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Friday, September 03, 2010

Trouble In Camden Even Before The Storm Arrived

Our friend Michael Stanley took these photos yesterday on Camden Ave where a large tree snapped and fell into the roadway. Public Works did a fantastic job clearing up the roadway to get things back to normal.


Anonymous said...

"Public Works did a fantastic job clearing up the roadway to get things back to normal."

That is exactly what is supposed to happen. This is not an event that is an immediate danger to healt and life safe. Please take the time to look up the phone number for public works and call them. Please do not be an idiot and call 911. This is not what the fire department needs to respond to. They are not trained at cutting down trees and removing them. Call Public Works direct. When most 911 centers answer the call they say 'What is your emergencey, Do you need police, fire or EMS?' Notice public works isn't mentioned! Calling 911 for BSW is borderline abuse.

Anonymous said...

Something tells me anon is a fireman and probably doesn't mind the fact that public works has now gone 4 years without any raises. They do a good job, but are never rewarded for it by this administration and rarely by the press. Thank you SBYNEWS for showing our boys doing what they do well.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of trees. Im SO glad they took down those trees on Beaglin Park Drive!!

Anonymous said...

10:52 I am not a fireman, but I can tell you for a fact that the fire department employees haven't recieved a raise either so what is your point? If you don't like your job with public works then you showed have scored higer on the entrance exam for the fire department. You are what you make yourself.