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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque Imam: Obama Took Speech From Me

Rauf claims his book forms heart of Cairo address to Muslim world

JERUSALEM – Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the controversial Islamic leader behind the proposed Ground Zero mosque, has claimed President Obama's historic address to Muslim world was "all taken" from Rauf's book.

"If you examine this chapter you will find that the (Obama) speech in Cairo was all taken from this section," Rauf stated in a February recording, which was first posted by Islam critic Walid Shoebat.

Rauf mistakenly referred to Obama as "Bush" but was clearly speaking about Obama's address to the Islamic world from Cairo, Egypt June 4, 2009.

The dots are finally connected! Find out what Islam has planned for you: Get "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America."

Speaking in a combination of Arabic and English, Rauf was describing chapter six of his 2004 book, "What's Right with Islam: A New Vision for Muslims and the West."

That chapter, entitled "Toward a New Cordoba," presents the strategies of Rauf's organization, the Cordoba Initiative, for "healing" the relationship between the Islamic World and the West.
The same book was translated into Arabic under a different title, "The Call From the WTC Rubble: Islamic Dawah From the Heart of America Post–Sept. 11." Dawah refers to the preaching of Islam.

In the February recording, Rauf said the book "taken" by Obama mapped out a "blueprint" outlining how the West and Islam can reconcile.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...


Mayor "Napoleon" Bloomberg and his backstabbing cronies (including Obama and Pelosi) must have a $tupendou$ rea$on for wanting a sharia-hugging mosque near Ground Zero - a mosque threatening the collapse of the Islamophile Democrats come November!
God-haters and America-haters may not realize how high the collective temperature has now risen in the hearts of true American patriots - many of whom are now willing to die for America right here in America if they get pushed completely over the line by traitors!
Since the nation's headquarters for treason is the White House, readers can enjoy related material if they Google "Obama Avoids Bible Verses" and "Obama Supports Public Depravity." (This police-protected kinkiness, observable by children, occurs in "Madam" Nancy Pelosi's brothel district; Google "Zombietime" and see "Up Your Alley Fair"!)
Also Google "Sandra Bernhard, Larry David, Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher, Sarah Silverman" in addition to Googling "Obama...destined to become a black-slavery avenger."
And by all means visit Googleland and type in "Government-Approved Illegals" and "Un-Americans Fight Franklin Graham."
I hope Mayor Bloomberg, dressed as Napoleon, will thoroughly enjoy his mosquerade party!
PS - Since Jane Fonda still loves leftist causes, here's a one-liner I penned during the Vietnam War era that the big Kansas City paper ran: "I'm not Fonda Jane; her Laosy remarks Hanoi me!"

By a Kansas Patriot
(who won FIRST PLACE over 2200 entrants in a nationwide Americanism Essay Contest !)

[spotted above on net - Julian]

cass said...

Has O'Bama ever expressed an original, intelligent thought???