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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Afghan Outrage: U.S. Troops Scrounge for Blankets, Bullets

The parents of an American soldier in Afghanistan have accused the U.S. government of leaving defenders of its freedoms without basics such as blankets, food, feminine hygiene supplies and even bullets, according to a report from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.

"One of my soldiers went without ammo for five weeks once they got to Afghanistan because of shortages. I can't reveal the name, because they are frightened of reprisals. If they can do what they did to a four star general like [Gen. Stanley A.] McChrystal, what would they do to a buck private?"

That comes from a woman who, with her husband, has taken it upon herself to adopt soldiers and provide them with many of the needed basics.

The woman, assigned a pseudonym of "Beth," insisted her name not be used because of the possibility of reprisals against her or the soldiers.

But she told WND she received a report that a U.S. soldier bought a $15 knife "and slept with their hand on the handle in the waist of their pants because it was all they had for the moment to protect themselves."

The woman confirmed she and her husband are involved in supplying the basic necessities for some 50 soldiers – because the military isn't.

More here

[ Editor's Note: The recently-passed Union bailout bill was partially funded by significant raids on defense budget funds, including money for weapons and ammunition.]


Anonymous said...

The main stream media has turned their backs on our troops !

Anonymous said...

If our government can't or won't provide for these soldiers, even the most basic needs & supplies, then bring them home already. This it totally insane.

Anonymous said...

i think the soldiers should just go home this government is a mess its not them over there so do they really care?????????

Anonymous said...

obamie is in command of the military , I expected nothing less.
Picking cotton would better suit him.

Anonymous said...

Sorry soldiers we can't afford those things for you. We are busy paying for the lazy SOBs collecting welfare.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If our government can't or won't provide for these soldiers, even the most basic needs & supplies, then bring them home already. This it totally insane.

10:27 AM

Would you rather we fight the enemy on their soil or ours?

Anonymous said...

Another disgraceful action by this administration!

Anonymous said...

It's not that we can't afford it , It's that Obama won't send it !