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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Are Bars Right To Refuse To Serve Pregnant Women?

In terms of pregnancy, there are few topics more likely to spark debate than the question of expectant mothers consuming alcohol. While roundly considered a taboo, some medical experts maintain that the odd glass of wine is perfectly OK. Both The New York Post and ran pieces on the controversial subject recently. Here, one blogging mother shares her perspective.

A pregnant woman walks into a bar... It sounds like the start of a joke, but what actually transpired when an expectant mother ordered a glass of wine at a New Orleans restaurant isn't a joke at all.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

quite honestly, i think all alcohol should be banned. it does absolutely no good. this story again shows us that people not not responsible enough to handle their own choice on alcohol. in addition, this woman should be forced to have an abortion. she does not need to be reproducing if she already this stupid.

Anonymous said...

"it is about the fact that a woman's body doesn't suddenly become communal property when she gets pregnant." - quote from story.

i bet we should also have a say when the child become 'communal' property because it is forced to live off the state programs because it got downs syndrome.

if you NEED to drink that badly, dont get pregnant.

Anonymous said...

9:16 your comment this woman should be forced to have an abortion. she does not need to be reproducing if she already this stupid." is in its self, stupid.

It is her body, her baby, her choice. The story says she just wanted one glass of wine with dinner and you are making her out to be an alcoholic!

To quote you again:
You don't need to be reproducing if you are already this stupid!

Anonymous said...

im gonna drink while im pregnant and hope it doesnt affect my kid? what kind of crap is that? apparently your mother had a bit too many when she was pregnant with you.

Anonymous said...

ONE glass of wine people, the waiter was WRONG

Anonymous said...

Alcohol use during pregnancy can lead to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Alcohol use during pregnancy is the leading cause of Mental Retardation. It is also 100% preventable. No amount of alcohol is know to be safe, therefore NO ALCOHOL should be consumed during pregnancy- period! I believe it should be illegal to use drugs or consume alcohol when one is known to be pregnant. The children who are born affected by alcohol use require more services (ie- more money) from school systems and our health care system. That one drink could cost tax payers millions.

If you can't provide a child a healthy pregnancy, you shouldn't be pregnant. This fact is the single reason why I support abortion rights. It is unfair for a mother to set a child up for a lifetime of supportive services.

Anonymous said...

When I was expecting I had insomnia really bad. My doctor told me to drink a glass of wine with dinner to help relax me. This is a very good well known doctor. I didn't do it though because I am not a wine drinker to start with. Personally, I would not ingest anything that could potentially cause any negative effects on the baby. Nothing worse than a pregnant woman smoking...let alone sitting in a bar.

Anonymous said...

I think bars should serve anybody who wants to get served including minors . If a law is broken prosecute the person who broke the law not the establishment !

Anonymous said...

No amount of alcohol is known to be safe? I don't have time to google it and give you facts but I've heard all my life that a glass of wine per day, especially red, is okay and not to mention has some positive heatlh effects. Alcohol abuse or daily alcohol consumption while you're preg is overboard...but ONE glass of wine while the woman and her husband are on their "babymoon" before the baby is born, IS OK. Some of you aren't reading the article. to the person who posted the first comment above, you really would be a murderer if you decided to abort your child at 7 months b/c you had a glass of wine. WTF is wrong with you?

Anonymous said...

10:16- you really should google it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:16, do you want to ban McDonalds or maybe even chocolate because they make some people fat? Whatever happened to freedom of choice? The land of the free?

Anonymous said...

Wow. Listen to all the alcoholics on here defending their fellow alcoholic pregnant lady. There is NO REASON you would NEED to have a drink. You just WANT to drink. Do you see how alcohol has a grasp on you?
If there's even the slightest chance it may affect your child why do it? Is she really that addicted that she cannot go without drinking for another couple of months? Why does drinking alcohol have to be her only form of 'celebration'? At what point does the restaurant say, "sorry, we're not going to serve you another glass?" To what point does the restaurant have to cover their own butts? If she needs to drink THAT BADLY, go home and do it. Don't apply for medical aid when YOUR choice gives you retarded children.

Anonymous said...

10:25 - I can tell you what happened to freedom of choice and the land of the free - it's spelled OBAMA! and PELOSI! and RAHM! and on and on and on. And and by the way, NO drinking while pregnant - whether it's ONE glass or one gallon - it's WRONG!

Anonymous said...

most bars(or stores for that matter)should have a sign that they have the right to refuse service to anyone. its a private business, they can do what they want as long as it does not violate a law of some sort.

oh but wait they will just make new laws to force you to do things the goverments way.

Anonymous said...


like the private businesses that MUST be smoke-free? i dont smoke, but any decision to whom i want to sell to should still be MY decision. if youre a non-smoker and dont like it, dont come.

i understand what you are saying though.

Anonymous said...

Bars shouldnt serve politicans

Anonymous said...

So I guess we should let all the criminals go out and buy guns when they want to. If they kill someone we can just lock them up right?

Anonymous said...

Privately owned businesses should be able to refuse service to anyone they choose. Individuals not government should determine how their business is run. Believe me if they run it in a way that is against public opinion, the people will vote with their feet. This goes for smoking,pregnant women, or anything else.

Unknown said...

Privately owned businesses cannot refuse service to anyone they choose since the Civil Rights era when they refused service to minority groups.
I think its the woman's choice and one drink on the babymoon, then no more, is the mother's business and not the waitress's.
Women of my mother's generation routinely smoked and drank, and look how I turned out, writing on this blog at 3:15 in the afternoon.

Anonymous said...


respectfully, you seem to be talking out both sides of your mouth on that (315pm). we 'corrected' the refusing service issue, yet we should stick with the women can drink if they want while theyre pregnant. from what ive read, supposedly, we've 'corrected' that issue too by telling them not to drink. if we can go back to allowing them to drink, are you saying we should also be able to go back to pre-civil rights days?
remember, smoking was 'healthy' and a social step up back in the day.

Unknown said...

I googled the "pregnant drinking" issue. It seems that binge drinking during pregnancy, or drinking more than 7 drinks per week, have been shown to cause FAS. This varies individually and the current advice is to abstain. Statistically, the binge or 7 is the only evidence.
I knew a physician 25 years ago, and his wife drank one drink socially on occasion during pregnancy. His daughter is now a CPA in Manhattan.
Conservatives want to stay out of anything to do with money, but legislate freedoms that are not economic.

Anonymous said...

I was told that I could not refuse service to a pregnant woman because she was pregnant... it could lead to discrimination charges. However, a person who is already drunk can be refused service.

Anonymous said...

the problem we have now are adult baby boomers conceived and carried with excepted alcohol practices of that day and they are just short of having fetal alcohol syndrome
just look at some of our elected leaders