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Friday, September 03, 2010

Jim Rutledge Encourages Early Voting And Questions The Judgment Of Eric Wargotz For Starring In A Farcical Skit

FOREST HILL, Maryland- During his speech on Iraq this week, President Obama said that "It's time to turn the page." United States Senate Candidate Jim Rutledge commented, "I agree that it's time to turn the page, and the page that needs to be turned is right here in Maryland.

Republicans in Maryland can start tomorrow by voting for Jim Rutledge as their candidate to face off against Senator Barbara Mikulski, who has been in DC for 34 years."

"Kim and I will be casting our ballots early by going to the Bel Air Library and voting tomorrow," said Jim Rutledge. "I urge everyone to take advantage of early voting. Many are critical of early voting, but I ask, why take a chance on missing the vote due to some unexpected family emergency or crisis at work? As patriots, we should be the first in line to vote," declared Rutledge.

Rutledge's Republican primary opponent Eric Wargotz has released a farcical skit depicting Mikulski as a bizarre dinosaur and Wargotz as an explorer in a safari helmet. Jim Rutledge knows that the race to unseat Barbara Mikulski is serious business, and questions the judgment of Eric Wargotz. "For the past 17 months, I have been meeting Marylanders who are in no mood to laugh about what the liberals and socialists are doing to our nation. In fact, far too many are crying. With so many out of work, I suggest this is the time to turn to serious leadership. Our next United States Senator must be prepared to lead boldly in the battle for personal freedom against the largest expansion of federal power in our lives."

The Rutledge Campaign believes Maryland Republicans deserve more than a funny doctor who spent the last 6 months avoiding public forums and debates in an attempt to dodge his liberal past. Jim Rutledge has sought to provide an honest and open citizen-driven campaign that has not been bought and paid for by the ruling class that dominates the Washington landscape. Jim Rutledge has earned widespread support with his clear message of lower taxes, limited government, and strong national security. Endorsed by Maryland Right to Life, Jim Rutledge has the moral fiber to defend the unborn. A defender of the Constitution, Jim Rutledge has received numerous endorsements because of what he stands for and not for what he promises.


Anonymous said...

I love to commercial and Mr. Rutledge will be a sore loser no doubt!

Anonymous said...

Wargotz commercial was just a generalized rant, little more than a comical YouTube clip. Nothing in there to show what he offers to solving the problem he comically describes.

Thanks, but no thanks. Rutledge is the man.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I believe Wargotz is the only man to beat Mikulski. Forget the commercial and check out his website and get to know who he is and what he stands for. He is a physican, business man, and commissioner. See what he says about health care, taxes and big government. Let's look at someone other than the usual politician/lawyer to represent us.

Orsonwells said...

Rutledge is a lawyer.

Wargotz is a doctor.

I'm going for the doctor; he will listen.

The lawyer will just tell us his opinion.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, that commercial was as odd as the candidate who made it. Rutledge is the only one that can beat Mikulski. This is not an election that can be bought, Dr. Wargotz. Volunteers matter, excitement matters - the Rutledge campaign has them both. Vote Rutledge Sept 14th.