My 14-year-old daughter is a texting addict! She will even sit and text when our family is at a restaurant. It drives me nuts. If I tell her to stop, she just does it under the table.
It’s like this little secret that we can’t be in on, plus it’s just plain rude. It’s as if half of her is here with us, but her brain is somewhere off with her friends.
The thing that really annoys me is that she doesn’t take part in family activities any more—it’s like she has to have a special invitation to participate. What should we do?”
Take the phone away from her.
Parents are to blame for not establishing rules when getting these phones for their children, thus, the problem they have!! The phones should be turned off or silenced at mealtimes and family times and any time it isn't appropriate for them to be used. I also want to add that it isn't just the teens, it's many of the parents as well! My bet is most of these phones (texting machines) are being paid by the parents who don't care enough to establish the rules!!
take away her phone. sounds easy. it is. if you cant bring yourself to do that, use the parental controls and when she hits a certain number of texts, etc., it will not take or send anymore. might teach her how to budget too. Win Win.
I agree, it's the parents fault that the 14 yo is a texting brat. The parent provided the daughter with the phone (1st mistake) and secondly the parent allows the teen to diregard the parental authority. Sounds like bad parenting caused the teen to act the way she does.
Try parenting. Given the effort, it works! Go figure!
This goes to show how parenting in this country is so pathetic. When a child is told not to do something and they do, they get punished. Thats how it happened when I was growing up. People dont know how to discipline their children in this country anymore. If you spank your child you can go to jail. Without discipline our society is going to fall apart eventually with children having no respect for their parents or the authorities.
I'm sure all the anonymous people that sent in a comment, didnt have any brats but well behaved polite kids, find that hard to believe,
Simple... if she cannot do what she is told, take it away. My daughter has a cell phone but texting is blocked for several reasons... Texting around the clock seems to be a trend, the kids forget how to communicate effectively and appropriately because they start using the texting acronyms and abbreviations and forget all about spelling and grammar, and for some strange reason it was affecting her attitude. Not saying this happens in EVERY situation, this is just what we saw out of my daughter and her friends.
To Andre at 12.23...
We raised 3 children and they knew their limits when they were with us. We didn't just hand things over to them (we couldn't afford it), they had to work too once they became old enough. While they weren't perfect children (and God only knows what they did when we weren't with them), they got a solid foundation and when they were old enough to go out on their own, they really appreciated the efforts and sacrifices we had made for them. And we see that in the way they have raised their children!
UHH DUH shes 14 take her friggin phone come on parents step up and grow a pair. They dont partake in family activities cause your not making activities interesting enough to them.
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