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Thursday, August 26, 2010

10 Year Old Boy Attacked In Salisbury By Pit Bulls

Incident: Dog Bite
Date of Incident: 26 August 2010
Location: 300 block of Maple Way, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Pending

Narrative: On 26 August 2010 at 1:30 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to a reported complaint of a juvenile being attacked by two dogs. Upon arrival, the deputy discovered that a ten year old boy who lived in the 300 block of Maple Way was in the front yard of the residence when two pit bulls escaped from the residence when the front door was opened. The two dogs immediately began attacking the young boy. Two adults walking in the area observed what was going on and attempted to assist with getting the dogs off the boy, but the dogs then turned on the adults.

The ten year old boy was transported to PRMC with a severe lacerated ear and serious facial lacerations. The boy was then flown by helicopter to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore for specialized treatment.

The two adults, both in their 60’s, suffered lacerations to their arms and hands in their attempt to draw the dogs off of the boy.

The Wicomico County Humane Society has taken both dogs into custody.

The investigation into this incident is pending and charges are possible against the dog’s owner.


Anonymous said...

The owners need to be incarcerated .

Anonymous said...

awww pit bulls are such a loving breed. im sure it was an accident.

Anonymous said...

This is sad! Typical of people living in that ghetto to have pit bulls. I certainly hope those pit bulls were put down and their owners next.

Anonymous said...

I was down the street heard people screaming didn't think it was as bad as it was! People need to watch their dogs! and not ALL Pitbulls are bad..I used to have one and she was a sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm , another pit bull attack , not the dogs fault ehh. Pit bulls shouldn't be allowed in this country.

Anonymous said...

Gas the dogs. I love animals, especially dogs, but when they attack they gotta be put down.

Anonymous said...

It should be against the law to own a pit bull.

Nick manning said...

everyone always says "it's not the dogs fault" but it always seems to be PIT BULLS!! These dogs are not fit to be around children and i would not let my child anywhere near one. I don't care how "sweet" you say it is, it's a pit bull. bred for fighting in a pit.

Chimera said...

I agree that violently aggressive dogs should be humanely put down,and I hope this child has a full recovery.
BUT......the owners have more responsibility than the dogs do for this attack.I love Pit Bulls,and its the best breed I have ever owned,but they have to be properly trained and socialized.A dog who is abused or mistreated WILL become a ticking time bomb,regardless of breed,but when one has larger dogs deemed "potentially dangerous" they have a responsibility to the dog and the public to control their dog.Please dont demonize a whole breed of dog because a bunch of moronic thugs fight them and exploit them.

Anonymous said...

I have a ten year old son and I can tell you that the dogs would have been taken care of before the police or humane society could have time to respond. I'm an animal lover and dog owner, but I'd shoot any in the blink of an eye if it were my child. That's a shame.

Anonymous said...

Pitbills and Rottweilers account for over 2/3rds of all fatal dog attacks in the US. Pitbulls and pit mixes account for 59% of all dogs killed n shelters.

"Studies indicate that pit bull-type dogs were involved in approximately a third of human DBRF (i.e., dog bite related fatalities) reported during the 12-year period from 1981 through1992, and Rottweilers were responsible for about half of human DBRF reported during the 4 years from 1993 through 1996....[T]he data indicate that Rottweilers and pit bull-type dogs accounted for 67% of human DBRF in the United States between 1997 and 1998. It is extremely unlikely that they accounted for anywhere near 60% of dogs in the United States during that same period and, thus, there appears to be a breed-specific problem with fatalities." (Sacks JJ, Sinclair L, Gilchrist J, Golab GC, Lockwood R. Breeds of dogs involved in fatal human attacks in the United States between 1979 and 1998. JAVMA 2000;217:836-840.)

Anonymous said...

people that are saying pitbulls need to be outlawed are very, very ignorant. The reason pit bulls are in the news for attacks is because when they bite it is usually a very serious bite. What people don't realize is that a chihuahua or another dog can be just as vicious but when they bite, they do not have the strength of a larger breed and therefore do not cause as much damage. I would love for one of you ignorant people to actually come spend time with my pitbull and forget the stereotypes. Your eyes would be opened as to how sweet and loving a properly trained pit bull can be.

Anonymous said...

Again, it's the not the breed it's the terrible owners who raise dogs that way.

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with the victims and their families. Careless dog ownership has brought sever suffering upon innocent families. how sad. One of my children was attacked by a dog off of its property and i have known several children and adults who have been attacked. It is a terrifying experience. Kudos to those who came to the rescue.

Anonymous said...

dogs should be put down. pit bulls are one of many breeds that will attack without provoking if they are mistreated, or abused.

the owners should be held accountable, charges, fines, jail all of it!

cl said...

it isn't only dogs that are mistreated....socialization is HUGE...i have two pit bulls with two "legs" towards his first obedience title...and i wouldn't trust either one in a uncontrolled environment with a child or cat for that matter because they haven't been around them enough...that is part of being a responsible dog owner period! most dogs that bite are either not fixed, socialized, have any training or are yard dogs (more feral than a pet)

Sarah said...

My pit bull is a big teddy bear. He will climb in your lap and snuggle. He's 11 years old and as much as my four year old daughter has done to him, he has never hurt a sole. Any dog can be trained to be mean and viscious. Look at how many chihuahas are mean. One caused my daughter's hand to bleed when she pointed a finger at it. So does that make all chihuahas bad?

Sarah said...

My pit bull is a big teddy bear. He will climb in your lap and snuggle. He's 11 years old and as much as my four year old daughter has done to him, he has never hurt a sole. Any dog can be trained to be mean and viscious. Look at how many chihuahas are mean. One caused my daughter's hand to bleed when she pointed a finger at it. So does that make all chihuahas bad?

Anonymous said...

Just think if those adults had been carrying firearms the way we have the right to do. It would have been over almost as fast as it started.

Anonymous said...

It's only a matter of days before it happens again....on the corner of Chestnut way {1 block away from Maple way} 3 new viscous dogs {pit, mastiff and a junkyard dog} behind a 3' fence, just moved into the neighborhood....they try to get at everyone, especially the children walking down the street, they terrorize the neighbor when they attempt to get to the mailbox. I hope the sheriff gets there soon...

Anonymous said...

blutojthetotmom, I know the owners, I live in this neighborhood, they raise those 2 dogs well...although they are somewhat hardheaded. Pitbulls go off when they decide to, ALL the training in the world will NEVER breed the killing instinct out of this breed.

Anonymous said...

any dog needs to be put to sleep when it bites a human being, no matter what the age. had a very small dog that bit and took it to be put to sleep. it was not provoked or anything else. she was not raised to do this either. great little dog but knowing he bit, i thought was not worth the chance she might do it again.

Tom Leonard said...

I am a mailman, and I love dogs. I have a pit bull on my route that puts his paws over my truck's door and licks my face. (Don't tell my supervisor!) The worst bite I ever had on this job was from an Irish Setter who bit me in the neck, just missing the jugular. Point is, dog owners make their dogs what they are. There are many loving, beautiful pit bulls. As long as they stay away from people like Michael Vick, they are great companions

Anonymous said...

Thursday, August 26, 2010
Illinois: 4 dogs attack, kill boy visiting farm

VARNA -- A 7-year-old boy was attacked and killed by dogs on a central Illinois farm that he was visiting Wednesday with his mother, authorities said.

Jason Walter, of La Salle, was alone when he was attacked and killed in the driveway of a farm outside Varna, about 30 miles from Peoria, said Marshall County Sheriff Rob Russell.

The dogs -- three pit bulls and a mixed breed owned by people who lived on the property -- were captured and euthanized, Russell said. No charges have been filed, and there is no legal requirement to keep dogs on leashes, he said. The dogs' bodies will undergo testing for rabies.

"It was an emotional scene," Russell said. "Obviously, it's a tragedy."

The boy's mother was dating a man who lived on the farm, and the boy was heading to the car to leave when the dogs attacked, the sheriff said.

An emergency helicopter was called to transport the boy to a hospital. Coroner David Lenz Jr. said a doctor aboard the helicopter pronounced the child dead.

An autopsy is planned, and the death remains under investigation.

Anonymous said...

Seriously people, while you are on the internet, how about doing some research about a topic before commenting. Pitbulls trained appropriately are some of the most loyal and loving breeds of canine. The problem is that they are such a muscular breed and have large jaws that, when mistreated and abused, are capable of causing substantial damage. That is what these worthless pieces of sh1t find so appealing about these animals. The reason you always see pit bulls on the news is because the end result is so much worse. No one reports a Pomeranian bite because the damage is minimal. Pit bulls are just as capable of being friendly companions as any other breed. Unfortunately they are often raised by very unfit owners.

Anonymous said...

Thank you mailman.

Anonymous said...

It is very clear that most of you get your information from your friends or gossip magazines. I hate to say but in predominantly black communities pit bulls, rottweilers, mastiffs, and etc are trained to fight or protect their owners. they are very often mistreated and chained up away from social situations. Take a closer look at those news clips and stats and you will find a common trend; its not only the dog but the type of owner.

I grew up having German Sheppard that was the nicest dog and roamed the neighborhood free without issues, years later my neighbor moved in with a german sheppard and it bit three kids when it broke loose over one year.

A dog is what you make the dog.

JP said...

Pit bull, pit bull, pit bull... that's all I am seeing here. How about we all forget about the dogs for now, take a moment and think of and pray for the child and what his family is going through?

Anonymous said...

i think that people who own pitbulls are as stupid as the dogs are..."its not the dogs fault..they are just stronger" well dah...thats why these dogs shuld be outlawed and shot on-site they are extremely dangerous....I wonder if a survey has been done on how many owners have been bit by their own dog.....why would you even put yourself at risk by having one of these beast...they are no good give all the excuses you want it is the nature of the beast they should never be trusted

Anonymous said...

Bottom line is this.... If you are a dog owner you MAKE SURE that YOUR propery is secured & that there is NO WAY FOR THEM TO GET OUT. doesn't matter the breed any dog can attack. I have 3 dogs & i'll tell you now that if my dogs don't know you & you come to my house they WILL BE PUT UP BEFORE MY DOOR OPENS i can't risk them pushing pass me & get to someone's pet or them or their children. when my husband & i take them out they are on a harness leash so that way we have control of them, even though i believe that they wouldn't harm anyone I am not in their minds, so i can not say they would never hurt someone.

Anonymous said...

people need to be realistic.... I have always had dogs and am an animal lover but if anyone has an animal that show agressive behavior toward people especially little people then they need to get rid of it .... this may sound harsh but saves a lots of unnessisary worry and heartache

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, The owners of the dogs where more concerned about there dogs being killed than they were about the childs condition. I hope the childs parents not only sue the owners, who rent, they should also sue the property owner. Maybe other renters would think twice about renting to people with aggressive dogs.

Anonymous said...

Heck it just like the kids that are the punks on the street, poor raising. Pit bulls are hte same way, good raising good kid, bad upraising bad kid.
The only thing that makes me hesitate on harsh punishment is they probably needed the dogs to protect them from this violent city we live in. 7th worst.

Anonymous said...

Do you know that if you have a pit bull and try to get homeowners insurance, it's next to impossible to get?(unless of course, you don't tell them you have a pit bull). there's a reason for that? They have a predisposition to attack. No matter how 'sweet' they are/seem, it's in them. And it only takes one thing to trigger that instinct. It could be your kid that gets attacked. Then how sweet would they be? They are not meant to be a pet. Sorry, just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

How about an upate on the boy, any good news?

Anonymous said...

pitbulls are loving blah blah blah. Love you to death - kill em' all!!

Anonymous said...

there is nothing but old ignorant, close-minded, bitter, non-educated people on here commenting that you should kill/outlaw pits. I don't care if it's your opinion, keep it to yourself if you haven't ever actually dealt with a pit. The amount of idiots on here is astounding....

Anonymous said...

8:07am...My brother is this little boys' grandfather. He is in Johns Hopkins and has already underwent surgery last nite..From what I was told last nite one ear was completely severed and could not be put back on due to the damage. the other ear has partial damage. the 2nd dog grabbed at his throat just missing his juggler vein by a hair. I haven't spoken to my brother today but I can tell you this family has been through enough..this little boy has been through enough..Few years ago he lost his mother who was at the time pregnant with his new baby sister. Im sure he is tramatized..please pray for the entire family..I will update soon as I hear from my brother...thank you all for your prayers..

Chimera said...

Thank you 6:56,for telling everyone how the little boy is doing. I will pray for him for sure.Its unfair because he has been thru so much already.I lost my Mom at 35 and it crushed me-I cant imagine losing my mother at such a young age.God bless him and with the help of the world class doctors at JHH may he recover swiftly.