Incident: Graveyard Desecration
Date of Incident: 26 August 2010
Location: Riverside Drive, Fruitland. MD
Suspect: Pending
Narrative: On 26 August 2010 at 2:35 AM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of headstones lying in the roadway on Riverside Drive just south of Shad Point Road. Upon arrival, the deputy observed ten tombstones side by side across the roadway. It appeared that the headstones were removed from the graveyard on Riverside Drive at Shad Point before being lined up across the roadway. The suspect (s) had also removed decorative sculptures from the fence that surrounded the cemetery and also placed them in the roadway.
Most of the headstone were from the nineteenth century/
The investigation is actively on going at this time. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office at 410-548-4890 or Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776.
Charges: Malicious Destruction of Property
Desecration of a Graveyard
Charges: Malicious Destruction of Property
Desecration of a Graveyard
What an outrage!! This is total BS. I hate when people do this crap. It is totally disrespectful to the families of their loved ones. Not to mention the fact that it will take money to replace these items. I really hope they can catch them. I am just completely disgusted.
wow. all that psychological BS seems to be working on todays youth cuz theres just SO MUCH respect for our fellow man nowadays. **bring back the beatings!!!**
hope they find and accidentally hang these people that did this.
1:56, I agree with you totally. They wouldn't want someone doing that to their families graves. Shame on them, it is inexcusable!!!!!!!!!
This is scary!!!
There is no reason for anyone to do this kind of damage. Someone will be bragging about it somewhere and I hope they are caught and punished to the fullest extent!
wow, that must of took some time. I cant believe no one saw them. Its really a creepy thing to do.
Look on facebook/myspace/youtube...Nowa days these stupid kids video this stuff and brag online.
Welcome back, Seagulls.
Breaks my heart to see things like this.. They are tearing up parts of history when something like this is done.
I'd like to see the damage done to the vehicle and them held accountable for that. On the right side of the picture it looks like another one of the round sculptures was placed there and hit by a car/
So very very sad.
Welcome back S.U. This what turns the community against college kids. If you are readings this and know something make the call. This was just plain stupid. I do not know how anyone could have pride in doing this. It appears there were a number of people involved.
Help clean up the image of your student body.
parents need to teach this kids some respect.. pranks are funny at times but this is just too much,
Send the bill to SU!
I don't live on the ES and find actions of whomever did it disgusting.
Based on my college years this has all implications of a pledge week at some fraternity.
FYI: you would be right if this happened towards the end of the semester. there is no pledging the first month of school.
I hope that those who have done this deed are found. My parents' graves are in this cemetery. Also the graves of my grandmother, great-grandparents and great-great- grandparents. I wish to meet these doing this awful deed face-to-face and show them our family albums. I want them to know that this behavior is not funny and hurts families.
Could be college drunks or could be high school drunks doing the last dirty deed of summer.
The Nazis used to make Jews build roads with the tombstones of their ancestors. (An old guy like me would think of that I guess.) With the decorative pieces out there, that's not what's going on here, but I gotta admit, this made me think of that.
That is so sad.
3:56 - Classes haven't even started yet and move-in day for on-campus individuals started today. Let's hope the police catch the individuals responsible for this crime.
Mabee da perps was lookin for a head stone for da bronx boy.
This isn't the first time this cemetery has been vandalized. With all the traffic on Riverside Drive, there had to be more than a few jerks involved in this destructive act. Did anyone see any vehicle close by? Maybe across the street in front of the church and before the stones were laid across the roadway? It had to take a while to gather all of them and haul them to the street. If no vehicles around, then it was probably done by some nearby teen residents. Parents, did you know where your children were last night?
Automatically blaming SU students with out any evidence in that direction seems a bit much don't you think?
Whoever did it is a sick person to be sure, but could we not once again blame it on the college kids? It could have just as easily been a very sick in the head local.
I agree that it was probably some young punks that did this. If they are juveniles, I hope they charge them as adults. Somebody will run their mouth because they think this is funny. They won't think it's so funny when the cops come and arrest them. You watch it will show up on a Facebook page or Youtube. I can tell you that if I had done something like that when I was younger, my parents would have cracked my behind. These morons don't even realize that it costs thousands for head stones. I hope they catch them soon.
I think this looks much darker than a prank...
I think it's girls. Too much planning and design....
At Yale University 15 men are tapped every year into a secret fraternity called The Order of the Death's Head (aka Skull & Bones).
These young initiates perform all sorts of dastardly deeds upon induction including stealing the Skulls of famous dead people and keeping them inside the Tomb at Yale University. The skulls are used in ceremonies where blood is drank from them in order to gain magical powers from the dead person's soul.
Stealing tombstones is nothing compared to what 3 of our U.S. Presidents have done in the past.
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