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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pack Of Dogs Maul 7-Year-Old To Death

Child found fatally wounded on driveway of neighbor's house in rural Illinois

A 7-year-old boy was mauled to death by four dogs at the home of a neighbor in Illinois, according to news reports.

Residents told NBC's News25 channel that the child, Jason Walter, his mother and brother would regularly visit the nearby home of Eric Shanklin in rural Marshall County, where the incident took place.

Sheriff Rob Russell told the NBC affiliate that the second grader at Northwest School in La Salle was attacked by a mixed-breed Shepherd and three pit-bulls in Shanklin's driveway Wednesday morning.

Emergency services were called and the boy was taken to a firehouse at Varna, but he died before a helicopter arrived to take him to a hospital, the TV station reported.

Sheriff Russell told the news channel that the mixed-breed dog belonged to Shanklin and the three pit-bulls were owned by a person staying in a trailer on the property.

"The four dogs were indeed taken to the veterinary clinic where they were euthanized and taken down to Galesburg for testing," Russell said.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Damned devil dogs! I hate pit bulls!

Anonymous said...

I've heard that pit bulls are not harmful and they are good pets.
I now think that they should be out-lawed all of them put down.

Anonymous said...

The dogs are not the problem. It's the people who own them. The owner of those dogs should be charged with murder.

Anonymous said...

it's not the breed, it's how any dog is raised.

Anonymous said...

11 day old killed by Siberian Husky in MN, 1 yr old killed by Husky mix breed, Chihuahua gnawls babies toes off while baby was in infant swing, 8 year old killed by Presa mix, toddler killed by Alaskan Malamute,74 yr old killed by her Australian Shepard mix and Golden Retriever mix,6 week old killed by Pomeranian.

The above mentioned are fatalities. This does not include the 800,000 +/- bites that occur every year. ALL dogs, even the smallest can and will attack. The Pit and Rott have two of the most powerful jaws in the dog world, when they attack whether provoked or not they are going to cause more damage, that is common sense. However, these breeds are not exclusive to attacks nor all inclusive meaning they ALL will attack.

A body builder or martial arts specialist is going to do more damage in a fight than the guy that sits on the sofa eating twinkies! The real issue is the idiot owners that do not watch dog and child while together and train the dog to attack/ or neglect the animal. They are the ones that abuse the dog not the dog abusing the owner.

I have a Rottweiler whom I love to death. We have children and he has been around them since the youngest was 3. As much as I love my dog I love my kids more so even though he has never bitten anyone I still take precautions to keep not only my children safe but other peoples children as well.

Now as for the idiot that may try to break into my home, good luck!

Anonymous said...

Hold up for one moment.. Pit Bulls in general are a great breed. Very loyal, kind, and great with kids and other pets. Any dog has the ability to be aggressive and mean.. Its not the dogs it is the people who raise them.
Also, in the article it mentioned the 3rd dog was a shepard.I dont hear anyone condeming shepards ..
Please get educated before making stupid comments!!!

Anonymous said...

2:01 many are the product of relying on the MSM to get the full story. Which those of us with a little upstairs know that is never the case. Thank you for being a fellower thinker rather than a follower like so many others!

Anonymous said...

Regardless of the breed(s), the dogs should not have been running loose. Cardinal rule: control your dog at all times.

Anonymous said...

I still take precautions to keep your kids and others safe. Mmmm
must be some questions about your dog too! Pit bulls are not safe to be around!
And as for the body builder being able to be so bad , older people like me carry an equilizer.
As for you in general , you must be a liberal democrate , get your head out of your a$$.

Anonymous said...

249-Pitbulls are perfectly safe to be around. It all depends on how the animal is raised. People like you carry equalizers because you can't handle sh*t. Blaming a breed is liberal BS.

Anonymous said...

if you want to learn, read about pit bulls. they were bred to be agressive. they were also bred in certain rings for dog fighting because of their agressiveness. same with chihuahuas. chihuahuas were bred to go down into rat holes and kills rats and snakes in mexico. these rat-dogs even turn on their owners often as well. however, as one person pointed out, the damage they can do isnt as great as a larger dog. IMO, both breeds need to be extinguished.

Anonymous said...

2:49, I have no question about my dog. He is a sweetheart but even mother Teresa had bad days and there may be a day that my dog doesn't want to be tugged on. It's called preventative measures. Once a child is attacked it is too late, if I prevent the possibility of that every happening than I am being a responsible large breed dog owner. You can never take back what is already done.

I would feel horrible if my Lab or my Rottweiler attacked anyone so why take the risk of that happening? Most owners of dogs that have bitten say "I never thought he/she would do that". I don't think he would, but I would much prefer to be certain it could never happen. No one thinks their child will grow up to be a rapist or murderer but it happens!

Anonymous said...

to the people taking up for pit bulls saying its how the dog is raised, get real, you can raise a bear as a pet and it will still be a bear that will eat you, pit bulls are born with their killer instinct you cant take that out of them

Anonymous said...

435-You, are a responsible pet owner. I totally agree with your position and "preventative measures". I do the same thing with my Pit bull. He's friendly as all get out, but you have to be careful as a petowner, to ensure not only everyones safety, the dogs as well.

Orsonwells said...

In the 50's and 60's, all the neighborhood dogs ran loose all day and played with all the kids. Hence, they were all socialized and got along great. No attacks back then...

cl said...

303...pit bulls were bred to be dog/animal aggressive..NOT people agressive...back in the day when they were first being fought people aggression was NEVER tolerated because they were fought with the owners and referee in the ring with them...dogs that were people aggressive were put down or that line was no longer bred.