am a teacher in Wicomico County.
I DO work hard each and every day. I DO plan lessons and grade papers most evenings and weekends. I DO a good job--my test scores prove it.
Although I have $40,000 in student loans, work 2 part time jobs in addition to teaching full time, and pay for 3 kids to go to daycare, I don't think I should be getting a raise this year. The county and BOE simply can't afford it.
I agree that the majority of teachers at the meeting last night were overly emotional and a bit selfish. However, don't let those few represent the whole. There are so many wonderful teachers in this county. Let's try focusing on what they are doing right, and not on what some are doing wrong.
As for the pension... 7% of my paycheck is taken without my control for my pension. I speak with teachers every day who would like that 7% back and lose the pension. Many of us want to be ableto set up our own retirement accounts with that money.
Please get more involved in the local schools. You will see that there are teachers who come to work every day with their students best interests in mind.
Excuse me Mr. June 6, 2012 10:02 PM, 9:44 isn't the one you should direct that question to.
AYP and standardized testing has been the downfall of the US education system.
These are just more scams perpetrated on the tax payers and does nothing more than line the pockets of the companies who oversee these tests,who in turn contribute heavily to political campaigns and their other buddies, the unions.
Emphasis on these tests has failed our students. Teachers are required to concentrate more on test scores than on teaching a subject adequately.
For once, I would like to see one respectful teacher. No wonder children have no manners....and we pay them...Disgraceful.
10:02, I beg to differ. Northwestern did not pay 20k to "become" a National Blue Ribbon School. It became a Maryland Blue Ribbon School 1st then it applied to be recognized as National Blue Ribbon. This was all done with the Maryland State Dept. and U.S.Dept of Education recognizing NW because of its outstanding test scores at a school that has more than 50% free and reduced lunch children. It received those honors because they deserved them, not because they paid someone.
Hey 12:37, I believe 10:33 seemed fairly respectful. Are you reading these posts?
doesnt the requirement of 50% or MORe of FREE OR REDUCED lunch, sound like ANOTHER drain on the TAX PAYER?????????????? jeez. so we land owners pay for lunch for half the people at Northwestern. WOW, what a deal for blue ribbon. keep sticking your chest out mardela, thinking your the best. . .
Anonymous said...
doesnt the requirement of 50% or MORe of FREE OR REDUCED lunch, sound like ANOTHER drain on the TAX PAYER?????????????? jeez. so we land owners pay for lunch for half the people at Northwestern. WOW, what a deal for blue ribbon. keep sticking your chest out mardela, thinking your the best. . .
June 7, 2012 6:37 AM
Incorrect!! Tax payers pay free and reduced meals to over 55% of the students in Wicomico County. It is called FARM no FARL. MEALS, not lunches. That would mean BREAKFAST, lunch, DINNER and SNACKS! Dig deeper into what you do have to pay for and you will wonder why this country is in the shape it is in.
4:13 You can beg to differ all you want but here is the fee schedule from their own website
Fisrt of the "consultant expenses" are $1500.00/per assessor
then an additonal fee based on student population
up to 500 students-$500.00
501-999 $10,500.00
1000-1499 $12,500
1500-1999 $14,500
2000+ "to be negotiated
Once again the award is meaningless. Nothing more than a well funded corportation who sold their idea to politicians for no other reason than to line their own pockets and contribute to campaigns.
Very little is done "for the children" within the public school system. Behind every dollar spent there is always an ulterior motive.
This has caused the massive waste of money within the school systems.
10:25 Do not fall for the US Dept of ED propaganda. Do you own research and you will see the schools do pay dearly for this consulting company to come in and make their assessments.
The testings that they do cost alot more, all money that could be better utilized in the school systems.
Many teachers in this county are disgraceful.
The problems at the BOE will never change until Fredericksen is gone. In addition to him, we need a new board. Freddy is a snake and so are a few of the board members. Why not hold a huge meeting, invite parents and teachers and confront Freddy and the BOE about their actions over the last year. Then remove Freddy from his throne!
Not only does the Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence INCORPORATED, charge the $1500/per assessor fee they also charge the school for the assessors lodging, meals, transportation, etc while visiting the school and doing their "assessment."
Not only that but they are an IRS registered non profit so they don't even pay taxes from the money they suck off the school systems. It's a hugh scam. Just something to make everyone feel good.
and all this starts from top down. 35% corporate tax on business, highest in world, and guess who pays that, EVERY single local consumer. (why do u think there are less and less jobs) US dept Education controlling what goes on in schools. Forcing schools to care more about attendance than expelling the gang members who injure children on a weekly basis, RIGHT in our WICO County schools.
In a perfect world not only would the US Dept of ED be disbanded but also the MD State Board of Ed and running of the school systems be put back into the hands of the counties.
Learning has become secondary in the public school systems. The first goal anymore is to see how much money well heeled friends of the administrators and the politicians (and I don't mean the teachers) can suck out of the BOE budgets with things like the standardized testings and these "awards" that cost alot of money.
Oh 8:40 that was the brilliant state of MD dept of ED who saw fit to limit the suspensions in public schools. A student has to almost kill someone anymore to be suspended.
And also had lawmakers up the age required for mandatory school attendance-like another year or 2 is really going to do any good.
I worked for the private sector. When the economy began its decline, I had a huge reduction in hours. I saw the writing on the wall and sought other employment. I accepted a position with the BOE and I certainly did not do so for the money. I wanted security, good benefits and a decent pension, all of which seem to be in jeopardy. Most all of you are complaining about the teachers, but please remember, many of us represented by the Association are not. Obviously we do not make the same money as teachers and many work year round. I am certainly grateful to have a job, but I would also like to be able to continue to pay my bills. That is becoming increasingly difficult as prices of goods and services increase.
I know Colorado state legislatures are making the bold move of cutting out almost all of this nonsense testings and extraneous BS awards sanctioned by the US Dept of ED in order to save money and prevent teacher layoffs.
Other states are considering it as well.
So now teachers teach manners? I thought that was YOUR job. Everyone puts the kids behavior and attitude on the teacher but it is because of YOUR lack parenting. IT STARTS AT HOME. If you do not help your child then your teacher can't either.
9:06 and that's been the problem. The security you talk about was only a false sense of security force fed to BOE employees by the "association" (really union.)
They negotiated salaries and benefits to an unsustainable level knowing full well all along it would bottom out. But they didn't care. They only cared about the moment.
The bottom line is.... the public school systems in the US have been hijacked by special interest groups and big business.
The sad part is....most teachers are unaware of this fact.
I don't know what kind of negotiating went on before I came on board. I know there is a step and grade that hasn't been changed since I got here. I have not received an increment or a COLA in three, maybe four years. But my health benefits have increased as well as the percentage I pay toward my pension. Unfortunately, it is a catch 22. My salary has remained the same while my other deductions have gone up, so I am not really sure what negotiations you are talking about.
I love teachers who complain about testing. You guys are the morons who wanted sooo desperately for a Federal Department of Education. Now, the Feds say "test" and you guys don't like it. You are all getting exactly what you deserve.
That meeting confirmed for me that homeschooling is the only way to go.
People are hilarious. If God himself came down and presented you with a gift you would complain it isn't good enough. You can not expect miracles with children who have no support system at home. Let's be realistic here for a minute or two. People have children for a social security check literally the only reasoning. You have to fix yourself before you can fix anyone or thing else.
Question for all of you on here complaining about teaching: When was the last time you even came to your childs PTA? I am willing to bet that 75% of you havent been to one in years.
I've complained greatly (for years now) about the mandatory public school testing 10:52. I'm not a teacher nor anyway affiliated with the school system. I'm not even a parent.
I'm just a concerned citizen who sat back and watched the hijacking of the system all to the detriment of not only the children but the schools systems budgets and ultimately the tax payers.
The teachers are partially to blame. They allowed themselves to be indoctrinated by special interest.
11:28 well then blame your wonderful BOE's all 3, fed, state and local.
Blame those who see fit to reprimand a teacher for telling Baby Momma she is worthless!
If a teacher reprimands a parent for not doing their jobs at home in a private school, the teacher gets a pat on the back from the administrators.
In the public school system if the teacher offends Baby Momma the teacher gets "written up" and it goes in their file.
The Blue Ribbon thing is some scam/fraud out of South Carolina. All you have to do is pay them money for their fake award.
You gotta give the founders credit though for coming up with a way to legally extort money from the education system.
"So now teachers teach manners? I thought that was YOUR job. Everyone puts the kids behavior and attitude on the teacher but it is because of YOUR lack parenting. IT STARTS AT HOME. "
Nope. Wrong again. You liberals destroyed civility, morality, told us self esteem was more important than truth. You told us not to judge. Who are you to say that per-marital sex is wrong? Who are you to say that men should hold doors open for women?.....and now, you are getting the just desserts of your evil philosophy. You told the kids to "question authority" and now you're all pissed that they do.
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