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Friday, July 01, 2011

Sussex County Council Sued Over Prayer at Meetings

On Tuesday we asked why practices such as beginning a meeting with prayer or saying the Pledge of Allegiance are fast becoming a thing of the past.  One locality that still practices these civil niceties is now under fire.  The Sussex County Council is being sued to end its practice of beginning meeting with the Lord’s Prayer.
The leftist group – Americans United for the Separation of Church and Statehas filed suit against our neighbors because one woman “felt uncomfortable”.  I’m sure she will be REAL welcome after this.


Anonymous said...

A group that I belong to says both the pledge and the Lord's Prayer before meetings. I have no problem with the pledge--after all, we're all Americans--but I wonder as I say the prayer what if we had Jewish people in attendance--or Muslims or other non-Christians. How would I feel if I were Jewish, and those around me were saying the Lord's Prayer? I guess most of us rationalize that "Well, that's just the way it is. We're in the majority, so we can do what we want; too bad for the others." Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Provocative agents!

A good judge would throw this case and others like it out of court. Label them frivilous, and toss 'em!Penalize those bringing the unfounded charges. There's no legal protection provided by any national documents for being offended! If you're that offended, maybe you need to move to another country where you will be less so...if one exists...doubtful!

Anonymous said...

This great Nation was built on religion and the right to pray.
God help you guys who take it away.

Anonymous said...

As a Jew or other, you may say your own prayer, aloud or you wish. THAT's what's so great about this country.

Anonymous said...

To 8:22
With out prayer this nation would never have made it. We are all not Americans. I wish we were.

Anonymous said...

How would you feel as a Christian, and a council decided to open every session with a prayer of another religion, but never yours?

Anonymous said...

the problem is those who are not Americans.

Anonymous said...

8:48: When it gets to that will be a lot sooner with all you who are offended! Keep this up and see where it gets you!

Anonymous said...

848, I would read my history books and the Federalist papers and understand why.

Bullard Construction said...

Actually, if we review all the words of the Lord's Prayer, it never requires us to recognize any certain religion, only our Creator, or Father, and ask Him for guidance, forgiveness, our daily bread, and the love to forgive others. Most any religion recognizes a deity and requests guidance from the Deity. So, actually, I think it's appropriate for all religions and a pretty good prayer overall. It's one of the better ideas we have ever had to open up a decision making process with.

Anonymous said...

I got something for you... Try this on for size... HOW ABOUT YOU NOT GO if you are offended... This is the exact reason why America is on the fall... you people are sue happy and are some lazy people to... This is all implore to A. make you get ride of religion as the govt wants anyway... and B. Shows how you only want money and that's it...

You have the right to not listen to the prayer... You have the right to not go if it offends you... Better yet people like you should go to them meetings...

I suggest you listen to it on the internet... or even better don't go until after the pledge and prayer...

You are taking one liberty from someones freedom to make your own freedoms... this is backwards period...

If you can sue someone for you WILLINGLY showing up to THEIR meetings then I say the hell with you.. Let me sue you for you suing them... I am uncomfortable looking at your face but you don't see me suing you...

Anonymous said...

Isn't this the very thing this group is against? Legislating religion?...which the Constitution protects us against?

Anonymous said...

it's pathetic that anyone would even create a frivilous case like this, even more pathetic if the court takes it on. Who has money to hire lawyers for something this ridiculous? If they are doing it pro bono, then they better rethink because there are a lot of REAL issues out there that need representing.

Anonymous said...

I can guess who is behind this one. Hell has no fury as god's wrath.

Anonymous said...

If you are offended by a prayer then you are a complete loser! If there is a Jew at the meeting let them say a Jewish prayer. Muslim...let them say a muslim prayer. Hindu...etc. Who cares? If you don't believe in that religion how can it affect you? Just sit and stare out the window while the prayers are being said. Cry babies!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If you sneeze in front of these idiots , I bet they would say ,
God Bless You.
Americans United for the separation of Church and State.
Another group of idiots formed to piss off people.

Dixie said...

Another instance of taking prayer away. We took it out prayer and corporal punishment out of our schools and now look what we're dealing with when it comes to today's youth.
Keep taking prayer away and we'll all be doomed even faster!
A non-profit I'm associated with has had to be very careful with the "religion" factor. Some people even want us to stop calling our Christmas Parade what it is and start calling it a Holiday Parade.
I agree with a previous commenter, if you don't like it, then don't go!
This is NOT the America I grew up in! These people need to stop NOW!

G. A. Harrison said...

Anon 0848 -

I would simply stand respectfully and be silent or say my own prayer. What's the problem.


Anon 0947 -

While I agree with most of what you said, we need to remember that it is THEIR meeting too. I just don't get these folks who believe the government is there to protect them from being offended. I was offended every day that Louise Smith was on the Salisbury City Council and I didn't sue.

Anonymous said...

@ these morons complaining about having the prayer.

I agree with everyone else, no one is holding a gun to your head making you go to these meetnigs. If you do not like the Lord's Prayer, do not say it or do not go. No one has ever said if you are in the room during the Lord's Prayer then you must recite it....when people pull stunts like this then it takes away from others freedom.........